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Cre District Mocks Kcse Revision Material With Answers Question Paper

Cre District Mocks Kcse Revision Material With Answers 


Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016



1. Introduction to C.R.E 1
2. The Bible 1
3. Creation and the fall of man 4
4. Faith and God’s promises: Abraham 5
5. Moses and the Sinai covenant 5
6. Leadership in Israel: David and Solomon 6
7. Loyalty to God: Elijah 7
a) Prophets
b) Relationship between the Old testament Prophecies and the New Testament
c) Amos
d) Jeremiah
e) Nehemiah
(a) The African concept of God, spirits and Ancestors
(b) African Moral and Cultural values
10. Old Testament Prophecies about the Messiah 14
11. The infancy and Early Life of Jesus 14
12. The Galilean Ministry 15
13. The Parables and Miracles of Jesus 17
14. The Jerusalem Ministry 18
15. Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection 18
16. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit 19
17. Unity of Believers 20
18. Introduction to Christian Ethics 21
19. Contemporary Christian Living: 21
20. Christian Approaches to human sexuality, marriage and family 21
21. Christian Approaches to work 21
22. Christian approaches to wealth, money and poverty 22
23. Christian Approaches to law, order and justice 22
24. Christian Approaches to selected issues related to modern science,
Technology& Environment 23


1. Introduction to C.R.E
1. Give seven reasons why C.R.E as a subject is incorporated into curriculum in Kenyan schools today
2. State six contributions of Christian Religious Education to the development of a student
3. (a) Explain four reasons why Christian religious education is important in the Kenya educational
(b) In what five ways can teaching of C.R.E enhance national unity in Kenya?
4. a) Define Christian Religious Education.
b) Explain importance of learning Christian religious education.
5. Give reasons why Christians religious education is taught in Kenyan schools
6. (a) State why C.R.E is included in the teaching curriculum in our Kenyan schools
(b) Give six reasons for studying Christian Religious Education in Secondary schools.

2. The Bible
1. Why do some Christians find it difficult to read the Bible?
2. How is the bible used in Kenya today
3. a) Explain why the Bible is written in different styles
b) Describe the translation of the Bible from the original languages to local languages
in Kenya
c) State how the Bible is used to spread the gospel
4. a) Outline the development of the translation of the Bible from the original languages to
local languages
c) State six ways in which Christians can use the Bible in their evangelization ministry
5. (a) Outline ways in which Christians use the Bible to spread the good news
(b) State seven problems which church leaders encounter in their work of evangelization
6. Give seven reasons why reading the Bible is important to Christians.
7. (a) Identify five literacy forms used by the Authors of the Bible
(b) Give four ways in which the Bible is used to spread the Gospel today
8. Explain five reasons why the Bible was written after the death and ascension of Jesus Christ.
9. (a) Explain the reasons why the bible was translated from original languages to local languages
b) Why do some Christians find it difficult to read the bible
10. a) List down five books of the apocrypha
b) Give seven effects of the Bible translation into African languages
c) State eight reasons why the Bible is referred to as the goods news
11. Why do Christians read the bible?
12. a) Identify five major divisions of the New Testament in their order
b) Describe the development of the Bible translation from the original language to local languages
13. Why do some Christians find it difficult to read the Bible?
14. (a) Why did the missionaries translate the Bible into African local languages?
(b) Explain four ways in which the translation of the Bible into African languages
led to African mass evangelism.
(c) Give reasons why Kenyans are attracted to the Church.

3. Creation and the fall of man
1. Explain the steps taken by God towards healing the damaged relationship
with mankind.
2. (a) Identify the causes of the original sin
(b) Explain the comparison between the Biblical concept of sin and the Traditional African
concept of evil
3. Explain the steps taken by God towards healing the damaged relationship with mankind.
4. Give the relationship between man and woman according to Genesis Accounts of creation
5. (a) State seven instructions given to man by God in the creation stories (Gen. 1 & 2)
(b) Mention six causes of evil in Traditional African Society
6. Identify ways in which Christians care for God’s creation today
7. (a)Give reasons why it is important for Christians to obey God
(b) What are the consequences of breaking taboo in Traditional African Communities?
8. a) Explain five differences between African concept of evil and biblical concept of sin
b) Discuss five steps God took to heal broken relationships with mankind after the fall
9. Identify similarities between traditional view of evil and Biblical concept of sin
10. (a) Outline the differences in the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2
(b) Give six lessons that Christians learn about work from the Genesis stories of creation
(c) State four ways on how Christians can care for God’s creation today
11. State the provisions given to man by God in the creation stories
12. a) Mention the relationship between God and man as seen in Genesis chapter 1 and 2.
b) Outline the consequences of evil according to the African concept.
c) What are the causes of death in African communities.
13. a) State the similarities between traditional African view of evil and biblical concept of sin.
b) Describe six ways in which Christians continue with God’s work of creation
c) Mention the relationship between God and man as seen in Genesis chapter 1 and 2.
14. a) Outline the consequences of evil according to the African concept.
b) What are the causes of death in African communities?

4. Faith and God’s promises: Abraham
1. Describe any five ways in which Abraham demonstrates his faith in God.
2. Mention the elements of a covenant
3. Outline the importance of the circumcision to Abraham and his descendants
4. Describe the covenant between God and Abraham
5. Describe any five ways in which Abraham demonstrates his faith in God.
6. Give reasons why Abraham is referred to as the father of faith
7. List reasons why God called Abraham.

5. Moses and the Sinai Covenant
1. Outline the significance of the events that took place on the night of Passover.
2. (a) What was the importance of the wilderness period to the Israelites
b) Why is it important for Christians to keep promises
3. Outline the significance of the events that took place on the night of Passover.
4. (a) Show how Moses demonstrated his obedience to the God of Israel
(b) What is the importance of the decalogue to Christians today
(c)What can Christians learn about God on the call of Moses in the wilderness?
5. (a) Explain five ways on how Moses was prepared by God to be the future leader of
the Israelites
(b) Identify six similarities between the Jewish Passover and Christian Easter
(c)State four reasons why Christians should live by laws of God
6. a) State seven ways in which the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness during the Exodus
b) Outline the new understanding Moses gave the Israelites about the nature of God from
the Exodus
c) Give six reasons why Christians should not covet their neighbours property.
7. a) Describe the covenant making between God and the Israelites at Mt. Sinai (Exodus24:1-8)
b) Explain seven Israelites new understanding of God from the Exodus to the renewal of
the covenant
c) Give reasons why some children disobey the commandment of obey your parents
8. (a) Describe the call of Moses
(b) Explain the conditions given to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai covenant
c) Explain the importance of modern day covenants
9. a) Outline the conditions that God gave the Israelites during the renewal of the Mosaic covenant
b) Identify the worship practices that the Israelites adopted in the wilderness after the covenant
c) What was the Israelites new understanding of the nature of God
10 (a) Explain four ways in which Moses early life prepared him for his future role.
(b) List seven plagues Moses had to perform in Egypt before the Israelites could be released.
(c) State five lessons Moses learnt about God from his call.
11. a) With specific examples state clearly the role of Moses in the history of the Israelites
b) Outline eight conditions given by God to the Israelites during the renewal of the sinaic
c) Explain the importance of a covenant to the Christians today
12. (a) State ways through which God manifested Himself during the Exodus
(b) Describe how the Sinai covenant was sealed
(c) State seven leadership qualities a modern Christian can learn from Moses
13. a) Outline six commandments given to the Israelites that teach how to relate to one another
b) Explain four ways in which Moses early life prepared him for his future role as a leader
c) Outline six reasons why God made a covenant with the Israelites on Mount Sinai
14. Explain five reasons why the Pharaoh was reluctant to release the Israelites from Egypt
15. a) Explain ten moral teachings contained in the ten commandments.
b) State five ways the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness.
c) State five ways Christians worship God today.
16. (a) State seven nature of God as revealed on Mt. Horeb when Moses was called by God
(b) Show how God cared for the Israelites during the Exodus
(c) Give six reasons why some Christians have lost faith in God today
17. (a) Mention five ways of how Israelites worshipped God while in the wilderness. (b) Give reasons why the Israelites broke the Sinai Covenant.
(c) Why do Christians find it difficult to follow the laws of God?
18 a) Identify the commandments given to the Israelites that teach on how to relate to one another
b) What conditions were the Israelites given during the renewal of the Sinaic covenant
19. (a) Mention five ways of how Israelites worshipped God while in the wilderness. (b) Give reasons why the Israelites broke the Sinai Covenant.
(c) Why do Christians find it difficult to follow the laws of God?
20. a) Identify the reasons why pharaoh mistreated the Israelites.
b) Enumerate the incidences that show that God protected and guided Moses.
21. a) State six conditions given by God to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai covenant.
b) Explain the new understanding that Moses gave his people about the nature of God.
c) Give four examples of modem covenants. .
22. a) Identify the reasons why pharaoh mistreated the Israelites.
b) Enumerate the incidences that show that God protected and guided Moses.

6. Leadership in Israel: David and Solomon
1. (a) In which ways did David promote the worship of God?
(b) How did the Kings of Israel lead people back to God?
2. (a) Explain ways in which King David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel.BTR
(b) How do Christians demonstrate their faith in God today?
3. (a) In which ways did David promote the worship of God?
(b) How did the Kings of Israel lead people back to God?
(c) Give five ways in which Christians show their trust in God.
4. (a) Explain ways in which King David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel.
(b) How do Christians demonstrate their faith in God today?
5. What were the contributions made by Kind David to the Development of Israel
as a nation
6. a) Outline seven failures of King Saul as the first King of Israel
b) Explain the factors that led to David’s successor’s failure in their leadership
7 a) State six promises that God gave to King David
b) Give eight reasons why king David is referred as the greatest king of Israel
c) Identify six lessons that modern Christian leaders can learn from the leadership
of King David
8. a) Give five promises given to king David by God through prophet Nathan
b) Identify seven ways in which Israelite kings used to bring the people back to God
c) State eight ways in which national unity can be promoted by leaders of today
9. (a) Give six reasons for Kingship in Israel
(b) Give four ways in which King David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel
(c) Identify reasons why political leaders in Kenya have failed to perform their duties effectively
10. Outline seven promises God gave to David through prophet Nathan.
11. What were the success of King David in Israel?
12. Outline the duties of Samuel as a prophet of God
13. a) Write the importance of David as the King of Israel.
b) State the circumstances that led to the fall of King Solomon.
14. a) Write the importance of David as the King of Israel.
b) State the circumstances that led to the fall of King Solomon.
c) Explain the role of Kings in traditional African community.
15 a) Outline six promises that God gave to king David through prophet Nathan.
b) What was the importance of the temple of Jerusalem to the Israelites?
c) How can Christians enhance true worship of God today?
7. Loyalty to GOD: ELIJAH
1. (a) Explain why Elijah was uncompromising in his attitude to Baal worship
(b) What problems were faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel?
(c) State six reasons why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in the society.
2. (a) How did King Ahab lead the Israelites away from the true worship of Yahweh?
(b) Show ways in which prophet Elijah tried to restore the true worship of Yahweh in Israel.
(c) What can Christians learn from the happenings at the Mt. Carmel contest about the, nature
of God.
3. (a) State five reasons that contributed to schism between Judah and Israel
(b) Explain the failures of King Ahab
(c) Give reasons why political leaders in Kenya failed to perform their duties effectively
4. (a) Give seven reasons why Elijah faced danger and hostility in Israel
(b) List five forms of corruption in Kenya today
(c) Explain the relevance of Elijah’s prophetic mission to Christians today
5. (a) Explain four effects of idolatry on the Israelites as a Nation.
(b) Give five reasons why some Christians have lost faith in God
6. (a) Describe how King Jeroboam I promoted schism in Israel
(b) Give five qualities in Elijah that may influence the life of a true Christian
c) What lessons can Christians learn from the leadership of Prophet Elijah
7. a) Outline six reasons why Elijah faced danger and hostility in his work
b) Identify seven lessons the Israelites learnt from the contest on Mt. Carmel
c) What could Prophet Elijah condemn if he came to Kenya today?
8 (a) Explain any four characteristics of the Canaanite religion.
(b) Give five reasons why it was difficult for Prophet Elijah to stop idolatry in Israel.
(c) Mention any seven factors that lead people away from the worship of God today
9. (a) Discuss five factors that led to the contest at Mt. Camel
(b) Give five signs used by God to show that Elijah is the true prophet of God
10. a) Identify five practices of idolatry during the time of Elijah
b) Explain five challenges faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel
c) With reference to Prophet Elijah explain how Kenya anti corruption authority (KACA)
can help reduce corrupt in the society
11. Explain how prophet Elijah fought against corruption among the people of Israel as ontained in
1 Kings 21.
12. (a) Give reasons for Naboth’s refusal to sell the vineyard to King Ahab
(b) State what is revealed about the nature of God during the contest at Mount Carmel
13. (a) Explain why Elijah was uncompromising in his attitude to Baal worship
(b) What problems were faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel?
(c) State six reasons why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in
the society.
14. Mention how God revealed Himself to the Israelites during the time of Elijah.

8. Selected Old Testament Prophets and their teachings:
(a) Prophets
1. (a) Explain five conditions which led to the Babylonian exile
(b) What problems did the Israelites experience during the Babylonian exile
(c) State five difficulties Christian go through as they serve God
2. Mention six roles of the Prophets of God in the Old Testament
3. Explain seven characteristics of true prophets in the old testament
4. Identify seven duties of God’s prophets in the old testament
5. Identify ways in which a Christian can identify a true servant of God
6. a) Identify five methods used by the old testament prophets to pass their messages
7. . a) Highlight the difference between the traditional and Old Testament prophets
b) Identify various ways through which the Old Testament Prophets communicated their
messages to the people
c) What lessons can a Christian learn from the Old testament Prophets
(c) Amos
1. (a) Give six reasons why Amos proclaimed God’s judgement on Israel and Judah
(b) What were the similarities in the Prophetic vocations of Amos and Jeremiah?
(c) What lessons can Christians learn from Amos teachings on judgement
2. State ways in which the poor were oppressed by the rich during the time of Amos
3. a) State ways in which the rich oppressed the poor during the time of Prophet Amos
b) In what ways do the Christians express sincere worship in church today
4. a) Explain the forms of punishment Amos prophesized for Israel and Judah
b) What is the relevance of prophet Amos message on judgment to Christians
5. Identify religious evils condemned by prophet Amos
6. State five ways the rich oppressed the poor during prophet Amos time.
7. State five ways Christians can fight corruption in the modern world
8. State five lessons a christian can learn from the religious message prophet Amos had for the
people of the Northern Kingdom.
9. a) List the five visions of prophets Amos
b) State seven evils condemned by prophet Amos in Israel
c) Explain the relevance of Amos teachings on social justice and responsibility to Christians
10. a) Explain any four visions of Amos about judgment and punishment
b) What lessons do we learn about God from the teaching of Amos on judgment and punishment?
c) Give five ways in which church leaders are put to test today.
11. (a) Give six reasons why Prophet Amos was against the way Israelites worshipped God
(b) Outline seven teachings of Prophet Amos about the day of the Lord
(c) Identify seven ways in which Christians can help the church leaders to perform their duties
12. (a) Explain the forms of punishment that Amos prophesized for Israel and Judah
(b) Give ways through which Christians promote mutual responsibility in the society today
13. (a) Explain the prophecy of Amos on Yahweh’s judgement
b) Outline the similarities between African and Old Testament prophets.
c ) Identify the prophecy of Amos on Yahweh’s judgement.
14. a) Outline rules and regulation that an expectant mother is expected to observe in Traditional
African society.
b) Outline the role of priests in Traditional African communities.
c) State five changes that have taken place in property ownership today.
15 a) Explain the purpose of bride wealth in the traditional African community.
b) Explain the factors weakening kinship ties among Africa communities.
c) Explain the Traditional African practices which show that life is sacred.

(d) Jeremiah
1. Explain the changes in Traditional African Community today
2. How does Jeremiah qualify to be a prophet of hope
3. (a) What was the social background to Jeremiah’s prophetic work?
(b) Give reasons for Jeremiah temple sermon.
(c) What is the relevance of the suffering and lamentation of Jeremiah to Christians?
4. (a) Identify five symbolic acts used by Prophet Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s judgement and
punishment to the Israelites
(b) Explain Jeremiah’s teaching on the new covenant
(c) Give five lessons that Christians learn from Prophet Jeremiah’s teaching on the new
5. a) Identify seven evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah in the temple sermon.
b) Give four similarities in the life and experiences of Nehemiah and Jesus Christ.
c) How can Christians show respect to God’s places of worship?
6. (a) Describe the factors which contributed to Jeremiah’s suffering and lamentations
(b) State any seven challenges that modern Christians face in their struggle to condemn social
injustices in the society today
7. Identify seven features of the New covenant as foreseen by prophet Jeremiah
8. a) Give the characteristics of the new covenant as foreseen by prophet Jeremiah
b) Outline the ways in which the covenant foretold by Jeremiah is different from the
Sinaic covenant
c) In what ways did Jesus fulfil the New covenant foretold by Jeremiah
9 (a) Explain four reforms King Josiah made in Judah during the time of prophet Jeremiah.
(b) Give five reasons why Jeremiah condemned necromancy in Judah.
(c) What can modern leaders learn from Jeremiah’s sermon in the temple?
10. a) What factors prompted prophet Jeremiah to give a sermon at the temple gate
b) Explain four ways in which Jeremiah proved that he was a prophet of hope
c) What are the conditions set for a Christian to escape Gods punishment
11. (a) Explain the characteristics of the new covenant that was foreseen by Prophet Jeremiah
(b) What are the evils that Prophet Jeremiah would condemn in Kenya today
12. a) Explain any four symbolic acts used by prophets Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s
Judgements and punishment to the Israelites
b) State the relevance of Jeremiah’s suffering and lamentations to Christians today
13. Explain the message contained in Jeremiah’s letter to the Israelites exiled in Babylon.
14. a) What prompted Jeremiah to give the sermon at the temple gates?
b) Cite the problems prophet Jeremiah encountered in his ministry
c) List five lessons that Christians can learn from Jeremiah’s teachings on the evil and
false prophets
15. (a) What issues did Prophet Jeremiah address in his letter to the exiles
(b) Explain eight reasons why the temple of Jerusalem was considered as an important place
for the Israelites
(c) In what ways do Christians use the print media to spread the Gospel
16. a) Explain how God showed concern for the Israelites through prophet Jeremiah
b) Outline Prophet Jeremiah’s teaching on dishonesty
17. (a) Explain five virtues related to work
(b) Give reasons why child labour is morally wrong
(c) Identify ways in which Christians spend their leisure time to glorify God
d) Why is Jeremiah refereed to as a suffering prophet.

(e) Nehemiah
1. How did Nehemiah try to restore the independence of the Israelites through religious reforms
2. (a) Identify eight occasions in which Nehemiah prayed to justify his needs in Judah
(b) What were the socio-economic problems that Nehemiah faced as the Governor of Judah
after completing the wall of Jerusalem
(c) Mention six good qualities in Nehemiah which can help modern leaders in Church and
society to Execute good leadership today
3. a) Explain the problems experienced by Nehemiah as governor of Judah
b) What lessons can a Christian leader learn from the problems faced by Nehemiah
4. a) Describe the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem by Nehemiah
b) Give seven similarities of the experiences of both Nehemiah and Jesus during their ministries
c) Explain the kind of reforms a Christian may make in our present churches if given a chance
5. (a) Explain five teachings christians can learn about patriotism from the characters of Nehemiah.
b) Mention the promises the Israelites made during the first renewal of the covenant under
6. a) Outline the promises the Israelites made during the renewal of the covenant under Nehemiah.
b) Identify six problems that Nehemiah faced in his leadership.
c) State six qualities that Christians learn from Nehemiah’s life.

(a). The African concept of God, Spirits and Ancestors.
1. (a) What was the role of ancestors in Traditional African Communities?
(b) Give the occasions when sacrifices were offered in Traditional African communities.
(c) State six aspects of traditional religion which have been integrated into the Christian faith
2. Mention the roles of diviners in Traditional African Communities.
3. Explain how people in the Traditional African Community prevented calamities from befalling
4. (a) Outline six roles of diviners in Traditional African society.
(b) Explain four reasons which made traditional African communities to offer sacrifices.
(c) Give six ways the Traditional Africans used to maintain their relationship with the
5. a) State seven roles of the Ancestors to the living in Traditional African Communities.
b) Write down seven teachings about God from the Traditional African myths of creation .
6. a) Identify six causes of death in the Traditional African Community
b) Explain how Africans demonstrated their belief that death was not the end of life
7. (a) Describe how God punished people in African Traditional Society.
(b) Identify seven traditional African practices which demonstrated their belief in God.
(c) Outline five African understanding of evil.
8. Write down seven ways in which Traditional African communities demonstrated their respect towards the Ancestors.
9. a) Outline ways through which Africans venerated their ancestors
b) Explain how a Christian can show patriotism during the recent post election chaos
(b) African moral and cultural values
1. Explain ways of acquiring partners for marriage in Traditional African Communities.
2. Outline the African cultural practices that have been integrated in a Christian worship today.
3. State the challenges faced by modern families in Kenya today
4. a) Explain the role of priests in traditional African societies
b) State the traditional African practices that lowers the dignity of women today
c) What do you think has led to the increased social evils in the society today
5. (a) Explain the role of kinship ties in Traditional African Societies. (b)Identify five factors that contribute to harmony and mutual responsibilities in the African
(c) Show how Christians can contribute towards the resolution of conflicts in society today.
6. (a) Explain the changes that are taking place in property ownership in traditional African
(b) List down the traditional African practices which show that life is sacred
(c) State the challenges facing rite of initiation today
7. Outline six ways in which observance of blood kinship is important in Traditional African
8. a) Identify eight moral values acquired during marriage in Traditional African Community
b) What precautions were undertaken by Africans to ensure that marriage was permanent
c) State six reasons why polygamy is still practiced today
9. a) State six reasons why unmarried people were undermined in Traditional African Communities
b) Mention six reasons why dowry is important in modern society
c) Give factors affecting Traditional African Heritage today
10. State seven moral values that couples acquire in marriage
11. a) Outline any seven features of an African Traditional family
b) Explain ways in which marriage may contribute to social relationship in African
Traditional Society
c) What are six challenges that hinder the stability of bride wealth payment in the present
society today
12. (a) State five ways in which one could become a diviner in the Traditional African Communities
(b) Discuss factors that have contributed to harmony and mutual responsibility in the Traditional
African Communities
13. a) How did the old people prepare for death in the traditional African communities
b) Explain four factors that contributed to harmony and mutual responsibility in
the traditional African communities
c) Identify six changes that have taken place in the African traditional concept of bride-wealth
14. a) Explain five ways initiation rites inculcated moral values in Traditional African Community .
b) Identify five socio- cultural changes that have taken place in Traditional African Community .
c) State five ways the Kenyan Government is promoting African culture.
15. (a) Outline elements of change in African traditional understanding of the old age.
(b) What changes have taken place in the traditional African attitude to orphans?
16. a) Explain the purpose of bridewealth in the traditional African community.
b) Explain the role of Kings in traditional African community.
c) Explain the Traditional African practices which show that life is sacred.
17. a) Outline rules and regulation that an expectant mother is expected to observe in Traditional
African society.
b) Outline the role of priests in Traditional African communities.
18. a) State five changes that have taken place in property ownership today.
b) Explain the purpose of bride wealth in the traditional African community.
c) Explain the factors weakening kinship ties among Africa communities.
d) Explain the Traditional African practices which show that life is sacred.

10. Old Testament Prophecies about the Messiah
1. Explain any six ways in which Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophesies about the coming
of the messiah
2. Explain how Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of prophet Isaiah about the Messiah.
3. Explain how the Jewish leaders understood the term messiah
4 Explain the concept of the Messiah in the New Testament.
5. Identify eight ways in which Jesus fulfilled prophecies of the suffering servant of Yahweh
according to Isaiah 53
6. Explain how Jesus fulfilled Isaiah prophecy of the suffering servant.
7. (a) From St. Lukes Gospel, identify references which show Jesus as a fulfillment of
Old Testament prophecy about the messiah
(b) Outline activities which the youth may involve in the church today
8. Explain the Jewish concept of the Messiah
9. Explain seven ways through which Jesus fulfils the Old Testament prophecies about the
10. Explain how the birth of Jesus fulfils the prophecies of Isaiah

11. The infancy and Early life of Jesus
1. (a) Identify the activities that took place following the birth of John the Baptist
(b) State ways in which Christians should respond to the problem of childlessness
2. a) Explain four ways in which the prophecies of Simeon about Jesus was fulfilled
b) Explain the lessons learnt by modern Christian from the incident when Jesus was
3. (a) State the events that led to the singing of the Benedictus
4. (a) Outline four occasions when angels appeared in the book of St. Luke
(b) Give five teachings about God found in Mary’s song the magnificant
(c) With reference to occasions when Jesus was taken to the temple, what can parents learn?
5. According to the dedication of Jesus to God in Luke 2:21-40, outline what Simeon and
Anna revealed about his life
6. (a) Describe the incident when Elizabeth visited Mary
(b) Outline activities which the youth may involve in the church today
b) Outline the similarities between the magrificat and the Benedictus.
c) State five ways on how a Christian should respond to childlessness
7. a) What role did John the Baptist play in preparing the way for the Messiah
b) From the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, what advice would a Christian give to a
childless couple.
8. (a) Identify seven activities that took place following the birth of John the Baptist.
(b) How should a Christian couple respond to the problem of childlessness?
9. a) What were the seven features of benedictus as revealed by Zachariah ?
b) Give five reasons why Christians condemn abortion
10. Outline the qualities of john the Baptist as described by angel Gabriel to Zachariah
11. a) Mention six incidents where angels were used by God to communicate his message in
St. Luke’s Gospel.
b) Describe the birth of John (Luke 1:57-80) .
12. Describe ways in which Jesus observed the religious practice of the Jews
13. (a) Identify four roles of John the Baptist as portrayed in the Benedictus
(b) Explain how the birth of Jesus was going to be extra-ordinary
14. (a) Outline what Simeon and Anna revealed about Jesus during dedication in the Temple
(Luke 2: 25-38)
(b) Give ways in which Jesus observed the religious practices of the Jews
(c) Give six reasons why children should be involved in the Church activities
15. (a) Describe Zachariah’s vision in the temple
(b) How did John the baptism fulfill the prophecies of Zachariah in the benedictions
(c) What lessons do Christians learn from the annunciation of the birth of john the Baptist?
16. State eight Jewish Religious practices observed by Jesus.

12. The Galilean Ministry
1. (a) Mention eight roles of John the Baptist.
(b) Identify reasons why Jesus chose the twelve disciples.
2. a) Give four similar instructions given by Jesus to both 12 disciples and 72 disciples when he
sent them out on a mission
b) What was the impact of Jesus miracles in his ministry
3. Identify challenges that John the Baptist faced in his ministry
4. a) Give six reasons why Jesus was baptized by John in the river Jordan Luke 3:21-22).
b) State three ways in which the life of John was similar to that of Elijah of Old Testament
5. (a) Identify five reasons why Jesus appointed the twelve disciples
(b) What are the qualities of a disciple as stated in the sermon on the plain Lk 6:20-26
(c) Give six reasons why many people still reject the gospel of Jesus
6. a) Explain what John the Baptist taught about Jesus.
b) State reasons why Jesus was tempted .
c) Identify lessons Christians learn about Jesus from his temptation in the wilderness.
7. a) Identify five main divisions of the Sermon the plain.
b) What are the teachings of Jesus on the qualities of true discipleship from the sermon on
the plain?
c) Mention seven ways in which Christians demonstrate true discipleship today
8. Explain Seven teaching of Jesus on watchfulness and readiness for the Kingdom of God in
Luke 12: 35-59
9. (a) State the reasons for choosing of disciples by Jesus
(b) Identify the conditions Jesus set for his followers
(c) What role can Christians play in the national elections
10. a) Describe the call of the first disciples of Jesus according to Luke 5:1 -11
b) How did Jesus demonstrate the teachings in the sermon on the plain in his ministry
c) Why do Christians find it difficult to apply the teachings of the sermon on the plain
in their lives
11. a) What were the four major challenges faced by John during his ministry?
b) Outline seven methods adopted by Jesus to overcome the challenges he faced during
his ministry
c) What five features in Jesus teachings on the plain (Luke 6:17-49) that a Christian may
learn and practice?
12. Give six reasons why people find it difficult to accept the word of God today
13 a) Describe the activities in the house of Simon when Jesus was invited (Luke 7:36-50)
b) What lessons do Christian learn from the visit of a sinful woman in Simon’s house?
c) State five ways in which a Christian can eradicate discrimination in the society today
14. (a) Identify the area of conflict arising from Jesus Galilean ministry
b) State the obstacles Christian’s leader may face in their missionary work
15. a) Explain four teachings of Jesus on the sermon on the plain Luke6:17-49.
b) Give six reasons why Christians fail to live according to Jesus’ teaching on the sermon
on the plain.
16. State four duties of discipleship revealed in Luke 9:51-62
17. (a) Explain the reasons for Christian baptism
(b) State lessons that Christians learn bout Jesus in his temptations in the wilderness
18. (a) Why did the missionaries translate the Bible into African local languages?
(b) Explain four ways in which the translation of the Bible into African languages led to African
mass evangelism.
19. Explain seven teachings of Jesus on the cost of discipleship.
20. a) Outline ways in which John the Baptist prepared for the coming of the Messiah
b) What challenges did John the Baptist face in his ministry?
c) In what ways are the church leaders preparing the people for the second coming of Christ
21. a) Describe the call of the first disciples of Jesus (Lk 5:1-10)
b) Outline Jesus’ teaching on true discipleship
c) Give reasons why Christians accept suffering as part of discipleship
22. Identify four incidences Jesus used to teach his disciples on the way to salvation
(Lk 18:15, 19:27)

13. The parables and miracles of Jesus
1. (a) Describe the healing of the paralytic.
(b) Explain why Jesus had conflicts with Jewish leaders .
2. What are the teachings of Jesus on material possession from the parable of the rich fool;
Luke 18: 15-17
3. (a) Describe the healing of the centurion’s servant as given in Luke 7:1-10
(b) State four reasons why Jesus healed the sick
4. (a) Describe the feeding of the 5000 men as narrated in Luke 9:10-17
(b) Explain five lessons that a Christian can learn from the feeding of the 5000 men
(c) Give four ways on how Christians are helping the needy in Kenya
5. Give six reasons why Jesus used parables in his teachings.
6. Describe the incident when Jesus healed a man with an evil spirit Lk 4:31 – 37.
7. (a) Narrate the parable of the Pharisees and the tax collector
(b) List five teachings of Jesus from the beatitudes
(c) Give ways in which Christians spread the gospel using the print media
8. (a) Relate the healing of the paralyzed man in Luke’s gospel (Luke 5:17-26).
(b) Identify seven occasions in the ministry of Jesus when the Gift of healing was applied.
(c) How has the gift of healing been abused in Kenya.
9. a) Describe the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-11,1-13)
b) Give seven reasons why Jesus used parables in his teachings
c) How is the virtue of love expressed by Christians to people today?
10. Relate the healing of the centurion servant according to (Luke 7:1-10)
11. a)Identify six methods used by Jesus in his teachings
b) Describe Jesus rising of Jairus daughter
c) Explain ways through which the church continues with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ
12. a) Describe the calming of the storm (Luke 8:22-25).
b) What do the miracles of Jesus teach us about Jesus and his ministry?
c) State ways in which the church in Kenya puts into practice the healing ministry of Jesus?
13. Outline the parable of the unfruitful tree as outlined in Luke 13:6-9
14. Give seven ways which Jesus used to spread the gospel

14. The Jerusalem Ministry
1. Identify problems that Jesus experienced in his Ministry
2. What preparation do the Christians require for the second coming of Jesus Christ?
3. a) Identify seven signs of eschatology as taught by Jesus. ( Luke 21: 5- 38)
b) Give evidence that supports the resurrection of Jesus
c) How should Christians prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ
4. (a)Explain the significance of the Transfiguration of the Lord(Luke 9:28-36)
(b) Give five reasons why Christians find it difficult to pray
5. a) What is the importance of transfiguration to the ministry of Jesus?
b) Explain ways in which Jesus played the role of a prophet of God .
6. With reference to the story of the sinful woman, explain the teachings of Jesus on forgiveness
7. Explain how Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem failed to portray Him as an earthly Messiah
8. Describe the functions of the Jewish temple during the time of Jesus

15. Jesus Passion, Death and Resurrection
1. (a) State eight teachings of Jesus on the way to salvation.
(b) Describe the crucifixion of Jesus.
(c) Give four lessons Christians learn from the actions of Pilate during the trial of Jesus.
2. (a) Explain why Elijah was uncompromising in his attitude to Baal worship
(b) What problems were faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel?
(c) State six reasons why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in the society.
3. (a) Explain five conditions which led to the Babylonian exile
(b) What problems did the Israelites experience during the Babylonian exile
(c) State five difficulties Christian go through as they serve God
4. (a) Give reasons why it was difficult for the disciples to believe that Jesus had resurrected
(b) State ways in which Christians live according to Jesus’ will as they await the second coming
5. (a) Identify the areas of conflict between Jesus and Jewish religious leaders
(b) State ways in which disciples of Jesus showed their support to his ministry
(c) Identify the obstacles faced by Christian leaders as they do their work
6. (a) Describe what happened to Jesus from the time of his arrest to his death on the cross
Luke 22: 47- Lk 23:48
(b) Give five reasons why it was difficult for the disciples to believe that Jesus had resurrected
(c) Outline the importance of resurrection of Jesus to Christians today
7. How did the resurrected Christ reveal himself to his followers?
8. (a) Describe the events that took place when Jesus was put on the cross Lk 23:33-46
(b) Give five reasons why Jesus was sentenced to death by Pilate and yet he was innocent
(c) What is the importance of Jesus death to Christians today
9. a) Outline four reasons why Jesus used bread and wine during the last supper.
b) Identify lessons Christians learn from the crucifixion of Jesus.
10. (a) Describe the arrest of Jesus as narrated in Luke 22:47-53
(b) Give six reasons why the disciples of Jesus were reluctant to listen to the holy women’s.
testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
(c) Identify six factors which hinder the people from accepting the call to salvation.
11. In what ways does the church prepare Christians for the second coming of Jesus
12. Explain five reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians.

16. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
1. Write down five teachings about Jesus from Peter’s speech on the day of Pentecost.
2. a) State any six characteristics of love according to 1st Corinthians 13
b) Mention the works of the Holy Spirit among Christians today
3. (a) Explain five teachings about Jesus from Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost
(b) Discuss the activities in the Church that show that the Holy Spirit is working today
(c) Highlight the problems facing the Church in Kenya today
4. a) Outline seven teachings about Jesus from Peter’s speech on the day of Pentecost
b) Give five lessons Christians can learn about love from Paul’s teaching in 1 Cor 13
5. (a) Describe the manifestation of the holy spirit on the day of Pentecost
(b) State leadership qualities shown by Peter the apostle on the day of the Pentecost
(c) State ways in which the gift of the Holy Spirit have been abused in the church today
6. a) Relate the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2: 14-40)
b) Give six ways in which the gifts of the Holy spirit are manifested among Christians today
7. (a) Highlight the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-40).
(b) State seven teachings of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit .
(c) State five problems of spreading the Gospel today.
8. a) Mention ways in which the Holy Spirit manifested itself on the day of Pentecost.
b) Write down activities of the church in Kenya which show that the Holy Spirit is
working among them.
9. a) State seven fruits of the Holy Sprit according to Galatians 5:6-26
b) Explain four ways in which the gifts of the Holy Spirit is misused in Christians churches
10. Outline Peter’s speech about Jesus on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-41)
11. a) Describe Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost Acts 2:14-40
b) Outline the characteristics of love as taught by St. Paul
12. How does the Holy Spirit manifests itself in the Church today?
13. a) What instructions did Paul give to the church of Corinth on how to use spiritual gifts
b) Give six reasons why St. Paul used the title the body of Christ
c) What is the significance of faith in a Christian’s life?
14. Explain lessons Christian learn from the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost
15. In what ways can Christians promote peace in Kenya today?
16. a) Outline the events that took place on the day of Pentecost
c) How is the freedom of worship abused in Kenya today

17. Unity of Believers
1. (a) Identify activities showing that Christians are a royal priesthood
(b) What are the characteristics of the new people of God according to the New Testament?
2. (a) State how the unity of believers is expressed in the symbol of the body of Christ
(b) Explain how churches discipline those who cause disunity in the Church today
3. Explain the events that took place on the day of Pentecost as showing in Acts 2: 1-40
4. (a) Explain how the unity of believers is expressed by Paul in the symbolism of the Church as
the body of Christ 1Cor. 12:12-27
(b) State five factors that qualify Christians as the people of God
5. What were the causes of Disunity in the church of the New Testament
6. (a) Identify causes of disunity in the early Church at Corinth
(b) What solutions did Paul give to the above sited problems
(c) In what ways can Christians prevent division in Church in Kenya today
7. Explain the factors that enhance units in the Christian community today .
8. State the remedies that can be put in place to minimize ethnicity in Kenya today
9. In what six ways are the people of God described in I peter 2:9-10
10. a) By giving specific examples state eight problems faced by the church at Corinth
b) What solution did Paul give to solve the problems in the church at Corinth?
c) State six major causes of disunity in the Christian churches today
11. (a) Explain seven causes of disunity in the early Church
(b)State Five ways in which Christians can promote unity in the church today are:
12. Identify five symbolic expressions used in teaching the unity of believers in the apostolic Church
13. Identify factors which cause disunity among the Christians today.
14. (a)Give five ways in which Christians show their trust in God.
b) Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the metaphor of the body of Christ
as used by Paul

18. Introduction to Christian Ethics
1. Explain the basis of Christian ethics.
2. Outline the main sources of Christian ethics
3. State five basis of Christians ethics
4. (a)What are the basis of Christian ethics?
(b) State six basis of Christian ethics

19. Contemporary Christian living
1. (a) Identify the effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour.
(b) In what ways do Christians demonstrate responsible parenthood?
2. (a) Explain why Traditional African Communities encouraged to have many children
(b) Give reasons why divorce is discouraged in Christian marriage
3. (a) State Christian teachings on human sexuality
b) Suggest factors that have led many Kenyans to remain unmarried today
(c) What is the Christian view on abortion?
4. Explain Christian understanding of family .
5. (a) Give seven reasons why pre-marital pregnancies were rare in Traditional African Communities.
(b) Identify seven causes of prostitution in Kenya today.
(c) State six ways in which Christian youths can deal with the temptation of having sex before
6. a) Identify eight causes of single parenthood
b) Give seven reasons why the Christians church is against abortion
7. (a) What are the Christian teaching on human sexuality
(b) Discuss six reasons why pre-marital sex was rare in the Traditional African communities
(c) State seven factors that undermine marriage in Kenya today
8. (a)State any seven Christian teachings on the family
b) Explain Traditional African understanding of human sexuality
c) What causes people to engage in adultery
20. Christian approaches to Human sexuality, marriage and family.
1. (a) Explain five virtues related to work
(b) Give reasons why child labour is morally wrong
2. Identify how Christians may deal with issues of child labour and neglect
3. a) State ways in which the employer should show respect for the human dignity of employees.
b) What are the duties and responsibilities of employees to employers?
c) Give the reasons why a Christian should not resort to strike action as a way of presenting
21. Christian approaches to work
1. 1Identify ways in which Christians spend their leisure time to glorify God
2. a) Explain four relationship between leisure and work in a Christian context
b) In what ways can Christians use Leisure to glorify God?
3. (a) Outline the purpose of leisure to the life of a Christian
(b) Give four factors that may lead to the misuse of leisure
(c) In what ways can drug addicts be assisted to overcome the problem?
4. a) Outline seven Christian teachings on leisure
b) State seven factors that may lead to misuse of leisure in the modern society
c) Identify six steps Christians should take to support people who abuse drugs and alcohol
5. (a) State seven ways in which leisure is important to human beings.
(b) Give seven reasons why taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure time is condemned.
(c) State six reasons why the youths abuse drugs?
6. a) What seven teachings do Christians emphasize on leisure ?
b) Give eight reasons why leisure time should not be abused by people today.
c) State five qualities of good leisure for Christians.
7. Give five ways in which the Africans spent their leisure time.

