Zool 100:General Zoology Question Paper

Zool 100:General Zoology 

Course:Ecotourism And Hospitality Management

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer all questions in Section A and any other two questions in Section B.
Q.1 Describe the modern theory of origin of life. [5 marks]
Q.2 Explain the meaning of the term “isolation” in relation to evolution. [5 marks]
Q.3 Explain the origin of the Metazoans. [5 marks]
Q.4 Write short notes on rate of evolution. [5 marks]
Q.5 List the distinct characteristics of mammals. [5 marks]
Q.6 Describe characteristics of the cartilagenous and bony fishes. [5 marks]
Q.7 Discuss the phylum Arthropoda. [20 marks]
Q.8 Giving examples discuss vertebrate migration and how it contributes to the survival of a species. [20 marks]
Q.9 Why do animals live in groups? Discuss. [20 marks]

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