Agec 332:Human Resource Management And Industrial Relations Question Paper
Agec 332:Human Resource Management And Industrial Relations
Course:Agribusiness Management
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2011
1. (a) Faced with rising vacancies in its radiology department, Houston Northwest Medical Center turned to a new place to find recruits: current hospital employees and their family members. Since 1999, the hospital has offered scholarships to qualified employees who wish to study radiologic technology at nearby Houston Community College.
With the above sub-section as your point of reference, explain the purpose of recruitment to an organization. [10 marks]
(b) Illustrate diagrammatically and explain, the Human Resource Selection process. [9 marks]
(c) On-the-job training focuses on the acquisition of skills within the work environment generally under norm al working conditions. Through on-the-job training, workers acquire both general skills that they can transfer form one job to another and specific skills that are unique to a particular job.
Analyze the above sub-section and subsequently explain the categories (classifications) of On-The-Job Training.
2. (a) RohitNarang joined Apex Computers (Apex) in November 2010 after a successful stint at Zen Computers (Zen), where he had worked as an assistant programmer. Rohit felt that Apex offered better career prospects, as it was growing much faster than Zen, which was a relatively small company. Although Rohit had enjoyed working there, he realized that to grow further in his field, he would have to join a bigger company, and preferably one that had international projects. He was sure he would excel in his new position at Apex, just as he had done in his old job at Zen.
Use the above paragraph to explain Douglas McGregor?s Theory „X? and Theory „Y? in the context of manpower motivation. [10 marks]
(b) Firm X takes its Performance Appraisal activities seriously because it impacts on employee job satisfaction and on employee career growth. So when the firm decided to overhaul and automate its antiquated employee performance and talent management process, it was looking for a serious solution to help give its employees a fair, credible and accurate performance appraisal system.
Study the case above and bring out, clearly, the challenges (drawbacks) that a firm can experience in carrying out its Performance Appraisal processes. [10 marks]
3. (a) “Job Evaluation is the systematic determination of the worth of each job in relation to other jobs in an organization.” Discuss. [10 marks]
(b) From Firm Z, labor had always posed major problems. Strikes seemed to be a perennial problem and labor conflict was the norm. In 2004, the factory was closed for four and a half months. Firm Z entered into a 3-year bipartite agreement with the workers. One of the reasons put forward as a possible source of constant labor disputes has been the lack of clarity about the scope of Industrial Relations.
As a way of providing a „way forward? to the firm on this issue, explain the full scope of Industrial Relations.
4. (a) In today?s organizations, the computer has become and indispensable tool of data storage and communication. Increased Human Resource requirements have necessitated the need for a Human Resource Information System (HRIS). Explain, then, the uses of the HRIS). [14 marks]
(b) Explain the concept of Job Design. [6 marks] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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