22. Christian approaches to wealth, money and poverty
1. State five ways in which Christians can use their wealth to glorify God.
2. (a) Explain four ways in which introduction of money economy has changed the African
traditional understanding of bride wealth .
b) State six Christian teachings on poverty .

23. Christian approaches to law, order and Justice
1. Discuss the role of Christians in the transforming the political life of the society .
2. Show how a Christian can contribute to the maintenance of law and order
3. a) Give some causes of crime in the society today.
b) Give reasons why some Christians are opposed to the use of capital punishment.
4 Write down seven reasons why Christians should participate in the law reform process
5. (a) Explain how Christians can contribute to the maintenance of law, order and justice
(b) Give five reasons why rape is rampant in Kenya today
(c) Identity five areas of conflict between the Church and state
6. a) Give seven traditional African practices that promote law, order and justices

25. Christian approaches to selected issues related to modern science ,
Technology and Environment.
1. (a) Outline six main causes of desertification in Kenya.
(b) Give six reasons why Christians condemn Euthanasia
(c)Explain four reasons which will compel a doctor to assist one commit abortion
2. (a) State ways in which a Christians can contribute to the conservation of the environment
(b) Outline five advantages of genetic engineering to mankind
(c) Identify five ways in which modern science and technology undermine Christian teaching on
respect to life
3. Outline ways through which Christians can help control desertification.
4. (a) Give seven reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia
b) Outline the negative impact of deforestation on the environment
5. (a) Explain seven ways in which Science and technology has contributed to the spread of the
gospel today
(b) Give four ways in which Science and technology has promoted promiscuity in the
society today
(c) Give reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia
6. What role has science and technology played in the evangelisation process
7. State seven ways in which Christians make use of science and technology to spread the gospel.
8. a) Explain how Science and Technology has helped to improve human life
b) Give five reasons why Christians are opposed to the term Abortion in the proposed
Constitution of Kenya
c) Outline seven relationships that exist between the church and the state in Kenya
9. a) Outline advantages of Genetic engineering to mankind
b) State ways in which some people misuse the Bible.


1. Introduction to C.R.E
1. (a) 7 reasons why C.R.E as a subject is incorporated into curriculum in Kenyanschools today
i. To make us ware of our religion and culture
ii. To improve our understanding of the Bible/know the character of some personality in the Bible to emulate them (e.g. Abraham/Moses/David e.t.c
iii. For career development leading to employment
iv. to appreciate God’s creation
v. To acquire skills and knowledge so as to make social/moral/spiritual decision
vi. To develop our faith in Jesus / to lead a holy life
vii. To assist the student to achieve the National goals of Education (i.e. equality/unity)
viii. To help one to analyze the mystery of life (e.g. why people die /what happens after death)

2. 6 contributions of Christian Religious Education to the development of a student
i. Creates awareness of God/ spiritual development
ii. It leads to moral development of career related suit i.e. law
iii. Develops positive attitudes to other youths
iv. Offers solutions to daily problems/ source of guidance
v. Promotes social interactions
vi. Cultivate in a student respect of God’s creation, environment and life
vii. Helps a student to understand/ achieve national goals of education

3 (a) 4 reasons why Christian religious education is important in the Kenya educational curriculum
i) Helps the leaner to understand and appreciate the saving power of God.
ii) Helps the leaner to develop spiritually.
iii) Helps in making choices appropriate to Christian living.
iv) Development of positive attitude and values.
v) Positive contribution to improvement of quality life.
vi) Helps the leaner to develop international consciousness.
vii) Educates leaner on cultural background.
viii) It is a career subject
ix) Answers questions about origin
x) Promote Christian values
(b) In what five ways can teaching of C.R.E enhance national unity in Kenya?
i) Universal brotherhood through Adam and eve
ii) Develops oneness in Christian unity
iii) Teaches equality of human kind before God
iv) Imparts the virtue of love which begets unity
v) Teaches about the destiny of man.

4. a) Christian Religious Education
• It is the study of God’s self revelation to human beings through the person of Jesus Christ, scriptures and the Holy Spirit
b) Explain importance of learning Christian religious education
• It makes students appreciate their Traditional African cultural heritage
• It promotes international co-operation regardless of people’s gender, tribe e.t.c.
• It equips learners with spiritual knowledge enabling them make right decisions in life
• It enables the student pursue careers e.g. law, clergy, teaching e.t.c.
• It enables the student understood the mysteries of life e.g. death, evil e.t.c.
• It contributes to achievements of national goals e.g. nationalism, patriotism e.t.c.
• It teaches moral values e.g. honesty, diligence e.t.c. that lead to economic development
• It helps the student to take care of the environment knowing that it is God’s creation
• It creates the spirit of brother hood and sister hood as human beings have the same origin and destiny
• It fosters tolerance of other religious believes without being judgement

5. Reasons why Christians religious education is taught in Kenyan schools
• It enables students get a better understanding of God
• It enables students acquire principles of Christian living
• It enables students appreciate their own religion and that of others
• Enable students contribute to the achievement f the national goals of education
• Helps students form a bridge for further studies and career development
• Enables students have a better understanding of the bible
• Helps students identify answers to some life’s questions for instance why people die
• Enables students contribute to the development of the whole person i.e. Spiritual, moral, emotional and physical development.

6. a) CRE is in the curriculum ;
i. To enable students to use the knowledge and skills acquired to think critically and make appropriate decisions in life
ii. CRE is a carrier subject
iii. The skills and knowledge acquired will enable one to go for further studies
iv. It prepares one for his/ her final destiny
v. One acquires basic principles of living e.g. prayer, forgiveness
vi. It promotes cultural integration- one learns to appreciate those of other culture
vii. Helps one to develop self- works and identify, thus being stable citizens of this nation
viii. Enables one to appreciate those of other religions
ix. Promote international consciousness- the human race after all had a common origin we are one in spite of our massy differences
x. It contributes in the development of the whole person ( makes one to be complete )
xi. One is able to identify answers to some life’s questions
xii. It contributes in the achievements of national goals
xiii. Values learnt will assist one to respect oneself and other

2. The Bible
1. Christians find it difficult to read the Bible;
- Due to illiteracy.
- Its difficult to interpret its message.
- Due to lack of time.
- Unavailability of Bibles.
- Lack of faith in God.
- Lack of interest.
- Fear because it rebukes them.
- Some see it as an ordinary book.

2. The uses of the Bible in Kenya today.
- Read for spiritual growth.
- Used to commit leaders to oaths of offices.
- Used in Courts of Law.
- Used in religious ceremonies and rituals, such as, weddings, funerals, baptism.
- Guide people on how to relate with others.
- Used to spread the Gospel.
- - Used in church service. (7 x 1) mks)

3. a) The Bible is written in different styles;
i. It was written by different authors
ii. It was written at different times in history
iii. It was written for different readers/ audience
iv. Different books were written for different reasons
v. The authors were influenced by different circumstances in history
vi. Various parts of the Bible were originally written in different languages i.e. the Old testament in Hebrew and New testament in Greek

b) The translation of the Bible from the original languages to local languages in Kenya
i. It was originally written in Hebrew language
ii. Greek scholars translated the New Testament into Greek language. It was called the Septuagint
iii. In the 4th century it was translated into the Latin language in a version called the Vulgate
iv. Martin Luther translated the Bible into German language
v. John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English language
vi. The missionaries i.e. Dr. Ludwing Krapf translated part of the Bible into Kiswahili and Taita languages
vii. Later it was translated by the Kenya Bible society into several local languages such as Luhya, Kikuyu, Luo, kamba (Any 7x1=7 mks)

c) How the Bible is used to spread the gospel
i. It is read to others
ii. It is translated into local languages
iii. Christian songs are formed using Bible messages
iv. The Bible message is preached to other people
v. It is used in teaching CRE in schools
vi. The Bible distributed to individuals to read
vii. It is used in taking oaths therefore increasing the faith of those who participate
viii. Christian literature is written using Bible messages

4 a) The development of the translation of the Bible from the original languages of local languages
i. Bible originally written in Hebrew and Greek languages
ii. The old Testament was originally written in Hebrew the languages of the Israelites.
iii. The old testament was later translated into Greek, done by 70 scholars.
iv. The translated version was referred to as septuagirit.
v. The Greek translation had additional six books commonly called the Deutro – canonical books.
vi. The New Testament was first written in Greek, a century after the death of Christ.
vii. In the 4th century, the entire Bible was translated into Latin.
viii. The easier version of the Latin bible was done by great scholar, called Jerome it was called the vulgate.
ix. The first English version was done by John Wyclife from England.
x. In 1611, the Authorized version of the English Bible was written through an order King James I.
xi. The Revised Standard Version (RSV) was done between 1881 -1885.
xii. The early missionaries to E.A started the translation of the Bible into local languages in the 19th century.
xiii. Most of the through the work of the Bible society of Kenya.

c) 6 ways in which Christians can use the Bible in their evangelization ministry
i. Read the bible to others
ii. Bible used for instructing and teaching new converts
iii. Used for preaching and teaching on different issues.
iv. It’s the main text in teaching and learning CRE in schools and Colleges
v. Christians hymns are composed from the bible.
vi. Christians translate the bible into local languages.
vii. It’s used in oath taking/making promises so that they take the work seriously.
viii. Many Christians books, pamphlets, magazines and other writings quote Bible passages to reinforce their teaching/messages.

5. (a) Ways in which Christians use the Bible to spread the good news
i. Christians read the Bible to others
ii. Bible is used for instructing and teaching new converts on Christian doctrine
iii. Used for preaching & teaching on different on different issues
iv. Bible is used as the main text book in teaching and learning of Christian Religious Education in schools and Colleges
v. Used as a reference book in general search of knowledge
vi. Hymns are composed from the Bible
vii. Christians distribute Bibles to individuals to read the word of God
viii. Christians translate the Bible into vernacular so that many people can read and understand un their own language

b) 7 problems which church leaders encounter in their work of evangelization
i. Lack of money and resources to meet the needs
ii. Lack of acceptance by some Christians i.e. education
iii. What they teach may make them unpopular i.e. politicians
iv. May be working in hostile environment, where they suffer from diseases and harsh weather
v. Poor infrastructure and inaccessibility
vi. Some people may not be ready to forgive church leaders when they make mistakes
vii. Lack of co-operation from church members/ leaders
viii. May suffer stress/ depression
ix. May face harassment from civil authorities
x. May face temptations from worldly pleasures
xi. Too much demand on their time

6. 7 reasons why reading the Bible is important to Christians)
i)Provides moral and spiritual guidance
ii) Helps discover the will of God/ discover the mid of God
iii)A way of communicating with God
iv) Helps understand Christian doctrines
v)Gives guidance
vi) Source of consolation
vii) Source of knowledge,
viii) Spiritual development

7. Five literacy forms used by the authors of the Bible are;-
• The use of narratives /prose form e.g. Genesis
• Religious epics e.g. Exodus
• Legal expressions/legislative texts e.g. Leviticus
• Prophetic speeches e.g. Jeremiah
• The use of prayers e.g. Nehemiah
• The use of poetic devices e.g. psalm
• The use of wise saying e.g Proverbs
• Philosophical essays e.g Job
• The use of love songs e.g. song of songs
• Epistles e.g Romans
• Biographies/ Gospel e.g. St. Luke
(b) Four ways in which the Bible is used to spread the Gospel today are:
• It is used for preaching by Priests/evangelists
• It is used for instructional purposes
• Free distribution of Bibles to schools/people
• The Bibles are freely sold in Bookshops
• There is massive publication of the Bible for e study e.g. Daily living
• Quotations from the Bible are printed in the magazines/funeral programmes/wedding cards
• There is on going translation of the Bible into local languages
• Illustrations /Biblical stories are shown/hanged on the wall/calendars/posters/Christian magazines

8. 5 reasons why the Bible was written after the death and ascension of Jesus Christ
• There was need to write an orderly account for Jesus
• There was need for a text to combine both old and new testaments
• There was rapid expansion of the church
• It was intended to counter the rise of false teaching which confused the Christians
• Christians had awaited for long for the second coming of Jesus Christ which was not forth coming
• The death of many eye witnesses led to the need to write so that we preserve Jesus teachings
• The writing materials on which the work was recorded was available
• They had the Holy Spirit which inspired them to write

9. a)Reasons why the bible was translated from original languages to local languages
• in order too enable the word of God to reach more people in their own language
• in order to train local people to take up leadership skills
• in order to increase the demand for formal education
• to facilitate the expansion of the church
• to indigenize Christianity
• to encourage research into African language/culture
• in order to establish local bible translation society e.g. bible society of Kenya

b) Some Christians find it difficult to read the bible
• some church traditions/leader bar members from reading the bible
• difficulty in interpreting the scriptures
• existence of different biblical versions therefore difficulty in identifying the best
• being too busy/lack of time
• lack of interest in the bible /interest in other books other than the bible
• it is so voluminous
• lack of reading skills/culture
• unavailability of the bible
• it is too expensive/costly to some
• lack of faith in God fear of collective rebuking nature of the bible/fear of being challenged
• some see the bible as an ordinary book
• negative attitude to be reading the bible
• laziness in reading the bible
• some believe that the bible is only read on specific worship days e.g. Friday, Saturday, Sunday

10. (a) The books of the apocrypha
• Esdras
• Wisdom
• Baruch
• 1st Macabees
• 2nd Macabees
• Tobit
• Ecclesiastics
• Judith

(b) Effects of Bible translation:
• Development of local languages
• Local people could read the Bible in their own languages
• The word of God reached more people in their own languages
• It led to the establishment of more schools to cater for the growing
• Led to formation of independent churches as Africans could read and interpret the Bible.
• Africans became more actively involved in the church.
• Africans began exercising leadership in the churches
• Africans became critical of certain issues preached by missionaries e.g. equality, love, monogamy e.t.c
• It led to mass evangelism – more Africans became Christians.
• There was demand for more Bibles leading to establishment of local printing presses.
• Missionaries began to appreciate the African culture, thus reducing suspicion between parties.
• Africans rediscovered their own cultural identify e.g. dancing styles, local languages, musical instruments e.t.c.
• Africans understood themselves better and became more aware of their own human dignity.
• It led to the establishment of Bible translation societies e.g. Bible society of Kenya.

(c) The Bible is referred to as good news:-
• Bible has a message of Hope.
• Contains messages of reconciliation
• Through it man gets salvation from his fallen state
• It gives an answer to the suffering of man
• Gives a man revelation of mysterious
• Through it God communicates his will to man
• It brings mankind closer to God.
• Makes man to be aware of his destiny

11 Christians read the bible;
• It is the word of God.
• It provides moral and spiritual guidance.
• Helps to discover the will of God.
• Reading it is an aspect of worship.
• It is the basis of Christian doctrines and practices.
• It gives guidance on relationships among human being.
• Christians come to discover who they are.
• Helps understand the universe and their relationship to it.
• Help in spiritual development and maturity.
• It is a source of inspiration
• Helps understand the meaning of their lives and relationship to god and to one another.

12. a) Major division of the New Testament in their order;
i. Gospels
ii. Paul letters
iii. General letters
iv. Historical book
v. Prophetic book

b) Development of the Bible translation from original languages to local languages
i. The O.T was originally written in Hebrew
ii. O.T books were translated into Greek
iii. The Greek translation was known as Septuagint
iv. The N.T was originally written in Greek
v. In the 2nd C, it was translated into Latin
vi. The Latin translation was known as vulgate
vii. In the 16th C, it was translated into English
viii. In the 19th C, the missionaries who came to Kenya translated the English version into Kiswahili and other later other languages such as kikuyu, dholuo, kikamba, kalenjin and other languages

13. Christians find it difficult to read the Bible.
- Due to illiteracy.
- Its difficult to interpret its message.
- Due to lack of time.
- Unavailability of Bibles.
- Lack of faith in God.
- Lack of interest.
- Fear because it rebukes them.
- Some see it as an ordinary book.

14. (a) The reasons why the missionaries translated the Bible into African languages are:-
o Make evangelization effective
o They wanted Africans to understand the scripture easily
o Translation made it possible for missionaries to learn African languages
o They wanted to use the translated Bible as their resource text in missionary education
o They wanted to keep abreast of the changes in the world
o The missionaries wanted to indigenize Christianity and make it adaptable to local situations and cultures (Any 5= 5x1=5mks)

(b) Ways in which translation of the Bible into African languages led to African
mass evangelism:-
o The ability of African to read and interpret the Bible into their own languages contributed to development of independent churches which attracted any to Christianity
o As Africans read the Bible in their own local languages, they participated more actively in church affairs
o As Africans read the Bible in their vernacular and understood it’s content many embraced Christianity
o Missionaries knowledge of local Bible enabled them to preach to more Africans as communication was not a problem
o The missionaries were able to appreciate African culture. This removed suspicion between the two and more people were attracted to Christianity.
o Africans were able to have a better understanding of God’s word as they could read and interpret it on their own
o Translation promoted revival movements and these were used to preach to more people (4x2=8mks)

(c) Reasons why Kenyans are attracted to Church are;-
o Kenyans are attracted to Church as membership creates a source of identity and belonging
o Some go to Church out of habit or as a Sunday routine
o Some go to Church to socialize and make friends
o Some go to Church to receive material help
o For spiritual growth
o Some see the Church as a place to receive recognition
o Others are attracted to Church out of a sense of duty
o To seek consolation and comfort
o To receive physical healing
o To seek forgiveness and correction
o Some go to Church to seek God’s blessings (7x 1=7mks)

3. Creation and the fall of man

1. Steps taken by God towards healing damaged relationship with mankind.
- He looked for Adam/Eve.
- He made a covenant with Abraham.
- He chose Israel as a holy nation through whom other nations would receive salvation.
- He provided a new covenant through Jeremiah.
- He sent Jesus to reconcile mankind to Him.
- He sent prophets to guide Israelites on how to live his people.
- He gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
- He renewed the Sinai Covenant with Israelites after they broke it.

2. (a)The causes of original sin.
- Failure to stand strong for God, that is, weak faith.
- Human weakness.
- Temptation from Satan.
- Doubting God’s good intention.
- Greed/lust for material things like the fruits.
- Greed/lust for power.
- Disobedience to God’s commands.
- Failure to be accountable for their actions. (7 x 1) mks

(b)Comparison between the Biblical concept of sin and the traditional African concept of evil.
- In both God is believed to be the creator of the universe.
- In both, God is Holy and hates evil.
- In both, evil causes or leads to death.
- In both God’s love suppresses the full punishment for evil.
- In both, God punishes evil.
- In both, God rewards the righteous.
- In both, evil is portrayed as a destroyer of relationships between human beings and God.
- In both, there is an evil agent and an agent of good. In the Bible, the evil agent is Satan while the
- agent good is the Holy Spirit.
- In both, evil is portrayed as destroyer of relationships between humans and God.

3. Steps taken by God towards healing damaged relationship with mankind.
- He looked for Adam/Eve.
- He made a covenant with Abraham.
- He chose Israel as a holy nation through whom other nations would receive salvation.
- He provided a new covenant through Jeremiah.
- He sent Jesus to reconcile mankind to Him.
- He sent prophets to guide Israelites on how to live his people.
- He gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
- He renewed the Sinai Covenant with Israelites after they broke it.

4. The relationship between man and woman according to the Genesis Accounts of creation.
i. Both created by God/given the breath or life/life giving Spirit.
ii. Have to many /procreate/be come one flesh/sex.
iii. Companions/compliment each other /helper.
iv. Both are equal
v. They are to take care of creation/co-workers with God/continue with creation.
vi. Are to die /return to the soil.
vii. Are to obey/worship God/Rest /have personal relations hip with God.

5. (a) 7 instructions given to man by God in the creation stories (Gen. 1 7 2)
i. To control /have dominion over all creation of God
ii. Till the land and subdue it
iii. Procreate/multiply and fulfill the earth
iv. Naming every creature
v. For companionship (man & wife
vi. To complement each other (man & wife)
vii. To choose between good and bad (evil) right/wrong-leading to eternity/death

(b) 6 causes of evil in Traditional African Society
(i) Caused by Evil spirits /bad spirits
(ii) Disobeying elders/parents/relatives leading to curses
(iii) Breaking of oath/will
(iv) Failure to honour rituals/taboo// custom, norms and ancestors
(v) Murder/incest/rape/killing of sacred animals
(vi) Magic /sorcery/ witch craft
(vii) Acquired from parents /inherited

6. Ways through which Christians care for God’s creation today
i. Through procreation
ii. Through responsible parent hood
iii. Farming
iv. Helping the needy
v. Preserving life i.e. not killing, avoiding abortion
vi. Land reclamation
vii. Through taking care of the environment/ conserving the environment
viii. Making just laws
ix. Manufacturing of goods and services
x. Creating employment opportunity
xi. Strengthening and joining movements like green belt movement which preserves environment
xii. Caring for wildlife i.e. reporting poachers to the relevant authorities

7. a) Reasons why it is important for Christians to obey God?
• Obedience brings blessings.
• To avoid being punished.
• God expect them to do so.
• It is a command
• To live in harmony with others.
• God alone is to be obeyed and worshiped.
• To have a good relationship with God.

b) The consequences of breaking taboos in traditional African communities?
• Barrenness.
• Drought.
• Wars
• Epidemics.
• Poverty
• Illness
• Physically and mentally handicapped children.
• Disaster e.g environmental like earthquakes
• Unstable families
• Rebellious children.

8. a) 5 differences between African concept of evil and biblical concept of sin
• Biblically there is eternal punishment for wrong doers while in African concept punishment is immediately in the physical world
• Africans believe in collative punishment unlike in the bible that talks about individual punishment
• Traditionally suffering is s a result of doing evil while biblically it is not always true e.g. Joab and Jesus
• Traditionally African religion does not have an opportunity of a saviour which is provided for in the Bible through Jesus Christ
• Biblically sinners go to hell and those who repent their sins go to heaven while traditionally the dead join the spirits. No heaven no hell
• Biblically sin originate from the heart while in traditional African society external forces are believed to cause evil

b) 5 steps God took to heal broken relationships with mankind after the fall
• He looked for Adam and Eve. He wanted to find out where they were
• He made garments of skin for Adam and Eve then clothed them
• He gave man power over the serpent
• He provided Adam and Eve means to find food after chasing them out of the garden of Eden
• God called Abraham and made a covenant with him
• God chose Israel as a holy nation and gave them ten commandments to guide them
• God sent prophets to guide and correct his people
• God provided a new covenant with man kind through prophet Jeremiah
• God sent a Messiah who died on the cross for the sins of man kind
• God sent the Holy Spirit to guide people in the church (First five points x1=5 mks)

9. Similarities between traditional African view of evil and Biblical concept of sin are;
• In both cases, evil is caused by a foreign agent/forces/external forces i.e. serpent in the Bible and malicious /bad spirit in the African community
• In both sin comes as a result of disobedience of the culprit
• Both looked at evil as something coming from a curse
• Both agree that the result of evil is suffering and hardship
• In both, evil leads to separation from God/destroys relationship between God and people
• In both, God is the guardian of law and order/morality
• In both, evil leads to death of the offender

10. (a) The differences in the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2
i. The creation is in order form in the first account while there is no order in the second account.
ii. Male and female are created at the same time in the image of God in the first account while in the second account, man is made out of dust and the woman from the mans ribs
iii. In the first account, creation is out of nothing but in the second account man is made out of dust of the ground as the plants are made to grow out of a garden
iv. In the first account, human beings are created last while in the second account, they are created first.
v. In the first account, God gives name to what he orders to be while in the second account man is made to give names to all that God created.
vi. In the first account human beings are to subdue (control) the earth while in the second account, God confines them in the Garden of Eden.
vii. In the first account creation is competed in six days while in the second account there are no numbers of days given.
viii. God rested on the seventh day in the first creation account but there is no day of rest given on the second creation account.
ix. In the first account, there is no Garden of Eden while in the second there is.
x. In the first account the spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters while in the second account it is not mentioned.
xi. In the first account God appreciated every thing as good while in the second account he said it is not good for man to be alone
xii. In the first account God created human beings for procreation while in the second account he created them for companionship

(b)6 lessons that Christian learn about work from the Genesis stories of creation
i. Work is ordained by God
ii. God is a worker
iii. All work is important
iv. Work should be part of Christian’s life.
v. God expects human beings to work
vi. Work should be orderly
vii. Work should be diligently
viii. Rest is important after work

(c) 4 ways on how Christians can care for God’s creation today
i) They should conserve and preserve the environment
ii) They should treat the rest of the creation with respect
iii) They should take good care of wild animals by establishing game reserves and game parks for them
iv) Should take care of Gods creation by opposing deforestation and helping to control soil erosion.
v) Christians can contribute to scientific discovery of medicine for various diseases by giving
monetary donations to relevant institutions

11. The provisions given to man by God in the creation stories
i. The garden of Eden
ii. A helper/ compassion/ wife
iii. The gift of life/ breath
iv. His love/ perfect happiness
v. Wealth i.e. gold from rivers
vi. Power to procreate
vii. Authority/ dominion over the rest of creation
viii. All types of food
ix. Water from the four rivers

4. Faith and God’s promises: Abraham
1. Ways in which Abraham demonstrated his faith in God.
- Accepted to move from Haran to Canaan.
- Accepted to be circumcised in old age.
- He believed to God’s promises.
- He accepted to sacrifice his only son to God.
- He entered into a covenant with God.
- He changed his name from Abram to Abraham.
- He built altars for God.
- He worshipped God alone.
- - He made sacrifices to God

2. Elements of covenant.
- A Covenant involves two or more parties.
- It should have a physical reminder.
- A covenant involves an oath or a promise to fulfill an obligation.
- A covenant should be sealed by shedding blood, taking an oath or signing a pact.
- It should involve a witness or witnesses.
- A covenant speaks out serious consequences for those who break it.
- It should have a solemn ceremony.

3. Importance of the circumcision to Abraham and his descent ants.
- It was a sign of the covenant God has with Abraham.
- It was a sign of the Israelite’s unity.
- It was an outward sign of inner faith.
- It showed the Israelites’ acceptance of God as the tru God and their willingness to obey Him.
- It had a spiritual significance and set apart the people of God.
- It was a reminder of the promises God gave to Abraham and his descendants.
- It gave them a sense of belonging and identity as the chosen nation and separated them from the Gentiles.
- It became a constant reminder that the Israelites needed to remain committed to the covenant.
-Through the circumcision, Abraham and his descendants were expected to obey God and do what is right and pleasing to Him. (7 x 1) mks

4. The covenant between God and Abraham
i. Abraham was told by God to bring sacrificial animals, a heifer 3 years old, a she goat 3 yrs old, a ram 3 yrs old, a turtle dove and a young pigeon
ii. God told Abraham to cut the animals into halves and arrange them opposite each other
iii. Abraham drove away the birds of prey that came onto the carcasses
iv. At sunset, Abraham fell into deep sleep and thick darkness came over him
v. Abraham was given other promises by God
vi. Smoking fire pot with flaming torch appeared and passed between the pieces of meat

5. Ways in which Abraham demonstrated his faith in God.
- Accepted to move from Haran to Canaan.
- Accepted to be circumcised in old age.
- He believed to God’s promises.
- He accepted to sacrifice his only son to God.
- He entered into a covenant with God.
- He changed his name from Abram to Abraham.
- He built altars for God.
- He worshipped God alone.
- He made sacrifices to God.

6. Reasons why Abraham is referred to as father of faith
i. Left his land and wealth to go to a foreign land
ii. He was ready to sacrifice his son Isaac
iii. He built an altar for God at Bethel and Shechem
iv. He accepted to make a covenant with God by offering him sacrifices of animals and birds
v. He accepted to change his name from Abram to Abraham
vi. He accepted God’s command of circumcision at old age
vii. He abandoned the worship of idols and worshipped Yahweh as true God

5. Moses and the Sinai Covenant
1. Significance of the events that took place on the night of the Passover.
- Each family was to sacrifice a young lamb or goat without blemish to signify the innocence and purity of the sacrificial animal.
- Blood of the sacrificial animals was to be collected and applied on door post so as to
- distinguish the house of the Israelites from those of the Egyptians so that the Angel of death would spare the first born males of Israelites.
- The sacrificial meat was to be roasted whole to signify the hurry the Israelites were in to leave Egypt.
- The Israelites were to eat while standing dressed and luggage packed to signify the hurry to leave.
- Israelites women were to ask for jewellery from the Egyptians. This was to act as compensation for their fee labour to the Egyptians
- Everyone was to remain indoors till morning to be protected from

2. a) The importance of the wilderness period to the Israelites
i. For purification against pagan influence
ii. To worship God
iii. T learn to accept Moses as their leader
iv. To witness God’s providence
v. To be given the ten commandments
vi. To realize the saving hand of God e.g. he saved them from the Amalekites
vii. To be moulded into a special nation by God/ for God to use them to bring salavation to human kind
viii. To strengthen them against future challenges

b) It is important for Christians to keep promises;
i. Keeping promises minimized mistrust/ promote trust
ii. It promotes cordial relationship between different parties
iii. Keeping promises minimizes conflicts in the society
iv. It strengthens family relations
v. It promotes good relationship between man and God
vi. Keeping promises enables one to feel happy/ not guilty of breaking promises
vii. It is obeying the commandments of God/ Though shall not bear false witness
viii. God himself keeps (fulfills) his promises to us, therefore we should emulate God’s example
ix. It enhances team work/ togetherness

3. The significance of the events that took place on the night of the Passover.
- Each family was to sacrifice a young lamb or goat without blemish to signify the innocence and purity of the sacrificial animal.
- Blood of the sacrificial animals was to be collected and applied on door post so as to
- distinguish the house of the Israelites from those of the Egyptians so that the Angel of
- death would spare the first born males of Israelites.
- The sacrificial meat was to be roasted whole to signify the hurry the Israelites were in to leave Egypt.
- The Israelites were to eat while standing dressed and luggage packed to signify the hurry to leave.
- Israelites women were to ask for jewellery from the Egyptians. This was to act as compensation for their fee labour to the Egyptians
- Everyone was to remain indoors till morning to be protected from.

4. a) How Moses demonstrated his obedience to the God of Israel
i. When asked to remove his sandals during his call- he obeyed
ii. When asked to throw down his rod, to pick it up, to put his hand in his bosom, to remove it….. he obeyed
iii. He accepted to carry out God’s instructions in Egypt- leading to the ten plagues that faced the Egyptians
iv. He struck the waters of the Red Sea with his rod and a way was provided for the Israelites
v. In the provision of food and water for the Israelites as they journeyed through the wilderness- Moses obeyed God’s instructions
vi. He prepared the Israelites to meet with God as instructed at Mt. Sinai

b) Importance of Decalogue to Christians
i. Teaches that there is only one God
ii. Helps Christians to worship the true God and not idols
iii. Helps Christians to honor leisure time
iv. Helps Christians to respect life as God given
v. Helps Christians to respect other peoples property
vi. Helps Christians to love their neighbors by not bearing false witness
vii. Helps Christians to be contented with what they have thus they avoid coveting
viii. Help Christians to live a chaste life by avoiding sexual immorality

c) What Christians learn about God on the call of Moses in the wilderness
i. Christians should obey God
ii. Christians should respond to God’s call
iii. Christians have to repent before God
iv. Christians must humble themselves before God
v. Christians must believe God/ have faith in God
vi. Christians should present their needs before God
vii. Christians should not fear any challenges when called by God
5. (a) 5 ways on how Moses was prepared by God to be the future leader of the Israelites
i. His life was spared when he was rescued by pharaoh’s daughter and brought up as a prince
ii. He was nursed by his own mother through Gods plan and design
iii. He acknowledges his family background and the true God through his mother who gave him his true identity as an Israel.
iv. Life in the wilderness hardened him to be bold and to preserver hardships.
v. He learnt to be patient, keen and responsible as a shepherd.
vi. He learnt family responsibility through taking care of his own family and that of Jethro.
vii. He acquired leadership qualities while living in pharaoh’s palace.
viii. He learnt literacy and numeracy skills while in the palace.
ix. He was not stranger to pharaoh and Egypt hence he could approach him freely

(b) 6 similarities between the Jewish Passover and Christian Easter
i) Both are annual events
ii) Both involves sacrifice i.e. lamb and Jesus.
iii) In both cases there is movement from slavery to freedom.
iv) Both incidences are important historical events
v) Both are central points to belief and worship of Judaism and Christianity respectively.
vi) They both point towards God’s saving power.

(c) 4 reasons why Christians should live by laws of God
i. Laws help Christians to keep off idolatry
ii. Laws help one to respect other people’s property
iii. They encourage sexuality uprightness/avoid sexual immorality
iv. They help Christians to avoid telling lies and accusing other people falsely.
v. They help Christians to respect life and not to take it away
vi. By obeying laws Christians escape Gods judgment
vii. By obeying laws Christians receive blessings from God
viii. They enable Christians to develop obedience to everybody around and hence create a peaceful co-existence

6. a) 7 ways in which the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness during the Exodus KKC
i. Approached God altars with respect/reverence.
ii. They honoured the altar of God/kept it tidy
iii. They built an altar of earth and in cut stones for God in places where God appeared to them.
iv. All men folk presented themselves to God 3 times in a year.
v. Celebrated yearly festivals, the Passover, the Pentecost and tabernacle to honour God.
vi. Kept ten commandments to guide them in their daily license to God.
vii. Gave offering of various articles such as silver, gold, bronze, to God.
viii. Assembled /held the covenant ceremony at Mt. Sinai
ix. Observed the Sabbath as day of worship.
x. Prayed to God.
xi. Concentrated the tent of meeting.

b) The new understanding Moses gave the Israelites about the nature of God from the Exodus
i. God of their fore fathers – Abraham, Jacob and Isaac.
ii. Powerful than other gods – led them across the Red Sea on dry land.
iii. Holy – restriction on Mt. Sinai to avoid contact with people.
iv. Provider – gave food/manna/quills etc.
v. Personal God – initialed covenant ceremony on Mt. Sinai
vi. Just God – punished idol worshipers
vii. Demands total obedience – His instruction during the renewal of the Sinai covenant.
viii. God is awesome – shown in peoples fear of Him at Mt. Sinai
ix. God is omnipresent – moved with them in pillar of cloud/fire.
x. God is jealous, expressed in the commandments.

c) 6 reasons why Christians should not covet their neighbors property
i. it’s a caution against greed/selfishness
ii. it instills the virtues of hard work/honesty
iii. create satisfaction/contentment amongst them
iv. it’s away of self control
v. to avoid the deliberate will to wish to posses what is coveted.
vi. To create dependent trust in Gods in his providence.

7. a) Covenant making between God and the Israelites at Mt. Sinai Gen24:1-8
i. At Mt .Sinai, God entered into a covenant relationship with the Israelites
ii. God promised to make the Israelites his own possession, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation if they obeyed him
iii. The Israelites unimarsly agreed to obey God
iv. God promised to meet the Israelites on the third day
v. They prepared to meet God by abstaining from sex, purifying themselves, washing their clothes and marking boundaries on the mountain
vi. On the third day, God appeared to them in form of thunder, lightening, earthquake, trumpet, thick cloud, fire and smoke
vii. The Israelites frightened the Israelites hence they asked Moses to be their mediator to speak to God on their behalf
viii. Moses prepared for a special ceremony for seal covenant
ix. He built an altar at the foot of Mt. Sinai and set up the 12 stones to represent the 12 tribes of Israel
x. Young men sacrificed oxen as fellowship offering
xi. Moses took hay of the blood of the animals and put it in basin
xii. Half of the blood was sprinkled on to the altar, a place of meeting with God
xiii. Moses then read the book of the covenant to the Israelites
xiv. Moses took the blood in the basin and sprinkled it on the people
xv. Moses told the people that the blood had sealed the covenant

b) Israelites new understanding off God from the Exodus to the renewal of the covenant
i. God is slow to anger
ii. God’s compassionate
iii. Good leaves no sin unpunished/ just
iv. He is a jealous God who does not tolerate the worship of other gods
v. He is all powerful/ omnipotent
vi. He is the controller of a natural forces
vii. God of
viii. He is a faithful/ keeps his promises
ix. He reveals himself through nature

c) Reasons why some Children disobey the commandment “Obey your parents”
i. Affluence/ riches i.e. when children get more than their parents they disregard them
ii. Permissiveness in the society allows one to so as he/she pleased feels
iii. Urbanization it affects / influence children negatively
iv. Traditional valves towards parents are decaying
v. Poor role models from parents
vi. Drug abuse/ alcoholism
vii. Expose to pornographic literature
viii. Poor parental discipline / removal of cane from schools
ix. Westerness i.e. when a child get modern education they become proud and disobey parents
x. Children’s rights under the UN convention makes children to wise hence disobedience
xi. Negative peer influence from the environment

8 a) Describe the call of Moses.
• Was called while herding his father –in – law flock on Mt. Sinai.
• He saw a burning bush that was not being consumed.
• Moses heard his name being called.
• He was told no to move nearer.
• He was instructed to remove his shoes as he was standing on a holy ground.
• God told Moses he had chosen him to go and liberate them.
• Moses inquired the name of the God sending him and he was told it is “ I AM WHO I AM”.
• Finally Moses went to Egypt to carry out the task.

b) The conditions given to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai Covenant .
• To obey what God commanded them.
• Not to make nay treaty with people of the land where they were going.
• To destroy their altars/smash their sacred stones/cut down their Asherah.
• Not to worship any idol/other god.
• To keep the feast of unleavened bread
• To rest on the seventh day.
• Not to intermarry with foreigners
• Not to make idols
• To offer to God the first fruits of their crops.
• To dedicate all their first born male children and first born male of their domestic animals to God

c) The importance of Modern day covenants.
• Modern day covenants promote peace.
• They help Christians to be organized as order is promoted.
• Covenants such as trade agreements help countries to develop economically.
• Unity between people is promoted for instance through reconciliation covenant enable people to develop trust in relationship.
• They promote understanding in the society.
• People are enlightened of their rights.
• Religious covenants encourage people to have the right relationship with God.
• Commitment to Christian principles enable people to face and overcome emerging daily challenges that are part of life.
• Secular covenants remind and encourage office bearers to serve the nation in the spirit of total loyalty.

