Bcom 100:Introduction To Business Question Paper

Bcom 100:Introduction To Business 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2010

(i) Answer question One (Compulsory) and any other two questions. (ii) Question One contains 30 marks while the rest have 20 marks each.
1. (a) Explain four reasons why business exists in society. [4 marks]
(b) Explain how management can contribute to the success of a business. [10 marks]
(c) Describe how business could be socially responsible in each of the following areas:-
(i) Shareholders [4 marks] (ii) Customers [4 marks] (iii) Government [4 marks]
(d) Outline the role played by the government to ensure business operates in a friendly environment. [4 marks]
2. (a) Outline four advantages of sole proprietorship business. [4 marks]
(b) Outline the contents of partnership agreement as required by the Kenya Partnership Act of 1963. [8 marks]
(c) Twelve farmers from Chuka intends to form a partnership or company business. Their Chairman is of the opinion for a joint stock company. Describe four advantages in support of his opinion. [8 marks]
3. (a) Mr. Fidel Orina won a case with an award of $7.92 million. He intends to establish a business, but he has no idea on the specific business. Explain the various methods he can apply to come up with good business idea to enable him select best and viable business. [14 marks]
(b) Outline six main causes of business failure. [6 marks]
4. In each of the following business environments highlight how each factor is likely to affect the functions of business management.
(a) Political – legal environment [5 marks] (b) Economic environment [5 marks] (c) Social-cultural environment [5 marks] (d) Technical environment [5 marks]
5. (a) Explain the problems facing the development of Small Scale Business and Small Scale Enterprises (S.S.E) sector in Kenya. [8 marks]
(b) Business will adapt the most recent technology for the sake of being fashionable. Discuss. [12 marks]
6. (a) Describe any seven current emerging issues and practices affecting business management in Kenya (give examples in each case).[14 marks]
(b) Outline three basic cash controls a businessman can put in place to manage cash flows in his business. [6 marks]

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