Bcom 172:Fundamentals Of Computer Question Paper
Bcom 172:Fundamentals Of Computer
Course:Bachelor Of Commerce
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2011
1. Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions
2. Marks are awarded for clear and concise answers
Question One Compulsory (30 marks)
(a) Briefly describe the role of the following in computer systems and ICT
i. Computer virus [2 marks] ii. Software [2 marks] iii. Web search engine [2 marks] iv. Computer network [2 marks]
(b) Giving examples show the difference between
i. Softcopy and hardcopy [4 marks] ii. Impact and non-impact printers [4 marks]
(c) Briefly describe the following types of secondary storage devices
i. Optical disks [2 marks] ii. Flash disks [2 marks] iii. Magnetic disks [2 marks]
(d) List and explain FOUR important characteristics of a computer. [8 marks]
Question Two (20 marks)
a) Draw a block diagram to illustrate the basic organization of a computer system. Explain the functions of the various units. [8 marks]
b) The organization you work for has been carrying out a base line survey on the effect of rains on the drought situation in the country. You are required to submit a well formatted report of the research findings
(i) What application program would you use to analyse the findings [2 Marks]
(ii) Discuss the most powerful features of the application program that you would make use of to analyse the data collected from the survey. [8 marks]
(iii) Which application program would you use to prepare the final report? [2 Marks]
Question Three (20 marks)
Those who buy computers, especially large organizations such as government departments, have to buy the best computer they can for the available money.
a) What specifications should you include when buying your computer? [8 marks] b) Name any two input devices and any output devices on a computer system. [4 marks] c) State what RAM and ROM stand for and describe the characteristics of each. What is each used for in a computer system? [4 marks] d) While giving examples, show how does secondary and primary memory complement each other in a computer system? [4 Marks]
Question Four (20 marks)
The operating system is arguably the most important piece of software that runs on a generalpurpose computer.
a) Explain the functions of the operating system software. [12 marks]
b) Following two mergers, the organization for which you work now has three legacy operating systems that work reliably. In their current form they cannot be linked together. Write a report identifying the common operating systems used on the current day stand
alone PCs and networked computers. Give an hint why the three operating systems you have cannot be linked together. [8 marks]
Question Five (20 marks)
i. Wine Barrel 2010 sells quality wine through mail order and has created a loyal and established client base. Customer research has established that at least half of their customers posses Internet PCs and consequently Wine Barrel 2010 want to reduce costs by providing premium service for display and ordering of their products. Describe the factors Wine Barrel 2010 should consider when choosing an Internet Service Provider and the principal ways of connecting to the Internet. [14 marks]
ii. List and describe any THREE types of utility software. [6 marks]
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