9. a) The conditions that God gave the Israelites during the renewal of the Mosaic covenant
i. They obey the Decalogue/ commandments
ii. Not to make treaties with foreign nations
iii. To destroy all idols and their high place
iv. To observe the Jeinshi religious festival
v. To offer the first harvest to the temple
vi. Not to intermarry
vii. To observe the Sabbath
viii. To dedicate their first born to God

b) The worship practices that the Israelites adopted in the wilderness after the covenant
i. Observing the Sabbath
ii. Offering sacrifices and offerings to God
iii. Observing God’s commandments (the mosaic law)
iv. Honoring the Ark of the covenant by placing it in the tabernacle
v. Celebrating the Jewish religious festivals annually
vi. Not having treaties with foreign nation
vii. Not intermarrying with foreigners

c) The Israelites new understanding of the nature of God
i. God is loving and caring
ii. God is forgiving and merciful
iii. God is moral and Holy
iv. God punishes evil
v. God cares for his chosen people
vi. God is just
vii. He fulfills his promises
viii. He is powerful
ix. God hates sin
x. God is concerned with the salvation of human being

10. (a) 4 ways in which Moses early life prepared him for his future role
i) God used pharaoh’s daughter to rescue Moses life
ii) Moses learnt skills of leadership in the palace
iii) He received the best education in the palace
iv) Moses learnt his true identify as a Jew and not an Egyptian
v) Learnt about Jewish and Egyptian gods
vi) Moses lived with shepherds –it hardened him and made him more responsible
vii) He married and had a family.

(b) 7 plagues Moses had to perform in Egypt before the Israelites could be released
i) Turning water into blood
ii) Frogs filling Egyptian land
iii) Swarms of flies
iv) Boils
v)Hail storm
vi) Swarm of locust
vii)Darkness filling the land
viii)Death of cattle
ix)Death of Egyptian first born sons
x) Gnats

(c) 5 lessons Moses learnt about God from his call
i) Yahweh is God of history
ii) God is loving and caring
iii) God is holy
iv) God is beyond human understanding (transcendent)
v) Gods chooses whomever he wills to carry out his plans
vi) God expects total obedience and faith
vii) God is all knowing/ omniscient
viii) God uses events to reveal himself
ix) God punishes the enemies of his people

11. (a) The role of Moses in the history of the Israelites:-
• He received God’s call with a mission to liberate the Israelites
• He performed extra-ordinary miracles for the purpose of overpowering Pharaoh to liberate to Israelites
• He liberated and delivered the Israelites from Egyptian bondage.
• He led the Israelites throughout the wilderness during the Exodus.
• He mediated between God and the Israelites who complained and asked him for provision
• He endured suffering for the sake of the Israelites who complained and asked him for provision
• He led the Israelites into making the Sinai covenant with God
• He was given 10 commandments by God to guide the Israelites to live according to the covenant.
• He sought God’s providence for Israelites e.g. manna & water
• He made the Israelites renew the covenant with God
• He protected Israelites against hostile desert tribes e.g. the Amalekites
• He led them during the crossing of the Red sea

(b) The conditions given by God to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinaic covenant:-
• To obey God
• Not to make any treaties with other tribes
• To destroy the altars of gods of other tribes & places of idol worship
• Not to make or worship other gods
• To observe 3 main festivals feast of unleaven bread feast of weeks and the feast of the inganering
• To celebrate Sabbath & keep it holy
• No to intermarry with foreigners
• To dedicate first born males to God
• To give the first fruits of their fields and flocks to God
• To give a tenth of their produce to God

(c) Importance of covenants in today’s society
• Fosters commitments
• Fosters trust in one another
• Protects the parties form exploitation
• Fosters faithfulness & accountability
• Promotes peaceful & harmonious living
• Promotes moral uprightness
• Bounds one loyalty to their promises
• Promotes communal living as the witnesses to the covenant have the collective responsibility to ensure no one breaks it.

12. (a) Ways through which God manifested Himself are:
• Pillar of cloud/thick cloud
• Earthquakes
• Trumpet bast
• Thunder
• Lightning
• Pillar of fire during the night
• Smoke /fire
• Ten commandments

(b) The Sinai covenant was sealed (Exodus 24:4-8) through:-
• Moses built an altar of 12pillars to represent the 12 tribes of Israel
• He then sent young men to offer/sacrifice oxen to the Lords as burnt offering
• He took half of the blood and poured in a basin
• Half of the blood was sprinkled in tee altar
• He then took the book of th covenant and read it to the Israelites
• The people promised to obey God
• He took the remaining blood and sprinkled it upon the people
• The blood was the covenant that the Lord made with the people
• God promised to bless them, if they obey Him
• A new relationship was established between God and the Israelites

(c) 7 leadership qualities a modern Christian leader should learn from Moses are;-
• A leaders should have confidence in God
• He should be courageous/brave
• He should be wise/educated/talented/intelligent
• He should be humble/compassionate/loving
• He should obey/respect God
• He should be determined/endure
• He should be diplomatic
• He should be inquisitive
• He should be patient

13. a) 6 commandments given to the Israelites that teach how to relate to one another
• Honour your father and mother
• You shall not kill
• You shall not commit adultery
• You shall not steal
• You shall not bear false witness angst your neighbours
• You shall not covet your neighbours property or wife

b) 4 ways in which Moses early life prepared him for his future role as a leader
• he was brought up in pharaoh’s house and learnt leadership skills
• his expensive as an Egyptians prince helped him to handle pharaoh
• his Egyptian education helped him to write the Decalogue
• he was brought up by his mother so he was familiar with the customs of the Jews
• his experiences in the desert hardened him to be bold to persevere hardships
• he as a shepherd of his father in law and this helped him to be keen and responsible
• he married while in Midian this helped him to show love, tolerance and concern for the Israelites
• his early experience in Egypt helped to demonstrate the power of Yahweh

c) 6 reasons why God made a covenant with the Israelites on Mount Sinai
• because God is faithful to his promise
• God wanted to guide them on how to relate with him
• God wanted them to remember that he was powerful and had rescued them to come and worship him at mt. sinal
• God wanted to guide them on how to relate to each other
• God expected that after the covenant the Israelites would obey and have faith in him whole heartedly
• God wanted to enable the Israelites to enjoy his blessings
• God wanted to provide guidance to the people as they entered Canaan

14. 5 reasons why the Pharaoh was reluctant to release the Israelites from Egypt
• He wanted free labour
• He was revenging. At one time the Egyptians were ruled by Semitic Pharaohs
• He wanted the Israelites to continue worshipping him as God
• God was using him to fulfill the promise he had made to Abraham

15. a) 10 moral teachings contained in the ten commandments
• It stresses respect of parents and elders
• It stresses people to respect and not use God’s name in vain
• It stresses love of God and other people in the society
• It tells us to respect other people’s property and not to steal
• It wants us to speak the truth all the time
• It wants us to be faithful to our marriage partners
• It wants us to be contented with what God has given us and not covet
• It directs us to work hard for six days then rest on the seventh day
• It directs us to respect human life. We should preserve it
• It directs us to worship only one true God and not to be involved in devil worship

b) 5 ways the Israelites worshipped God in the wilderness
• They worshipped Yahweh as the only God
• They celebrated the three yearly feasts i.e. Passover, Pentecost and the feast of tabernacle
• They build an altar for God where they sacrificed the holocaust and communion sacrifices
• They observed the ten commandments to guide them in their day to day living
• They observed the Sabbath and kept it holy
• They prayed, sung and danced to God
• They paid tithes
• They moved from place to place with the ark of the covenant where the stone tablets containing the 10 commandments were kept )

c) 5 ways Christians worship God today
• They read the Bible
• Priests interpret the scriptures for them
• They attend church service on Sundays
• They observe important events in the history of Christianity e.g. Easter, Christmas e.t.c.
• They sing songs of praise and dance to God
• They undergo baptism
• They give offerings to God
• They lead exemplary Christ like life

16. (a) 7 nature of God as revealed on Mt. Horeb when Moses was called by God
i. God fulfills his promises
ii. God is holy
iii. God can use anyone to pursue his purpose
iv. God is powerful
v. God is loving
vi. God is protector
vii. God is omnipresent
viii. God cannot be described using human terms / He is spirit
ix. God forgives
x. He reveals himself through natural phenomena

(b) God cared for the Israelites during the Exodus ;
i. Liberated Israelites from slavery in Egypt
ii. He helped the Israelites to cross the Red sea
iii. He made the Egyptian soldiers to perish in Red sea
iv. Provided water/manna /quails to satisfy their needs
v. Helped the Israelites to defeat the desert tribes e.g Amelikites
vi. Led Israel by a pillar of fire at night and pillar of cloud during day time
vii. He gave Israel 10 commandments to safeguard them and relate with God
viii. Hr accepted to renew the covenant with Israel after breaking it/ forgave Israel after worshipping the Golden Calf
ix. He dwelt among the Israelite through the Ark. of the covenant
x. He provided leaders e.g Moses /Harun/Joshua

(c) 6 reasons why some Christians have lost faith in God today
i. Their prayers are not answered
ii. Why they suffer and die and yet non-Christians prosper and lead good life
iii. Why there should be prolonged poverty/starvation/famine and drought
iv. Wrangling in Church leadership
v. Bad examples by Church leaders due to corruption/immorality
vi. Over delaying of Jesus coming
vii. God’s failure to punish law –breakers
viii. Some leaders fail t condemn evils in society/compromising abuse of justice by leader

17. (a) Ways how Israelites worshipped God.
- Sacrifices
- Festivals
- Altars
- Tent of meeting.
- Offerings

(b) Why Sinai Covenant was broken.
- Moses overstayed on the mountain.
- Haron was a weak leader.
- They needed a visible God.
- They had not forgotten the worship of gods.
- They had lost faith in God and Moses.
- They hoped that the golden calf would represent the same strength and fertility in the Egyptian gods.

(c) Why Christians can’t follow the laws of God.
- Lack of faith.
- Worldly pleasures.
- Poverty
- Lack of exemplary Christian leaders.
- Influence from non-Christians.
- Indulgence in traditional beliefs and practices.
- Influence of western culture.
- Negative influence of the media.
- Lack of committed Christian community
- Political persecution.
- Due to lack of quick response by God to their prayers.
- Influence of secularization.

18 a) The commandments given to the Israelites that teach on how to relate to one another
i. You shall not kill
ii. You shall not covet your neighbours property
iii. You shall not steal
iv. You shall honour your father and mother
v. You shall not commit adultery
vi. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
b) The conditions the Israelites were given during the renewal of the Sinai covenant
i. Not to worship any other God other than Yahweh
ii. To keep the feast of unleavened bread
iii. To obey God’s command
iv. Not to make any treaty with those who were in the land where they were going
v. Not to intermarry with people of other tribes
vi. To breakdown cananites altar, smash the sacred stones and cut down their Asheral
vii. Not to make cast idols & images
viii. To observe the sabath day
ix. To sacrifice and offer their best produce and animals to God
x. To dedicate all their first born male children and first male domestic animals to God

19. (a) Ways how Israelites worshipped God.
- Sacrifices
- Festivals
- Altars
- Tent of meeting.
- Offerings

(b) Why Sinai Covenant was broken.
- Moses overstayed on the mountain.
- Haron was a weak leader.
- They needed a visible God.
- They had not forgotten the worship of gods.
- They had lost faith in God and Moses.
- They hoped that the golden calf would represent the same strength and fertility in the Egyptian gods.

(c) Why Christians can’t follow the laws of God.
- Lack of faith.
- Worldly pleasures.
- Poverty
- Lack of exemplary Christian leaders.
- Influence from non-Christians.
- Indulgence in traditional beliefs and practices.
- Influence of western culture.
- Negative influence of the media.
- Lack of committed Christian community
- Political persecution.
- Due to lack of quick response by God to their prayers.
- Influence of secularization.

6. Leadership in Israel: David and Solomon
1. (a) Ways in which David promoted the worship of God are:-
o David brought the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
o He composed Psalms that have continued to be used in the worship of God
o He defeated the enemies of Israel making her to worship in a condusive environment
o He advised others to obey God and keep His commandments
o He wanted to build a temple for God to house the Ark of the covenant
o David made Jerusalem the Holy city; where all Israelites gathered to worship God during important religious occasions
o He listened to advice of God’s Prophets
o When he sinned he repented and served as an example to other people
o He thanked God often and called upon Israelites to worship God
(b) Ways by which Kings of Israel led people back to God are:
o They led in the renewal of the Sinai covenant
o Josiah destroyed alters that had been set up to worship idols
o Jehu eliminated members of the house of Ahab thus reducing influence of idolatry in Israel
o They destroyed the ministers of Baal
o King Josiah restored temple worship
o The temple was repainted and made presentable for the worship of God e.g. Jescah
o They repented the sins of worshipping idols

2. (a) Ways in which king David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel.
- David brought the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.
- He did not only make Jerusalem his political capital but also the holy city/religious/ spiritual-capital in which all Israelites came for religious occasions. He composed the psalms used in worship.
- He showed respect to the prophets of Yahweh E.g Nathan.
- When David made mistakes he repented and asked for Yahweh’s forgiveness.
- David humbled himself before Yahweh and completely submitted to his will.
- He advised others to obey God.
- He constantly prayed to God and sought his guidance.
- He conquered the enemies of Israel so that they could live in peace

(b) How Christians demonstrate their faith in God.
- Worshipping Him.
- Helping the needy.
- Resolving conflicts /being peace makers.
- Conserving God’s creation/environment.
- Living according to His laws.
- Living exemplary lives/Role models.

3. (a) Ways in which David promoted the worship of God are:-
o David brought the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
o He composed Psalms that have continued to be used in the worship of God
o He defeated the enemies of Israel making her to worship in a condusive environment
o He advised others to obey God and keep His commandments
o He wanted to build a temple for God to house the Ark of the covenant
o David made Jerusalem the Holy city; where all Israelites gathered to worship God during important religious occasions
o He listened to advice of God’s Prophets
o When he sinned he repented and served as an example to other people
o He thanked God often and called upon Israelites to worship God

(b) Ways by which Kings of Israel led people back to God are:
o They led in the renewal of the Sinai covenant
o Josiah destroyed alters that had been set up to worship idols
o Jehu eliminated members of the house of Ahab thus reducing influence of idolatry in Israel
o They destroyed the ministers of Baal
o King Josiah restored temple worship
o The temple was repainted and made presentable for the worship of God e.g. Jescah
o They repented the sins of worshipping idols (7x1=7mks)
(c) Ways in which Christians show their trust in God are;-
o Christians show their trust in God by obeying God’s word and commandments
o By believing His promises
o By trusting the scriptures as God given
o By praying to God for their needs
o They put up places of worship where people can worship God
o By assisting the needy in society (Any 5= 5x1=5mks)

4. (a) Ways in which king David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel.
- David brought the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.
- He did not only make Jerusalem his political capital but also the holy city/religious/ spiritual-capital in which all Israelites came for religious occasions. He composed the psalms used in worship.
- He showed respect to the prophets of Yahweh E.g Nathan.
- When David made mistakes he repented and asked for Yahweh’s forgiveness.
- David humbled himself before Yahweh and completely submitted to his will.
- He advised others to obey God.
- He constantly prayed to God and sought his guidance.
- He conquered the enemies of Israel so that they could live in peace

(b) How Christians demonstrate their faith in God.
- Worshipping Him.
- Helping the needy.
- Resolving conflicts /being peace makers.
- Conserving God’s creation/environment.
- Living according to His laws.
- Living exemplary lives/Role models.

5. The contributions made by Kind David to the Development of Israel as a nation
i. He was God’s appointee filled with God’s Holy spirit
ii. He recognized God’s supremacy in his leadership respecting Prophets and consulting them before He acted
iii. Captured the city of Jerusalem from Jebusites and made it his Administration headquarter
iv. He made Jerusalem a religious centre by bringing the Ark of the covenant
v. He recognized the unity of Israel by uniting twelve tribes together
vi. He initiated the idea of building the temple in Jerusalem
vii. He was knowledgeable , eloquent, generous, patient and kind to his people
viii. He established a powerful nation, though military conquest and boundary expansion
ix. He was a diplomat who established good international relations with her neighbours
x. He increased state wealth y promoting local and regional trade
xi. He composed and recited the psalms which was adopted in scriptures used for worship
xii. He was a charismatic leader and shrewd administrator who sought advise from wise men.
xiii. He established the longest serving dynasty in Israel lasted for over 400years

6. a)7 failures of King Saul as the first king of Israel
i. He was impatient and offered the sacrifice instead of waiting for Samuel
ii. He disobeyed God’s command of total of destruction of a conquered enemy i.e. law of Herem
iii. He disobeyed God’s prophets
iv. He was jealous and plotted to kill David
v. He counted a medium/ sac lad faith in God
vi. He was possessed by an evil spirit which tormented hence made him unable to rule effectively
vii. He spared King Agag of the of the Amalakites
viii. He spared the fatty animal for himself and sacrificed the thin ones to God
b) Factors that led to David’s successor’s failure in their leadership
i. Lacks faith in God
ii. Dishonest and never committed God before undertaking their activities
iii. Married foreign wives who brought foreign influence
iv. Disobeyed God’s command by marrying foreign wives
v. Practiced idolatry
vi. Oppressed the poor thus destroying the law of brotherhood
vii. Subjected the Israelites to forced labor and slavery
viii. Did not go according to the law of Moses
ix. Took part in Pagan feasts festivals
x. Encouraged syncretism
xi. Built temples for worshipping idols
xii. Shed innocent blood

7 a) 6 promises that God gave to King David
i. God promised to protect him and his descendants
ii. God would give his descendants land
iii. One of his sons would built a temple for God
iv. God would raise up a heir for throne
v. God promises to establish an everlasting kingdom for him
vi. David’s name would be famous
vii. God’s relationship with his son would be like that of a father to his son

b) 8 reasons why King David is referred as the greatest king of Israel
i. He was chosen and anointed by God
ii. He had outstanding leadership qualities i.e. he was patient, brave e.t.c.
iii. Expanded Israel’s territorial boundaries by conquering the enemies of Israel
iv. Honoured God by bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
v. He was a military commander – he fought many successful battles
vi. Consulted God’s servants whenever he wanted to undertake something
vii. He was a skilled Musician, composed Psalms
viii. Established Davidic dynasty which lasted 400 years
ix. He organized the administrative system of Israel by choosing wise elders in charge of various departments

c) 6 lessons that modern Christian leaders can learn from the leadership of King David
i. Modern leaders should learn to appreciate that all authority is from God
ii. Leaders should foster unity in their countries
iii. Leaders should protect their states from external aggression
iv. Political and religious leaders should respect one another
v. Acknowledge God in all the achievements
vi. Choose wise advisors in administrative issues
vii. Respect religious leaders and consult them whenever necessary
viii. Accepting correction when they make mistakes
ix. Trust in God
x. Obey the commandments of God
xi. Be brave and courageous
xii. Seek God’s guidance for leadership

8. (a) Promises of God to David through Prophet Nathan
• God will make his Name great
• God will give Israel land
• God will establish David’s kingdom on earth
• His son will build the temple for God
• David will have an everlasting dynasty

(b) Ways sued by Israelites Kings to bring people back to God
• Destroying altars of idols
• repenting their sins when warned by Kings
• Restoring temple worship
• Renewal of he covenant
• Repairing the temple
• Destroying the bronze serpent which Moses had made
• Not forming political alliances with neighboring Kings.

(c )8 ways in which national unity can be promoted by leaders of today
• Promote inter-tribal activities
• Promote inter marriages
• Encourage inter-ethnic schools
• Employment promotion on merit
• Promote cultural exchange programmes or visits
• Promote national /official language-workplace + speech
• Encourage inter-denomination forums + worship + religion
• Equal distribution of resources nationally
• Encourage national political parties

9. (a) 6 reasons for Kingship in Israel (1Sam 8:1-9) are:
• The weakness of Samuel’s sons/they were corrupt
• They wanted to be like other nations
• They needed a leader for political stabilities
• Samuel had grown old/weak and hence could not lead
• They needed a human leader/one whom they can see
• They wanted someone to lead them in battles /ward
• They needed a leader to guide them in justice /political government

(b) Four ways in which King David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel were:-
• David brought the Ark of the covenant in Jerusalem
• He made Jerusalem a Holy city by centralizing worship
• He composed songs and psalms used in worship
• He respected prophets of God e.g. Prophet Nathan
• He repented his sins to God whenever he made mistakes
• He called himself the servant of Yahweh/God
• He had the initial plan of God to build the temple For God
• He advised his son Solomon to obey he commandments of God
• He prayed to God before carrying out any task/exercise
• He was chosen by God through public ministry

(c) Political leaders in Kenya have failed to perform their duties effectively is because of:
• Struggle for power/leadership wrangles
• Materialism/wealth accumulation
• Greed/selfishness
• Tribalism/ethnicity
• Laxity on the government to punish law breakers/ineffective judicial system
• Failure by politicians to act independently/control by higher authority
• Lack of leadership skills by some politicians
• Illiteracy

10 7 promises God gave to David through prophet Nathan
i. God would make David’s name great.
ii. He will give Israel a place to dwell in.
iii. He would protect David from his enemies.
iv. David’s s on will build temple for God.
v. God would remain a father to David’s son.
vi. David’s Dynasty would rule forever.
vii. God would raise an heir from David’s lineage to establish an ever lashing kingdom.
viii. God would support David’s Son.
ix. God would keep the Kingdom strong for David’s son.

11. The success of King David
i. He made Jerusalem a religious centre
ii. He composed psalms which were used in worship by the Israelites
iii. He showed respect to the prophets of Yahweh/ listened to their messages
iv. When David made mistakes, he repented
v. David humbled himself before Yahweh, he called himself the servant of Yahweh
vi. He consistently prayed to God
vii. He wanted to build a temple for God
viii. He conquered the enemies of Israel so that they would live in peace

12. The duties of Samuel as prophet of God.
- He anointed the first two kings of Israel, Saul and David.
- He judged the people and settled disputes.
- He foretold what would happen to the Israelites.
- He reminded the people of God’s ways.
- He acted as a mediator between God and the people.
- He condemned social injustices.
- He brought to the king’s attention their mistakes.
- He condemned idolatry and promoted monotheism.
- He offered sacrifices to God on behalf of the people. (7 x 1) mks

7. Loyalty to GOD: ELIJAH
1. (a) Reasons why Elijah was un comprising in his attitude to Baal worship are;-
o He believed that only Yahweh was the Israelites God
o By worshipping Baal, people had broken the covenant law
o As the people worshipped Baal, they failed to recognize Yahweh as God and the Lord of everything
o The worship of Baal led to the killing of Yahweh’s prophets
o A lot of suffering had resulted from Baal worship
o Elijah had strong faith in God
o By condemning Baal worship, Elijah knew that he could put away the foreign ideology that Ahab was trying to bring in his rules
o Elijah believed that the people might turn to the covenant of faith
o Being a prophet, Elijah was against Baalism because it was his vocation(Any 7= 7x1=7mks)
(b) Problems faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel are;-
o Elijah’s life was threatened by Izebel who swore to kill him
o Elijah suffered fear and had to flee to the wilderness
o Elijah was discouraged when it seemed that he was not achieving much
o Elijah got depressed and prayed for death
o Elijah suffered loneliness as he was the only remaining prophet of Yahweh
o At times Elijah lacked basic requirements such as food and water
o He was accused falsely by King Ahab as the troublemaker of Israel
o Sometime he doubted God (Any 7=7x1=7mks)

(c) Reasons why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in the society are;-
o Devil worship is against God’s commandments and Christians have a duty to fight it
o Because it advocates for human destruction
o It advocates for materialism as the guiding factor to man’s success
o Devil worship lead s to lack of faith and reliance on God
o Rituals involved in devil worship are dehumanizing
o Christians fight devil worship to warn people of God’s judgment if they do not turn back to him
o It instills fear on God’s people
2. (a)How King Ahab led Israelites away from worship of Yahweh.
- He married a foreign wife.
- He allowed the worship of Ball.
- He built places of worship for Baal.
- He allowed Jezebel to kill Yahweh’s prophets.
- He allowed Jezebel to convert Israelites to worship other gods.
- He worshipped Baal.
- He allowed the prophets of Baal into Israel.
- He forced all Israelites to worship Baal.

(b) How Elijah restored the true worship of Yahweh.
- He pronounced the 3 ½ years drought.
- He courageously challenged King Ahab for being the cause of drought.
- He called down fire to consume the sacrifice as prove that Yahweh is true.
- He killed the prophets of Baal.
- He declared the end of drought by praying for rain.
- He challenged King Ahab for grabbing Naboth’s land and killing him.

(c) What Christians learn about God from Mt. Carmel contest.
- God is powerful.
- God answers prayers of those who believe in Him.
- God is the source of rain.
- Yahweh is true God to be worshipped.
- God does not tolerate idol worship.
- God is jealous.
- God is holy.
- God protects his servants.
- God provides for his servants.
- God expects Christians to be persistent while struggling against evil or injustice.
3 a) Five reasons that contributed to schism between Judah and Israel
i. It was a punishment for Solomon’s sins
ii. Jeroboam had built two worship places at Dan and Bethel
iii. Solomon’s rule was oppressive in the form of forced labor, high taxes and slavery
iv. Rehoboam rejected the request of the people even after being advised by the elder
v. Solomon’s great development in the South which brought tension between the Northern and Southern kingdom
vi. Solomon had also exempted the inhabitants of Judah from paying taxes
vii. Rehoboam’s oppressive rule
viii. Jerusalem city belonged to the Southern division
ix. Ten tribes preferred Jeroboam while two tribes went for Rehoboam

b) Failures of King Ahab (6 mks)
i. He broke the first commandments by allowing idol worship
ii. He killed the prophets of God
iii. He allowed his wife Jezebel to bear false witness
iv. He coveted Naboth’s vineyard
v. He killed Naboth/ broke law against murder
vi. He broke the law that forbids stealing
vii. He failed to protect the weak/ poor as demanded by the law
c) Why political leaders in Kenya failed to perform their duties effectively
i. Lack of leadership skills
ii. Lack of obedience in God
iii. Lack of faith/ trust in God
iv. Some of them were chosen through bribery/ corruption/ misappropriation
v. Tribalism
vi. Conflicts among themselves on issues affecting the government
vii. They are not loyal to their leaders and subjects
viii. Failure to accept their mistakes and change for the better
ix. Lack of patience e.g. campaigning for residency in 2012 instead of serving the citizens

4. (a) 7 reasons why Elijah faced danger and hostility in Israel
i. Elijah pronounced a three year drought in Israel
ii. He killed 450 prophets of Baal
iii. He boldly condemned King Ahab for taking away Naboth’s vineyard.
iv. He ran away in fear and hid in the wilderness where he was in danger of attack by wild animals
v. In the wilderness Elijah faced starvation due to lack of water and food
vi. Elijah preached at a time when baalism was the official religion in Israel
vii. He got discouraged and nearly lost hope while I the wilderness
viii. He courageously identified himself with Yahweh in the midst of persecution of Gods prophets by Jezebel
(b) 5 forms of corruption in Kenya today
i) Tribalism /nepotism/genderism (discrimination)
ii) Bribery
iii) Cheating in business
iv) Stealing
v) Misuse of public property of funds
vi) Grabbing of personal and/or public land
vii) Dishonesty
viii) Robbery with violence

(c) The relevance of Elijah’s prophetic mission to Christians today
i) Church leaders should remains courageous and firm in condemning all forms of social injustice in society
ii) Christians should remain faithful to God even when faced with danger.
iii) Christians should not despair in their missionary work but learnt that God gives encouragement and providence.
iv) Christians should pray God in faith and God would surely answer them.
v) Christians should advocate for the right of the poor.
vi) Christians should not give false evidence against their neighbours like Jezebel against Naboth.
vii) Christians should be persistent like Elijah in their struggle against injustice.
viii) Christians should be prepared to suffer and meet oppositions and rejection.
ix) Christians should avoid idolatry at all costs
x) Christians should strive to live free from corruption
xi) It is the duty of Christians to call people to repentance.
xii) Christians should develop life skill that will enable them to make appropriate decisions

5. a) four effects of idolatry on the Israelites as a Nation
i. Israel suffered calamities eg 3 years drought.
ii. Israelites religion calendar of feast and celebration was changed to correspond with the times the Canaanites celebrated their feasts.
iii. Idolatry undermined the unity of tribes of Israel as some in Northern Kingdom could not visit Jerusalem for worship – worshipped at Dan and Bethel.
iv. High places used to worship of Baal were converted into Yahweh’s Shrines without removing the graven images of idols – this angered God.
v. Their were bloody coups and counter.

5. b) five reasons why some Christians have lost faith in God
i. Believe their prayer are not answered.
ii. When they continue to suffer while those who are not prayerful prosper.
iii. Poor leadership in the church/Wrangles.
iv. Poor role models by church leaders
v. Existence of false prophets
vi. Pleasure of the world
vii. Bad company /that moved them.

6. (a) KING Jeroboam promoted schism in Israel ;
i. He brought polytheism religion in Israel by placing two Golden calves at Bethel and Dan
ii. He put two centres of worship at Dan and Bethel to stop Israel from going to Judah and worship in Jerusalem
iii. He made Israel to offer sacrifices to Baal-Hadad
iv. He built places of worship at Hillstops to emulate other nations
v. He chose his own priests from ordinary families instead of getting them from the family of Levites in Judah
vi. He instituted religious festivals or feasts in the months of his choice to counteract the calendar of dates of the same in Judah’
vii. He burnt incense at the altar of idols breaking the first commandment
viii. He cut link with Judah by putting shechem his capital and fortified Penvuel from where he ruled Israel / He stopped Israel from going to Jerusalem

(b) 5 qualities in Elijah that may influence the life of a true Christian
(i) Courage to condemn actions of Kings
(ii) Loyalty/faith and trust n God
(iii) He was prayerful and was rewarded
(iv) he led a simple lie and stood for the right of common man
(v) He was just/protector of the covenant/law of God
(vi) Christians may admire God’s intimacy with Elijah. God is providence like Elijah being provided with food/drink
(vii) Christians may admire God’s intimacy with Elijah, God can communicate with Christians today
(viii) Christians should not give false witness against their neighbours, like Jezebel with Naboth

c) Lessons Christians learn from the leadership of Prophet Elijah
i. Christian leaders should remain courageous/ firm in condemning any form of social injustice in society like Elijah
ii. Christians should remain faithful/ loyal to God/ practiced monotheism just like Elijah
iii. Christians should not despair in their missionary work
iv. Should remain prayerful to God in faith and God will answer their prayers like Elijah at Mt. Carmel contest
v. Should be persistent like Elijah was in their struggle against injustice
vi. Should not give false evidence against their neighbors like Jezebel and Naboth
vii. God is able to establish an intimate relationship with his faithful like Elijah

7. a) Why Elijah faced danger and hostility in his work.
• He had pronounced a three years drought in Israel.
• He openly condemned King Ahab for taking Naboth’s Vineyard.
• He hid in the wilderness where he faced dangers from wild animals.
• He killed 450 prophets of Baal.
• He starved for lack of food and water in the wilderness.
• By the time Elijah was a prophet, Baalism had become the official religion in Israel.
• He was greatly discouraged and lost hope.
• All other prophets had been killed expect Him.
• Jezebel swore to kill him the way he had killed the 450 prophets

b) Lessons Israelites learnt from the MT. Carmel contest.
• Yahweh is a living God.
• Yahweh is powerful.
• He is holy.
• He is faithful to his promises.
• He punishes those who break his laws.
• God forgives
• God answers prayers.
• God calls people to repentance.

c) What Prophet Elijah would condemn if he came to Kenya today?
• Bribery and corruption.
• Murder
• Violence
• Thuggery /robbery /theft.
• Suicidal acts.
• Rape
• Idolatry.
• Immorality.
• False accusation/witness
• Nepotism/tribalism.
• Misuse of public property
• Deceit/deception.

8 (a) four characteristics of the Canaanite religion.
ii) Nature god-relates to forces of nature
iii) Family gods
iv)Cyclic religion-seasonal gods etc
v) Gods’ - depicted in symbolic forms
vi)Temple prostitution
vii) Many places of worship
viii) Ritual and sacrifices
ix) Festivals

(b) five reasons why it was difficult for Prophet Elijah to stop idolatry in Israel
i) King Ahab marriage to Jezebel
ii) Jezebel wielded a lot of influence on Ahab
iii) Ahab allowed the building of idol temples
iv) There were false prophets in Israel
v) Ahab took part in the worship of pagan gods
vi) Prophets of God were persecuted
vii) Syncretism emerged

(c) seven factors that lead people away from the worship of God today
ii)Permissiveness in society
iii) Mass media
iv) Corruption
vi) Threats to human dignity
vii) Confusion from religious pluralism
viii) Oppression
ix) Social immorality
x) Drug addition/ drug abuse
xi) Scientific discoveries /technological innovations
xii) Poverty

9. (a) Five factors that led to the contest at Mt. Camel are;
• King Ahab had build a temple for Baal worship
• He had personally participated in the worship of Baal
• Jezebel had ordered for the killing of Yahweh’s Prophets
• The serving prophets of Yahweh had gone into hiding
• Prophet Elijah had announced a three year drought because of Baalism
• Jezebel had introduced Baalism in Israel
• There was religious syncretism in Israel
• The Israelites had broken the covenant relationship
• Prophet Elijah wanted to prove that he was the true prophet of Yahweh
• The contest was the proof that Yahweh was to be worshipped

(b) Five signs used by God to show that Elijah is the true prophet of God are;
• The presence of the three year drought
• The increase of the flour/oil of the widow
• The healing of the Zarapheth widow’s son
• The great storm that marked the end of he three year drought
• The fire that came down from Heaven during the contest of Mt. Carmel
• The destruction of the Baal prophets sent to kill Elijah
• Elijah was fed by the Ravens on the way to mount Sinai
• Elijah was taken to heaven by Chariot of fire
• God appeared to Elijah in form of still calm-voice
10. a) five practices of idolatry during the time of Elijah
• There was polytheism/people worshipped many gods
• There was human sacrifice
• Priests, prophets ,prophetesses presided over all t he religious matters
• The people observe a festivals I honour of the gods and goddesses
• Shrines, altars and temples were built for the worship of the gods
• Rituals were performed in honour of their gods

b) five challenges faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel
• There was widespread idolatry/worshipping of false gods
• There was corruption and injustice as people rejected the covenant way of life
• There was religious persecution and hostility.(jezebel had put to death the prophets of yahweh) those who remained went into hiding)
• The people had abandoned the worship of yahweh and were practicing syncretism
• He faced opposition and even threats on his life from ahab and jezebel
• There were false prophets of baal and asherah brought by jezebel to promote false religion
• He had to face king ahab/challenge him for misleading his people
• He had to convince people that he was the true prophet of god
• He had to prove to people that Yahweh was the true God

c) With reference to Prophet Elijah explain how Kenya anti corruption authority (KACA)
can help reduce corrupt in the society
• KACA should advocate for the return of the illegal acquired property
• KACA should ensure equitable distribution of national resources e.g. revenue and CDF money
• KACA should enlighten people to respects the low
• KACA should encourage people to report corruption cases
• KACA should take people who misuse there power for political and economical gain e.g. Ango leasing, Goldenberg to a court of law
• KACA official should be good role models and ensure they are also not implicated in case of bribery and corruption

11. Prophet Elijah fought against corruption among the people of Israel as
contained in 1 Kings 21
• Naboth a farmer had a vineyard next to Ahab.
• Ahab coveted it and asked Naboth to sell it to him but he declined
• Ahab was disturbed that he fell sick. He could neither or drink
• Jezebel planned a corrupt scheme to ensure that Ahab possessed the vineyard
• Jezebel forged letters using the kings seal accusing Naboth for two great sins; blasphemy and treason
• The punishment for both mistakes was stoning to death
• Jezebel bribed some youth to be her witnesses against Naboth before all people
• Naboth was condemned to death together with his entire family who would have inherited the vineyard
• Ahab was a happy and took Naboth’s vineyard
• Elijah was angered by Ahab’s action and went to the palace and declared God’s judgement on Ahab and Jezebel (

12. (a)Reasons for Naboth’s refusal to sell the vineyard to King Ahab.
- Naboth refused to sell his vineyard to king Ahab because the land belonged to God. He is the
rightful owner.
- The land belonged to the family. It was an ancestral property which an individual had no right to sell.
- Land was inherited from one generation to the next generation. It could only be rented out but not sold.
- Naboth respected the Mosaic Law which gave guidelines on Land Issue. Naboth did not want to disobey God.
- Because land was given to the Israelites to settle on. It was not meant for sale.
- It was Naboth’s only piece of land and it was very beautiful.

(b)The nature of God during the contest at Mount Carmel.
- God is all-powerful/Almighty.
- God hates evil thus destroys evil and punishes sinners.
- God is jealous, does not entertain rivalry or worship of false gods.
- He is faithful to His servants and to His promises.
- He answers prayers.
- He is caring, does not want his people perish.
- God is in control of nature.
- God requires obedience to Him from human beings.
- He is a wonder – working God.

