Agbm 220:Co-Oprative Management Development Question Paper
Agbm 220:Co-Oprative Management Development
Course:Agribusiness Management
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2011
Answer Question One and any other two questions.
1. (a) Explain six functions of the Ministry of Co-operative Development and marketing in the Kenyan economy. [12 marks]
(b) Explain four factors that should be considered by producer co-operative societies when determining the retail price of their products. [8 marks]
(c) “Every co-operative society shall have a committee which shall be the governing body of the society and which shall direct the affairs of the society.” Explain the powers of such a committee. [10 marks]
2. (a) Discuss five challenges facing the co-operative movement in Kenya. [10 marks]
(b) Explain briefly any five co-operative principles adopted by the International Co-operative Alliance Congress of 1995 held in Manchester, England, which guide the operations of co-operative all over the world today. [10 marks]
3. (a) As a Commissioner for Co-operative development, you have received an application for registration of a co-operative society. Describe the factors that you would consider before granting the registration. [10 marks]
(b) Highlight the Five items of agenda that are usually discussed during the first general meeting of a new co-operative society. [10 marks]
4. (a) Outline Ten conditions that one must satisfy to be a member of a Management Committee of a registered co-operative society. [10 marks]
(b) As a Co-operative Education Officer of Kiboko Co-operative Society you are scheduled to give a lecture to the management committee on the topic “Methods of analyzing the viability of the co-operative investments.”
Outline the evaluation methods or tools you would include in your lecture. [10 marks]
5. (a) Outline TEN powers of the Commissioner for Co-operatives development with respect to liquidation of a Co-operative Society. [10 marks]
(b) The Government regularly reviews the legislation relating to Saccos and recently it established the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA). Explain the functions and powers of this Authority. [10 marks]
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