Bust 122:Principles Of Marketing Question Paper
Bust 122:Principles Of Marketing
Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2010
1. (a) According to Philip Kotler (1983), marketing must develop a social consciousness i.e., marketing should become involved in vital social issues and provide important public services.
Study the above statement closely and bring to light the important aspects of Social Marketing. [10 marks]
(b) Firm X has been criticized by a professional marketing body of not showing a clear understanding of the core concepts of De-Marketing, ReMarketing, Over-Marketing and Meta-Marketing.
You have been asked as a marketing student, to write a report on what the concepts/terminologies mean. Provide here, an account of your report. [10 marks]
(c) “To be able to carry out successful marketing, a firm should first, engage in intensive marketing research.” Elaborate. [10 marks]
2. (a) “Modern companies, particularly in the manufacturing sector, have appreciated fully, the need to „standardize? and „grade? as well as to properly „package? and „brand? their products.”
Analyze the above subsection and bring out the specific aspects of the key ideas/terminology used in it. [12 marks]
(b) Explain , clearly, „consumer decision behaviour? within the marketing environment. [8 marks]
3. (a) “Market Segmentation refers to the process of taking the total heterogeneous market for a product and dividing it into several submarkets or segments each of which tends to be homogeneous in all aspects.”
Study the above statement critically, demonstrate and explain the criteria for successful segmentation. [12 marks]
(b) Discuss the reasons for the need to carry out a study on Buyer Behaviour. [8 marks]
4. (a) Explain, briefly but clearly, the Four (4) P?s of Marketing. [10 marks]
(b) “The „Marketing Mix? can only be determined through carefully spelt out process comprising a series of logical steps.” Elaborate. [10 marks]
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