13. (a) Reasons why Elijah was un comprising in his attitude to Baal worship are;-
o He believed that only Yahweh was the Israelites God
o By worshipping Baal, people had broken the covenant law
o As the people worshipped Baal, they failed to recognize Yahweh as God and the Lord of everything
o The worship of Baal led to the killing of Yahweh’s prophets
o A lot of suffering had resulted from Baal worship
o Elijah had strong faith in God
o By condemning Baal worship, Elijah knew that he could put away the foreign ideology that Ahab was trying to bring in his rules
o Elijah believed that the people might turn to the covenant of faith
o Being a prophet, Elijah was against Baalism because it was his vocation(Any 7= 7x1=7mks)
(b) Problems faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel are;-
o Elijah’s life was threatened by Izebel who swore to kill him
o Elijah suffered fear and had to flee to the wilderness
o Elijah was discouraged when it seemed that he was not achieving much
o Elijah got depressed and prayed for death
o Elijah suffered loneliness as he was the only remaining prophet of Yahweh
o At times Elijah lacked basic requirements such as food and water
o He was accused falsely by King Ahab as the troublemaker of Israel
o Sometime he doubted God (Any 7=7x1=7mks)
(c) Reasons why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in the society are;-
o Devil worship is against God’s commandments and Christians have a duty to fight it
o Because it advocates for human destruction
o It advocates for materialism as the guiding factor to man’s success
o Devil worship lead s to lack of faith and reliance on God
o Rituals involved in devil worship are dehumanizing
o Christians fight devil worship to warn people of God’s judgment if they do not turn back to him
o It instills fear on God’s people

8. Selected Old Testament Prophets and their teachings:
(a) Prophets
1. (a) Five conditions which lead to the Babylonian exile are;-
o Babylonians had become powerful and had defeated Egypt
o The Israelites had forsaken the covenant way of life/commands of God
o They had broken their relationship with God e.g. worshipped idols.
o Intermarriages with foreigners
o Israelites refused to listen to Prophets
o They also persecuted the prophets of Yahweh
o The Israelites failed to repent of their sins
o They had weak leaders who failed to return people to the covenant way of life(Any5x2=10mks)
(b) Problems the Israelites experienced during the Babylonian exile are;-
o They lacked adequate food/famines
o They suffered from various diseases and ailments
o They lost their identity
o They found it hard to adopt to a new environment
o They had to keep/follow the Babylonian officials
o They lived in fear of the Babylonian officials
o They were turned to refugees
o Their religious loyalty to God was undermined
o They lacked places of worship
o There were false prophets (Any5x1=5mks)
(c) Five difficulties Christians go through as they serve God are;-
o Temptation from worldly/devil pleasure
o Face opposition/persecution/oppression due to their faith
o Communication barriers
o Challenges form other religions
o Bad examples set by leaders discourage them
o Challenges from science and technology
o Disagreement /division within the Church
o False teachings/Prophet who contradict Christian teachings (Any 5x1=5mks)

2. Six roles of the Prophets of God in the Old Testament
(i) Mediator between God and people
(ii) God’s spokesmen/communicate and predict the future
(iii) Condemned injustices and defended the law of God
(iv) They were conscience of Kings and advise them if they go wrong
(v) Acted as priests /offer sacrifice e.g. Samuel Aaron/ Moses
(vi) They gave people hope /encouraged people in times of difficulties

3. a) 7 characteristics of true prophets in Old Testament
i. They all received a vocational call from God
ii. They all responded positively/ in obedience to God’s call
iii. They all stood for the covenant way of life
iv. They all spoke with authority from God
v. They all condemned the social evils in the society of their times
vi. All inspired/ led to by the Holy Spirit
vii. Suffered rejection/ opposition/ criticism from Israelites
viii. All were courageous and ready to die for the truth
ix. Acted as mediator/ bridge/ link between God and the Israelites
x. Their prophecies always come true/ pass
xi. Preached monotheism
xii. Were morally upright

4. Seven duties of God’s prophets in the old testament
i. Communicated God’s message to the people
ii. Taught the people the covenant way of life
iii. Called people to repentance
iv. Warned people of God’s impending judgement
v. They revealed God’s will to the people
vi. They gave people hope of salvation
vii. They condemned the evils in society

5. Ways through which a Christian can identify a true servant of God is by:
• Gives free services
• They are prayerful
• They are humble/honest/kind/patient/loving/faithful
• They condemn evil in the society
• Sharing of their resources with the needy
• Being exemplary /role model
• Preaching the word of God

6. Five methods used by the old testament prophets to pass their messages
• Through sermons/public speeches
• By performing miracles
• Through demonstration/symbolic actions
• Using personal experiences
• Writing letters to their audiences
• Through songs
• Through dialogue with the audience

7 a) The differences between the traditional and old Testament prophets.
• In tradition Afr5iccan their received their powers through inheritance/ spirits of the living dead while old Testament prophets were appointed and received theirs from God.
• In traditional, they ere highly respected and obeyed while the Old Testament ones faced opposition most of the time.
• In traditional, their prophecies have been preserved and passed on mainly through oral traditions while the old testament ones were recorded and preserved in written from.
• The Old Testament prophets some of them had an idea of a glorious Messiah ho would come while the traditional ones, the concept of the Messiah does not exist.
• The traditional recognized and worshipped many gods and goddesses while the Old Testament ones stressed on Monotheistic religion that is worship of only one God.
• The traditional ones limited their Messages to their communities while the Old Testament ones gave the messages to the Israelites and the whole world

b) Ways through which the Old Testament prophets communicated their Messages to the people?
• Lyrics
• Prose/narratives.
• Sermons
• Letters e.g Jeremiah
• Song/poems.
• Lamentations
• Symbolizations.
• Lifestyle e.g Hosea

c) Lessons for Christians from the Old Testament Prophets
• They should prophecy for the glory of God.
• They should stand firm for the truth
• They should condemn all corrupt practices in the society.
• They should be ready to obey God’s call.
• They should lead holy lives.
• They should be ready to be rejected.
• They should preach the gospel all over the world as god is universal.

(c) Amos

1. (a) Six reasons why Amos proclaimed God’s judgement on Israel and Judah are;-
o The people of Israel and Judah sold their debtors to slavery
o They perverted justice in law courts i.e. bribery and corruption
o They practiced sexual immorality
o The poor were exploited
o The rich drunk wine in the temple
o They ordered Prophets not to speak in God’s name
o They practiced idolatry
o They had no regard for the Sabbath (Any 6x1=6mks)

(b) Similarities in Prophetic vocations of Amos and Jeremiah are;-
o Amos and Jeremiah experienced God dramatically in their calling
o Both obeyed God’s call
o They condemned the evils they witnessed in their society
o Both foretold God’s punishment on the wrongdoers
o They taught people God’s will
o They were opposed
o Both taught God as good,, loving, holy and merciful
o They both spoke with authority
o They both lived a righteous life
o They called for sincere worship i.e. against hypocrisy
o They preached of the only God and the universality of God
o They called upon people to repent in order to be forgiven (Any7x1=7mks)

(c) Lessons learned from Amos teachings on judgement
o God is a moral God and His moral claim are the same for all people
o The prophets prophecies came to pass
o Other people’s liberty should be protected
o People learn to be committed to the agreements they make
o People learn that they should do to others what they expect done to them
o God is a universal God
o God punishes evil and it doesn’t matter who commits it
o God is the giver of life and He expects it to be protected
o Religion and behaviour should not be separated
o People should have love for their fellow men

2. Ways in which the poor were oppressed by the rich during the time of Amos
i. Merchants overcharged the poor
ii. The poor were sold for a piece of silver/ sandals
iii. The poor were cheated on business deals/ using poor scales
iv. Goods sold to the poor were unfit for human consumption
v. The poor were sold to slavery when they were liable to pay debts
vi. The poor were denied justice in law courts
vii. The poor were persecuted when they challenged injustice in court
viii. They were robbed of grain/ food/ belongings
ix. Exorbitant rents
x. Grapping of land from the poor

3. a) Ways in which the war oppressed the poor during the time of prophet Amos
i. Merchants robbed the poor by overcharging them
ii. The poor were sold for a piece of silver / a pair of shoes
iii. The war grabbed land from the poor
iv. The poor were created in business deals when the rich used faulty scales and measures
v. Goods sold to the poor were unfit for human consumption
vi. The poor were sold into slavery when they were unable to pay their debts to the rich
vii. The poor were denied justice in the law courts because they could not bribe the judges
viii. Cases taken to the courts by the poor were thrown out/ not listened to
ix. The temple prostitutes were from the poor families
x. The poor were robbed of their grains/ food/ belonging

b) Ways in which Christians express sincere worship in church today
i. The need to have humility as they worship
ii. Concentrate on/ read God’s word
iii. Practice justice with one another
iv. Have practical Christian living

4. a) Forms of punishment Amos prophesized for Israel and Judah
i. Earthquakes that would destroy the houses of rich and poor
ii. Famine – Referring to spiritual famine or hunger for God’s word
iii. Invasion by Assyrians ho would destroy the people and their land
iv. Eclipses – The land would be covered by darkness
v. Captivity by Assyrians
vi. Drought leading to painful thirst
vii. Destruction of the alters at David and Bethel
viii. Exile due to attack by Assyrians

b) What is the relevance of prophet Amos message on judgment to Christians
i. God will judge evil and punish the wrongdoers
ii. Christians should be courageous and they face life situation
iii. God is universal and will pass judgement on all nation
iv. Christians have to put God’s teachings into practice to avoid false holiness
v. God hates sin which is why he judges all nation

5. Religious evils condemned by Prophet Amos are:
• Human sacrifice/child sacrifice
• Idolatry
• Temple prostitution
• Syncretism
• Insincere worship
• Empty sacrifices

6. Five ways the rich oppressed the poor during prophet Amos time
• Merchants overcharged the poor with high interests
• The poor were sold into slavery for a piece of saddles or silver for failing to pay their debts
• The poor were denied justice in law courts because they could not bribe judges
• Temple prostitutes came from the poor families
• The poor were cheated on business deals by using faulty weighing scales
• Food sold to the poor were unfit for human consumption
• The poor were forced to work on the rich people’s farms for little or no pay
• The land for the poor was grabbed by the rich

7. Five ways Christians can fight corruption in the modern world
• By leading an exemplary life of not being corrupt
• Praying for the corrupt people to change their evil ways
• Reporting the corrupt people to the relevant authority i.e. police
• Educating the public on the dangers of corruption
• Supporting and practicing fair distribution of wealth and resources
• Creating awareness of biblical teaching on corruption
• Giving heavy punishment of the offenders
• Fighting for just and fair wages and good working conditions

8. Five lessons a Christian can learn from the religious message prophet Amos had for the people
of the Northern Kingdom
• They should be courageous and condemn all forms of evils in the society
• They should avoid insincere worship by being humble before God during worship and leading exemplary lives
• They should be willing to confess their sins and ask for forgiveness to avoid punishment
• They should know that God is a universal God and makes moral claims on everybody despite his nationality
• They should preach against and avoid sexual immorality, drugs and alcohol abuse

9. a) Five visions of prophets Amos
• Vision of a great swarm of locust
• Vision of a great fire
• Vision of a crooked wall
• Vision of a basket of ripe fruits
• Vision of destruction of the altar

b) Seven evils condemned by prophet Amos in Israel
• oppression of the poor
• corruption and bribery
• dishonesty
• sexual immorality
• drunkenness
• pride in material possession
• insincere worship
• empty sacrifices
• syncretism
• idolatry

c) The relevance of Amos teachings on social justice and responsibility to Christians today.
• Christians learn that God will punish and reward all those that obey his law
• Christians are called to practice what they preach and condemn hypocritical tenderness
• Christians should be just in dealing with one another
• Christians should not pursue luxuries and self indulgence when others lack the most basic needs
• They should condemn corruption and uphold justice
• They should bear in mind that every evil committed will be punished by God
• They should be aware of the d angers associated with width since it can divert their attention from god
• They should be ready at any time when called to do God’s work
• Should prepare for the judgement day by being obedient to his word
• Should not indulge themselves in activities harmful to their faith

10. a) Four visions of Amos about judgment and punishment.
i. Basket of ripe fruits 8 1- 3. The Season of waiting for the nation to change was over. Israel was ripe for Gods punishment.
ii. The destruction of the temple. The Lord stood by the altar in this vision. He order the destruction of the temple where the Israelites offered sacrifices. This implied the sanctuaries of Dan and Bethel had become centres of their Act.
iii. Vision of fished wall. The crocked wall is being checked by a plumb line. Israel had gone out of the way. Amos did not intervene as Israel was clearly out of the way.
iv. Vision of great fire. God sends great fire, in dries up the land. Amos prays to God far give as the punishment is to severe.

b) Lessons we learn about God from the teaching of Amos on judgment and punishment
i. God is universal/judges all nation – expects people to be morally and spiritually upright.
ii. God hates evil – condemned the Israelite and other nations for disobeying him.
iii. God is merciful –through Amos he promised that the remnant shall remain after punishment/restore them back to himself.
iv. God is concerned about people welfare i.e he speaks on behalf of the pregnant women.
v. God gives prosperity tot hose who sincerely turn to him and serve him.
vi. God is a just God because he passes judgement to those who sin against him.
vii. God’s people should behave in a way to match their religion holiness by putting Gods teaching in practice.
viii. God is supreme – leaders are not above the law of God.
ix. Live according to the will of God to avoid judgement.

c) Five ways in which church leaders are put to test today
i. Lack of co-operation from the congregation.
ii. Problems of how to react/relate objectively
When their expectation are not met.
iii. Inadequate knowledge on how to deal with various groups/women/youth/choir/revival groups
iv. There are temptation to acquire property unjustly.
v. Too much time service is expected of them.
vi. Inability to control/meet human desires(sexuality)
vii. Might be in an environment that is hostile /insecure

11. (a) Six reasons why Prophet Amos was against the way Israelites worshipped God
i) They gave sacrifice which did not reflect holy life
ii) They practiced syncretism
iii) They were not sincere in their worship (they were hypocrites)
iv) They built many high places of worship for idols
v) They made idols/worshipped idols.
vi) They misused the temple by feasting/drinking
vii) They refused to listen to the prophets of God/listened to false prophets
viii) They misused the Sabbath
ix) They practiced temple prostitution

(b) Seven teachings of Prophet Amos about the day of the Lord
i) i)it will be a day of terror and disaster.
ii) God will punish the Israelites for their disobedience/he will remember their evil deeds
iii) The land shall tremble/ there will be earthquakes.
iv) People will mourn/no happiness
v) There will be darkness at noon/eclipse
vi) The feasts and festivals will not be joyful.
vii) People will thirst/hunger for the word of God.
viii) People will faint in the process of searching for the word of God.
ix) It will be a day of disappointments to the Israelites.
x) The wicked will not escape Gods judgement

(c) Seven ways in which Christians can help church leaders perform their duties effectively
i) Giving financial/material help.
ii) Advising/counseling them on various issues
iii) Participating fully in church activities/functions
iv) Giving tithes and offerings faithfully
v) Praying for them
vi) Respecting them
vii) Obeying and practicing the word of God
viii) Defending them against unfair criticism
Providing training opportunities for them.

12. a) Forms of punishment Amos prophetised for Israel and Judah
i. Earthquakes that would destroy the houses of the rich and the poor
ii. Famine- Spiritual famine or hunger for God’s word
iii. Invasion by the Assyrians who would destroy the people and their land
iv. Eclipses- The land would be covered in darkness
v. Captivity by the Assyrians
vi. Drought leading to painful thirst
vii. Destruction of the altars at Dan & Bethel
viii. Exile due to attack by the Assyrians

b) How Christians promote mutual responsibility in society today
i. Lovingly correcting offenders
ii. Creating awareness on peoples social responsibilities
iii. Promoting charity work for the needy
iv. Visiting the sick, imprisoned and bereaved
v. Meeting and knowing one another
vi. Forming social groups and associations
vii. Coming together for celebrations

13. Challenges Nehemiah faced in his work.
- Nehemiah faced lack of co-operation when rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.
- Nehemiah faced opposition from his enemies who tried to kill him after they failed to discourage him from carrying out his mission.
- Nehemiah had to fight against social injustices and oppression.
- There was laxity in the observance of the Law.
- There was the problem of inter-marriage which threatened Jewish unity, culture and religion.
- There was misuse of the temple offerings leading the Levites to abandon their priestly duties.

(d) Jeremiah
1. Changes in Traditional African Community today.
- They have learnt too eat new dishes.
- The mode of dressing has changed.
- New forms of worship have been introduced.
- New political systems and forms of government have emerged.
- The ancestors are no longer considered part of the African Community.
- Land is now owned individually rather than community.
- In some cases, the old have been left on their own; leading to the emergency of the homes for
the aged.
- The people have learned to plan for their families and are becoming more and more

2. How Jeremiah qualifies to be a prophet of hope.
- He told people that a few will survive after exile.
- He wrote a letter of encouragement to the exiles.
- He preached a message of hope to the Israelites.
- He brought a piece of land to signify restoration.
- He told the exiles that God would restore them back to their land.
- He called people to repentance and promised that God was ready to forgive them.
- He taught people that God would be their God in a new way and they would be His new people.

3. (a)Social background to Jeremiah’s prophetic work.
- There was oppression of the weak
- People used dishonest ways of acquiring wealth.
- People committed adultery.
- Murder of innocent people.
- Stealing and telling of lies.
- Rulers had failed to lead the people to the covenant way of life.

(b)Reasons for Jeremiah Temple Sermon.
- They wee exploiting aliens, orphan and widows.
- They were insincere in their worship.
- They were worshipping idols and offering sacrifices to them.
- They ignored the teachings of the prophets.
- They had faloe belief that God could not destroy them and the temple.
- They were sinful and had broken many of God’s commandments.

(c)Relevance of Jeremiah’s suffering and lamentations.
- Christians learn that as Jeremiah, they will be rejected by their families and communities for the sake of the gospel.
- Christians should be ready to face persecution for the sake of Christ, but persistence in prayer will see them victorious.
- Christians learn to be firm in telling the truth no matter what obstacles are on the way.
- Christians learn that their messages will not always be accepted by the people.
- Christians should draw their security and protection from God for deliverance from enemies.
- Christians learn to be faithful through difficult times in their spiritual life.
- Christians should pray for their persecutions and not exercise vengeance.
- Christians learn that tribulations and suffering are for strengthening their faith and growth of their spiritual strength.
- Christian leaders should proclaim the word of God at all costs.
- Christians must be aware of false prophets in the midst with an aim to mislead them.
- Christians should always tell the truth at all regardless of the consequences.
- Christians learn to remain faithful through difficult times.

4. (a) Five symbolic acts used by Prophet Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s judgement and punishment to the Israelites
i) Buying new linen waist cloth and burying it in a cleft of the rock (Jeremiah 13:1-11)
ii) Jeremiah w as not to marry(Jer 16:1-18)
iii) The reworking (remoulding) of the vessels by the potter (Jer 18:1-17)
iv) The breaking of the earthen flask before the elders (Jer 19:1-15)
v) He was shown two baskets of figs .one with good figs and the other with
vi) bad figs(Jer24:1-10)
vii) Wearing of the yoke (Jer27:1-15)

(b) Explain Jeremiah’s teaching on the new covenant
i) The law will be written on people’s heart and not on stones tablets
ii) The new covenant will be between an individuals and God/personal salvation/relationship
iii) There will be individual’s responsibility/punishment for those who sin
iv) The covenant will be everlasting
v) It will be universal
vi) There will be forgiveness of sins/they will not be remembered.
vii) The new covenant will be fulfilled in the coming of Jesus Christ

(c) Five lessons that Christians learn fro Prophet Jeremiah’s teaching on the new covenant
i) Christians should internalize the law of God/put laws of God in their hearts
ii) They should have personal relationship with God/know God personally.
iii) There is individual responsibility/punishment when one sins
iv) There is forgiveness of sins if one repents/reconciliation.
v) Christians have everlasting relationship with God
vi) Those who repent their sins have a new beginning
vii) They need to have faith in God
viii) They should obey/practice the law of God
ix) Christians learn that the new covenant is fulfilled in the coming of Jesus Christ

5. a) Seven evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah in the temple sermon.
i. Hypocrisy in worship/insincere worship
ii. Syncretism
iii. Idolatry/worship of false gods
iv. Pride/false security in the temple
v. Human sacrifices
vi. Stealing/Robbery
vii. Adultery/incest
viii. Telling lies/dishonesty

b) Four similarities in the life and experiences of Nehemiah and Jesus Christ.
i. Both purified the temple
ii. Both led prayerful lives
iii. Both had compassion for the people/ weak /poor
iv. Both were reformers
v. Both led exemplary live/holy lives
vi. Both came to restore the worship between God and the people
vii. Both faced opposition in their ministry from close relative.

c) A Christians can show respect to God’s places of worship by
i. Giving church offering
ii. Contributing to the establishment and maintenance of their church building
iii. Keeping the places of worship (church) clean.
iv. Respecting the church leaders
v. Attending worship sessions
vi. By condemning evil particles committed in church.

6. (a) The factors which contributed to Jeremiah’s suffering and lamentations
(i) Rejected by his own family and relatives
(ii) Accused of Blasphemy when he predicted the destruction f the temple
(iii) he received death threats because of prophesizing on the destruction of the temple
(iv) He suffered isolation by being stopped to marry/go for weddings/funerals
(v) He had a personal conflict in his heart because he was disappointed by the people he loved
(vi) He experienced deep trials of faith as to why God delayed to act on his prophecy/mocked by his people
(vii) He suffered the physical assault/imprisonment/beaten by priests of Judah
(viii) he was locked in his courtyard where he was fed by bread

(b) Seven challenges that modern Christian face in their struggle to condemn social
injustices in the society today
(i) Rejection
(ii) Persecution/torture/abuse/mock
(iii) imprisonment
(iv) Threats concerning their lives
(v) Hatred
(vi) Opposition/internal wrangles from fellow Christians
(vii) Poverty
(viii) Modern science and technology
(ix) Eviction

7. Seven features of the new covenant as foreseen by Prophet Jeremiah
i. It would renew the brogans worship between God and his people (Israelites)
ii. The laws would be written to people’s hearts
iii. Every person would know God personally/ individually but not through mediator
iv. It would be everlasting/ wont be broken
v. Each person to be responsible for his/ her sins
vi. It would be established after God’s punishment of Israel
vii. It would establish a new Israel and they would have personal knowledge of God
viii. It would establish a new beginning/ a second exodus after God has restored them from exile
ix. It was to be initiated by God hence people were to obey God

8. a) The characteristics of the new covenant as foreseen by prophet Jeremiah
i. The covenant was to be made between God and the Israelites
ii. People were going to accept God as a God of justice
iii. It was going to be a personal covenant between God and each individual
iv. In the new covenant, God’s law would be written on people’s hearts
v. Everyone was to be responsible for his sins
vi. There would be no need of a mediator in the new covenant
vii. God was going to forgive people’s sins

b) Ways in which the covenant foretold by Jeremiah is different from the Sinaic covenant
i. In Jeremiah’s new covenant, laws were to be written in men’s hearts whereas in Sinaic covenant laws were written ion stone tablets
ii. The sinaic covenant had repeatedly failed, Jeremiah’s would not
iii. In Jeremiah’s covenant, there would be personal knowledge of God while in Sinaic, there was need for a mediator
iv. In the new covenant there would be spontaneous forgiveness of sins, whereas in the old covenant, sins were carried forward to the next generation
v. In the new covenant, there would be personal responsibility for sin while in old, there was collective responsibility
vi. The Sinaic covenant was meant for one nation (Israel) while that of Jeremiah was for all mankind

c) Ways which Jesus fulfill the New covenant foretold by Jeremiah
i. He began anew people (Christian)
ii. He gave them a new will, a new spirit and a new heart
iii. Through him, the whole Christian community has known God
iv. They can get forgiveness through Christ
v. God dwells in people’s hearts
vi. Through him, people have a personal knowledge of God
vii. He inaugurated the new covenant at the last supper sealed by his blood on the cross, his blood washed away people’s sins
viii. On the day he died, the curtain tore into two enabling people to have a direct link with the father

9 (a) Four reforms King Josiah made in Judah during the time of prophet Jeremiah KSM
i) He abolished Baal worship
ii) He ordered the repair of the temple of God
iii) He burnt foreign objects in the temple
iv) He led a national ceremony to renew the covenant faith
v) Child sacrifice was stopped
vi) Temple prostitution was stopped
vii) He discontinued consultation of mediums
viii) Passover feast was reinstated

(b) Five reasons why Jeremiah condemned necromancy in Judah
i) It indicated lack of faith in God
ii) It gave false messages which did not come from God
iii) It was a form of deception that led people away from God
iv) It polluted the true worship of God
v) It showed lack of knowledge of one God
vi) It brought Gods punishment upon people

(c) Modern leaders learn from Jeremiah’s sermon in the temple;
i) Christians need to have a personal relationship with god
ii) Christians should rely on god rather than consulting spirits
iii) Christians should condemn idolatry.
iv) Christians should avoid false prophets
v) Christians should condemn destruction of life
vi) Priests and church leaders should be firm in their faith.

10 (a) What made Jeremiah to give the temple sermon ;
• There was worship of idols and offering sacrifices to hem
• Oppression and exploitation of the poor, such as widows and orphans
• Engaging in insincere worship by worshipping God alongside idols.
• Rejecting the teaching of the Prophets
• Dishonesty
• Social injustices e.g. committing adultery, murder, theft
• Rebellion against Yahweh
• Defilement of the temple by placing idols there and worshipping them

(b) - Letter to the exiles
• Bought a field
• Vision of two basket figs
• New covenant
• Wooden ox-yoke removed
• Message of hope
• Personal/life

(c) What Christians can do to avoid God’s punishment
• Obeying God’s commandments
• Preaching the good news of Jesus to others
• Condemning all evils in society
• Responding God’s call to serve others
• Assisting the needy and the disadvantaged
• Praying
• Avoiding being tempted
• Repenting their sins
• Live exemplary lives/be role models
• Ask for guidance from the Holy spirit

11. (a) The characteristics of the New covenant as foreseen by Jeremiah the Prophet are:-
• The law would be enshrined in people’s hearts
• There would be personal knowledge of God
• There would be spontaneous forgiveness of sins
• There would be personal responsibility
• It would bring a new community of God’s people
• God would take an initiative of establishing a covenant
• The new community would be ruled by the righteous one from Davidic family/dynasty
• The Israelites would be given a new heart
• This covenant would be an everlasting one/would not be broken
• It would mark a new beginning/ a new era

(b) Evils that Prophet Jeremiah would condemn in Kenya today are;
• Idolatry
• Sexual immorality
• Struggle for power
• Corruption/bribery
• Exploitation of the poor by the rich
• Devil worshipping
• Desire for wealth/materialism

12. a) Four symbolic acts used by prophets Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s
Judgements and punishment to the Israelites
• Buying a new linen waist cloth and burying it in a cleft of the rock (jer.13:1-11)
• Jeremiah was not to marry (jer16:1-18)
• The reworking of the vessels by The potter (jer.18:1-17)
• The breaking of the earthen flask before the elders at mount Hinnom(jer19:1-15)
• He was shown the basket of figs, one with good figs and another with bad figs (jer24:1-10)
• Wearing of the yoke (jer27:1-15)

b) The relevance of Jeremiah’s suffering and lamentations to Christians today
• Christians learn not to lose hope in times of difficulty
• Christens learn to be firm in telling the truth
• They learn the importance of obeying Christ by putting God first
• They learn to trust in God and pray constantly
• They learn that persecution is the price for being committed as a disciple of Christ
• Christians learn to trust in God and pray constantly

13. The message contained in Jeremiah’s letter to the Israelites exiled in Babylon
• To build houses and settle down
• To plant gardens and eat their produce
• To take wives and love sons and daughters
• To allow their sons to marry
• To live in peace in Babylon
• To pray for the welfare of their masters
• Not to listen to false prophets and diviners who will cheat them
• God will restore them back to their land after 70 years of exile
• God will punish Babylonians their oppressors
• God will punish the false prophets who were telling lies
• God will answer their prayers when they call upon them

14. a) Reasons for Jeremiah’s Sermon at the Temple gate.
• King Jehoiakim shed innocent blood despite the advice from prophets.
• Israelites continued with Baal worship.
• Israelites practiced idolatry.
• Pagan gods and idols were put in the temple.
• People were hypocritical in their worship.
• Israelites made sacrifices to idols.
• There was moral decay among the Israelites.
• Israelites allowed false prophets to thrive.
• There was widespread oppression and exploitation of the poor.
• The false belief about the temple.
• Widespread social injustice.

b) The problems prophet Jeremiah encountered in his Ministry
• Was rejected by his family and relatives.
• Was accused falsely.
• Israelites rejected his message (refused to repent)
• Faced death threats
• He suffered loneliness and solitude.
• The scroll was burnt by King Jehoakim.
• He was beaten by court officials.
• Was banned from going to the temple.
• Was referred to as a traitor and insulted mocked and ridiculed.
• Was imprisoned.
• Had difficulties in convincing the people that this message was true.
• Went through spiritual struggle in his relationship with God.

c) Five lessons that Christians can learn from Jeremiah’s teaching on evil and false
• Need to have a personal relationship with God instead of mere outward show of religion.
• There are true and false prophets.
• Human sacrifice is evil and does not wipe out sins.
• Christians should have courage and be firm in their principles when faced with opposition.
• They should be truthful and faithful in their vocations.
• They should condemn all sorts of evil in society.
• They should be governed by laws of God.
• They should condemn destruction of human life and violence in general

15. .a) The issues Jeremiah address in his letter to the exiles
i. To build hoses and live in them
ii. Plant gardens and eat their produce
iii. Marry and have children
iv. Live in peace and promote the welfare of the cities they live in
v. Pray for their masters
vi. Not to listen to the words of false prophets and diviners
vii. God could restore them back to their land after seventy years
viii. To trust God and not give up
ix. God was accessible to them even in Babylon
x. God would punish those who had remained in Judah for failing to listen to him

b) 8 reasons why the temple of Jerusalem was considered an important place for the Israelites
i. It symbolized the presence of God
ii. It was a place of worship e.g. offering sacrifices, dedication of their first borns,
iii. Home of priests
iv. Annual religious festivals were celebrated in the temple
v. It was a learning centre- teachers of the law were taught in the temple
vi. Purification of mothers
vii. Ark of the covenant was kept in the temple
viii. Acted s a court where cases were handled

c) Ways in which Christians use print media to spread the gospel
i. Publishing Christians literature
ii. Distributing Christian literature free
iii. Reading the Bible and other Christian literature
iv. Using Biblical stories to produce Christian programmes in electronic media
v. Teaching using CRE text books
vi. Selling Christian literature to institutional and public
Advertising Christians issues in the newspaper

16. a) How God showed concern for the Israelites through prophet Jeremiah
i. He warned the people against evils in the temples sermon
ii. He foretells of a new covenant
iii. He bought a piece of land to show restoration of the people
iv. He talked of the future after exile
v. He told people to repent so that God can withdraw the punishment
vi. In his call, God told him that he will see nations destroyed, rebuilt and restored
vii. In the vision of figs, he saw the remnants of God’s good people

b) Prophet Jeremiah’s teaching on dishonesty
i. He condemned false prophets who gave false hope to the people, yet Yahweh had not sent them
ii. He condemned priests who preached lies to people and did not tell them the truth about God’s Judgement
iii. He condemned people who cheated others that they were friends but planned evil behind their back
iv. He observed that the prophets of Jerusalem had become as bad as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their evil deeds such as lies and immorality
v. He was concerned with the response of the people of Judah to the lies of priests and prophets, they accepted them without question
vi. The priests and the people of Judah were dishonest in the way they worshipped God because their outward ritual did not match their inner piety
vii. Jeremiah told the people of Judah that God would reject them because of their dishonesty in worship
viii. He condemned them for giving Yahweh meaningless sacrifices

17. a) Five virtues related to work
i. Diligence- commitment/ hard work/ thorough effort on ones work
ii. Honesty/ integrity- truthful adjust doing quality work
iii. Faithfulness- Being loyal/ trustworthy by performing duty well at the right time according to contract signed
iv. Responsibility- being accountable/ working thoroughly without supervision
v. Loyalty- Being faithful to employer, colleagues and organization
vi. Tolerance- Bearing with other people weaknesses/ harsh conditions/ decisions made by employer and some behaviors of the other workers though not accepting what is evil like stealing

b) Why child labor is morally wrong
i. Children are gifts from God and should not be oppressed
ii. Retards child growth/ development
iii. Child may not develop talents
iv. Makes child negative towards work
v. Shows parents irresponsibility
vi. Denies formal education
vii. Leads to loss of human dignity
viii. Promotes poverty which is a social evil
ix. Leads to exploitation through underpayment and overworking

c) Ways in which Christians spend their leisure to glorify God
i. Worshipping God by praying/ singing/ reading the bible
ii. Doing works of charity e.g. visiting the sick/ old/ poor/ disabled
iii. Fellowship/ sharing with other Christians
iv. Relaxing with family and friends
v. In evangelization/ spreading/ preaching the word of God
vi. Reading/ physical exercises for self- fulfillment
vii. Development of community/ church

(e) Nehemiah
1. a) How Nehemiah restore independence of Israelites through religious reforms
i. He cleansed the temple by expelling tobiah
ii. He restored the Levites to their rightful duties
iii. He stopped the Israelites from marrying foreigners
iv. He reinstated the true worship on the Sabbath by abolishing business activities
v. He led the people in the renewal of the covenant
vi. He improved their tithing system
vii. He gave the singers their rightful position in the temple
viii. He purified the priests and the people as a sign of making them fit for gods service

2. (a) 8 occasions in which Nehemiah prayed to justify his needs in Judah
(i) When he received report from Hanani about the condition of the Jerusalem wall and oppression of his people
(ii) Before expressing his sorrow and sadness to King Artexexes,
(iii) When Tobiah/Sanballet and other enemies discouraged the workers at the temple not to build the wall
(iv) When he donated his dues to the needy in society, he wanted God to reward him
(v) When Sanballet/Tobiah and Geshem threatened to harm him
(vi) When Shemiah attempted to frighten him to hide in the temple
(vii) After cleansing the temple
(viii) After warning people of Judah against violating the Sabbath
(ix) After chasing away the son-in-law of Sanballat
(x) After cleansing the Israelites from mixing with foreigners
(xi) When he learnt of the conspiracy to invade Judah

(b) The socio-economic problems that Nehemiah faced as the Governor of Judah
after completing the wall of Jerusalem
(i) Mortgage their children as tithe deeds (security) to buy food
(ii) Mortgaging of their field /vineyard houses to get grain during femine
(iii) Giving out of their fields /children as slaves to pay the Kings tax
(iv) During famine people could pay high prices for emperors
(v) There was a rapid increase in population leading to economic crisis
(vi) Borrowing of loan and paying back at a high interest rates
(vii) Daughters were sold off to creditors
(viii) Cost of building the wall brought huge debt, that forced Nehemiah to allow forced labor to pay tax

(c) 6 good qualities in Nehemiah which can help modern leaders in Church and
society to Execute good leadership today
(i) Diplomacy
(ii) Faith and trust in God
(iii) Courage and Bravery
(iv) Leaders to sacrifice for the well being of others
(v) Leaders should have ability to mobilize his people for effective development
(vi) Leaders should be honest
(vii) Leaders should be initiative
(viii) Leaders should show love/compassion
(ix) Leaders should understand their people through interacting with them freely

3. a) Problems experienced by Nehemiah as governor of Judah
i. Opposition to the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem
ii. Opposition from Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem
iii. Plots against Nehemiah’s life by Sanballat and Tobiah
iv. Accusations of treason against the emperor of Persia by Tobiah and Sanballat
v. The rebuilding project was ridiculed by Sanballat
vi. The Jew’s were despised by their enemies as a minority and hence harassed
vii. Prophet Shemiah was to force Nehemiah to commit sacrilege by hiding in the temple
viii. There was poverty and famine in Judah
ix. The wealthy land owners exploited the poor
x. People were heavily taxed in order to finance the rebuilding of the wall and to pay the Kings fat
xi. People took loans in order to pay tax and paid interest on it contrary to the Mosaic law which demanded that the poor people of Israel should not be charged interest on loans

b) Lessons a Christian leader can learn from the problems faced by Nehemiah
i. They should be prepared to face opposition as they preach the gospel
ii. They should have faith in God and persevere as they carry out their duties
iii. They should fight for the rights of the poor in the society and their wealth to benefit others
iv. They should learn how to correct wrong doers
v. They should learn to condemn all forms of injustice e.g. corruption
vi. They should be ready to forgo their personal interests for the sake of God’s kingdom

4. (a) Dedication of the wall of Jerusalem
• When the wall was completed the Jews were overjoyed.
• Nehemiah invited Levites who were custodian of Israelites religion.
• He also invited Priests, political leaders and the Israelites
• Singers were also invited & they came with cymbals, harps & lyres
• Priests &Levites purified themselves, the people,
• The gates and the walls were also purified
• Nehemiah brought leaders (Princes) of Judah upon the wall he then appointed two groups who gave thanks and then went into a procession
• 1st group led by Ezra went t the wall to the right
• The 2nd group went to the left
• Two groups finally converged at the temple, where there was singing, sacrifices & rejoicing
• Nehemiah then chose people to be in-charge of tithes, offerings and contributions & ensure they are handled well
• The city was once more seen as the city of God

(b) Similarities between Jesus & Nehemiah
• Both were prayerful thy prayed for strength and courage when they faced challenges
• Both had good leadership qualities and courage, Jesus on the other hand courageously withstood hostilities
• Both cared for the needy
• Both condemned evil & injustices in society
• Both encourage repentance & forgiveness of sins (Nehemiah during renewal of the covenant, Jesus , in his parables)

5. Five teachings Christians can learn about patriotism from the characters of Nehemiah
• They should have great love for their country
• They should participate in developments projects of their country as Nehemiah did
• They should be mindful of the welfare of other citizens and cater for their needs
• They should promote justice as Nehemiah condemned those who exploited the poor
• They should be ready to defend their country in event of external aggression
• They should defend the values of their country and avoid bad foreign influence
• They should be law binding citizens and respect the constitution of the country
• They should pay taxes promptly to enhance development
• They should recognize and respect public national days like Nehemiah did for Sabbath
• They should participate in national elections by praying and choosing good leaders

(a) The African concept of God, Spirits and Ancestors.
1. (a) Roles of ancestors in Traditional African Society
o Provided protection from diseases and calamities
o They blessed the living with livestock, rain and good health
o Solved problems of the living by instructing them through dreams on what to do
o Punished offenders and were the guardians of morality
o They warned the living of impending danger
o Mediators between the living and God
o Helped people to become specialist
o Ancestors provided people with a sense of identity
o Thy are guardians of religious and cultural practices of the community
o They received the souls of dead family members into the spiritual world(Any 7x1=7mks)

(b) Occasions why sacrifices were offered in Traditional African Society
o Sacrifices were offered during planting time
o Harvest time
o When an epidemic broke out in the community
o During the birth and naming of children
o When drought and famine occurred
o During initiation
o During marriage
o During funeral or burial /rituals
o When purification ceremonies were conducted
o In time of wars, raids as the community asked for protection and victory (Any 7x1=7mks)

(c) Aspects of Traditional religion which have been integrated into the Christian faith are;-
o The use of vernacular have been adopted in worship in Christian churches
o Traditional music instruments are used in Churches as Christians worship God through songs and dance
o Christian churches perform cleansing rituals
o Some churches are built using the Traditional African architectural designs
o African tunes and melodies have been adopted in Christian songs
o Some aspects of African marriage ceremony area accepted Christian church e.g. dowry , traditional marriage songs

2. - Unveiling hidden information or mysteries
- Explaining difficult situations.
- Foretelling coming occurrences.
- Interpreting dreams.
- Advising medicine men.
- Combating witchcraft and witches.
- Interpreting the language of the spirits and occurrences like droughts and earthquakes.
- They reveal the hidden information.
- They can also play the role of palmists.
- They act as mediators between God, spirits and the people.

