Bcom 100:Principles Of Business Question Paper

Bcom 100:Principles Of Business 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer Question One and ANY OTHER two.
1. (a) Trace the historical foundations of Modern Business in Kenya, with special emphasis on Kenya?s industrial sector. [10 marks]
(b) Utility is vital if human needs and wants are to be satisfied. In this context, explain the following:
(i) Value-in-use. [3 marks] (ii) Value in exchange. [3 marks] (iii) Categories of economic utility. [8 marks]
(c) “Ordinary shares, Rights issue and Preference shares are important sources of capital for a business undertaking.” Discuss. [6 marks]
2. (a) “Marketing operates in a number of different ways and when managing a product, the marketing mix (the four P?s) is exploited fully.” Discuss. [10 marks]
(b) Explain how the state of the economy, the state of the market and the policies of the firm influence the variable of Price. [10 marks]
3. (a) A progress business manager should have an understanding of „people (Human Resource Management) management. Discuss, then, the critical areas that such a manager should focus on with regard of „people? management. [10 marks]
(b) “All aspects of business operations in Kenya are governed by legislation. This is because business legislation serves certain important purposes in a developing economy such as Kenya?s”. Discuss. [10 marks]
4. (a) Many businesses in Kenya are today engaged in activities aimed at demonstrating their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Explain the reasons that have been advanced in support of CSR. [10 marks]
(b) Business managers should demonstrate integrity of purpose and ethics in their business operations. Explain the likely consequences of a business environment devoid of business Ethics. [10 marks]

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