Technical University Of Mombasa Communication Skills Assignment Question Paper

Technical University Of Mombasa Communication Skills Assignment 

Course:Communication Skills

Institution: Technical University Of Mombasa question papers

Exam Year:2016


DUE DATE. :07/11/2016

Briefly explain the purposes of reading.

1) It helps discover new things :
Through books, magazines and even internet one require the ability to read and understand what is read.
2) It develops imagination :
With reading a person can go anywhere in the world or even out of it one can be a king or an adventure.
3)Reading improves spelling :
As students learn to sound out letters and words spellings come out easier .
4)It is a Vital skill in finding a good job :
Well paying jobs requires readings as a part job performance.
5)It’s a fundamental in developing a good self image :
Poor readers often have low opinions of themselves and they sometimes feel world is against them.
6)It develops creative side of people :
This will inevitably develop imagination of people .

Briefly explain the types of reading with examples .
1)scanning:it involves searching for a particular item of information .you are interested in this item only and not everything in the text
2) word by word reading :
This reading technique is used when one is learning how to read for the fast time. You might use this technique if you decide to learn a new language. Example when a child is learning how to read for the fast time.
3)Light reading :
This is the way most people most of the time .There is neither an attempt to digest the material that is read not is there any attempt to assess it critically. The type of reading tends to be fast and superficial. It is the type of reading most people apply when reading newspapers and novels .This type of reading is not commend for study purposes but you can use the technique when reading for pleasure.
Used when a reader wants to get main idea or gist of a text within a very short time ,when skimming you need to read the topic sentence only .The topic sentence is usually the fast in paragraph and express the main idea .
5) Previewing:
It involves looking over a text to determine its relevance or worth for a specific reading purpose. It helps the reader to predict in a very short time ,what a reading text is all about and to determine its degree of relevance.
Describe the reading formula :
Reading has got three main formulas .
a) Survey.
b) Question
c) Read
d) Recall
e) Review
Survey is the rapid view of material in order to get overview ,over chapter, topic or a book. The idea is to get the main points of the text, it’s approach and context :

When reading developed questioning attitude . Question help the mind to engage and concentrate this is because the mind is actively engaged when looking for answers to question raised.
After consulting question you should start to read the material. The approach taken while reading will depend on subject . If the subject is complex, your reading might be slow. If it is light , your reading might be faster .
As you read, you should take notes, engage actively and look for answers to questions that you have set and develop.
After each section stop and think back to each question and see if you can answer them in your memory . If not get back to the text.
Once you have finished reading a chapter , section, go through each and again and see if you can answer them.

Communication works.
College writing skills with reading .
Teri Kwal Gamble.
Michael Gamble.
John Langan.

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