3. How people in the traditional African community prevented calamities from befalling them.
- Maintaining good relations with God and the spirit world.
- Strict observance of customs and taboos.
- Educating all children to abide by social norms.
- Punishing wrongdoers.
- Rewarding the morally upright.
- Appeasing God with sacrifices.
- Banishing evil people from the society.
- Reconciling warring groups.
- Compensating the victims of evil.
- Treating each other well.

4. (a) 6 roles of diviners in Traditional African society
i) Predicted future occurrence
ii) They warned against calamities
iii) They advised people on various issues
iv) They interceded on behalf of the community in time of trouble
v) He presided over religious ceremonies in the community
vi) They interpreted messages from the spirits world
vii) He comforted the sick, and the depressed in the community (needy)
viii) He identifies evil spirits causing trouble
ix) He was consulted in case of bareness or impotence

(b) 4 reasons which made traditional African communities to offer sacrifices
i. To thank God for the good he has done for them e.g. giving rain, children, harvests and health
ii. To ask for Gods forgiveness and mercy incase they had wronged him
iii. To ask for help from God during difficult times e.g. during drought, famine, war and floods
iv. During the making of the covenant e.g. peace covenant, solving clan dispute so that God can be a witness
v. For appeasing the spirit of ancestors

(c) 6 ways the Traditional Africans used to maintain their relationship with the ancestors
i) Building shrines for the ancestors
ii) Pouring libations to them.
iii) Naming their children after them
iv) Protection of their culture and ancestral land
v) Obeying their wishes and wills revealed to them through dreams
vi) Appeasing them through sacrifices and offerings
vii) Inviting them to take part in celebrating of rituals
viii) Men approaching ancestors for their minor needs
ix) Approaching shrines with respect

5 a) 7 roles of the Ancestors to the living in Traditional African Communities
i. They are guardians/head of their families as seen when are invited to ceremonies
ii. Encourage, bless and strengthen people during the rite of passage.
iii. They welcome those who die in the spiritual world.
iv. They guard the customs and traditions of families and communities against family and community
v. They convey people wishes to god and vise versa
vi. They protect the community against harmful spirits.
vii. They advice the living members on both religious and sound matters through dreams, etc.
viii. They warn members of the impending danger.

b) 7 teachings about God from the Traditional African myths of creation.
i. Self existence /self originating self sufficient.
ii. The sole creator
iii. All powerful/omnipotent.
iv. He is good/gives everything good to man.
v. Requires obedience from mom.
vi. He is a protector
vii. He is eternal/ever living/immortal
viii. He punishes evil elders/just God.
ix. God is a spirit /not represented by image /idols.
x. He is the provider of everything/meets man’s need
xi. He is supreme.

6. a) 6 causes of death in the Traditional African Community
i. Breaking taboos
ii. Being cursed by elders
iii. Breaking an oath
iv. Disrespecting ancestors and spirits
v. Failure to sacrifice to God as required
vi. Witchcraft
vii. Old age

b) Africans demonstrated their belief that death was not the end of life
i. Burying the dead with property
ii. Pouring libation to the dead
iii. Ancestral veneration
iv. Talking to the dead during funeral
v. Inheriting the dead man’s wife and bearing children for him
vi. Belief in rebirth or reincamation of the dead
vii. Seeking advice from the dead
viii. Seeking communication from God through the ancestors

7. (a) God punished people in African Traditional Society by:
i) Through famine and drought
ii) Through floods and earth quakes
iii) Locust invasion
iv) Diseases like leprosy
v) Defeat in wars
vi) Animal diseases like rinderpest

(b) seven traditional African practices which demonstrated their belief in God
i) Praying to God
ii) Offering sacrifices
iii) Singing and dancing to God
iv)Building shrines for God
v)Pronouncing blessings and curses in the name of God.
vi) Taking oaths in the name of God
vii) Teaching morals and taboos.
viii) Telling stories of creation
ix) Consulting prophets about Gods will

(c) five African understanding of evil
i) Africans believe God did not create evil
ii) Dead ancestors offended by the living could cause evil
iii) Some communities attribute evil to evil spirits
iv) That magicians cause evil
v) Lack of respect to the elders
vi) Breaking of oaths
vii) Breaking of taboos

8. 7ways I which Traditional African Communities demonstrated their respect towards ancestors were:
• By praying through the ancestors to God
• By pouring of libation
• By respecting the ancestors
• By obeying the will/wishes of the ancestors
• By naming children after the ancestors
• By building shrines for the ancestors
• By teaching children about the ancestors
• By making sacrifices to the ancestors
• By protecting land inherited by the ancestors
• By involving their names
• By thanking them after achievements

9. a) Ways through which Africans venerated their ancestors
i. Pouring of liberations
ii. Consulting them through divines/ medicine men
iii. By invoking their names in prayers
iv. By naming the children after them
v. Inviting them during family ceremonies & rituals
vi. Conducting respective burials for them
vii. By observing the community’s traditions & customs
viii. Offering sacrifices to them
ix. Obeying their will

b) How a Christian can show patriotism during the recent post election chaos
i. Preaching unity/ peace
ii. Praying for peace to prevail
iii. Giving material supports to the IDP’s
iv. Offering guidance & counseling services to the affected persons
v. By serving as intermediaries in the political conflicts
vi. By not participating in destruction of life and property
vii. Condemning those who take part in fuelling chaos
viii. By reporting those who participate in the chaos

(b) African moral and cultural values
1. Ways of acquiring partners for marriage in Traditional African Communities.
- In some communities the choice is made by the parents and this may be done even before the
children are born.
- In some occasions, the boys choose for themselves an attractive girl in either function.
- The parents of the boy identify a girl or for their son through an intermediary.
- A senior or first wife of the polygamist may choose a wife for her husband.
- Widow inheritance is another common marriage practice in African Traditional communities.
- In some Traditional African Communities girls are given out to chiefs and kings by their
- There are cases where a debtor gives his wife to a creditor in order to repay a debt.

2. African cultural practices that have been integrated in a Christian worship today.
- Use of vernacular in worship.
- Use of traditional musical instrument such as drums and kayambas.
- Use of body movements in worship such as dancing, clapping and jumping.
- Shaking of hands and hugging.
- Having a communal worship.
- Spontaneous prayer.
- Performing cleansing rituals.
- Adopting African names at baptism.
- Building churches using traditional African architectural styles.
- Using traditional tunes and melodies in songs.

3. Challenges faced by modern families
i. Childlessness which leads to divorce, separation, polygamy or extra- marital affairs
ii. Divorce
iii. Unfaithfulness
iv. Wealth or lack of it
v. Number and sex of children, too few, too many, male or female might make couple to quarrel & fight
vi. Extended families especially in- laws
vii. Widow hood as a result of death
viii. Alcoholism & drug abuse
ix. Role conflicts due to gender equality/ domestic violence
x. Absenteeism/ abandoning of family due to careers or migration to towns
xi. Separation/ careers
xii. HIV/ AIDS/ STD’s
xiii. Financial problems/ poverty
xiv. Difficult children/ lack of parental guidance
xv. Generation gap hence misunderstanding between parents and children
xvi. Unemployment/ under employment/ retrenchment
xvii. Lack of communication
xviii. Religious differences
xix. Intermarriages and hence cultural differences

4. a) The role of priests in traditional African societies
i. They offered sacrifices on behalf of the community
ii. They counsel people on proper ways of living
iii. They preside over cleansing rituals
iv. They warn the community of the dangers ahead
v. They mediate between people and God
vi. They reconcile various warning parties
vii. The cared for the sacred places
viii. They offer blessings to members
ix. They intercede for the people needs
x. They guard the communities customs & traditions

b) Traditional African practices that lowers the dignity of women today
i. The practice of female circumcision
ii. Polygamy
iii. Early marriages for girls
iv. Wife inheritance
v. Taboos on diet
vi. Wife beating
vii. Ownership of land/ property

c) What led to the increased social evils in the society today;
i. Unemployment/ poverty/ idleness
ii. Breakdown of traditional moral values
iii. Leniency in the law – courts
iv. Drug abuse
v. Lack of role models
vi. Negative mass media influence
vii. Education system that does not emphasize on morality
viii. Wide gap between the rich and the poor
ix. Poor distribution of resources

5. (a) Role of kinship ties
- Gives a feeling of a strong bond towards each other.
- It enables people to help and share with others.
- It assists people to live peacefully in harmony with one another.
- It determines how members relate to one another
- It provided security to all concerned.
- It regulates marital customs rules and regulations.
- It gives an individual a deep sense of belonging.

(b) Factors contributing to harmony and mutual responsibilities in A.T.S.
- Political ties – power is allocated to ones status measuring individuals families fit in this wider political set up.
- Division of labour – Work is divided according to age and gender.
- Communal worship – during times of a crisis or happiness.
- Leisure activities are integrated with other activities after work.
- Rites of passage where the whole community is involved.
- Sharing of resources – E.g. among relatives or collectively by members of a given family.
- Social norms where people know what is right or wrong

(c) How Christians can contribute to conflict resolution.
- Upholding the rule of law.
- Encouraging/participating in dialogue.
- Being role models of peace.
- Offer guidance and counseling.
- Proper upbringing of children.
- Offer prayers.
- Funding the cause of conflicts with aim of resolving them.
- Encouraging reconciliation
- Preaching against tribalism and other social evil.
- Choosing honest leaders.
- Teaching people the importance of peace.

6. a) Changes taking place in property ownership in traditional African Communities
i. Women/ children can now own property
ii. Wealth is no longer determined by number of wives/ children
iii. Introduction of money economy has reduced value of land
iv. Role of elders in sharing property has been eroded
v. Land is individually owned through issuance of title deed
vi. People write wills to show/ decide who should inherit their property
vii. Property can be owned outside ones ancestral home
viii. Land can be sold/ auctioned

b) Traditional African practices which show that life is sacred
i. Greetings which expresses a state of life & prolonged prosperous life
ii. Taking care of the physical body through feeding, protecting it, nurturing and taking medication when sick
iii. Establishing a good relationship with God and the ancestors through worship prayers and veneration
iv. Seeking God’s protection all the times especially in times of crisis
v. Taking of ancestral land which links the living and the dead
vi. Taking care of both domestic and wild animals by providing food and protecting nature
vii. Protecting human life including the unborn
viii. Respecting sexual intercourse for married couples only
ix. Obeying the rules and taboos that govern the well being of the community

c) Challenges facing the rite of initiation today
i. Female circumcision is now discouraged by the government
ii. Elaborate ceremonies have been stopped in some communities- do not serve any purpose
iii. The education of the young does not necessary depend on the sponsor (teachers, parents impart knowledge)
iv. Seclusion period has drastically reduced (weeks not months) since the initiates have to go back to school
v. It is no longer a preparation ground for marriage- concerned are too young

7. 6 ways in which observance of blood kinship is important in Traditional African Communities.
i. It instills virtue like respect humility hospitality.
ii. It regulates behaviour towards each other.
iii. It defines types of punishment.
iv. Regulates marital relationships.
v. It instills team spirit and collective responsibility
vi. It gives a sense of belonging
vii. It defines the role played by each members in community.
viii. It promotes communal work.

8. a) 8 moral values acquired during marriage in T.A.S
i. Friendship i.e. couples end up being friends as they share their family duties
ii. Love- couples end up being emotional to each other as they also establish love to other family members
iii. Responsibility – married members take up new duties in a community which calls for their accountability
iv. Respect- married couples are respected because of their status
v. Co-operation- they learn to work with other members in the society
vi. Hard work- they are expected to be dedicated in their work
vii. Patience- they should exercise patience in case of differences in marriages
viii. Honesty- they should handle family resources in a trustworthy way
ix. Self control- they should refrain from quarrels and fights
x. Mutual concern and care- they are required to work for the well being of their partners and other family members
xi. Obedience- they should follow rules and regulations of the community
xii. Generosity- they are expected to assist members of the community when called upon
xiii. Humility- they should humble themselves to their seniors and in laws
xiv. Courage- they should face challenges of marriage with a lot of determination to succeed

b) Precautions under taken by Africans to ensure that marriage was permanent
i. Dowry was paid to seal the marriage
ii. Members of the community were involved in all stages of the marriage
iii. Parents from both sides consulted frequently to ensure that minor problems in marriages are solved in good time before they blow out of proportion
iv. People were allowed to engage in marriage at a mature age especially after initiation
v. Unfaithfulness was heavily punished
vi. There were go betweens who were always handy when problems crop up in marriages
vii. Women were taught by through grand mothers before marriage to be subordinate

c) Reasons that explain why polygamy is still practiced in our society today
i. Parents are assured of security in their old age because of their children
ii. Parents are assured of continuity of their lineage when they die
iii. It enables parents to have many children
iv. It acts as a source of wealth to the family when children get employed
v. In case of death the gap created is easily filled by other partners in marriage
vi. The problem of childlessness is easily contained as other partners can solve the problem
vii. The problem of orphanage is curtailed as the remaining parents take charge of the children

9. a) 6 reasons why unmarried people were undermined in African traditional society.
• Marriage was compulsory for everyone.
• Unmarried was regarded as a child and not a grown up.
• Lacked experience in sex, responsibilities and family matters.
• Such a person was considered impotent.
• Once he died, his place was forgotten.
• Seen as a fight against community expansion.
• It is parents who were highly valued.

b) Importance of dowry in Modern Society.
• It ensures lasting marriage relationships.
• It is an appreciation by the bridegroom to the bride’s family for the care.
• It strengths the relationship between families.
• It compensates the loss of a member.
• It seals the covenant between the bridegroom and the bride.
• The unites the two families together in celebrations.
• It shows the seriousness of the man in the marriage.

c) Factors affecting traditional African heritage today.
• Foreign religion e.g Christianity Islamic and Hinduism.
• Foreign cultures and values.
• Western education.
• Money economy.
• New forms of employment
• Improved infrastructure.
• Modern science and technology.
• New forms of government systems and policies.
• Rural – Urban Migration.
• Mass Media
• Modern Medicine.

10. Seven moral values that couples acquire in marriage
i. Married couples learn to respect one another
ii. Married couples learn to be faithful to one another
iii. They learn to be hospital
iv. They learn to be hardworking
v. They love one another
vi. They learn to be responsible
vii. They learn to tolerate one another
viii. They learn to be patient to one another
ix. Kindness

11. (a) The features of African traditional family
• Family is headed by the husband of grandfather
• It includes the extended family aunts, uncles, nephews, niece e.t.c
• Includes the ancestors and the yet o be born
• It was polygamous
• Family lived in a community
• Family members roles was well defined (division of labour)
• It was a religious unit

(b) Ways in which marriage contribute to social relationship in :-
• Creates anew relationship between woman and man
• Family relationships extends to include in-laws
• Wedding ceremony enhances interaction between the in-laws
• Meals shared encourages socialization
• Songs and dances during weddings encourages people to open up
• Customs on how to relate with one another & with in-laws determine boundaries in social interaction

(c) 6 challenges to bride wealth
• Western influence discourages wealth
• It is commercialized
• Co-habilitation
• Poverty makes it difficult to pay bride wealth
• Modernity

12. (a) Five ways in which one could become a diviner in the Traditional African
communities are:-
• Through apprecenticeship/learning the art of diviner
• Through inheritance
• Through visions
• Through dreams
• One could be possessed by spirits

(b) Factors that have contributed to harmony and mutual responsibility in the Traditional
African Communities are:
• Marriage, two families were involved in the negotiations
• There was sharing of food
• Observations of norms /rules/regulations/laws
• Communal labour/ work was encouraged
• The presence of children that cement marriage
• Certain values/virtues e.g. honesty, hard work were instilled in the individuals
• Common belief in one God/religious beliefs and practices
• Social activities/people come together during initiation /marriage/harvest festivals
• Land was owned communally
• There was belief in common ancestor
• There was celebration of leisure activities
• Observing rites of passages
• Presence of strong kinship ties
• People shared political /economic organization
• There existed proper system of defence
• The widows /orphans /women/strangers were taken care of
• Education of children was based on societal values e.g. hard work

13. a) The old people prepare for death in the traditional African communities
• Bless their children
• Share out his property
• Choose is preferred place of burial
• Picks a success of among his children
• Enumerates what he wants to be after his death
• Pays /declares his debts
• Beseeches the ancestors to accept him
• Bids farewell to family/relatives
• Reconciles with the parties he had differed with
• A fellowship meal is prepared so that he eats with other members

b) 4 factors that contributed to harmony and mutual responsibility in the traditional
African communities
• division of labour-laziness w as condemned
• communal ownership of land
• religious belief and practices
• kinship ties defines relationship with one another
• observance of social norms regulates human relationships
• communal sharing of material possessions
• rites of passage bring people together to celebrate life and show solidarity
• leisure activities bring people together
• political organizations reflects the need for harmony and mutual responsibility

c) Six changes that have taken place in the African traditional concept of
• it has been individualized /it is no longer shared
• it has been commercialized /no longer taken as a token of appreciation
• its no longer fixed but subject to inflation and bargaining
• it is sometimes fixed according too status, education and position of the girl
• its paid in cash money not in form of animals in some cases
• girls are viewed as an investment sold
• it dehumanizes the girl
• it has become a manifestation of geed and exploitation

14. a) Five ways initiation rites inculcated moral values in Traditional African Community
• The initiates were taught self control on matters of sex and therefore were expected to maintain acceptable standards
• They were expected to behave maturely by enduring pain and hardships during initiation and throughout their life
• They were trained to be humble and obedient. They are to show respect to their seniours
• They were trained to be responsible parents and bread winners

b) Five socio- cultural changes that have taken place in Traditional African Community
• Mode of dressing has changed
• Some rites of passage have been dropped
• New forms of worship have been introduced i.e. Christian and Islam
• The ancestors are no longer considered part of the family
• People practice family planning and are individualistic
• Land is now owned individually rather than communally
• The aged have been left on their own
• Political systems and forms of government have changed
• There is intermingling of communities due to migration and selling of land

c) Five ways the Kenyan Government is providing African culture
• Creating permits to vernacular radio stations
• Establishing of traditional courts
• Organizing of drama and music festival for schools
• Encouraging traditional rites of passage e.g. male circumcision
• Integration – of African heritage in schools curriculum
• Creation of museums at national and provincial levels
• Establishing the ministry of culture and social services

15. (a) The elements of change in African traditional understanding of the old age
i)Many old people live in special homes
ii) Some old people end up in streets as beggars
iii) Young people ignore the contribution of old people in their lives
iv) People today prepare for old age in various ways e.g. pension schemes
v) There are organizations which organize funds for the destitute old.

(b) Changes that have taken place in the traditional African attitude to orphans are;
i) So many orphans’ today hat people find it difficult to care for them.
ii) Many orphans are mistreated and neglected
iii) Orphans are taken to orphanages
iv) Government gives bursary for the education of the orphans
v) Many orphans today are a victim of child labour.

10. Old Testament Prophecies about the Messiah
1. 6ways in which Jesus fulfilled the old testament prophesies about the coming of the messiah
• it was born from David’s lineage
• angel Gabriel repeated title used prophet Isaiah
• Jesus himself read aloud the scroll of prophets Isaiah
• Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the city of David
• Jesus was born of a virgin/young women according to prophet Isaiah (isa10:11)
• Jesus was a righteous ruler and a descendent of David according to Jeremiah(jer23:5-6)
2. Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of prophet Isaiah about the Messiah;
i. Prophet Isaiah prophesized about a young woman conceiving and bearing a son (Isaiah &:14). This was fulfilled when Mary a virgin conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit and bore a son Jesus
ii. Prophet Isaiah prophesized that he shall be called Emmanuel which means God with us. Jesus was born and called Emmanuel
iii. Isaiah prophesized about the righteous descendants who was to have supernatural titles such as wonderful counselor, mighty God, eternal father and prince of peace. This was fulfilled in the birth and life of Jesus Christ
iv. Isaiah outlined the character of the Messiah Isaiah 61:1-12 as having the spirit of God/ anointed by God/ sent to preach the good news to the poor/ bring liberty to the captives/ proclaim the year of favour from God. In Luke 4:16-18, Jesus said this has been fulfilled through himself

3. (a) The Jewish leaders understood the term messiah
i. Political leader
ii. Rule from Jerusalem
iii. Temporary Jews Kingdom
iv. Descendant of David
v. After Elijah’s return
vi. Not associate with sinners – gentiles
vii. Uphold Judaism
viii. Miracle worker
ix. Cosmic signs
x. Rich not poor

4 The concept of the Messiah in the New Testament
• The Jews expected a political messiah to liberate them against foreign rules
• The messiah would rule with justice and righteousness as promised by the prophets of the Old Testament
• Jesus is the promised messiah who came as a suffering servant
• Luke state that Jesus was a descendant of King David who was destined to rule forever
• Jesus was born of a virgin in the city of David, Bethlehem.
• The angel of the Lord assured the shepherds that Jesus was the saviour of the world
• Zachariah and Mary declare that the promised salvation had arrived through Jesus Christ.
• The prophet Simeon and prophetess Anna recognized baby Jesus as the promised messiah of Israel
• The disciples of Jesus recognized him as the Christ (messiah) of God
• Jesus declared that his kingdom was not of this world/he was not a political leader/he was a spiritual
• leader.
• Jesus referred to himself as the son of man as a sign of submission to suffering and death in accordance with the will of God.
• Jesus is portrayed by Luke as the messiah for all people not just for the Jews /Jesus as the saviour of all who believe in him, the poor, the rich, orphaned, Jews, gentiles, oppressed, young, and old.

5. Ways in which Jesus fulfilled prophecies of the suffering servant of Yahweh according
to Isaiah 53
i. He bore the sins of human beings
ii. He submissively bore suffering and disgrace
iii. He was despised and rejected
iv. He was mocked and spat on
v. He was perceived and wounded on his sides
vi. He was buried in a rich man’s tomb
vii. He was innocent yet treated as a criminal
viii. Through his wounds many have been healed
ix. Through him the everlasting Kingdom was established
x. He has been exalted and now sits at the right hand of God

6. a) JESUS fulfilled Isaiah prophecy of the suffering servant
i. He bore the sins of human beings
ii. He delivered humanity by dying on the cross
iii. He submissively bore suffering and disgrace
iv. He was despised and rejected
v. He was mocked and spat on
vi. He was pierced and wounded in
vii. He was crucified with thieves
viii. He was innocent of sins and yet he was treated as acriminal
ix. He was born of a virgin woman
x. He was of the lineage of David
xi. He established justice on earth
xii. He performed miracles

7. (a) References which show Jesus as a fulfillment of Old Testament about the Messiah.
(i) The Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah would be born in the lineage of David/Jesus
came from the lineage of David Lk. 1 : 26 – 27.
(ii) Nathan’s prophecy that God would make David’s descendant rule over Israel for ever/Angle
Gabriel affirmed this to Marry during the annunciation. Lk. 1 : 32
(iii) Isaiah’s prophecy of the virgin conception /Angel Gabriel’s message to Mary that she would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit.
(iv) Jesus was born in Bethlehem which was also the birth place of king David. Lk. 2 : 5.
(v) Jesus was hailed as Messiah descended from David by the blind beggar of
Jericho. Lk. 18 : 38.
(vi) Isaiah’s prophecy of a Messiah who would bring salvation Lk. 2 : 29 – 32,. Simeon referred
to this in the temple.
(vii) At the beginning of His ministry in Nazareth Jesus quoted from Isa. 61 : 1 – 2 to
affirm that he was the Messiah.
(viii) Jesus performed many miracles as prophesied in the Old Testament which shows that the
Messianic age had come.
(ix) Isaiah prophecy of the suffering servant is fulfilled through the passion and death of Jesus.

8. The Jewish concept of the Messiah
i. The Messiah would be a political leader who would overthrow the Roman rule
ii. He would come from the lineage of David
iii. Would rule the world from Jerusalem
iv. Would come from a royal family
v. Would lead Israel to political and economic prosperity
vi. Would come after the return of prophet Elijah
vii. Would perform miracles
viii. Would not associate with the poor, sinners and gentiles
ix. Would uphold Judaism/ law of Moses

9. 7 ways through which Jesus fulfils the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah
• He was born of a virgin as prophesized by Isaiah
• Joseph the father of Jesus was a descendant of David
• The same titles which were given by prophet Isaiah to the messiah are repeated by angel Gabriel as he announces the birth of Jesus to Mary
• At Jesus’ birth his parents moved to Bethlehem the city of David and this fulfilled what prophet Micah had foretold (Micah 5:2)
• Jesus referred to the Old Testament when he first entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day, he read Isaiah 61:1-3
• The life, death and resurrection of Jesus are a clear fulfillment of what O.T prophets prophesized about him
• His shameful death on the cross is a fulfillment of Deutro Isaiah (Lk 23: 1-35)
• The resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the O.T prophecy that at the end of all the suffering he would be restored at God’s side
• Just as prophesized in O.T Jesus was rejected by his own people in Nazareth
• Jesus refers to himself as the son of man which indicates his submission to suffering according to God’s will (7x1=7 mks)

10. The ways in which an individual acquires life skills.
- Through education – basic education gives facts concerning skill such as decision making,
creative thinking and interpersonal skills.
- Religious instruction – this inculcates skills that contribute to spiritual and moral well being.
- Observation – by observing behaviours or practical life experience of other individual acquires desirable skills.
- By practice – by deliberately putting into practice initiating desirable skills /doing what is learnt and internalizing the skills.
- Ass media – by reading newspapers, watching educative Tv programs, listening to radio one can acquire life skills.
- Personal experience – the economic, social and political experiences, a person goes through will consciously influence them to develop desirable skills. (6 x 1 = 6 mks)

11. The infancy and Early life of Jesus

1. (a)Ways in which the youth can be encouraged to practice chastity.
- Openly discussing issues associated with unchastely.
- Seminar/workshops to give one another skills.
- Rewarding the sexually responsible youths who are prime.
- Guidance and counseling on reproductive health.
- Setting good examples.
- Advising them on the mode of dressing.
- Advising them to pray and follow God’s commandments.
- Teach them that sex is only for married people.
- The bible teaches against adultery, fornication, rape, e.t.c

(b)Features of a traditional African family.
- Procreation.
- Polygamy.
- Women were sub-ordinate to their husbands.
- Divorce was rare.
- Relationship between in-laws were well maintained.
- Marriage promoted one’s status.
- Marriage was a covenant relationship and was not to be broken unless there were extreme

2. a) Ways in which prophecies of Simeon about Jesus was fulfilled
• Prophecy – Jesus was the chosen one who could uplift and bring salvation to those who were humble e.t.c.
• Fulfillment – Jesus went to Nazareth at the synagogue and to the scroll of the prophet Isaiah and read to confirm the fulfillment
• Prophecy – Jesus would be a light to the Gentiles
• Fulfillment- Jesus taught that salvation was for all and not Just for Jesus
• Prophecy – Jesus would bring glory
• Fulfillment – Through Jesus teaching and miracles which he made to those he ministered to glorify God
• Prophecy – Jesus would face opposition and this would make him suffer greatly
• Fulfillment – Jesus faced a lot of opposition from the Pharisees, betrayed, denied and crucified
• Mention prophecy and fulfillment (4x2=8 mks)

b) The lessons learnt by modern Christian from the incident when Jesus was dedicated
• We should always thank God for what he has in our lives
• God has a plan and mission for every child
• Parents should consecrate their children to God for God’s blessings
• We should dedicate part of our time to worship God through fasting and prayer
• We should respect and obey the commandment of God
• God is always ready to receive us when we go to him
• God is the source of all blessings

3. a) The events that led to the singing of the Benedicts
i. Elizabeth gave birth to a son
ii. There was a celebration/ happiness
iii. On the eighth day, the boy was circumcised according to Jewish culture
iv. During the naming, Elizabeth named the boy John
v. John was not customarily a family name
vi. Zachariah who was dumb gave the same name in writing
vii. Zachariah regained speech
viii. He was filled with the holy spirit and praised God loudly
ix. He sung a song which became known as Benedicts

4. (a) four occasions when angels appeared in the book of St. Luke.
(i) Angels appeared to Zachariah in St. Luke.
(ii) Angel appeared to Mary to announce conception and the birth of Jesus. Lk 1:26.
(iii) Angels appeared to the shepherds. Lk 2:9.
(iv) Angels appeared to Jesus when praying at Mt. Olives Lk 22:43.

(b) five teachings about God found in Mary’s song the magnificent.
(i) Is holy and his name is holy.
(ii) Cares for the poor and the needy.
(iii) Dislikes proud people.
(iv) Remembers the humble and the lowly.
(v) Keeps his promises.
(vi) Is mighty and wonderful.
(vii) Is a source of blessing.

(c)With reference to occasions when Jesus was taken to the temple what can parents learn
i. Children belong to God.
ii. Parents should listen to what the church leaders tell them about their children.
iii. Parents should follow laid down rules by their churches.
iv. Parents should teach children Gods word just as Jesus did.
v. Parents should leave children accompany them to church.
vi. Parents should teach their children to respect church leaders.
vii. Parents should instill confidence in their children to ask church leaders questions/difficulties they have.

5. According to the dedication of Jesus to God in Luke 2:21-40 KKC
i. Jesus would save people.
ii. He would bring glory to Israel and praise to God.
iii. He would be light to gentiles.
iv. He would bring judgement to the Israelites.
v. Many people would oppose /he would suffer for the sake of the world.
vi. He would liberate the Israelites from oppression.
vii. He would cause the rise of and fall of many in Israel/He would bring judgement to Israelites.

6. (a)The incident when Elizabeth visited Mary. Lk. 1 : 39 – 56
i. After angel Gabriel left Mary, she rose and went to her kinswoman Elizabeth in Judah.
ii. She Mary entered the house of Zachariah, she greeted Elizabeth.
iii. When Elizabeth heard the greetings of Mary the baby in her womb leapt.
iv. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit/ she exclaimed that Mary is a blessed woman and the baby in her womb is blessed.
v. Elizabeth wondered why Mary a blessed woman bearing the Lord in her womb would come to visit her.
vi. Elizabeth said that those who believed in the fulfillment of promises given by God are blessed.
vii. Mary sang the song of the magnificent.
viii. Mary remained with Elizabeth about three months and returned to her home.

(b)Activities which the youth may involve in the church today.
i. Teaching the Sunday School.
ii. Having Bible study/ Read religious literature.
iii. Preaching / fellowship.
iv. Clearing the church compound/General cleaning.
v. Community workers/ volunteers.
vi. Having self help projects.
vii. Organize / attend religious sermons.
viii. Construction of the church.

6. a) The similarities between the magrificat and the Benedictus
i. Both are songs of praise
ii. Both use words and phrases from the old testament
iii. Both are recited by people from when Angel Gabriel had been sent to
iv. Both songs results from the news about the birth of baby boys
v. Both songs talk about the fulfillment of the prophecies in the old testament
vi. Both are poetic

b) Five ways on how a Christian should respond to childlessness
i. Pray to god to bless their marriage
ii. Seek guidance and counseling
iii. Seek medical advice to establish the problem
iv. Remain faithful to each other
v. Be patient and less
vi. Seek advice from experienced couples with children
vii. Uphold church doctrine on marriage
viii. Adopt children

7. a) The role of John the Baptist play in preparing the way for the Messiah
i. He announced that the Messiah was about to come and that a new age had dawned/ Messianic era
ii. He urged the Jews to repent and to prepare themselves by living according to God’s law
iii. He baptized those who repented through immersion
iv. He warned the Jews of the coming judgement – which their ancestry from Abraham couldn’t save them from it
v. He taught on social justice
vi. He rebuked Herod for his immoral behavior
vii. He introduced Jesus to his disciples
viii. He bore witness to Jesus as the lamb of God who takes away sins of the world
ix. He acknowledged that Jesus was greater than him
x. He baptized Jesus in river Jordan

b) From the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, what advice would a Christian give to a
childless couple (5 marks)
i. Should pray to God to bless them with children
ii. Should go for medical check up
iii. Should visit a mature couple for counseling
iv. Should remain sexually faithful to each other
v. Should patiently wait for a miracle from God not men
vi. Can adopt a child legally

8. (a) 7 activities that took place following the birth of John the Baptist
• Relatives and friends gathered at Elizabeth’s home.
• They celebrated the birth of a baby boy.
• There was giving of gifts and presents.
• On the eighth day the child was circumcised.
• There was an argument over the name John for the baby/The mother gave the name John.
• Zachariah wrote down the name.
• Zachariah regained his speech.
• Zachariah praised God for what He had done.
• The baby was given the name John.
• Zachariah sang the Benedictus in praise of God.

(b) A Christian couple respond to the problem of childlessness;
• They should accept their state
• They should consult medical experts for advice
• They should pray to God to help them in their problems
• They should visit children’s home to offer their services to these needy children
• They can adopt a child
• Attend guidance and counseling session on family life education
• Read literature on childlessness as a way of getting a solution to their problems
• They should love each other dearly

9. (a) The seven features of benedictus as revealed by Zachariah
i. God saving act
ii. God redeems Israel
iii. God keeps premises
iv. Personal knowledge of salvation given
v. Calls for repentance
vi. Such Salvation way

(b) five reasons why Christians condemn abortion
i. Not biblical
ii. It is murder
iii. Life only comes from God
xi. causes death to mother
iv. Traumatisation
v. Illegal in Kenya
vi. Barrenness
vii. Death
viii. Promote immorality

10. The qualities of john the Baptist as described by angel Gabriel to Zachariah
• he would drink no wine
• he would be a nazarite
• he would be a greater prophet like Elijah
• he would reconcile the Israelites with God
• he would be a source of joy to his parents and other people
• he would be filled with the holy spirit
• he would preach repentance thus prepare people for the coming of the messiah
• he would go before the promised messiah

11 a) 6 incidents where angels were used by God to communicate his message in St. Luke’s Gospel
i. God used Angel Gabriel to speak to Zachariah of the Birth of John the Baptist (Lk 1:11-20)
ii. God sent Angel Gabriel to Mary where he spoke of the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38)
iii. The Angel of the lord announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds (Luke 2: 9-12)
iv. The angels accompany the son of man at his coming in a choir/ host of heavenly angels singing the hymn of praise to God (Luke 2:13-14)
v. The angel appears as heavenly court attending to Jesus (Luke 5:10)
vi. Angels carry Lazarus to Abraham’s bosom
vii. Angels are ministers of God’s judgement during second coming of Jesus Christ. (Parousia) and gather the sinners for judgement (Luke 17:34-35)
viii. Angels are seen present at the resurrection of Jesus (Luke 24:23)

b) Describe the birth of John (Luke 1:57-80)
i. When the time came for Elizabeth to deliver she gave birth to a baby boy
ii. Her neighbours and relatives came and celebrated with Elizabeth and Joseph because God had shown mercy to her
iii. On the eighth day, they came to circumcise the child and would have named him Zachariah
iv. But Elizabeth gave them name John according to the angels announcement
v. The elders refused and asked Zachariah in a sign form the boys name
vi. Zachariah asked for a writing tablet and wrote “his name is John”
vii. They were all marvelous / surprised
viii. Immediately Zachariah’s dumbness ceased ,regained his speech and rejoiced exceedingly
ix. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and burst into a song called Benedictus. (Song of Joseph) in which he praised God and prophesized about the mission of John

12. Ways in which Jesus observed the religious practice of the Jews
• He was circumcised at 8 days according to the Jews culture
• He was dedicated to God as a first born boy
• The respected the law of the Sabbath and visited synagogues
• He attended the Passover feast in Jerusalem as a Jewish annual festivals
• Jesus lived with parents in Nazareth and was obedient to them as required by Jewish law
• Jesus was given a name as required by the Jewish culture
• Jesus fasted and prayed in line with he Jewish way of worship

13. (a) Four roles of John the Baptist as portrayed in the Benedictus
• John would go before the Lord to prepare the way for Him/ He was the forerunner of the Messiah
• He would impart /give knowledge of salvation to people
• He would call people to repentance/forgiveness in order to restore people to God
• He would give light to those walking in darkness/guide them into path of peace
• He would be the Prophet of the most high
• He baptized people in River Jordan
• He reprimanded Herod for marrying Herodiah
• He preached the good news of the coming Messiah

(b) Ways in which the birth of Jesus was going to be extra ordinary were:
• He was to be born by a virgin woman
• His birth was announced by the Angel
• He was to be born in Bethlehem
• The name was given by the angle
• The birth was foretold by the prophets
• Mary was given assurance by the angel
• The greetings of the angel was unique
• The message was announced by the Shepherds
• The shepherds glorified God
• Many kept everything in her heart

14. (a) Simeon and Anna revealed about Jesus during presentation in the
temple (Luke 2:25-38) ;
• Jesus is the son of God/promised messiah
• He would save the people of Israel
• He would bring glory to Israel
• He would be a universal Saviour
• He would bring light to the word/gentiles
• He would bring judgement to the Israelites
• He would reveal the secret thoughts of many people
• Many people would oppose his work
• He would be source of redemption for Jerusalem

(b) Ways in which Jesus observed the religious practices of the Jews are:
• Jesus mother underwent purification rituals as required by the law
• He was circumcised on the 8th day according to the Jewish law
• he was presented in the temple/dedicated to God at the age of 40years
• He accompanied his parents to the Temple in Jerusalem during the Passover at the age of 12
• During circumcision, he was given the name, Jesus the name given by the angel
• He appointed the 12 disciples who he called the Apostles to represent 12 tribes of Israel
• He referred the ten lepers to the Priests after cleansing them(Luke 17:14)
• He celebrated the Passover with His 12 disciples / He celebrated the last supper

(c) Reasons why children should be involved in the Church activities today are:
• Children are made in the image of God
• To follow example of Christ who attended the Temple at 12years
• To prepare them for future roles as leaders
• To teach the religious beliefs/practices /commandments
• To lay foundations of Christians of Christian morals at early age
• Jesus blessed/appreciated them /taught that that Kingdom of God belongs to them
• For continued growth of the Church
• To help develop/improve their talents
• To enable them socialize with others
• To enable them spend their leisure responsibly

15. (a) Zachariah’s vision in the temple
• Zachariah was performing his priestly duty at the temple.
• He had gone to burn incense inside the temple as other worshippers where praying outside.
• An angle of God appeared to him standing at the right hand side of the altar.
• He felt frightened and scared but the angel reassured him that he had good news.
• He told Zachariah that God had heard his prayers and would bless him with a son to be named John meaning God is gracious.
• The child will be a joy and delight to Zachariah and many people will rejoice because of his birth.
• The child will be great in the sight of the Lord.
• He will never take wine and would be filled with the Holy Spirit.
• He will convert many people back to Christ
• He will be a forerunner of Christ in the spirit of Elijah.
• Zachariah could not believe because he was too old to have children and his wife was barren.
• The angle gave him a sign by making him dumb until the child is born.
• The people who were waiting outside were wondering why he took long in the temple and when he came out he could not speak to them which made them realize that he had seen a vision.

