Ansc 271:Animatics Question Paper
Ansc 271:Animatics
Course:Bachelor Of Science In Animal Production
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2011
There are (3) Three Sections each with an Examiner to ask Oral Questions.
(a) Dairy Cow JUDGING points.
1. Withers 11. Hip 2. Back 12. Pin bone 3. Chine 13. Tail 4. Loin 14. Rear udder attachment 5. Crops 15. Rear udder 6. Ribs 16. Hock 7. Barrel 17. Dew claw 8. Rump 18. Teat 9. Thirl 19. Fore udder attachment 10. Tail head 20. Mammary veins [20 marks]
(b) Name Equipment 1 – 10 and their uses in livestock.
1. Teat dipper 6. Elastractor & Rubber rings 2. Strip cup 7. Hoof Trimmer 3. Teat clipper 8. Teeth clipper 4. Trocar and Canula 9. Bardizzo 5. Automatic drenching gun 10. Thermometer [10 marks]
A. (i) Make a bight. [1 mark]
(ii) Name parts of a standard casting rope. [3 marks]
(iii) Make a loop. [1 mark]
B. Demonstrate how to make a:
(i) Permanent eye piece [3 marks]
(ii) Halter [4 marks]
(iii) Crown [3 marks]
C. Demonstrate how to make the following knots.
(i) Square (ii) Surgeons (iii) Granny (iv) Reefers (v) Double overhand (vi) Slip [6 marks]
SECTION THREE (Animal Restraint)
(i) Demonstrate how to restrain the foreleg of a bovine for examination. [2 marks]
(ii) Restrain the hind quarters to prevent kicking. [2 marks]
(iii) Place the halter on the Animal as required. [3 marks]
(iv) Demonstrate Rope Squeeze method. [2 marks]
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