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Form 4 History And Government Paper 2 Question Paper

Form 4 History And Government Paper 2 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

2 HRS 30 MIN


Answer all questions

1. Identify the branch of history that studies the way of life of the people in the past
(1 mark)
2. Identify the primary source of African history among African communities in the pre – colonial period.
(1 marks)
3. State two ways in which early human beings communicated in the Old Stone Age period
(2 marks)
4. Name the type of irrigation used in ancient Egypt when the depth of the Nile Water was low.
(1 mark)
5. Name two main cash crop that were grown in North America during the Agrarian Revolution
(2 marks)
6. Give one political factor that led to growth Trans – Saharan trade
(1 mark)
7. Outline one role played by the African kings during the trans- Atlantic trade
(1 mark)
8. Give two traditional means of water transport
(2 marks)
9. State two uses of steel during the industrial revolution in Europe
(2 marks)
10. State two functions of the Asantehene in the Asante kingdom
(2 marks)
11. State two ways in which the Egyptian question led to the scramble for colonies in Africa
(1 mark)
12. State the main reason why the communities in southern Tanganyika rebelled against the Germans.
(1 mark)
13. Name two ways SamoriToure’s second empire led to his downfall
(2 marks)
14. State one way in which the policy of appeasement contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War.
(1 mark)
15. State two ways in which the commonwealth promotes democratization among its members.
(2 marks)
16. Name the economic blocs formed during the cold war
(2 marks)
17. Identify the chair of the upper house of the Indian parliament
(1 mark)

Section B 45 marks
Answer any three questions in this section.
18. (a) State five hunting methods used by early man in the Old Stone Age period.
(5 marks)
(b) Explain five similarities between early agriculture in Mesopotamia and Egypt
(10 marks)

19. (a) State three uses of stream during the industrial revolution in Britain
(3 marks)
(b) Explain six factors that have promoted industrial development in South Africa
(12 marks)
20. (a) State five reasons why the Lewanika collaborated with British colonial rulers
(5 marks)
(b) Explain five similar results of Nelson Mandela to the liberation with the British during the colonial period
(10 marks)

21. (a) Give five contributions of Nelson Mandela to the liberation struggle in South Africa
(5 marks)
(b) Explain five reasons for the early achievement of independence in Ghana ahead of other African countries
(10 marks)

Section C 30 marks

22. (a) state five steps Mobutu took to consolidate his power and bring unity in DRC
(5 marks)
(b) Explain five measures Tanzania took to revive its economy since 1980s
(10 marks)

23. (a) State five ways in which Non – Aligned movement members safeguard their national security.
(5 marks)
(b) Explain five ways in which the cold war affected the word
(10 marks)

24. (a) State five features of the stage governments in the United States of America
(5 marks)
(b) State five ways on how the doctrine of parliamentary supremacy is upheld in British
(10 marks)

Marking Scheme/Answers


Section A 25 marks
Answer all questions
1. Identify the branch of history that studies the way of life of the people in the past
- social history (1 mark)
2. Identify the primary source of Africa history among African communities in the pre – colonial period.
- Oral tradition (1 mark)
3. State two ways in which early human beings communicated in the old stone age period
- Whistling
- Grunting
- Gestures

4. Name the type of irrigation used in ancient Egypt when the depth of the Nile Water was low.
- Shadoof irrigation

5. Name two main cash crops that were grown in North America during the Agrarian Revolution
- Wheat
- corn/maize
- Cotton
- Tobacco

6. Give one political factor that led to growth Trans – Saharan trade (1 mark)
- Kingdoms like Mali and Songhai – protected traders
- Kingdoms provided market for the goods e.g Mansa Musa

7. Outline one role played by the African Kings during the Trans – Atlantic trade (1 mark)
-They protected traders
- they sold slaves to the traders
8. Give two traditional means of water transport (2 marks)
- Boats

9. State two uses of steel during the industrial revolution in Europe (2 marks)
- making of rails
- making industrial machines
10. State two functions of the Asantehene in the Asante kingdom
- He presided over the Odwira festival
- He was the commander of the army
- He presided over the confederacy council in making decision on appealed cases
- Enforced national levies
11. State two ways in which the Egyptian question led to scramble for colonies in Africa.
(1 mark)
- Britain occupied Egypt and laid claim on Uganda(1894), Kenya (1895), Sudan (1898)
- France was forced to look for colonies to compensate what it lost to Britain

12. State the main reason why the communities in Southern Tanganyika rebelled against the Germans. (1 mark)
- They wanted to regain their independence
13. Name two ways Samori Toure’s second empire led to his downfall
- It was far from Bure mines hence cut off from his gold mine
-It was far from free town so he could not trade for firearms
- It was surrounded by enemies like Asante kingdom and the British
- The communities he displaced to established it, fought him
-Its Southern frontier(Ivory coast) was prone to French attack

14. State one way in which the policy of appeasement contributed to the outbreak of second world war. (1 mark)
- Allied powers (France and Britain) did not stop Germany from breaking he Versailles treaty, (they did this in order to avert another war)

15. State two ways in which the commonwealth promotes democratization among its members.
-It sends election observers to oversee elections among its members
- It organizes the commonwealth parliamentary association (CPA) to share on governance and presiding sessions
- It advocate for democracy(condemns dictatorship)