(b) John the baptist fulfilled the prophecies of Zachariah in the benedictions by
• He was named John which means God is gracious.
• His birth brought joy and gladness to Zachariah and Elizabeth.
• He was guided by the spirit of God in his work.
• He prepared many converts fro Christ.
• He had the spirit and power like Elijah
• He prepared the way for Christ though his preaching and teachings
• He called people to baptism as a sign of repentance.

(c) Lessons Christians learn from the annunciation of the birth of john the Baptist
• God answers people prayers and therefore as God for the needs.
• Christians should not doubt God’s message an commands delivered through as servants.
• Christian’s couples should be devoted to God in prayers.
• Children are a gift from God and a joy to their parents
• God has a purpose for every child’s life.
• Christians should commit themselves in serving God..
• Christians should condemn evils in the society
• Christians should spread the gospel to non- believers so as to convert them t o Christianity
• Christians should be prepared for second coming of Christ.

16. 8 Jewish Religious practices observed by Jesus.
• Circumcised and named after 8 days as the law required
• Mary underwent purification after the birth of Jesus
• Turtles, doves presented at the temple
• Jesus observed the Sabbath by going to the synagogue
• At the age of twelve he went to the temple as required by law
• He attended the Jewish ceremonies
• He fasted/ prayed
• Attended Passover feasts
• He chose 12 disciples to represent 12 tribes of Israel (8x1=8mks)

12. The Galilean Ministry
1. (a)Roles of John the Baptist were:-
o John the Baptist prepared the way for the coming of the Messiah
o He was a link between the O.T and the N.
o He ushered people to the messianic era
o He acted as the forerunner of Jesus
o He condemned King Herod for marrying his brother’s wife
o Ho bore witness to Jesus as the messiah
o He baptized Jesus in River Jordan
o He condemned Pharisees for their hypocrisy
o He warned that God’s judgement was near for all sinners (8 x 1 = 8mks)

(b) Jesus chose 12 disciples because;-
o To train them to be his followers
o To acquire a new identity
o To lead others and show them the way to the father
o To enjoy God’s blessings/protection
o To continue with his work after His death
o To assist Him in his mission since the harvest was plenty and the labourers few
o To spread the Kingdom of God on earth
o To be the foundation of the Pilgrim church

2. a) Four similar instructions given by Jesus to both 12 disciples and 72 disciples when He
sent them out on a mission
• Go out to spread the gospel
• Don’t carry anything (clothes/ money/ shoes)
• To heal the sick
• Tell them the kingdom of God has come
• Remove/ shake the dust where they were not welcome
• Stay in homes where you are welcomed (4x1=4 mks)

b) The impact of Jesus miracles in his ministry
• Jesus miracles caused amazement
• People became aware of Jesus authority through miracles
• Jesus became popular all over Galilee
• They created conflict between the religious leaders and him
• Some people came to accept him
• At times they caused fear in the people e.g. the people of Gerasane begged him to leave
• They caused losses e.g. the pigs drowned
• They increased peoples faith in him
• They restored happiness e.g. raising of Lazarus
• He met the physical needs of the people e.g. feeding of the five thousand
• His followers increased in number
3. Challenges that John the Baptist faced in his ministry
i. He preached in a harsh environment/ wilderness
ii. He led a life of self-denial sacrifice
iii. The concept of baptism was not well understood
iv. The Jews confused him with the Messiah
v. He was not sure about who Jesus was
vi. He was imprisoned and later beheaded
vii. He led a lonely life
4. a) Six reasons why Jesus was baptized by John in the river Jordan Luke 3:21-22)
i. To identify himself with sinner.
ii. To be identified by John/confirm John mission.
iii. To fulfill all righteousness.
iv. To be introduced to the public as the Messiah.
v. To receive the Holy Spirit.
vi. It symbolized His death and resurrection.
vii. To show that he was ready to start his work.
viii. To demonstrate the Holy trinity.

b) Three ways in which the life of John was similar to that of Elijah of Old Testament
i. He lived in the wilderness like Elijah.
ii. He was God’s prophet similar to Elijah.
iii. He condemned the evils and injustices leaders like Herod like Elijah did to Ahab.
iv. He was filled by the Holy Spirit like Elijah.
v. He led a life of fasting like Elijah.
vi. He led a life in the wilderness like Elijah.
vii. He was honour
viii. He was honoured to witness the voice of God during baptism of Jesus the same way Elijah receive the still voice from God on Mt. Sanai.

5. (a) 6 reasons why Jesus appointed His twelve disciples.
(i) It was the manner of the Jews i.e. Elijah and other prophets in the Old Testament
had disciples.
(ii) Jesus wanted to create in the disciples that would carry on with the work after He would
have gone.
(iii) They were twelve in number signifying the twelve tribes of Israelites however a new Israel
who readily to serve God.
(iv) They would act as Jesus companion as Jesus worked amongst the people.
(v) They would care about Jesus i.e. invite them in their houses for supper. e.t.c
(vi) Jesus used them to spread the Gospel i.e the sending of the 12 disciples.

(b) The qualities of a disciple as stated in the sermon on the plain. Lk. 6: 20 – 26.
i. Perseverance in the face of persecution / those who endure suffering will receive eternal life.
ii. Unwavering faith in Jesus – those who trust in God would receive great reward.
iii. Love for enemies – the spontaneous love of agape so as to look at the good side of the enemies and not the bad side.
iv. Obedience to Jesus teaching so as to accept the Lordship of Christ.
v. Implements of Jesus’ teachings – the disciples were expected to “bear good fruits”.
vi. They were to be generous – those who have are expected to share with those who do not have.
vii. They were expected to exercise self-criticism i.e. judging others / avoid hypocrisy.
viii. The disciples were to show comparison to others – to be merciful like God.

(c) 6 reasons why many people still reject the Gospel of Jesus.
i. Materialism – Love of wealth at the expense of spiritual development.
ii. Corruption which make people mistrust God. i.e. God does not care.
iii. Permissiveness in society – make people loose value systems especially religious values.
iv. Social influence from peer groups.
v. Mass Media – People spend time listening & watching radio/TV films etc. may influence them negatively.
vi. Confusion due to religious pluralism – some people start wondering which is the true religion / cult.
vii. Religious/ political / social persecution/ suffering/ some loose hope in God.
viii. Sexual immorality/ rape/ homosexuality.
ix. Addiction to drugs i.e. when they have difficulties, they turn to drugs.
x. Power – Obsession i.e people believe they can manipulate power to get what they want.
xi. Education may lead to arrogance– they believe they know everything.

6. a) John the Baptist taught about Jesus;
i. Jesus is great/ greater than him
ii. Jesus baptism is of fire and holy spirit
iii. Jesus will bring salvation of God i.e. he will be the saviour
iv. He will proclaim God’s judgement
v. He will punish sinners and reward the righteous
vi. Jesus is the Messiah/ God’s anointed one
vii. Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of humanity
viii. Jesus Christ will lead the new community of believers i.e. life in the bride groom
ix. He was sent by God/ God’s messenger
x. Jesus will be filled by the holy spirit
xi. Jesus is loved by God/ he is the beloved son of God

b) Reasons why Jesus was tempted
i. To test his faith
ii. It was showing that God’s power is never to be misused
iii. To show that God should not be put to test
iv. To undo Adams succumbing to temptations
v. Jesus was not to seek worldly power nor seek worldly recognition
vi. The miracles Jesus was to perform in his ministry were to glorify God and not meet his personal needs
vii. Through the exp Jesus was taught to accomplish his mission even through the suffering and difficulties

c) Lessons Christians learn about Jesus from his temptation in the wilderness
i. Jesus is human
ii. Jesus is the son of God
iii. Jesus has power over Satan
iv. Jesus is absolutely obedient to God
v. Jesus was ready for his mission
vi. Jesus mission was to overcome Satan
vii. Jesus was a humble messiah

7. a) Five main divisions of the Sermon the plain.
• The blessings
• The woes
• Love of enemies
• Judging others
• Evidence of good discipleship
• Hearing and doing (5x1=5 mks)

b) Teachings of Jesus on the qualities of true discipleship from the sermon on the plain?
• Disciples should have perseverance in the face of persecution
• They should have unwavering faith in Jesus
• They should love their enemies
• They should be obedient to Christ’s teaching
• They should be generous and share with those who don’t have
• They should avoid hypocrisy and self righteousness
• They should forgive others
• They should be merciful to others
• They should be firm in their faith
• Should be productive in their work (8x1=8mks)

c) 7 ways in which Christians demonstrate true discipleship today
• Preaching to other people
• Rehabilitating wrong doers
• Donating financial and material support to the needy
• Condemning social injustices in the society
• Enduring rejection and opposition on account of Christ
• Praying for others
• Forsaking their families for the sake of Christ
• Living exemplary lives

8. 7 teachings of Jesus on watchfulness and readiness for the Kingdom of God in Lk 12: 35-59
• Each person should make a personal commitment to follow Jesus
• Jesus second coming will be at a time when they least expect so they should be ready at all times
• Just as people interpret the signs of weather, Jesus followers should read the signs of the kingdom present in him
• Jesus will establish peace on earth during his second coming
• People should make peace with God and reconcile others before Jesus returns
• The Kingdom of God is present in Jesus and people should make positive response towards him
• Jesus demands wisdom & responsibility from his followers as they prepare for his second coming
• Jesus promised eternal life to those who will have remained steadfast in him (7x1=7 mks)

9. (a) The reasons for choosing of disciples by Jesus
• To help him preach / to be sent our preach
• For companionship.
• To give them authority to cast out demons /exovan
• To be good examples to others/good role models
• To bear witness of the things he did and said.
• To continue with his ministry after his ascension\to present the twelve tribes of Israel.

(b) The conditions Jesus set for his followers
• They must believe in God/Jesus Christ/Gospel.
• They should cover one another/their neighbours.
• Should renounce everything to follow Jesus i.e following Jesus should be then priority
• They should be ready to serve others.
• They should be humble /look like little children/meek.
• Should be committed to prayer and pray without ceasing.
• Should do the will of God.
• Should spread the gospel/preach the word of God
• Should be born again/be baptized
• Should repent
• Should be able to forgive others.

(c) Role a Christian play in the national elections
• By praying for fair /free and just/peaceful elections.
• Being employed at various levels in and out of polling stations.
• Being committee in playing different roles
• Being honest /not fearing intimidation/persecutions.
• Casting ones votes.
• Educating the masses on the evil right/obligations.
• Financing/ assisting the government in facilitating situations of confrontation with the government of the day.

10. a) Describe the call of the first disciples of Jesus according to Luke 5:1 -11
i. One day Jesus standing by the lake of Gennesaret where the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God
ii. He saw two boats close to the shore and got into one of them which was Simon’s
iii. He taught the people from this boat
iv. After he had finished speaking, he asked Simon to cast the net into he sea for a catch
v. At first Simon was reluctant because he had been fishing the whole day and night and had caught nothing
vi. Simon eventually agreed and cast the nets into the sea; together with his partners John and James the sons of Zebedee, they caught such a huge number of fish that the net began to tear
vii. They beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. They came and filled both the boats, so they began to sink
viii. They were so moved by the miraculous catch of fish that Simon fell on his knees before Jesus and urged him to away he confessed that he was a sinful man
ix. Jesus told Simon not to be afraid for from that time onwards he will be catching men
x. The other companions of Simon Peter were Andrew and the two sons of Zebedee; John and James, they all left everything and followed Jesus

b) Jesus demonstrate the teachings in the sermon on the plain in his ministry
i. Jesus comforted various groups of mourners
ii. Jesus fasted for forty days so as to be spiritually satisfied
iii. Jesus showed mercy by forgiving his persecutors
iv. Jesus was righteous but people gave false witness against him
v. Jesus showed love for his enemies by praying for them
vi. In his ministry, Jesus never looked for comfort
vii. He gave free services to the people
viii. Jesus practiced what he taught

c) Christians find it difficult to apply the teachings of the sermon on the plain in their lives
i. Lack of faith to obey Jesus teachings
ii. Desire to revenge their enemies
iii. They don’t devout time to pray so as to be empowered by Holy Spirit
iv. Lack of love for others , hence they cant forgive
v. Hypocrisy as many Christians are persecuted for their own wrongs
vi. Lack of endurance/ perseverance
vii. They fear to face persecutions/ lack of courage
viii. There is greed/ selfishness among some church members
ix. Poor role models on the part of church leaders

11. (a) The four major challenges faced by John during his ministry?
i. Put in prison
ii. Killed or beheaded
iii. Harsh environment or wilderness
iv. Self denial life
v. Baptism concept not understood
vi. Jewish thought He was Messiah
vii. Not sure about Jesus

(b) 7 methods adopted by Jesus to overcome the challenges he faced during his ministry
i. Miracles
ii. Scriptures quotes
iii. Demonstration
iv. Parable usage
v. Direct speech ‘disorders’
vi. Questions + answers
vii. Personal example ‘I am bread’
viii. Historical

(c) Five features in Jesus teachings on the plain (Luke 6:17-49) that a Christian may
learn and practice?
i. Fruit bearing
ii. Love to all
iii. Not judge
iv. Obedience word
v. Salvation to all
vi. Love for enemies
vii. Pray for persecutors
viii. Not for pray
ix. Forgiveness

12. Reasons why people find it difficult to accept the word of God today
• People are deeply rooted in their cultural beliefs
• Permissiveness
• Western culture/influence
• Pursuit material things/power
• Poor role models in the society
• Lack of faith
• Presence of science and technology

13. (a) The activities in the house of Simon when Jesus was invited (Luke 7:36-50)
i. House of Pharisees invitation
ii. Oil washed Jesus feet – tears
iii. Anointed Jesus feet
iv. Crowd wondered why Jesus?
v. Parable of two debtors told
vi. Master cancelled all debts
vii. Who of debtors loved more
viii. Jesus praised the woman
ix. Sin forgiven
x. Wondered Jesus forgiving in-Blasphemy

(b) Lessons Christians learn from the visit of a sinful woman in Simon’s house
i. To avoid self righteousness
ii. To fellowship with others
iii. Repentance
iv. Humility – sought
v. Non-discriminative
vi. Trust Jesus –savior
vii. Grateful - thankful
viii. Forgiveness – God

(c) Five ways in which a Christian can eradicate discrimination in the society today
i. Equality – sexes
ii. Condemn discrimination
iii. Support government + laws equality
iv. Report cases of discrimination at police
v. Role models
vi. Reward marginalized group
vii. Punish those who discriminate
viii. Education on evils of discrimination

14. a) The area of conflict arising from Jesus Galilean ministry (7mks)
• Jesus claimed to fulfill the prophesy of Isaiah of being the messiah
• Jesus healed the sick on a Sabbath day
• Jesus declared sins forgiven something that only God could do
• Jesus touched unclean people (leaper)
• Jesus mixed with sinners e.g. tax collectors
• Jesus disciple did not observe the rate of fasting
• Jesus refused to perform a miracle at home on the demand of the Jewish
• Jesus popularity and the scribes who felt that their authority was being undermined

b) The obstacles Christian’s leader may face in their missionary work (7mks)
• financial constraints
• corrupting in the society
• political interference in church work
• hypocrisy of some of the church members
• death and sickness among the members
• struggle for leadership amongst the members
• modernity some of which are not with Christians ethics
• functionalism/splinter groups from main chambers
• liberation of worship/celebrative worship
• African cultural influence
• Negative ethnicity blocking others from attaining church
• Leadership in some regions

15. a) four teachings of Jesus on the sermon on the plain Luke6:17-49 KKC
i. The poor in spirit shall inherit the Kingdom of God because they are ready to repent .
ii. Those who hunger and thirst now shall be satisfied because they are ready to receive the word of God.
iii. Those who are persecuted because of Jesus shall be rewarded if they remain steadfast and faithful to Jesus.
iv. It is wrong to judge others as Judgement is in the hands of God.
v. Love of enemies promote peaceful co-existence.
vi. The followers of Jesus should demonstrate by their way of life e.g assisting the poor.
b) Give six reasons why Christians fail to live according to Jesus’ teaching on the sermon on the plain
i. Revenge is easier then loving an enemy.
ii. Because of worldly pleasures.
iii. They turn to magic/give up when presented.
iv. Some are greedy and selfish
v. Some people are girded by pride/don’t realize their sinfulness/it is not urgent to repent.
vi. It is easy to incite than be a peacemaker.

16 Four duties of discipleship revealed in Luke 9:51-62 KKC
i. One has to accept homelessness/endure hardship/self denial.
ii. Total commitment /break family ties.
iii. Should not look back.
iv. Willingness to spread the gospel.
- To follow Jesus’ example and identify with Him.
- To receive the Holy Spirit who teaches, guides in their lives.
- To prepare one to enter the kingdom of God.
- Unites Christians under one body of Christ.
- It effects complete forgiveness of sins.
- It is an act of being born again.
- It is a symbol of death and resurrection.
- Through baptism one is considered a child of God. (5 x 1 = 5mks)

17. (a) Reasons for Christian Baptism.
- To follow Jesus’ example and identify with Him.
- To receive the Holy Spirit who teaches, guides in their lives.
- To prepare one to enter the kingdom of God.
- Unites Christians under one body of Christ.
- It effects complete forgiveness of sins.
- It is an act of being born again.
- It is a symbol of death and resurrection.
- Through baptism one is considered a child of God. (5 x 1 = 5mks)

(b) Lessons that Christians learn about Jesus in his temptations in the wilderness.
- Jesus was a human i.e. he felt hungry.
- Jesus was divine /son of God/Messiah.
- Jesus had power over Satan/temptations.
- He was obedient to his Father.
- He was ready for his mission.
- He was well versed with scriptures.
- He knew temptation comes from the devil as he told the devil to leave him.

18. (a) The reasons why the missionaries translated the Bible into African languages are:-
o Make evangelization effective
o They wanted Africans to understand the scripture easily
o Translation made it possible for missionaries to learn African languages
o They wanted to use the translated Bible as their resource text in missionary education
o They wanted to keep abreast of the changes in the world
o The missionaries wanted to indigenize Christianity and make it adaptable to local situations and cultures (Any 5= 5x1=5mks)

(b) Ways in which translation of the Bible into African languages led to African
mass evangelism:-
o The ability of African to read and interpret the Bible into their own languages contributed to development of independent churches which attracted any to Christianity
o As Africans read the Bible in their own local languages, they participated more actively in church affairs
o As Africans read the Bible in their vernacular and understood it’s content many embraced Christianity
o Missionaries knowledge of local Bible enabled them to preach to more Africans as communication was not a problem
o The missionaries were able to appreciate African culture. This removed suspicion between the two and more people were attracted to Christianity.
o Africans were able to have a better understanding of God’s word as they could read and interpret it on their own
o Translation promoted revival movements and these were used to preach to more people

19. Teachings of Jesus on the cost of discipleship
o Self denial/suffering/prosecution
o To forego family commitment for Jesus’ sake
o To leave everything (wealth/material) and follow him
o Should be ready to serve and not be served (humility)
o Ready to loose life/die
o Love enemies
o Practice charity/sharing
o Practice Christian virtues/values
o Ready to be rejected/mocked/opposed preach/condemn without fear/stand for truth

13. The parables and miracles of Jesus
1. (a) Healing of the paralytic
o As Jesus was teaching, a paralytic man was brought to him.
o The man was brought to Jesus from the roof top as a result of the huge crowd that had surrounded Him.
o Jesus didn’t cure the man immediately but told him that his sins were forgiven
o The Pharisees and scribes who were there saw this idea of forgiving sins as blasphemy
o They argued that only God could forgive sins
o Jesus told the man to rise, take his bed and go home through it was on a Sabbath day
o This made the Pharisees and teachers of the law to be annoyed and they began to discuss among themselves what they should do to arrest Jesus (5 x1 = 5mks)
(b) Reasons why Jesus had conflicts with the Jewish leaderswere:-
o They were spiritually blind and did not understand His mission
o They felt threatened because Jesus had become popular among the people.
o His teachings contradicted what they taught especially religious/Mosaic Law.
o They considered Jesus a criminal for misinterpreting political and religious laws
o Jesus openly criticized their hypocrisy
o Jesus attacked the scribes and Pharisees for their pride in market places/synagogues
o They accused Jesus of working on the Sabbath
o Accused Him of claiming to the Messiah/son of God
o They conflicted with Jesus claim that he would destroy the Temple
o They hated the way Jesus was courageous in exercising his authority
o Jesus accused them of corruption/dishonesty (8 x1= 8mks)

2. The teachings of Jesus on the qualities of true discipleship from the sermon on the plain
• People should not trust in material wealth but in God who controls lives
• People should not worry about material needs but trust in God’s providence
• People should be concerned with seeking God’s kingdom before their personal material needs
• Concentration on material possession makes people forget about god
• Those who seek God’s kingdom will be rewarded with heavenly treasures
• Material possessions should be used to glorify God
• Material possession is temporary unlike heavenly treasures
• Acquisition of material wealth gives a false sense of security and cannot give eternal life
• Wealth is not bad, but how it is used matters

3. a) Describe the healing of the Centurions servant as given in Luke 7:1-10
i. A Centurion had a servant/ slave who was very sick
ii. Although Centurion was a Roman officer, he was God-fearing and humble
iii. He sent elders of the Jews to Jesus so that Jesus could heal his servant
iv. The request of elders made Jesus to go towards Centurions house
v. When he heard that Jesus was coming to his house, he sent a message to stop him
vi. He said he was unworthy to have Jesus under his roof
vii. He said that let Jesus only say a word and his servant will be well
viii. Jesus commended in the hearing of the Jews that he had not found such faith in Israel
ix. Those who returned found the servant/ slave well

b) Four reasons why Jesus healed the sick
i. To demonstrate God’s love for human beings
ii. To take away pain
iii. The physical healing sometimes symbolized spiritual healing
iv. People had faith in him
v. He was destroying the works of satan
vi. To glorify God
vii. To show God’s power
viii. To fulfill old testament prophesies

4. (a) The feeding of the 5000men as narrated in Luke 9:10-17.
i. Apostles came back and told Jesus everything they had done.
ii. Jesus took them to Bathseida
iii. The crowd followed and he taught them about the kingdom of God.
iv. When the sun was beginning to set the twelve came to Jesus and told him to send the people away to the villages and farms to look for food and lodgings.
v. Jesus told them to give them food.
vi. They answered they had only five loaves of bread and two fishes.
vii. He told them to make people sit in groups of fifty.
viii. After this Jesus took the five loaves of bread and two fish looked to heaven thanked God
and broke them and gave to the disciples to distribute.
ix. They all ate and had enough to fill twelve baskets of what was left.

(b) Five lessons that a Christian can learn from the feeding of the 5000men.
(i) Christians should be willing to share what they have.
(ii) Jesus is the bread of life.
(iii) Jesus has power over nature.
(iv) We should show concern over the needy.
(v) Christians should have faith in God.
(vi) Christians should pray to God in times of needs as Jesus did.
(vii) Christians should learn about nature of God’s kingdom which is characterized by fullness and satisfaction.

(c) Four ways on how Christians are helping the needy in Kenya.
(i) Established medical centers and offers true medical services.
(ii) The church offers guidance and counseling.
(iii) Christians should give donation to help the needy i.e. clothing, food and money e.t.c.
(iv) Churches have established homes for destitute children, disable and ages.
(v) Churches have established educational facilities i.e. schools for mentally and physically challenged.
(vi) Church organization work with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees
(U N H C R) to mange refugees camps

5. six reasons why Jesus used parables in his teachings.
i. It was a method of teaching in those days.
ii. To draw and keep attention of his listeners.
iii. To attract sinful listeners with a hope of reforming them.
iv. Make listeners think for themselves and make sound discussion.
v. To separate serious listeners from jokers.
vi. Avoid direct confrontation with the Jewish leadership.
vii. To make people understand His teaching more easily.
viii. He was a gifted teacher.

6. a) Describe the incident when Jesus healed a man with an evil spirit Lk 4:31 – 37
i. Jesus went down to Capernaum, a city in Galilee
ii. His teaching with authority on the Sabbath astonished the people
iii. In the temple there was a man who had the spirit of unclean demons
iv. He envied out with a loud voice, “Ah what have you to do with us Jesus of Nazareth, have you come to destroy us?” I know who you are the Holy one of God
v. Jesus rebuked him and demanded him to be silent and come out of the man
vi. The demon threw him down in the midst doing no harm to him
vii. The crowd was amazed and wondered whose power and authority Jesus used
viii. His fame spread to the neighborhood

7. (a) The parable of the Pharisees and the tax collector
• Two men a Pharisee and a tax collector went to the temple to pray.
• The Pharisee prayed to god about his achievements.
• He said that he is not like the other men such as extortionist, unjust, adulterous and the tax collector.
• He added that he fasts twice a wee k and pays his tithe to all that he possesses.
• The tax collector moved a distance away from the Pharisee to pray.
• He failed even to look up because he was guilty of his sins.
• He cursed himself and asked god to have mercy on him.
• Jesus said that the tax collector went home justified because God exalts the humble and humbles those who exalt themselves.

(b) five teachings of Jesus from the beatitudes
• The poor in heart shall inherit the kingdom of God.
• Those who hunger and thirst shall be satisfied.
• Those who are persecuted because of Jesus will be rewarded.
• The humble shall inherit the earth
• The merciful shall obtain mercy
• The pure in heart shall see God
• The peace makers shall be called sons of God

(c) ways in which Christians spread the gospel using the print media
• Reaching the bible/Christian literature/magazines.
• Teachings using CRE text/tapes/CDS.
• Selling magazines with Christians message/bible/literature.
• Adverting Christian issues in newspaper/printing Christian newspapers/writing/publishing textbooks/newspapers.
• Distributing Christian pamphlets/ newsletter.
• Illustrating Christian messages using the bible Atlas
• Use of encyclopedia to explain /interpret Christian terminologies/bible dictionary.

8 (a) Relate the healing of the paralyzed man in Luke’s gospel (Luke 5:17-26)
• One day when Jesus was teaching the Pharisees and the teachers of the law were present
• Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a bed.
• They tried to take him into the house and put him in front of Jesus
• They could not find a way to take him in because of the crowd
• They carried him up on the roof and let him down on his bed in the middle of the group in front of Jesus.
• Jesus saw their faith
• He said to the man ‘your sins are forgiven, my friend’
• Teacher of the law and the Pharisees began to complain
• Jesus knew their thoughts and asked “is it easier to say your sins are forgiven or to say get up and walk?”
• He said to the paralyzed man ‘pick up your bed and go home’
• The man got up, picked up his bed and went home praising God.
• The people were amazed and praised God

(b) Seven occasions in the ministry of Jesus when the Gift of healing was applied.
• Healing a man with an evil spirit at Capernaum (Luke 4:31-37)
• Healing of Simons mother in law
• Jesus healing many people with various diseases at Capernaum/ Exorcisms at Capernaum
• Healing a man with a dreaded skin disease (Luke 5:12-14)
• Healing of a paralysed man (Luke 5:17-26)
• Healing of a man with a paralyzed hand
• Jesus healing many people (Luke 6:17-19)
• Healing of a Roman officer servant/Centurion servant
• Jesus heals a man with demons (Luke 8:26-39)
• Healing of a woman who touched Jesus cloak
• Healing of a boy with an evil spirit
• Healing of a crippled woman on the Sabbath
• Jesus healing ten lepers
• Jesus heal a sick man (Luke 14:1-6)
• Healing of a blind beggar

(c) How has the gift of healing been abused in Kenya
• It has been commercialized/healing for payment
• There is a lot of cheating and conmanship by people who pretend to be pastors
• The cost of medicine is very high
• There are several quacks pretending to be doctors
• The quality of treatment has gone down in hospitals
• There are counterfeit drugs in the market
• Inadequacy of medical equipment in hospital

9. (a) The parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-11,1-13
i. On who is my neighbour
ii. Counter law experts
iii. Jerusalem to Jericho
iv. Attacked by robbery
v. Left half dead
vi. A priest flelite passed
vii. Small then pitied him
viii. Bond eyed – helped
ix. Taken to him
x. Cared for him
xi. Paid all bills
xii. Who was neighbour
xiii. Go do likewise

(b) seven reasons why Jesus used parables in his teachings
i. Methods of teaching
ii. Avoid direct confrontation
iii. Separation true +less disciples
iv. Establish faithful group
v. Motivate listeners
vi. Thinking critically
vii. Gifted teachers
viii. Keep Messiah sylc secret full time
ix. Simplify hard messages of God kingdom
x. For quick recall of memory

(c) The virtue of love expressed by Christians to people today?
i. Care for needy with clothes
ii. Jobs give – colleges/schools
iii. Fees payment
iv. Visit sick in hospitals
v. Build schools
vi. Hospitals
vii. Aged
viii. Reconcile families
ix. Condemn evil –corruption
x. Forgives enemies

10. The healing of the centurion Servant (Luke 7:1-10) is related as:
• The Centurion had a sick slave/servant who was at the point of death
• When he heard of Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to Jesus to come and heal his sick servant
• The elders told Jesus that the Centurion is a good man who loves their nation and build their synagogues
• Jesus accepted to go with them but before he reached the house, the centurion sent friends, saying, “Lord, do not trouble yourself, for am not worthy to have you under my roof, but say a word and my servant would be healed.”
• The Centurion recognized Jesus as a man under authority with soldiers under Him and he gives orders
• Jesus marveled at the Centurion, saying, “I tell you even in Israel have I found such faith.”
• When those who had been sent returned to the house, they found the servant well.

11. a) 6 methods used by Jesus in his teachings
• He used parable/allegories
• He used story telling
• Drawing examples from real life situations
• He used miracles of nature
• He healed he sick/raised the dead
• Preaching/teaching good news in the synagogue
• Casting out demons/exorcism
• Setting good example
• Delegation of duty e.g. assigned his disciple duties
• Through visitation e.g. visit to Lazarus home
• Use of role play/demonstrate e.g. worship feet
• Question and answer
• Private tuitioning

b) Jesus rising of Jairus daughter (7mks)
• Jairus was an administrator in the synagogue
• when Jesus returned from healing the man with demons he found Jairus desperate as his daughter was sick
• Jairus begged Jesus to come to his house to heal her
• before Jesus reach a messenger reported that Jairus daughter had died
• Jesus arrived at Jairus and ordered mourned to stop crying and to remain outside the house
• Jesus went in with the child’s parent peter john and James
• he took the child’s hand and ordered her to arise
• the child came back to life and Jesus asked the parents to feed her
• the parents were amazed
• Jesus asked them not so tell anybody about it

c) ways through which the church continues with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ
• the church construct health institutions to treat the sick
• the church trains personnel e.g. nurses, doctors to treat the sick
• the church prays for the sick
• the church visits the sick
• the church cares for the sick
• the church offers guidance and counseling to the sick
• the church provided financial assistance for the sick to clear hospital bills or buy drugs
• some religious faiths offer faith healings

12. a) The calming of the storm Luke 8:22-25
i. Jesus and his disciples were sailing across the sea of Genezarate
ii. A great storm arose, so that their boat was about to sink
iii. Jesus was fast asleep
iv. His disciples woke him up saying ‘master, master we are perishing’
v. Jesus woke up and rebuked/ ordered the winds and the waves to stop
vi. There was a great calm
vii. Then Jesus rebuked/ said to the disciples ‘where is your faith?’
viii. The disciples were afraid and they marveled, saying to one another ‘who then is this, that he commands even wind and water, and they obey him?’ (The disciples had not fully understood the exact nature of Jesus. They still saw him in his ordinary human nature)

b) The miracles of Jesus teach us about Jesus and his ministry are;
i. They declare the judgement of the messianic age e.g. cursing of the fig tree
ii. They are the first signs of the triumph of God over satan’s empire and over the power of evil whether in form of sin or diseases
iii. His motive for performing miracles is sometimes out of compassion (miracles of loaves, blind man) and meant to strengthen faith e.g. paralytic
iv. He performed them to meet the temporary physical needs of the people
v. They witness to Jesus as a person through whom the power and the presence of God is seen
vi. They show that Jesus is the son of God and he is the Messiah
vii. They demonstrate Jesus’ power to forgive sins in his divine nature
viii. They demonstrate the presence of the kingdom of God as having arrived through Jesus Christ
ix. They show that Jesus had come to liberate human kind from suffering and death
x. They show that Jesus is a universal saviour
xi. They show that Jesus is the life and the resurrection. He is the giver of life
xii. Miracles are manifestation of God’s work of creation and salvation continues
xiii. They are an integral part of Jesus teachings. They supplement his teachings to that of preaching the word
xiv. They were performed as a response to faith on the party of those in need
xv. Those who witnessed the performance of miracles by Jesus came to believe him
xvi. Through them, Jesus fulfills the Old Testament prophecies
xvii. The miracles of Jesus gave him a chance to preach to the people as many were attracted to him due to his miracles (Any 8 points x 1 mark total 8 marks)

c) Ways in which the church in Kenya puts into practice the healing ministry of Jesus are
i. Building of hospitals/ dispensaries/ health centers where the sick are treated/ cared for
ii. Training of medical personnel e.g. nurses, doctors, who treat and care for the sick/ provide medicine/ funds
iii. Employ field health workers to advise people of health care and hygiene/ participate in health promoting activities
iv. Provided food for the hunger stricken families/ area/ to the sick
v. Teach people better farming methods to get better yield of crops/ animals to feed the family
vi. Provision of clean water
vii. Provision of guidance and counseling which attributes to psychological healing
viii. Provision of family education programmes to maintain/ improve healthy relationships among members of the family
ix. Providing education in schools to eradicate ignorance/ poverty/ disease
x. Church as a family provides a place to feel at home for marginalized/ oppressed people
xi. The church preaching/ teachings/ give hope/ spiritual nourishment for a healthy soul
xii. Teaches self respect/ self worth for individual who was created in God’s image/ each individual is a temple of the Holy Spirit
xiii. Organized seminars/ mass media/ worships programmes on health issues e.g. AIDS
xiv. Provide homes for the aged/ needy/ physically/ mentally disabled people
xv. Run/ sponsor schools for children with special needs e.g. blind, deaf, dumb, physically disabled
xvi. They play reconciliatory roles at individual/ community/ nation level
xvii. Teach members to care/ love one another/ love for neighbours
xviii. Hold prayers for those who are sick (Any 7points x 1 mark total 7 marks)

13. The parable of the unfruitful fig tree as outlined in Luke 13: 6- 9
- A man has\d a fig tree growing in his vineyard.
- He went looking for figs on it.
- But found none.
- He said to his gardener, “Look, for the three years I have been coming here looking for fig on
this tree.”
- I haven’t found any.
- Cut it down.
- “Why? “Answered the gardener, “Leave it lone sir.”
- Just this year, I will dig a trench around it with fertilizer.
- If the tree does not bear you have to cut it down.

