Agec 293:Farm Management And Account Question Paper

Agec 293:Farm Management And Account 

Course:Agricultural Economics

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer question One and other two. Do not write on the question paper.
Question One (1)
(i) The farm manager is faced with many problems from day to day and from year to year operations on the farm. He has to make many decisions about the farm business to maximize his profit. Describe the decision making process by the farm manager. [10 marks]
(ii) Discuss giving examples the business principles of farming. [18 marks]
(iii) Describe what is farm management survey. [2 marks]
Question Two (2)
Among the many problems facing the farm manager in his farm business is the selection and combination of enterprises to form a farm unit. Critically show the consideration he has to make in order to come up with the best selection and combinations of various enterprises. [20 marks]
Question Three (3)
There are various Accounting documents used in farm records and accounting. Giving example and clearly showing the use of each discuss any five documents used in farm business. [20 marks]
Question Four (4)
(i) Distinguish between a partial and a complete budget. [4 marks]
(ii) Clearly show what is your understanding of the following:
(a) Balance sheet [3 marks]
(b) Income statement [3 marks]
(iii) Discuss the various types of farm Enterprises. [10 marks]

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