14. Preaching/teaching in the synagogue
o Performed miracles
o Giving sermons e.g. Sermon on the Mount
o Use parables/allegories e.g. parable of the sour
o Raising people back to life e.g. Lazurus / Jairus daughter e.t.c
o Through house visits e.g. vested Mary and Martha
o Use of demonstrations e.g. washing of disciples’ feet
o Question and answers e.g. who do men say I am?
o Used life experiences e.g. when he asked for a coin when answering the question of tax
o Taught from known to unknown e.g. his conversation with the Samaritan woman
o Asked people to go and witness what they had been taught
o Use of wise sayings e.g. salt is good but if it loses its taste it sis useless
o Through miracles of nature – calming the storm
o Through healing
o Casting of evil spirits

14. The Jerusalem Ministry
1. Problems Jesus experienced in his ministry
i. Rejection in Nazareth
ii. Pharisees accused him of breaking the law of Moses
iii. Was accused befriending sinners
iv. Was said to be using the powers of Beelzebul the chief demon
v. Tempted by devil in wilderness
vi. Opposition from Jewish leaders
vii. Disciples had little faith
viii. Betrayed by Judas
ix. Mocked/ humiliated/ hanged
x. His resurrection was doubted

2. Preparations the Christians require for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
i. Repentance
ii. Baptism
iii. Forgive one another.
iv. Assisting the needy.
v. Fellowshipping
vi. Praying and fasting.
vii. Paying tithes/offering
viii. Preaching the gospel.
ix. Sing/praising God

3. a) seven signs of eschatology as taught by Jesus in Luke 21: 5- 38
i. People will come claiming to be Jesus the Messiah, the son of God/ false Messiahs
ii. There will be wars between nations
iii. Natural calamities like earthquakes, famines and plague will occur celestial
iv. Strange and heavenly beings will come from the sky
v. There will be disruption in the sky and in the sea
vi. All nations will be in despair
vii. Disciples will be arrested, persecuted and imprisoned
viii. Disciples will be hated on the account of Jesus
ix. Disciples would be betrayed to authority by close relatives; even be put to death
x. People will faint from fear as they witness these signs

b) The evidence that supports the resurrection of Jesus
i. The witness of the women who found the tomb empty
ii. The witness of Peter who also found the tomb empty
iii. Witness of the disciples at Emmaus
iv. Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples and showed them his hands and feet
v. The ascension of Jesus
vi. The coming of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost/ He promised to sent them the Holy Spirit when he was going to heaven
vii. Peter’s testimony on the day of Pentecost
viii. The presence of the Christian church/ community

c) Christians should prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ by
i. Not losing hope in face of trials and tribulations because the Kingdom of God with the promise of a new life will definitely come
ii. Leading a righteous/ holy life. They are to avoid too much feasting and drunkenness
iii. Avoiding being pre-occupied with worries and cares of this world
iv. Being watchful by praying so that God will give them courage and strength to stand firm in their faith
v. Preaching the word of God to those who have not heard
vi. Being obedient to God’s commandments
vii. Through helping the needy
viii. Repenting and forgiving others

4. (a) Significance of the transfiguration of the Lord (Luke 9:28 – 36)
• God strengthens his people when in problems
• The coming of Jesus Christ as the will of god
• There is life after death as confirmed by the appearance of Jesus/his clothes signified his holiness

(b) Five reasons why Christians find it difficult to pray are:
• Lack of faith/Trust in God
• Sinful living
• Frustrations/bitterness
• Laziness
• Lack of time/busy programmes/schedules
• Unanswered prayers
• Ridicule/discouragement from others
• Poor role models
• lack of training/experience
• fear of people/congregation
• Lack of knowledge of scripture / Bible
• Poverty

5 .a) The importance of transfiguration to the ministry of Jesus?
i. The incident prepared the disciples of Jesus of His death and resurrection/ showed that there is life after death
ii. The appearance of Moses showed that Jesus had come to fulfill the law
iii. The appearance of Elijah showed that Jesus had come to fulfill the prophecies/ prophets
iv. The voice of God, (This is my son) was a voice to confirmation that the son of God/ the expected messiah (that the disciples were right in the following him)
v. It taught the disciples that Jesus was to be obeyed/ trusted
vi. The disciple witnessed/ experience the presence of God
vii. The disciples witnessed/ had a glimpse of Jesus in his heavenly glory divine nature
viii. The episode teaches that Jesus had come to usher in the heavenly kingdom/ the kingdom of God
ix. The episode prepared Peter for the future leadership of the church
x. It teaches the need for privacy during prayer
xi. The comforting words of God encouraged Jesus to continue in his ministry
xii. It also strengthened the faith of the disciples who later become leaders of the church
xiii. The tabernacle/ booths/ tents desired by Peter refer to the tabernacle of the Old Testament where God dwelt among the people
xiv. It is in the transfiguration that Jesus even in his earthly existence is the glorious son of God who would be fully recognized in his gory after his passion and resurrection

b) Ways in which Jesus played the role of a prophet of God
i. Jesus taught on their duties to God
ii. He taught on the relationship between God and the people
iii. He called on sinners to repent
iv. He proclaimed God’s judgement on sinners
v. Jesus condemned sin in the society e.g. hypocrisy, selfishness, greed
vi. He taught at the universality of God. Jesus performed miracles e.g. healing the sick
vii. Jesus showed compassion to the suffering/ needy/ helped the needy
viii. He gathered followers around him/ had disciples
ix. He faced the political authorities/ Jewish leaders with courage/ without fear
x. He reminded the people of the commandments of God
xi. He set examples to be emulated/ led an exemplary life
xii. He accepted to suffer/ opposition to accomplish his mission
6. a) The story of the sinful woman, explain the teachings of Jesus on forgiveness
i. God is merciful/ forgives sinners
ii. God forgives all types of sin
iii. We should not judge others (all are sinners)
iv. Jesus loves sinners but hates sin
v. Those whose sins are forgiven should live righteously (Everyone needs forgiveness)
vi. We should be tolerant with sinners/ we should help them to change and turn them to God

7. Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem failed to portray him as an earthly Messiah;
- Triumphant means successful or victorious.
- He rode on a colt which is a sign of humility or poverty. He should have rode on a horse.
- He wept on seeing Jerusalem since he already knew destruction awaiting the magnificent city.
-He was angered by what he saw in the temple such that he chased away the businessmen
- He experienced loneliness at Mt. Olives on the night he was betrayed because his disciples slept while he prayed.
- The entry was not victorious because Judas Iscariot betrayed him.
- He suffered physical and spiritual torture in the hands of the soldiers.
- A criminal, Barnabas was preferred for release while Jesus who was innocent was chosen for crucifixion.
- His closest disciples, Peter denied him three times. (6 x 1 = 6 mks)

15. Jesus Passion, Death and Resurrection
1. (a) Jesus teachings on the way to salvation
o To forsake sinful life and follow Jesus
o One has to repent his/her sins and ask for forgiveness from God
o To have childlike qualities e.g. dependence/curiosity/humility/trust e.t.c.
o Being obedient to the commandments of God
o It requires self denial and renouncing of one’s family for the sake of the Kingdom
o It involves giving back everything that was acquired though fraud as Zacheus did
o It needs total change of heart
o Using one’s God given abilities for the good of the Kingdom
o One should be determined to receive salvation as Zacheous did (8x1=8mks)

(b) Crucifixion of Jesus
o Jesus was crucified at Calvary between two criminals
o One of the criminals hanging there mocked Jesus by asking Him to save Himself and them
o The second criminal defended Jesus and asked Him to remember him in his Kingdom
o Jesus assured him that He will be with him in Paradise
o The soldiers also mocked Jesus by offering Him cheap wine and asked Him to save Himself
o Darkness covered the whole land and the temple curtain was cut into two
o As Jesus died He committed His spirit into the hands of God
o The centurion who witnessed His death approved Jess to be innocent and all the multitude who had assembled there went home beating their breasts (8x1=8mks)

(c) Lessons Christians learn from the actions of Pilate:-
o Jesus was innocent / did not deserve death
o Christians should not be intimidated/influenced by others to do/say what they know is wrong
o Should do what is pleasing to God and not what pleases human beings
o Should strive for fairness regardless of the cost
o Should be careful in judging/accusing others/passing judgement on others
o Should give guidance
o Jesus is the messiah / son of God

2. (a) Reasons why Elijah was un comprising in his attitude to Baal worship are;-
o He believed that only Yahweh was the Israelites God
o By worshipping Baal, people had broken the covenant law
o As the people worshipped Baal, they failed to recognize Yahweh as God and the Lord of everything
o The worship of Baal led to the killing of Yahweh’s prophets
o A lot of suffering had resulted from Baal worship
o Elijah had strong faith in God
o By condemning Baal worship, Elijah knew that he could put away the foreign ideology that Ahab was trying to bring in his rules
o Elijah believed that the people might turn to the covenant of faith
o Being a prophet, Elijah was against Baalism because it was his vocation(Any 7= 7x1=7mks)

(b) Problems faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel are;-
o Elijah’s life was threatened by Izebel who swore to kill him
o Elijah suffered fear and had to flee to the wilderness
o Elijah was discouraged when it seemed that he was not achieving much
o Elijah got depressed and prayed for death
o Elijah suffered loneliness as he was the only remaining prophet of Yahweh
o At times Elijah lacked basic requirements such as food and water
o He was accused falsely by King Ahab as the troublemaker of Israel
o Sometime he doubted God (Any 7=7x1=7mks)

(c) Reasons why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in the society are;-
o Devil worship is against God’s commandments and Christians have a duty to fight it
o Because it advocates for human destruction
o It advocates for materialism as the guiding factor to man’s success
o Devil worship lead s to lack of faith and reliance on God
o Rituals involved in devil worship are dehumanizing
o Christians fight devil worship to warn people of God’s judgment if they do not turn back to him
o It instills fear on God’s people

3. (a) Five conditions which lead to the Babylonian exile are;-
o Babylonians had become powerful and had defeated Egypt
o The Israelites had forsaken the covenant way of life/commands of God
o They had broken their relationship with God e.g. worshipped idols.
o Intermarriages with foreigners
o Israelites refused to listen to Prophets
o They also persecuted the prophets of Yahweh
o The Israelites failed to repent of their sins
o They had weak leaders who failed to return people to the covenant way of life(5x2=10mks)
(b) Problems the Israelites experienced during the Babylonian exile are;-
o They lacked adequate food/famines
o They suffered from various diseases and ailments
o They lost their identity
o They found it hard to adopt to a new environment
o They had to keep/follow the Babylonian officials
o They lived in fear of the Babylonian officials
o They were turned to refugees
o Their religious loyalty to God was undermined
o They lacked places of worship
o There were false prophets (Any5x1=5mks)

(c) Five difficulties Christians go through as they serve God are;-
o Temptation from worldly/devil pleasure
o Face opposition/persecution/oppression due to their faith
o Communication barriers
o Challenges form other religions
o Bad examples set by leaders discourage them
o Challenges from science and technology
o Disagreement /division within the Church
o False teachings/Prophet who contradict Christian teachings (Any 5x1=5mks)

4. (a)Reasons why it was difficult for the disciples to believe that Jesus had resurrected.
- Disciples of Jesus has witnessed his death and burial hence they knew he had gone forever.
- The report about the resurrection of Jesus was first reported by women who were highly despised in Israel.
- Disciples expected a triumphant political Messiah, not one that would die.
- The disciple lacked faith kin the teaching and sharing that Jesus had with them.
- There was conflict message and information about the resurrection of Jesus. He appeared to the disciples differently hence different reports.
- The tomb was heavily guarded by the Roman soldiers and a big rock was placed in door war of the tomb. Jesus would not pass all those without being noticed.
- The influence from their historical background about resurrection where Sadducees did not believe in resurrection of the dead.
- Disciples were ignorant of the divine nature of Jesus. (8 x 1= 8 mk)

. (b) Ways Christians live according to Jesus’ will as they await his second coming.
- Avoiding sins.
- Living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- Leading prayerful lives.
- Doing charitable works.
- Discouraging false prophets who keep on cheating them.
- Patiently looking for signs of end time.
- Giving hope to others by preaching the Good News to them. (6 x 1 = 6 mks)

5. (a) The areas of conflict between Jesus and Jewish religious leaders.
- Sabbath observance: Jesus healed on the Sabbath while Jewish leaders taught no work should
be done on the Sabbath.
- Jesus mixed freely with sinners e.g. tax collectors, Gentiles and unclean people.
- He exposed hypocrisy of Jewish religious leaders openly.
- Jesus’ disciples were not fasting like those of John the Baptist.
- His divine authority, Pharisees felt it blasphemous when he claimed to forgive sins.
- His claim to be Messiah.
- His claim that he can destroy the temple and build it in three days.
- His claim that the first will be the last and last be the first in the kingdom of God.

(b)Ways disciples of Jesus showed their support to his ministry.
- They left their families and followed him.
- They accepted his teachings/obeyed him.
- They invited him to their homes e.g. Levi and Peter.
- Accompanied him in his work.
- Addressed him as rabbi/teacher.
- Took care of his mother.
- Peter cried when he remembered he had denied Jesus.
- They were present when he was crucified on the cross.
- Were happy when he resurrected.
- Helped him to spread Good News e.g. mission of the 12 disciples. (7 x 1 = 7 mk)

(c) The obstacles faced by Christian leaders as they do their work.
- Political interference with church work.
- Corruption in the society.
- Immorality among the church members.
- Factionalism among church members.
- Struggle for leadership among members.
- Death/sickness/family problems among the members.
- Hypocrisy of some of the members.
- Increasing numbers of atheists.
- Modern styles of living.

6 (a) Describe what happened to Jesus from the time of his arrest to his death on the cross.
Luke 2l: 47, 47- Lk 23:48.
i. Disciples took swords and wanted to resist but Jesus told them not to fights.
ii. Jesus was taken to the house of the high priests.
iii. Peter denied Jesus three times.
iv. Jesus was mocked and beaten.
v. Jesus was brought to the council (Sanhedrin).
vi. Jesus was taken before Pilate who found him innocent.
vii. Jesus was taken to Herod who ordered him to be taken back to Pilate.
viii. Pilate released Barnabas on the insistence of the Jewish (crowd).
ix. Jesus carried the cross on which he was to be crucified.
x. Jesus was crucified between two thieves.
xi. At 12 o’clock the sun stopped shinning and darkness covered the whole country.
xii. The curtain hanging in the temple torn into two.
xiii. Jesus cried “Father in your hands I place my spirit” and then died.

(b) five reasons why it was difficult for the disciples to believe that Jesus had
i. They had witnessed his death and burial.
ii. Report about resurrection was brought by women who were despised.
iii. Disciple expected a political messiah and not suffering messiah.
iv. The tomb was blocked by heavy rock.
v. They were ignorant of the divine nature of Jesus.
vi. The influence of the historical background.

(c) The importance of resurrection of Jesus to Christians today. (7 mks)
i. Christians who have faith are assured of overcoming physical death
ii. Christian ore given hope of eternal life.
iii. Christians start living new life.
iv. The Christians receive the Holy Spirit.
v. Through the resurrection Christians are given new power to conquer sin and death.
vi. New understanding of who Jesus was and his messianic mission w as brought out.

7. The resurrected Christ reveal himself to his followers
i. He appeared to disciple in a room in the absence of Thomas.
ii. He appeared to Peter Lk 24:34
iii. He appeared to two disciples on their road to Emmaus 24:13-24
iv. He appeared to the eleven in Jerusalem in Bethany before His ascension Lk 24: 50 53
v. He appeared to Mary Gadalene Mary the mother of Jesus Lk 24:1-12

8. (a)Events that took place when Jesus was put on the cross. Lk. 23 : 33 – 46
(i) Two thieves were crucified alongside Jesus.
(ii) They crucified Jesus at the place called the Skull.
(iii) Lots were casts to divide Jesus’ garments.
(iv) People stood by watching.
(v) Rulers scoffed at him saying “He saved others. Let Him save himself …………”
(vi) Soldiers mocked Him and offered Him vinegar.
(vii) An inscription was put over His head “This is the King of the Jews.”
(viii) One of the criminals teased Him to save Himself.
(ix) the other thief resolved the former confirming that Jesus is Lord and innocent.
(x) Jesus answered the thief of his entry into Heaven on the same night.
(xi) At the sixth hour there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.
(xii) The suns’ light failed.
(xiii) The curtains in the temple tore into two.
(xiv) Jesus offered the last loud cry “Father into thy hands I commit my spirit.”
(xv) Having said so he breathed the last.

(b)Five reasons why Jesus was sentenced to death by Pilate and yet He was Innocent.
i. He was afraid of a Jewish revolt.
ii. He did not want to be disloyal to the Roman Emperor after learning that Jesus had been accused of treason
iii. He feared loosing his job.
iv. It was in order so that the prophecies would be fulfilled.
v. Pilate was a weak character and an opportunist who acted as the spur of the moment.

(c) The importance of Jesus death to Christians today?
i. Through His death Christians are forgiven their sins / reconciles with Him.
ii. It demonstrates God’s love for human beings.
iii. Christians have a personal relationship with God.
iv. It enables Christians to face death with courage.
v. Through His death, salvation / eternal life is availed to all people.
vi. He has become their everlasting high priest interceding for them.
vii. It strengthens faith of Christians.

9. a) Four reasons why Jesus used bread and wine during the last supper
i. Unleavened bread was used during the celebration of the Jewish Passover
ii. Both bread and wine were a common food among the Jews
iii. Jesus wanted to give bread and wine new meaning and used them as symbols
iv. Bread represented his body to be broken for the forgiveness of sin
v. Wine represented his blood to be shed for the salvation of human beings
vi. He was enacting his teaching that he believed eternal life
vii. Jesus wanted to give the Jewish Passover a new meaning
viii. Sharing of bread and wine is a sign of fellowship which is a characteristic of messianic
b) lessons Christians learn from the crucifixion of Jesus
i. Christians should prepare for the coming of God’s judgement
ii. They should forgive others as Jesus did
iii. They should be ready to suffer and be rejected for the sake of the gospel
iv. They should repent to their sins
v. They should have faith in God
vi. They should be ready to witness the lordship of God

10. (a) The arrest of Jesus as narrated in Luke 22:47-53
• Jesus was arrested at olives in the evening while with his disciples
• He was arrested by a team led by Judas Iscariot
• The team included the chief priest, temple official, Roman soldiers
• Judas moved forward and kissed Jesus.
• Jesus asked “are you betraying the son of man with a kiss”
• The team was heavily armed
• One of the disciples struck the ear of the chief priest’s servant
• Jesus quickly ordered for peace/stopped resistance
• He touched the ear of the servant and it got healed
• He asked why they had come with pangas and yet he was always with them
• They arrested and took him to the house of the chief priest.

(b) 6 reasons why the disciples of Jesus were reluctant to listen to the holy women’s
testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ )
• Women were looked down upon in the Jewish community/seen as gossipers
• The disciples had witnessed Jesus death and burial.
• Jesus had not appeared to them therefore they thought it was a lie
• It had never happened before/it was an extra ordinary event
• They had little faith/weak faith in Jesus as the messiah
• They were still in a state of shock having lost their master
• There was conflicting information about resurrection
• They knew the tomb was heavily guarded

(c) 6 factors which hinder the people from accepting the call to salvation
• Lack of faith
• Pride
• Due to education/scientific knowledge
• Opposition from cults/satanic movements
• Beliefs in materialism/self reliance
• Fear of persecution
• Existence of other religious beliefs
• Inadequate role models

11. In what ways does the church prepare Christians for the second coming of Jesus
• the church leadership calls people to repentance
• the church baptizes the converts
• the church preaches the gospel about Jesus Christ
• the church organizes crusades
• the church evangelizes the masses who later convert to Christians
• the church has initiated ecumenism to create peace and harmony amongst Christians
• the church reaches out to may through the mass and print media
• the church gives alms to the needy and poor Christians i.e. gives charitable services

12. five reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians
i. It is the foundation of the Christian faith and hope without which their believe would be useless
ii. Christian faith would be in vain if Jesus had not resurrected
iii. Through the resurrection, Christians have confidence and hope because the one they believe in has been exalted and sits at the right hand of God Almighty
iv. Through the resurrection , Christians are given the hope of eternal life
v. The resurrection of Jesus led to the coming of the Holy Spirit who help Christians to live according to the teachings of Christ, preach the gospel and speak boldly against evils in the society
vi. The resurrection gives meaning to Baptism in that one dies in sin and is raised with Christ to new life
vii. The resurrection confirms the divinity of Jesus as true (son of God, the messiah)
viii. The resurrection gives Christians courage to face death because they have hope of resurrecting at his second return
ix. The resurrection acts as a unifying factor for all Christians in the world
x. It is remembered by Christians during the celebration of holy Eucharist

16. The gifts of the Holy
1. Teachings about Jesus from Peter’s speech:-
o Jesus was from Nazareth
o Jesus had a divine nature
o Jesus was empowered by God to perform miracles/wonders through the Holy Spirit
o Jesus death/crucifixion was according to God’s plan
o God raised Jesus from death
o The death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of David/ David foretold the resurrection of Jesus
o The Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus
o Jesus was a descendant of David
o Jesus is exalted in glory –he is Lord

2. a) six characteristics of love according to 1st Corinthians 13
• It is a gift from God
• It is the most important gift of the Holy Spirit
• It is patient
• It is kind
• It is not jealous
• It is not proud
• It is not ill mannered
• Not selfish
• Not quick to anger (6x1=6 mks)

b) Mention the works of the Holy Spirit among Christians today
• Prayers which lead to healing of people
• Decision making/ problem solving which bring unity
• The gift of prophecy is used by pastors/ priest to condemn evil in society
• Prophecy is also used by Christians to foretell God’s plan or his people
• The gift of faith helps Christians to withstand challenges of life
• The gift of distinguishing spirit is shown when Christians make the right decisions and seek for forgiveness of their sins
• The gift of tongues is seen in various churches e.g. PAG
• It encourages Christians to face persecution e.g. when they condemn evils in society

3. a) five teachings about Jesus from Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost
i. Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God
ii. He had performed miracles among them
iii. Was crucified and killed through evil plans but God raised him from the dead
iv. Jesus was a descendant of David
v. Jesus was crucified by the Jews but he is now raised and sitting at the right hand of God
vi. God had made him Lord and Christ
vii. He told people to repent and be baptized in Jesus’ name for forgiveness of sins and receive the gift of the Holy spirit

b) Activities in the church that prove that the Holy Spirit is working
i. Prayers are answered
ii. Decision making by church elders
iii. Acts of faith by Christians
iv. Discerning spirit
v. Works of miracles
vi. Interpretation of tongues
vii. Love among members
viii. Through fostering unity of believers
ix. Providing guidance to leaders
x. Church members accept baptism

c) Problems facing the church today
i. Language barrier
ii. Competition among churches
iii. Mismanagement of funds
iv. Superiority complex/ pride
v. Poor role models
vi. Wrong interpretation of scriptures
vii. Lack of unity/ different ideologies
viii. Selfishness/ greediness among leaders
ix. Generation gap between the old and the young
x. Influence from permissive society/ media

4. a) seven teachings about Jesus from Peter’s speech on the day of Pentecost.
i. Jesus was from Nazareth.
ii. He had divine nature.
iii. He had human nature.
iv. God raised Jesus from the dead.
v. His death and crucification was according to God’s plan.
vi. He was descendant of David.
vii. God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ.
viii. The Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus.

B) five lessons Christians can learn about love From Paul’s teaching in 1 Cor 13
i. Love is a gift from God
ii. It is patient/does not let down.
iii. It is kind
iv. It is not ill mannered.
v. Does not keep a record of wrong.
vi. It is not happy with evil
vii. It is eternal
viii. It is not selfish/it is generous.
ix. It is not cruel/self seeking.
x. Never gives up
xi. It is happy with truth.
xii. It never fails.

5. (a) The manifestation of the holy spirit on the day of Pentecost
• He appeared in form of mighty wind
• He appeared in from of tongues of fire
• He enabled the disciples to speaking tongues
• Peter was enabled to be bold and to explain to the people the event that had just been witnessed.
• He enable Peter to remember the old Testament prophets (Joel’s Prophecy)
• He enabled the sinners to repent their sins after listening to peter.
• He enable the apostles to understand what Jesus had taught then.
• He enabled those how had repented to be baptized.

(b) Leadership qualities shown by Peter the apostle on the day of the Pentecost
• Courage
• Wisdom/understanding
• Principled/decision making/advisor/counselor
• Ability to protect and depend his colleagues
• Focused/goal oriented/commitment.
• Knew the scripture
• Eloquent speaker.

(c) Ways in which the gift of the Holy Spirit have been abused in the church today
• Cheating that one has a certain gift of the Holy Spirit
• Consumeralization of the gifts/people are asked to pay money before being prayed for/healed.
• False interpretation of the bible/prophecy/prediction of the future.
• Ungenipulous Christians may impart demonic powers on innocent faithful.
• Some Christians who possess the gifts of the Holy Spirit develop pride/superiority complex/selfishness.
• Wrong use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit where faithful get into ecstasy /trance which way lead to In tunes
• Distinguishing oneself as a person with a special call/preacher an intention of exploiting other/situation.

6. a) Relate the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost
i. Apostles were not drunk
ii. Whatever was happening was in line with prophet Joel’s prophecy
iii. The outpouring of the his was a positive proof that the Messianic age had arrived through Jesus Christ
iv. Jesus was from Nazareth through whom God worked miracles
v. Jesus suffered and was crucified by sinful people in accordance with God’s plan
vi. God raised Jesus up to fulfill the prophecy of King David
vii. The apostles are living witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus
viii. God has exalted Jesus and made him both Lord and Christ
ix. Jesus was a descendant of David
x. Peter told the people to repent so that they could be forgiven and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
b) six ways in which the gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifested among Christians today
i. People speaking in tongues
ii. Healing sessions in some churches indicate a gift of the Holy Spirit
iii. Through Christian preaching/ inspiring those who preach
iv. Giving Christians power to pray
v. Conferring the gift of prophecy to Christians/ dreams/ visions among Christians signify the gift of prophecy
vi. Proper/ wise decision making and right believing using wisdom
vii. Performing miracles e.g. casting out demons
viii. Proper understanding and interpretation of God’s message
ix. Fostering unity of believers
x. Believers loving one another and carrying out works of charity
xi. Helps believers to repent and seek forgiveness of sins
7 (a) The message of Peter on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-40)
• The disciples were not drunk because it was only 9 o’clock in the morning
• What they were witnessing was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy that God was going to pour his spirit to everyone
• Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God attested to you with hints and wonders and signs he performed
• Jesus was crucified and killed through their evil plans but god raised him from the dead
• Jesus was a descendant of King David
• David had prophesized about the resurrection of Jesus
• They were all witnesses to god having raised Jesus from the dead
• Jesus was exalted and seated at the right hand of God
• Jesus had fulfilled his promises and had poured out what they had seen
• God had made Jesus whom they had crucified, both lord and Christ

(b) 7 teachings of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit
• The Holy Spirit was going to be a counselor and an advocate to intercede for Christians before God
• The Holy Spirit was going to reveal hidden truth about god and about Jesus
• It was going to take the place of Jesus and be with the people forever
• It was going to give them company so that they would not be desolated
• It was going to guarantee God’s love for them because anyone who loved Jesus was loved by God
• It was gong to be their teacher.
• It was going to remind them of all the teachings Jesus had taught them
• It was going to make them aware of their sins
• It was going to inform the world about the impending judgment so that they could repent.
• It was to be Gods messenger to them/speak on Gods behalf
• It was going to reveal the future to them
• It was going to glorify and exalt Jesus by telling them about him
• It was going to empower them to be Jesus witnesses anywhere in the world

(c) Five problems of spreading the Gospel today
• Christians face opposition/persecution from non believers
• Lack of money for traveling expenses and buying Bibles
• Lack of qualified personnel in the church
• Lack of dedicated personnel in the church
• Christians face the threat of secularism and materialism
• The influence of anti-Christian literature in the local media
• Rivalry between the gospel and the other religious philosophies and ideologies
• Advancement of technology in all areas that go against biblical teachings
• People do not fully comprehend the power and craftiness of Satan

8. a) ways in which the Holy Spirit manifested itself on the day of Pentecost
i. Sound from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind filled the room
ii. Tongues of fire rested on each apostle
iii. The disciples spoke in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave the utterance
iv. The Holy Spirit anointed Peter to become the spokesman of the group with a lot of courage
v. The Holy Spirit committed 3000 people who got converted into Christianity

b) Activities of the church in Kenya which show that the Holy Spirit is working among them
i. Praying at individual or congregation level
ii. Decision making in the church/ solving issues and problems in the church
iii. Faith healing/ healing the sick
iv. Speaking in tongues
v. Singing and dancing music
vi. Preaching/ teaching
vii. Giving of offertory and alms/ sadaka
viii. Held fellowship meeting, Bible study/ Bible reading
ix. Celebrating of sacraments e.g. Eucharist / Lords supper
x. Bringing new converts to the church
xi. Pastoral care and consulting
xii. Helping the poor and the needy
xiii. Working together of the churches e.g. books/ ecumenism/ co- operating
xiv. Writing Christians literature e.g. pamphlets/ magazines
xv. Confession of sins/ reconciliations
xvi. Education/ giving instructions

9. a) State seven fruits of the Holy Sprit according to Galatians 5:6-26(7mks)
• love
• joy
• peace
• kindness
• patience
• self control
• faithfulness
• goodness
• gentleness

b) four ways in which the gifts of the holy spirit is misused in Christians churches today
• the gift of healing-abused by preachers who perform the healing for money
• the gift of performing miracles-abused to entice people /attract people to church for popularity
• the gift of preaching-abused by preachers for economic gains
• speaking in tongues-abused when others are discriminated against e.g. those without tongues
• discerning-abused by dismissing preachers as being false or true preachers when they cannot really discern
• speaking in tongues when there is no interpreters
• wisdom-abused to misinterpreted the bible
• performing miracles-abused by demanding pay or being proud

10. Peter’s speech about Jesus on the Day of Pentecost (Act 2:14-41) was:
• He told the people that the disciples were not drunk
• They were filled with the Holy Spirit
• That Jesus was the son of God
• God’s power was seen in the miracles/signs/wonders performed by Jesus
• Jesus had been killed by the Jews because of their wickedness
• But God raised Jesus back to life
• Jesus was a descendant of King David
• That Jesus ascended to heaven /is sited at the right hand of God the Father
• Jesus Christ is Lord/Christ/Messiah
• He called people to repent their sins in order to e forgiven
• They were to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ

11. a) Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost Acts 2:14-40
i. He explained that the disciples were not drunk because it was still very early in the morning 9 O’clock
ii. The coming of the holy spirit was a fulfillment of Jesus prophecy
iii. Jesus had sent the holy spirit as a fulfillment of his promise for the disciples
iv. Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God/ messiah
v. Jesus performed miracles through God’s power
vi. The disciples were witnesses for Jesus’ miracles
vii. Jesus’ suffering and death was God’s plan
viii. God raised Jesus from death so as to fulfill the prophecy of David Psalms 16:18-11
ix. The apostles were living witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus
x. Jesus has been exalted in heaven and is seated at the right hand of God
xi. God has made Jesus both lord and judge

b) The characteristics of love as taught by St. Paul
i. Love is patient
ii. Love is kindness
iii. Love is not arrogant
iv. Love is not irritable or resentful
v. Love rejoices in the truth
vi. Love beats all things hopes all things and endures all things
vii. Love is not disrespectful

12. The Holy Spirit manifests itself in the Church today through.
(i) Helps believers obey Gods command.
(ii) Helps Christian face persecution without disowning faith.
(iii) Guides Christians to pray wisely.
(iv) Help Christians repent their sins and get inward renewal.
(v) Helps Christians spread word of God.
(vi) Enable Christians work miracles like healing.
(vii) Equips Christians with fruits of the Holy Spirit.

13. a) Instructions did Paul give to the church of Corinth on how to use spiritual gifts
? Paul instructed the early church that not more than two or three should speak in tongues in a meeting
? He advised them to speak one at a time
? He advised them that an interpreter should explain the message to the congregation incase of speaking in tongues
? If there is no interpreter then the person who has the gift of speaking in tongues should refrain from speaking or speak in privacy
? Only two or three prophets should speak in a meeting
? He advised other believers to assess what is being said
? If one receives a revelation, he should be given a chance to speak while the others listen
? Prophets were advised to speak one at a time for the purpose of instructions
? He finally told the church that everything must be done decently and in an orderly way

b) six reasons why St. Paul used the title the body of Christ
? To show that all Christians are united by the same spirit through baptism
? That Christians have been given different gifts by the same God
? Gifts to be used for the benefit of the church
? Christians to share the suffering/ joy with others
? There should not be discrimination in the church
? Christians are united to God through Jesus
? Christians to lead a holy life because they form the body of Christ
? Christians are united by faith
? Christians to show love by sharing with others (6x1=6 mks)

c) The significance of faith in a Christian’s life?
? Faith strengthens Christians to overcome temptation
? Faith gives power to enable one to forgive others
? Faith breaks cultural barriers
? Faith enables Christians to perform miracles
? Faith enables one to seek help from Jesus
? Faith enables one to give gratitude to God for his blessings
? Faith in Jesus makes us experience God’s saving power present in Jesus
? Faith in Jesus enables us to experience the kingdom of God in our heart
? Lack of faith in Jesus leads to God’s punishment while faith in Jesus leads to eternal life
? Faith enables Christians to endure suffering
? Faith enables one to serve God without reservations (6x1=6mks

14. (a) Lessons Christians learn from the out pouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of
- It is important for Christians to meet together in fellowship as the Holy Spirit was poured on the disciples as they worshipped together.
- Jesus keeps his promises, he ad promised before he ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit and it came.
- The Holy Spirit empowers believers to be in the forefront in preaching God’s word.
- Baptism of the Holy Spirit is important in salvation.
- Christianity is a universal religion. This is shown by disciples proclaiming good news in different languages.
- Show the importance of vernacular languages is the best means of spreading the good news/shows the importance of bible translation into vernacular languages so that everyone reads and understands.
- As Peter did, Christian leaders should boldly explain to the world God’s continued work of salvation to mankind. (1 x 5 = 5 mks)

17. Spirit
1. (a) Activities showing that Christians are a royal priesthood
o Christians are royal priesthood because they share with Christ in Kingship and are called to reign with Him
o They also perform priestly duties such as praising/praying to God
o They devote their lives in obeying God as a spiritual sacrifice
o Christians are a royal priesthood when they meet the needs of other people by sharing what they have
o Christians are a royal priesthood when they show concern/create unity among people

(b) Characteristics of the new people of God:-
o They are baptized / born again
o They preach the work of Christ
o They share in the resurrection of Christ
o They rejoice in suffering/persecution
o Have moral values e.g. Holy spirit
o Are guided by the Holy Spirit
o Have a common destiny/the kingdom of God
o Are protected by Jesus Christ
o Are dedicated to the word of God
o Are peace makers (8x1=8mks)

2. (a)How the unity of believers is expressed in the symbol of the body of Christ.
- Church, like a human body has many parts that function for the good of the whole body.
- As the body of Christ, the church has many members from different backgrounds but all have been baptized in one spirit.
- Every member of the church has a role to play for her/his development.
- Different members have different spiritual gifts that are used for the development of the church.
- All members of the body of Christy are equal because they serve the same God.
- All spiritual gifts have been given by God hence non is inferior to the other.
- Christians strive to remain in Christ and also invite others to become members of the body of Christ.
- Unity is achieved through the practice of virtues such as humility, gentleness or patience.
- The spirit is the unifying power that brings Christians together as one body of Christ.
- Jesus is the head of the church.
- Christians share one faith in Christ.
- Christ has given Christians gifts for the purpose of building the body of Christ.

(b)How churches discipline those who cause disunity in the church today.
- They are denied leadership positions.
- Are denied some services of the church such as wedding rites, burial rites e.t.c
- Are charged a fine.
- They are reprimanded and asked to apologize.
- Workers who cause disunity can lose their jobs.
- Leaders who cause disunity are asked to resign.
- Some churches excommunicate members who blaspheme.
- Sometimes they may be suspended from church duties and church service. (8 x 1 = 8 mks)

3. The events that took place on the day of Pentecost as showing in Acts 2: 1-40
• All apostles were gathered in one place
• A noise like wind filled the house
• Tongues of fire landed on each of their head
• Disciples talked in tongues
• The crowd was amazed
• The crowd accused the disciples of drunkenness
• Peter stood up and explained the meaning of the event/ he quoted the book of Joel
• Peter preached to the crowd about Jesus ministry
• They asked what to do to save themselves
• Peter told them to repent and be baptized
• 3000 people reported/ were baptized
• The crowd dispersed

4. (a) The unity of believers is expressed by Paul in the symbolism of the Church as the body
of Christ . 1Cor. 12:12-27.
i. Christ is like human body, has many parts that function for good of the whole being.
ii. As body of Christ the church has many members from different background but all have been baptized in one spirit.
iii. All members of the church have a role to play in the development of the church.
iv. Different members have different spiritual gifts that are used for the development of the church i.e. preaching, teaching and healing e.t.c.
v. All members of the body of Christ are equal because they serve the same God.
vi. Christians achieve unity by practicing virtues such as humbly, gentleness and patience

(b) five factors that qualify Christians as the people of God.
(i) They should imitate the great love of God
(ii) They should exhibit inseparable unity.
(iii) They should proclaim the gospel
(iv) Should be united in Christ.
(v) Should have the same Holy Spirit that gives life a guidance.
(vi) Should be baptized.
(vii) Should have faith in eternal life.
(viii) Should submit to Christ.
(ix) Should share each others burden.
(x) Endure persecution.
(xi) Condemn evil.

5. The causes of Disunity in the church of the New Testament.
i. The question of inclusion of the gentiles in the church.
ii. Negligence of the widows in the distribution of food.
iii. Question of immorality.
iv. The problem of the celebration of the Lord supper.
v. Taking others to pagan courts.
vi. Women appearing in public with unveiled heads
vii. Disagreement among leaders e.g Paul, Peter, Barnabas

6. (a) The causes of disunity in the early church at Corinth.
i. Rival clique – Quarreling and bickering which split the church.
ii. Incest among Christians – living with ones father’s wife (step mother) Thus committing incest others seemed to condone.
iii. Taking legal action against brethrens and had cases tried by non-Christian judges. Question of eating meal offered to idols. The question was whether to eat or not to eat food offered to idols.
iv. Dress – the question on how women should dress/ behave in church.
v. Division in celebration of the Lord’s Supper i.e. one had turned the occasion into social merry making opportunity rather than worship.
vi. Misunderstanding over spiritual gifts – some gifts were considered superior to others i.e. speaking in tongues.
vii. Resurrection – some people were denying the resurrection of the dead.
viii. Boasted wisdom – there were Christians who boasted that they were better than others.

(b)Solutions Paul gave to the above sited problems.
i. Distribution of food: On the issue of the Hellenist no pure Jews who complained Peter chose Deacons to be responsible.
ii. Disputes in the church leadership: Paul taught that personalities work all messengers of God and they too were under Jesus.
iii. The eating of meal offered to idols: Those who are strong in faith should guard those who are weak. Those who have faith are to eat meal offered to idols because idols are nothing
iv. The misuse spiritual of gifts – Paul reminded those who boasted of speaking in tongues that all gifts come from God.
v. The abuse of the Lords Supper: This was not to be a show off movement as it was meant to bring believers together, to share and partake of the Lord’s Supper.
vi. Sexual Immorality – Paul condemned this practice and directed that the man involved should be excommunicated.
vii. Settling disputes in civil courts – Paul urged the church that it was wrong for them to rely on those who did not share in their faith to judge them – they were to take cases before believers who were wise and could act as mediators.
viii. Dispute over marriage and divorce: Paul would rather people choose to remain celibate like him but if they could not then they’d better marry so as not to burn with passion – He advised that divorce should not take place as this would affect families.
ix. Disputes over the covering of head during worship: Paul reminded men to keep their hair short and women to be decently dressed..
x. Misunderstanding of the resurrection of the body: Paul reaffirmed that the resurrection of the body will actually take place.

(c)Ways Christians can prevent the division in the church in Kenya today.
(i) Treat each other with love
(ii) Avoid discrimination/ segregations/ tribalism in the church.
(iii) Preach / teach the word of God/ Bible truths to believers.
(iv) Assist those in problems/ poor/ the less fortunate/ the needy.
(v) Practice humility/ avoid arrogance.
(vi) Openly discuss issues affecting the church/ respect the opinions of other people.
(vii) Pray for one another/ problems affecting the church.
(viii) Practice transparent leadership style.
(ix) Give financial reports within acceptable period of time.
(x) Follow the church doctrines / constitutions / manuals/ elaborate members on church
(xi) Repent/ ask for forgiveness whenever they are wrong / accept their mistakes.
(xii) Prepare a budget annually / seasonally to ensure that the resources are well utilized.
(xiii) Guidance and counseling.

7. The factors that enhance units in the Christian community today
i. Preaching love and forgiveness for one another
ii. Organizing inter- denominational prayers
iii. Reconciling parties and encouraging agreements
iv. Formation of
v. Promoting youth in schools
vi. Condemning custom and practices which threaten unity in the society e.g. female circumcision/ wife inheritance
vii. Living exemplary lives for others to emulate
viii. Reporting those intending to bring disunity to relevant authority
ix. Helping the needy in the society
x. Creating employment opportunities
xi. Providing racial amenities

8. The remedies that can be put in place to minimize ethnicity in Kenya today
• Showing Godly love to all like Jesus
• Sensitizing people to appreciate and respect different ethnic group.
• Supporting educational and cultural programmes in a bid to promoting national unity.
• Discouraging tribalism through inter –ethnic marriages.
• Perpetrators of tribalism should be charged and punished according to the law.
• Creation of more national schools in the country so as to admit more students from every part of the country.
• Use a common language in the country as a unifying factor.
• Encouraging domestic tourism through benefits of visiting different parts of the country.

9. Ways the people of God described in I peter 2:9-10
i. Abraham’s descendants were referred to as the people of God
ii. Followers of Christ are described as the people of God
iii. They are people chosen by God
iv. They are a special chosen race
v. They are a royal priesthood who perform priestly tasks i.e. preaching, conducting church services and counseling
vi. They are God’s own people
vii. They are people who have received God’s mercy
viii. They are called to declare the wonderful deeds of God
ix. They stand out by living a holy and righteous life
x. The destiny of these people is no longer in this world but he eternal home

10. (a) Eight problems faced by the church at Corinth
i. Leadership wrangles
ii. Feat to idols
iii. Worship – women – hir- coverage
iv. Spiritual gifts cafild
v. Lords supper abuse
vi. Set-up/immorality
vii. Court + settled or by pagans
viii. Resurrection of the body

(b) solution which Paul give to solve the problems in the church at Corinth?
i. Free to marry or not
ii. Women to ask husbands
iii. Agree as leaders as one God as saved
iv. Promote love even if one has a gift
v. Resurrection if reason for preaching Christ heal
vi. Eat at home before but be orderly supper-wait.
vii. Idols – be considerate of the weak

(c) six major causes of disunity in the Christian churches today
i. Spinter groups from
ii. Leadership wrangles
iii. Doctrine differences
iv. Women leadership roles
v. Freedom of worship
vi. Tribalism intellect
vii. Political
viii. Church failure to satisfy needs exist.
ix. Lords supper approved
x. Baptism approach
xi. resurrection approach
xii. spiritual gift a tangles differences – discrimination
xiii. Sabbath day differences

11. (a) Seven causes of disunity in the early church were;
• There was dispute in the church’s leadership some claimed allegiance to Paul, another group to Apollos, and yet another to Peter
• Some Christians ate meals /meat offered to idols. This idolatry molested those who were weak in faith
• Misuse of spiritual gifts- some Christians attached greater importance to the gift of speaking in tongues and were boasting about it
• The abuse of the Lord’s supper – during the celebration of the Lord’s supper, Christiana grouped themselves according to their status in the society i.e. the poor vise the rich
• Misunderstanding of the resurrection f the body- some Christians believed in the resurrection while others doubted it.
• There was dispute over the covering of the head with veil during worship. Women were supposed to cover heir heads and dress decently during worship. This practice was ignored at Corinth.-

(b) Five ways in which Christians can promote unity in the church today are:
• Sensitizing /teaching believers that they are members of one body despite the difference in beliefs and practices
• Helping the poor/needy in the society
• Forming welfare organizations to assist the people in case of need
• Inviting members of other denominations in schools/free tours of worship in mission schools
• The use of common syllabus for teaching CRE in schools
• Offering guidance ad counseling to fellow Christian members.

12. a)five symbolic expressions used in teaching the unity of believers in the apostolic church
• The body of Christ
• The vine and the branches
• The bride
• The people of God
• The church

13. Factors which causes disunity among the Christians today
i. Selfishness/ greed for money by some Christians
ii. Rivalry/ competition for leadership positions/ greed for power
iii. Misinterpretation by some Christians of the work of the Holy Spirit
iv. Arrogance/ pride by some Christians
v. Corruption in church
vi. Failure by some of them to live according to the law of God/ their failure to live exemplary lives
vii. Lack of concern of some Christians about the plight of others
viii. Misinterpretation of the Bible/ doctrinal differences
ix. Misuse of church funds/ power by some leaders
x. Lack of transparency/ accountability in running church affairs
xi. The emergence of charismatic movements
xii. The church creates a situation where some Christians think they are more spiritual/ holier than others
xiii. Political interference where Christian find themselves in different political camps

14. Ways in which Christians show their trust in God are;-
o Christians show their trust in God by obeying God’s word and commandments
o By believing His promises
o By trusting the scriptures as God given
o By praying to God for their needs
o They put up places of worship where people can worship God
o By assisting the needy in society

18. Unity of Believers
1. Basis of Christian Ethics:-
o Christians refer to the Bible for guidance in their actions/the moral choices they make in life
o The conscience provides guidance on choices made
o Jesus’ teachings guide Christians when making decisions that involve moral judgement
o Church community provides guidance to one’s moral choices
o A Christian’s faith in God determines one’s behavour
o Church rituals are a source of Christian ethics.
o Positive African cultural values have been incorporated into Christian teachings thus guiding people’s behaviour
o Christians derive ethics from authoritative Christians literature
o Secular state law found in a country’s constitution provides guidance on the behaviour of its citizens
o As God reveals Himself to Christians he guides Christians on how they should behave
o Natural law- where one has the awareness to choose well and avoid evil
o Situation ethics provide a source for Christian ethics as the situation one finds himself/herself in determines the course of action (6x1 = 6mks)

2. the basis of Christians ethics.
- The bible offers answers to questions related to life of a Christian.
- The conscience tells people whether it is worthwhile to do or not to do something.
- Faith in God – one tries to live in making decisions.
- Church community – gives to live in making decisions.
- Church community – gives guidance on moral behaviour.
- Rituals such as baptism, marriage and vows are taken for one to lead a pleasing life in God.

3. five basis of Christians ethics
• Natural law
• Situation ethics
• Sacred scripture(bible)
• Human reason and experience
• Christians community

4. The basis of Christian ethics?
• The bible and sacred scriptures.
• The human conscience( reason and experience)
• Teaching faith in God
• Teaching of Jesus Christ.
• The church or Christian community.
• The church rituals
• Traditional African culture and morality.
• Authoritative Christian literature.
• Secular state laws
• God’s revelation.

19. Contemporary Christian living: Introduction to Christian Ethics.
1. (a) Effects of irresponsible sexual behaviours are:-
o Promotes the spread of STI’s
o Increase mental disorders
o Incase of single parenthood
o May lead to unwanted pregnancy and eventually abortion
o May cause death if disease is not curable
o Leads to disagreements
o Leads to divorce/separation if practiced in marriage (6x1=6mks)

(b) Christians demonstrate responsible parenthood by:-
o Understanding parental roles/responsibilities; husbands are expected to play their role as fathers of their children
o Educating children n all aspects of life
o Reaching/training children n religious matters
o Helping their children to grow physically/socially/psychologically and emotionally
o Helping children to develop intellectually by providing opportunities for them to learn
o Teaching morals/right behaviour to their children
o Teaching children how to relate to one another as brother and sisters among other relatives
o Teaching them social and civic responsibilities
o Being hardworking so that they are able to provide for the needs of their families
o Parents should also remember not to discriminate against any of their children
o Showing understanding /tolerance to their children

2. (a)Why traditional families were encouraged to have many children.
- Many children are regarded as a sign of wealth.
- Many children are an economic asset as they provide labour, e.g in the farms.
- Many children are source of prestige or recognition in the society.
- Many children especially girls bring more wealth to the family through bride wealth.
- Many sons are a source of security to the family as they provide warriors.
- Sons inherit their father’s property especially land.
- Many children take care of their parents in old
- Children ensure the perpetuation of a family and community life.
- Many children are viewed as a sign of blessings from God, it shows one is at peace with God
and ancestral spirits.
- To give the family security in case some children die due to epidemics and other
uncontrollable circumstances.
- Many children were a source of happiness and fulfillment in marriage. (8 x 1 = 8 mks)

(b)Give reasons why divorce is discouraged in Christian marriages.
- It undermines original purpose of marriage in the creation account where it’s intended to be
- Its sacred – God’s gift to human beings hence must be permanent.
- It’s a symbol of Christ and his church. So it a sacred union intended to honour and glorify God.
- It brings insecurity to the children by disrupting family life, the basic unit of society.
- It creates tension and bitterness between the parties involved due to feeling of humiliation, betrayed and distrust.
- Marriage is a total surrender of one partner to the other but divorce implies taking away what one has surrendered to the other separating what God has put together.
- Jesus’ and Paul’s teachings show that they disapprove of divorce.
- Jesus said the Mosaic Law allowed divorce because of human weaknesses. He maintained that what God put together, let no man put asunder.

3. a) Christian teaching on human sexuality
i. God created both male and female
ii. Created the two for companionship
iii. Both share in the image of God
iv. Both become one in marriage
v. Sexual intercourse is sacred and life giving
vi. Both play complimentary roles
vii. Human beings have the ability to control their sexual desires

b) Factors that have led Kenyans to remain unmarried today
i. Too demanding careers e.g. armed forces, sea captains
ii. Fear of responsibility
iii. Physical defeats e.g. impotence/ HIV / AIDS
iv. Low income/ unemployment/ economic constraints
v. Desire to pursue education/ research
vi. Some prefer single parenthood
vii. Failure to find suitable partner for marriage
viii. Some men fear highly educated women
ix. Exploitative/ commercialized dowry- feared by men
x. Lack of guidance and counseling on the importance of marriage institution
xi. Disappointing previous relations e.g. broken engagement lead to mistrust
xii. Traumatic life experiences e.g. rape, incest may discourage girls from getting married

c) Christian view on abortion
i. It is equated to murder which is forbidden by God (Exodus 20:13)
ii. Life is sacred / it belongs to God
iii. No one has a right to destroy life. It is God who gives/ it is him who takes it away
iv. The church has responsibility to provide counseling the victim of abortion so as to overcome depression
v. Some churches allow abortion if the life of the mother is danger

4. a) Christian understanding of family
i. Ordained by God
ii. Monogamous
iii. Complete with or without children
iv. It is the basic unit of a community
v. Headed by husbands
vi. Divorce is discouraged
vii. Husband and wife play complementary while as partners
viii. Nuclear

5 (a) seven reasons why pre-marital pregnancies were rare in Traditional African
• The children born out of wedlock/marriage were killed
• The children born out of marriages were abandoned
• Virginity was highly valued in some communities
• There were established separate activities for boys and girls
• Sex offenders fired/punished
• Adults especially elders, acted as role models
• Early marriages were recounted to control the urge of sex
• Girls who got pregnant were forced to marry old men /became second wives
• Sex education was given to the youth from an early age to guide and counsel them
• Leisure activities involving boys and girls were supervised by elders
• Some communities practiced female circumcision

(b) seven causes of prostitution in Kenya today
• Drunkard ness and drug abuse
• Peer influence
• Inadequate role models
• Idleness/lack of employment
• Urbanization
• Poverty
• Irresponsible parenting
• Loss of traditional values leading to permissiveness
• Long separation of spouse or divorce
• Lack of guidance and counseling
• Sickness/ill health of one partner
• Negative foreign influence of contraceptives
• Lack of self control
• Desire for money
• Influence of mass media/pornography
(c) six ways in which Christian youths can deal with the temptation of having before marriage
• Use the power of prayer to overcome temptation
• Avoid staying alone especially in the dark with a person of opposite sex
• Go for guidance and counseling from church leaders
• Choosing the right friends
• Choosing right leisure activities
• Reading the bible for enlightenment and encouragement
• Read literature on human sexuality to remove ignorance
• Obeying God’s command of keeping ones body pure until marriage
• Avoiding arousing each other e.g. kissing
• Always dressing decently
• Avoiding watching pornography

6. a) Eight causes of single parenthood (8mks)
• death of spouse
• divorce
• separation
• profession that require too much attention
• unfulfilled family expectation/financial constraints
• health problems
• infidelity/unfaithfulness
• rape cases
• affirmative action/parity
• children got out f wedlock
• imprisonment for along period of time

b) seven reasons why the Christians church is against abortion
• life is sacred and belongs to God
• abortion endangers the lie of the mother
• abortion denies the unborn baby the tight to life
• abortion is a misuse of the gift of sex and violate the sanctity of human life
• abortion will be turned into trade by methical doctors
• may lead to regrets and psychological torture
• may lead to permanent sterility

7. (a) Christian teachings on human are;-
• Human sexuality originates from God/God created both male and female
• Man and woman were created for companionship
• Male and female complements each other in their reproductive functions
• Sexual intercourse is sacred/ it is a gift from God
• Virginity is highly valued
• Both male and female are created in the image of God
• The union of male and female is consummated in marriage/man and woman became one in marriage
• Male and female should live in harmony by respecting each other /should regard each other as equal
• Male and female should procreate/fulfill God’s command to multiply
• Sexual deviation is condemned e.g. homosexuality/lesbianism/ adultery, sodomy

(b) Six reasons why pre-marital sex was rare in the Traditional African Communities are:
• Early marriages were arranged to control sexual urge
• Some communities practiced female circumcision
• Free mixing of boys and girls
• Virginity was highly valued
• There were established separate activities for boys and girls
• sex offenders punished/fined
• Adults especially elders acted as role models
• Girls who got pregnant before marriage were forced to marry old men (6x1=6mk)

(c) Seven factors that undermine marriage in Kenya today are:
• Failed marriages/poor role models
• Infidelity/unfaithfulness
• Commercialization of bride-price
• Western influence/culture
• Demanding careers
• Western education/formal education
• Substance abuse
• Presence of HIV/AIDS pandemic

8. Seven Christian teachings on the family.
i. Instituted by God through marriage.
ii. Monogamous.
iii. Related by blood, marriage/adoption.
iv. Man is head.
v. Takes care and upkeep of orphans widows.
vi. Offers emotional support/security to the children n.
vii. Governed by principles of love and respect
viii. Complete with/without children.
ix. Parents have a duty to introduce their children to worship of God.
x. Children have to obey their parents/Respect.
xi. Husband/wife play complementary roles.

20. Christian approaches to Human sexuality, marriage and family.
1. a) Five virtues related to work
vii. Diligence- commitment/ hard work/ thorough effort on ones work
viii. Honesty/ integrity- truthful adjust doing quality work
ix. Faithfulness- Being loyal/ trustworthy by performing duty well at the right time according to contract signed
x. Responsibility- being accountable/ working thoroughly without supervision
xi. Loyalty- Being faithful to employer, colleagues and organization
xii. Tolerance- Bearing with other people weaknesses/ harsh conditions/ decisions made by employer and some behaviors of the other workers though not accepting what is evil like stealing

b) Why child labor is morally wrong
x. Children are gifts from God and should not be oppressed
xi. Retards child growth/ development
xii. Child may not develop talents
xiii. Makes child negative towards work
xiv. Shows parents irresponsibility
xv. Denies formal education
xvi. Leads to loss of human dignity
xvii. Promotes poverty which is a social evil
xviii. Leads to exploitation through underpayment and overworking

2. Christians may deal with issues of child labour and neglect (7mks)
• practicing justice in way they deal with workers
• advocating be for the right of the children
• teaching others about Jesus attitude towards the children and calling them to be accountable in they way they handle the children
• reporting culprits of child labour/abuse to the authority
• rescuing children who are employed and neglected by providing them with basic needs
• educating parents that child abuse/abuse/neglect sinful before God
• praying for those who moles/defile/neglect the children)

3. a) Ways in which the employer should show respect for the human dignity of employees
i. Pay them their worth/ give them wages which are commensurate with the work done. Should not exploit the workers or underpay them/ delay payments
ii. Provide them with healthy and safe working conditions. Provide clean atmosphere and ensure that their lives and health of the workers are protected
iii. Be sensitive and reasonable to the general welfare of employees by showing concern to their needs and problems
iv. Employee’s hours of work should be reasonable/ should not work for long hours without rest/ leisure. (If workers are to be productive, they need rest)
v. The work load allocated to workers should not be commensurate with the workers mental, physical and intellectual ability and competence (avoid overtaxing workers)
vi. Workers should be allocated to take their leave or observe public holidays
vii. Show justice, fairness and practice charity towards employees especially to those who fall sick, who become pregnant during bereavement, old age/ during retirement
viii. Should discharge redundant workers fairly and in human manner and do their best to find other employment for them. Ensure job security (Any 9 points x 1 mark total 9 marks)

b) The duties and responsibilities of employees to employers?
i. To carry out their duties efficiently/ to the best of their ability/ diligently
ii. Work for the welfare of the institution/ company/ organization/ promote the success of the organization
iii. Show respect and loyalty to the employer
iv. To respect/ observe the terms of contract/ agreement/ work according to the expectations of the employer
v. To use the employers property with care/ avoid causing damage
vi. To show good will to the employer
vii. To co-operate with other workers for the welfare and success of the company/ institution
viii. Avoid joining in the strikes and go slow unionists for the sake of non- economic/ reasonable demands
ix. To perform ones duty with honesty, diligence and integrity
x. Pray for the success of the institution/ the employer and other employees

c) Reasons why a Christian should not resort to strike action as a way of presenting grievances
i. It is obedient to lawfully institute authority against Biblical teachings
ii. It leads to idleness/ laziness which is condemned in the Bible
iii. It wastes resources/ time
iv. It disrupts peaceful working atmosphere
v. Could lead to destruction of property
vi. Could lead to loss of life which is against the commandment of God
vii. It could lead to loss of employment/ suffering of individuals
viii. It leads to hatred bitterness/ frustration

21. Christian approaches to work
1. Ways in which Christians spend their leisure to glorify God
viii. Worshipping God by praying/ singing/ reading the bible
ix. Doing works of charity e.g. visiting the sick/ old/ poor/ disabled
x. Fellowship/ sharing with other Christians
xi. Relaxing with family and friends
xii. In evangelization/ spreading/ preaching the word of God
xiii. Reading/ physical exercises for self- fulfillment
xiv. Development of community/ church

2 four relationship between leisure and work in a Christian context. KKC
i. Both were instituted by God.
ii. While work is exhausting, leisure replaces lost energy.
iii. Leisure gives one an opportunity to perform works of charity.
iv. Work is means of acquiring the basic needs while leisure is time to enjoy what has been earned through work.
v. Some form of leisure activities are means of earning a living.
vi. Some forms of work are forms of leisure activities e.g Maker gardening.
vii. Work may result in tension while leisure provides both physical and mental relaxation.
viii. Both can support the community materially and emotionally.
ix. Human arrest like God did to emulate him.
x. Leisure gives an opportunity for people to praise God.

b) Ways can Christians use Leisure to glorify God?
i. Singing in church
ii. Praying
iii. Watching Christian fils
iv. Visiting the sick/friends.
v. Reading the Bible.
vi. Writing Christians literature
vii. Attending Christian meetings.
viii. Listening to Christians music
ix. Carrying out guidance and counseling services

3. (a)The purpose of leisure to the life of a Christian
(i) It enables one to worship God.
(ii) It allows them to socialize with relative and friends.
(iii) It allows time to relax.
(iv) Allows time to create new energies.
(v) Allows one to read the Bible for spiritual growth.
(vi) Allows one to pray for others and for oneself.
(vii) Allows one to visit the sick, prisoners, widows, orphans.
(viii) Allows one to improve his God given talents.
(ix) Allows one to improve his knowledge.

(b)Factors that may lead to the misuse of leisure.
i. Ignorance on proper use of leisure.
ii. Expenses and inappropriate form of leisure activities.
iii. Failure to provide leisure facilities.
iv. Lack of variety of leisure activities.
v. Bad company/ peer groups.
vi. Inability to balance between active and passive leisure.
vii. Poverty, too much wealth.
viii. Feeling of insecurity i.e. alcohol addicts
ix. Influence of mass media.
(c)Ways drug addicts be assisted to overcome the problem.
i. Making guidance and counseling services available for them.
ii. Sensitize them on the dangers of drug abuse/ addiction.
iii. Enhance laws against drug abuse/ enforce laws.
iv. Expose them to religious activities / positive leisure activities.
v. Set good example through avoiding drug clubs e.g. Alcoholic Anonymous / seek special treatment.
vi. Encourage them to form peer group counseling club where they share experiences.
vii. Engage them on productive activities to avoid laziness.
viii. Show love to drug addicts.

4. a) seven Christian teachings on leisure
i. Work and leisure are of divine origin. God rested on the 7th day
ii. Leisure is a gift from God
iii. Leisure is not idleness or laziness but spending one’s time in a meaningful productive manner
iv. Leisure provides a Christian with the opportunity to worship God
v. Leisure bring people together in thanksgiving
vi. Leisure in form of worship can be used as a period of atonement for sin
vii. The Bible teaches us that there is time for everything; time to work and time to rest
viii. Christians can use their leisure in charitable works i.e. Jesus healed on the Sabbath day
ix. Leisure can be used for social interactions as Jesus did when he visited his friends i.e. Mary and Martha
x. Christians take time to be alone by going for retreats in order to strengthen their relationship with God

b) What factors may lead to misuse of leisure in the modern society
i. Ignorance of proper use of leisure
ii. Expensive and inappropriate form of leisure activities
iii. Lack of facilities needed for leisure
i. Pornography/ influence of mass media
ii. Poverty/ too much wealth
iii. Bad company
iv. Feeling insecurity
v. Social oppression/ injustice may interfere with people’s freedom to involve in leisure
vi. Misunderstanding in the family
vii. Failure to strike a balance between passive and active leisure (Poor planning may lead to over- indulgence)
c) Identify six steps Christians should take to support people who abuse drugs and alcohol
i. Showing God’s love to drug addicts
ii. Teaching people to respect themselves and behave in a responsible manner
iii. Encourage drug addicts to go for rehabilitation and counseling
iv. Providing medical care
v. Encouraging drug addicts to join support groups for spiritual and moral strengthening
vi. Educating community members on effects of drugs on people
vii. Living exemplary lives
viii. Working in collaboration with other organization that are championing negative effects of alcohol and drugs i.e. NACADA
ix. Form of support groups for them

5 (a) seven ways in which leisure is important to human beings
• It gives people time to rest after a period of hard work thus regain lost energy
• It gives people time to worship God in prayers/Bible reading/retreats
• People ca engage in income generating activities e.g. knitting
• One can enhance or acquire new skills e.g. learning languages and computer
• Leisure gives time to attend to social occasions e.g. parties and family gatherings
• People are able to travel and visit places, friends and relatives
• Enables people to develop talents and skills and hobbies e.g. knitting and cooking
• Gives people time for recreation e.g. watching videos, TVs reading etc
• Peoples are able to assess the work they have done
• Enables people to offer charity to those in need e.g. visiting the sick, the prisoners and welcoming visitors
• People are able to enjoy their freedom since during their normal work; they are bound by rules and discipline of that particular profession

(b) seven reasons why taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure time is condemned
• It wastes family resources
• Leads to irresponsible sexual behavior like adultery and fornication
• Leads to quarrels in the family/work places
• Leads to poor health/diseases
• Leads to separation and divorce
• Leads to accidents e.g. on roads/ at work places
• Leads to addiction
• Leads to loss of means of livelihood/business/job
• Leads to crime/irresponsible behaviour
• Makes people vulnerable to risky behaviour which may lead to HIV/AIDS
• Alcohol destroys brain cells hence one cannot work properly
• Can affect ones upward mobility in work as one may not get promotion
• It can lead to absenteeism at place of work

(c) six reasons why the youths abuse drugs?
• Curiosity where people want to explore or test the feelings that result from taking drugs
• Peer pressure
• Frustration e.g. academic failure
• Availability of drugs at a cheaper cost
• Too much money given to them being spent on drugs
• Parents taking drugs /poor role models
• Poor parenting where children are not educated on dangers of drugs
• Ignorance on immediate and long term effects of drugs abuse
• Use of drugs to escape reality due to too much pressure from parents and teachers
• Poverty/impoverished lives may make some youths take drugs as a way of escape

6. (a) seven teachings do Christians emphasize on leisure ?
i. God started it
ii. Sabbath kept
iii. Moderation usage
iv. to please God not Satan
v. Less existence
vi. Not addictive
vii. Worship God-time
viii. Personal growth + socialize time
ix. Not addictive
(b) eight reasons why leisure time should not be abused by people today
i. Bible condemns it
ii. Family break-down
iii. Waste of money
iv. Physical harm to the body – active
v. Lowers spiritual growth
vi. Lowers moral judgement
(c) five qualities of good leisure for Christians
i. Not addictive
ii. Glorify God
iii. Dignify + respect
iv. Not harmful – dangerous
v. Service to others
vi. Life not in danger
vii. Not lead one to sinful action
viii. Moderation

7. Five ways in which the Africans spent their leisure time
• By attending beer drinking parties
• By attending games e.g. wrestling
• It is a time to introduce new members of the community
• It is a time for story telling
• It is a time for visiting others
• It is used to worship God
• It is used to attend African weddings

22. Christian approaches to wealth, money ad poverty
1. five ways in which Christians can use their wealth to glorify God.
• Contributing funds for the work of the church
• Providing land for construction of churches
• Sharing their resource with others
• Provide charitable services
• Paying tithes and church dues
• Catering for the upkeep of church leaders
• Providing medical service

2. Four ways in which introduction of money economy has changed the African traditional understanding of bride wealth
i) Bride wealth has became individualized
ii) It has been commercialized
iii) It is paid in cash rather than animals
iv) It is today subject to the lady’s status and inflation
v) Girls have become an investment to their parents
vi) It dehumanizes the girls
vii) Used to exploit men by the girls family

23. Christian approaches to law, order and Justice
1. The role of Christians in the transforming the political life of the society
i. Offer civic education
ii. Participate in law-reform processes/ constitution review process
iii. Condemn evil in society
iv. Participate in state function/ public holiday e.g. offer prayers
v. Reconcile marrying parties
vi. Preach love, peace and unity
vii. Obey laws of the country
viii. Rule in national elections
2. Christian can contribute to the maintenance of law and order
• Obey the authorities
• Observe all the laws.
• Pay taxes.
• Report errant members of society to law enforcement /agents/authority.
• Take part in decision making of the right representatives in parliament.
• Working hard.
• Not bribing people or receiving bribes.
• Practice love and charity.

3. a) Some causes of crime in the society today
i. Poverty - Most people live below the poverty line. In order to get their needs they resolve to unlawful means like robbery e.t.c.
ii. Public mistrust for law enforces: where they are not entrusted by the public in handling those who have committed crime hence resolve into mob justice
iii. Migration and urbanization and the effects that accompany it i.e. break of African kinship ties where virtues were taught by virtually all the adults in society
iv. Lack of parental care and guidance. Most parents have abdicated their responsibility of imparting necessary virtues to their children
v. Greed which leads to temptation to commit crime
vi. Drug and substance abuse which leads to many criminal activities
(Any 9 points x 1 mark total 9 marks)
b) Reasons why some Christians are opposed to the use of capital punishment
i. It is against the human rights to take away an individuals life
ii. God’s law forbids human beings from killing/ committing murder (You shall not kill)
iii. Capital punishment does not serve/ fulfill the purpose for which punishment is intended i.e. retribution/ warning/ reform/ discouragement from repeating the offence
iv. It is an attack on the human dignity of an individual
v. Human beings are made in the image of God. So capital punishment is destroying the image of God in human beings
vi. It is a criminal attack on another person in the eyes of Christians
vii. It is God who gives life and only god has the right to take it
viii. The judge who pronounces capital punishment on an accused person may be prejudiced/ unjust/ might take the wrong judgement
ix. It kills the element of forgiveness which must dominate in crime and punishment
x. Human beings are perfect/ they cannot asses the responsibility of the offender with absolute accuracy (God alone is accurate) how much evil is done

4 Reasons why Christians should participate in the law reform process
i. To exercise their democratic rights/ citizenship
ii. To ensure that just and laws are enacted/ formulated
iii. To ensure that quality leadership is achieved
iv. It is service to humanity
v. To improve quality of life of the people
vi. It is a sign of accountability
vii. It shows a sense of unity in nation building/ collective responsibility
viii. It leads/ helps to develop a whole person
ix. It is an opportunity to infuse Christian principles in the law e.g. freedom of worship

5. (a) Christian can contribute to the maintenance of law, order and justice.
(i) Obey and respect authorities.
(ii) Observe all laws.
(iii) Pay taxes.
(iv) Report errant members of society to law enforcement agents or authorities.
(v) Take part in decision making of the nation.
(vi) Respect and protect people’s property and lives.
(vii) Refuse to be bribed.
(viii) Practice love and charity.

(b) five reasons why rape is rampant in Kenya today.
(i) Lack of concern for other peoples welfare.
(ii) Selfishness and lack of self control.
(iii) Psychological illness/madness.
(iv) Alcoholism and drug abuse.
(v) Beliefs that having sex with young girls cures HIV/AIDS.
(vi) Loose morals among the youth.
(vii) Improper dressing by girls/women.
(viii) Frustration and anger in society due to social problems i.e. poverty, unemployment.
(ix) Mass media/phonograph.
(x) No set government policies on punishment of rapists i.e. minor fines.
(xi) Victims fear stigmatization so they don’t report the rape to police.
(xii) Police are ineffective in dealing with rape.
(xiii) Legal system in place is weak.
(xiv) Poverty and development of slums.

(c) five areas of conflict between the Church and state.
(i) The state fails to execute justice punish offender while the church expects justice to be done.
(ii) The government advocate for artificial family planning methods i.e. use of condoms while church.
(iii) advocates natural.
(iv) The state legalized abortion while the church does not/ condemns it.
(v) When politicians use their power to buy votes.
(vi) State denies the church media permits.
(vii) State refuses to give church title deeds.
(viii) When the state takes criticism negatively and retaliates.

24. Christian approaches to selected issues related to modern science ,
Technology and Environment.
1. (a) six main causes of desertification in Kenya.
(i) Insufficient or unreliable rainfall which cannot support plants and animals making land desolate.
(ii) Interference of human beings with ecosystem which has led to climate changes resulting in less rainfall and higher temperatures.
(iii) Imbalances in the factors that favour growth of vegetation.
(iv) Deforestation or cutting down trees.
(v) Overgrazing, especially among pastoralist communities.
(vi) Continual lxs of fertile land on the fringe of deserts due to human encroachment.
(vii) Poor farming methods like cultivation on riverbanks and slopes which covers soil erosion which leads to diversification.

(b) Why Christians condemn euthanasia.
(i) The Ten Commandments forbids killing.
(ii) It is a form of suicide.
(iii) It shows lack of faith in God.
(iv) It is contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ in restoration of life.
(v) It is a rebellion against God and rejection of God.
(vi) It deprives relatives, friends, nurses and doctors willingness of giving loving care to the dying persons.
(vii) It discourages medical research on vaccines.

(c) four reasons which compel doctors to assist one commit abortion.
(i) When life of a mother is in danger.
(ii) If conception is out of rape.
(iii) When the child to be born is having complication.
(iv) When child to be born has contracted is incurable

2. (a) Ways in which a Christian can contribute to the conservation of the environment.
(i) A Christian should understand that environment was created and sanctified by God hence
should be kept Holy.
(ii) Teach others the importance of preserving the environment.
(iii) Make contributions towards the conservation of environment e.g. planting trees/ build
gabions etc.
(iv) Join others i.e. tree planting day.
(v) Not to participate on activities leading to destruction of the environment.

(b)Five advantages of genetic engineering to mankind.
(i) It has increased the rate of growth and maturity of livestock beneficial to human beings in
livestock products.
(ii) It has added research in manufacture of human growth hormones.
(iii) It increases diseases resistance in crops.
(iv) Helps to identify / determine biological / parent of a child.
(v) Increase in plant and animal yields for the benefit of over increasing human population.

(c)Five ways modern science and technology undermine Christian teaching on respect to life.
(i) People are able to carry out abortions which lead to death of unborn/ not the mothers life /
mercy killing/ euthanasia
(ii) Cloning / test tube babies undermine human sexuality.
(iii).Machines / fertilizers pollute the environment thus endangering the lives of human beings.
(iv) Vasectomy / tubal litigation undermines God’s purpose for procreation.
(v) Weapons of mass destruction lead to loss of life.
(vi) Human beings have been rendered jobless due to modern science and technology.
(vii) Accidents caused by machines and vehicles lead to loss of lives.
(viii) Organ transplant/ plastic surgery undermine God’s creation.

3. ways through which Christians can help control desertification
i. Participate in a forestation and reafforestation programmes
ii. Educate the public on ways of controlling and protecting forests
iii. Help to strengthen ones
iv. Use alternative energy sources like biogas, solar, wind
v. Avoid cutting of trees
vi. Report cases of forest destruction for authority command
vii. Practice better farming techniques that do not promote desertification
viii. Irrigating land through irrigation and planting of trees

4. a) Give seven reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia
i. It demeans the sanctify of life. It is murder. Only God can take away life
ii. Euthanasia destroys life which has potential that is unknown to the patient, doctor or family members
iii. Those who suffer severe pain and incurable diseases should accept the condition humbly than resort to Euthanasia
iv. One should seek God’s will instead of taking matters into their own hands
v. Euthanasia discourages scientific research into the cure of incurable diseases i.e. cancer
vi. Clinically depressed people can be visited, comforted and played for and treated with medicine and hence avoid Euthanasia
vii. Euthanasia can increase cases of suicide
viii. Euthanasia can discourage patients and make them lose hope in life as they feel rejected by those who are supposed to care for them

b) The negative impact of deforestation on the environment
i. Loss of locally available products such as fruits; honey and herbs
ii. Threat to continued supply of wood products
iii. Destruction of forests which attract rain
iv. Soil erosion caused by rapid run-off of rain- water accelerate deforestation
v. Increase in global carbon build-up in the atmosphere causes global warming and green house effect
vi. Extinction of certain species of plants and animals
vii. There is destruction of natural beauty

5. (a) Seven ways in which science and technology has contributed to the spread f the Gospel today are:
• Printing press has been used to produce Christian literature /Bible
• The production of cassettes with Christian songs
• The use of public systems/microphones has enhanced evangelization zeal
• The introduction of Braille had enabled the blind to read Christian messages
• The use of cell phones /e-mail/internet to spread the gospel
• The presence of large modern architectural designs/building with ample space for the church
• The use of mass media in broadcasting he gospel
• The production of Christian films
• Modern means of transport that has facilitated the movement of priests/evangelists

(b) Four ways in which science and technology has promoted promiscuity in the society are;
• The use contraceptive devices e.g. pills , condoms
• The use of pornographic materials /literature
• Poor dressing codes
• Presence of lodges
• Presence of night clubs/discotheques
• Induced abortion
• he use of hard drugs e.g. cocaine / mandrax
• Influence form mass media/television

(c) Reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia are:
• It is against medical ethics
• It is against Bibilical teachings
• It is murder/it is against God’s commandments
• it is against human rights/declarations
• It can also encourage suicidal tendencies when one is healthy
• Those who ware stressed should accept suffering as part of Christian suffering
• It discourages medial research on vaccines that may cure various diseases
• A patient may recover affecter a long period of time/deep comma

6. The role science and technology played in the evangelization process (8mks)
• electronic media e.g. TV, radio are used to teach goodnews
• the public address system is used to preach to a large congregation
• modern men of transport/communication ease the movement of evangelists
• recorded cassette/CDS/DVDS are used to preach recorded sermons/music etc
• modern musical instruments e.g. keyboard are used for accompaniment
• computers/printing presses/type writers are used in putting the writings in text intended to reach more people
• technology in architecture has enabled teaches to put up sanctuaries from where preaching is conducted
• churches have used modern technology to equip hospitals for the treatment of the sick
• scientific research has enabled evangelist to come up with effective methods in spreading the gospel

7. Seven ways in which Christians make use of science and technology to spread the gospel
i. Through the use of electronic media e.g. radio, television, video cassettes, cinemas to preach/ teach the good news
ii. Christians use public address systems when preaching to large congregations during Christian crusades, rallies and conventions. They make use of modern means of communication, automobiles, aeroplanes and trains to travel from place to place to preach, teach, evangelize and to send missionaries
iii. Christians make use of recorded cassettes to preach or for recording gospel music which people can listen to.
iv. Christians make use of modern musical instruments, electronic guitars, key boards for accompaniment in music
v. Christians use telephones, fax, postal services that are efficient and fast to stations, country to country which are essential in running of the churches
vi. Use of typewriters, computers, printing machines has enabled the churches to put messages/ teachings in writing so that they can be read by more people or enable them print their literature for wider readership
vii. Technology in architecture: Building technology has enabled the church not only to put sanctuaries from where to preach to the people but also to put up other complexes e.g. halls, schools offices for the work of the church
viii. In medicine, the churches have used modern technology to equip the hospitals and modern medicine to treat the sick/ carry out the healing ministry
ix. Scientific research, innovations in different disciplines which have been adopted by the church and this has contributed to their critically looking at methods and approaches sued in spreading the gospel with the intention of changing to modern methods and approaches
x. The use of modern technology in industry, agriculture and commerce has helped to bring more money to the churches which is essential in spreading the gospel and for work of the church
xi. The use of modern equipment for leisure e.g. games, chama, social activities, parties has helped enhance the work of the church
xii. Scientific discoveries and exploitations have gone a long way to affirm and attest the truth of the gospels e.g. archeological discoveries (Any 9 points x 1 mark total 9 marks)

8 a) How science and Technology has helped to improve human life. KKC
i. Transport /communication has improved social interaction/faster movement.
ii. Improved efficiency at work where machine are sued.
iii. Improved Agricultural development hence increasing food production.
iv. Improved human understanding of their environment e.g weather forecasting.
v. Brought better healthcare through modern medical technology.
vi. Human beings are better placed in security matters by use of radar, alarms and electrical fencing.
vii. Led to creation of job opportunities through industrial development.
viii. Formal education and training has equipped human beings with new skills for survival.

b) five reasons why Christians are opposed to the term Abortion in the proposed constitution of Kenya
i. May promote sexual immoralities
ii. May lead to rampant killing of urban children/murder
iii. It is disregard to the sacredness of life.
iv. May lead to other infections in the reproductive system.
v. May cause death of the mother.
vi. Mother may suffer depression and psychological disturbances because of guilt.
vii. May lead to conflict in marriage.

c) seven relationship that exist between the church and the state in Kenya
i. politicians support the church through making monetary contributions for the running of church affairs.
ii. Both have the same goal of ensuring that people live in peace/harmony.
iii. The government through the local councils allocates premises to the church to build worship place.
iv. The church supports the government in fight against corruption and other social evils.
v. Both work together in providing social amenities and creating job opportunities.
vi. Church –state co-operate in offering civic education to enlighten the masses on their duties.
vii. The church nourishes the spiritual growth of its members where as the state is concern with the socio – economic affairs of its citizens.
viii. When the state fails to fulfill its duties to the citizens the church acts as its conscience by rebuking it and offering possible solutions.
ix. Both deal with welfare of the people.
x. Co-operate in tackling many social issues that affects the people.

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