16. Name one economic blocs formed during the cold war (2 marks)
- Marshall plan
- Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)

17. Identify the chair of the upper house of the Indian parliament (1 mark)
- The Vice President

Section B 45 marks
Answer any three questions in this section.
18.a) State five hunting methods used by early man in the old stone age period (5 marks)
- Chasing animals to pit falls
- Drugging animals to swampy areas
- Driving animals to steep cliffs
- Throwing stones at them
- Surrounding the animals and capturing them
- Waiting for animals at watering points the capture them

b) Explain five similarities between early agriculture in Mesopotamia and Egypt (10 marks)
- Development of writing was also in both countries Hieroglyphics (Egypt).
- Both there was the presence of fertile soil that consisted plenty of silt deposits on the lower valleys of rivers Tigris and Euphrates for Mesopotamia and the Nile for Egypt
- Both had enough water for irrigation from rain received from the Nile (Egypt) and Tigris and Euphrates for Mesopotamia
- Both used of good farming implements such as clay sickles used for harvesting.
- In both there was availability of storage facilities such as granaries.
- There was presence of indigenous animals e.g goats, sheep and cattle In both countries
- In both there was mechanization
- Advancement in religious practices since the Mesopotamia had many gods
Connected to agriculture. And also Egypt under pharaoh

19. a) State three uses of steam during the industrial revolution in Britain
- Steam was used to pump water from coal mines
- steam was used to move ships, vehicles and trains
- Steam was used to drive heavy machines in factories
- Steam was used to generate power for industrial use

b) Explain six factors that have promoted industrial development in South Africa.
- Availability of natural resources such as minerals processed by her industries e.g. iron steel
- Development of sources of energy such as HEP and coal
- Road water and Railway transport are greatly developed in South Africa this boosts industrial growth
- Government support especially good policies promoting industrialization by putting heavy tariffs on imported commodities
- High population in South Africa provided both skilled and unskilled labours as well internal market for manufactured goods.
- Availability of capital mainly through trade and in other materials

20.a) State five reasons why the Lewanika collaborated with British colonial rulers
- He needed protection against the Ndebele who raided Lozi
- He was threatened by Portuguese to the East, the Boer to the West, the Germans from Namibia & British from South who all wanted his kingdom
-He was encouraged by missionaries e.g Francois Coillard encouraged him to seek british protection
- Chief Khama of Ngwato gave him advice to accept British protection
-He wanted to promote trade between his people and the British
He wanted help in protection of his position and state

b) Explain five similar results of the Baganda and the Lozi collaboration with the British during the colonial period
- Both lost independence
-All were finally colonized
- Both were subjected to forced labour, tax
- Both kingdoms developed , hospitals and schools built
- The British were able to use his foot hold in Barotseland to subjugate the surrounding communities, which did not co – operate with them. And in Buganda
- They both lost much of his authority e.g land distribution.
- They got title Lewanika was made of paramount chief while Kabaka given the title his highness

21. a) Give five contributions of Nelson Mandela to the liberation struggle in South Africa
- He was a member of the ANC youth league which believed in the use of force to achieve African freedom
- He was lawyer and worked hard to assist Africans who got in trouble with the law
- He was founding member of the fighting wing of ANC (Umkhonto we Sizwe) which was involved in a campaign of sabotage against the public installation but avoided loss of human life.
- He was involved in the defiance campaign of 1952 which involved defiance of segregation laws so that Blacks sat on park benches marked “Whites only”.
- In 1952, he was among the leader who formulated the Freedom Charter that called for equality for all races in South Africa.
- From 1961 as the leader of ANC, he travelled round the country talking to people about apartheid.
- He undertook guerrilar training in Algeria and other parts of Africa in preparation for South Africa liberation.

b) Explain five reasons for the early achievement of independence in Ghana a head of other Africa countries
- Existence of large group of young western education people who had primary education but could not secure jobs
- Existence of small group with higher education having been trained in Europe or USA e.g Danquan, Kwame, Ako Adjei, Akuffo Addo
- Discontentment by farmers due to meager profits from cocoa, European goods were very expensive, British ordered them to cut the cocoa trees following out break and swollen short disease
- Having participated in the world war the ex – servicemen gained confidence in dealing with colonial authority
- Government giving of trade licenses to the utilities and deliberately denying Africans the same which angered Africans

Section C 30 Marks
Answer any two questions in this section

22. a) State five steps Mobutu took to consolidate his power and bring unity in DRC
- He brought the fragile nation together by centralizing power when he became head of state.
- He formed one party dictatorship by banning all parties
- He abolished federal system and local assemblies
- He reformed constitution and stripped parliament of powers
-He reduced administrative regions to 8
- Civil servant would be appointed by the main government

b) Explain five measures Tanzania took to revive its economy since 1980s
- Devaluation of its currency
- Foreign investment was encouraged
- Mwinyi encouraged bilateral and multi – lateral economic relationship with rich countries
- East Africa Communities cooperation was also revived 2001 hence expanding her market
- Expansion of ports and airports
-The launching of national youth service led to establishment of settlement and income generating projects

23. a) State five ways in which Non – Aligned movement members safeguard their national security.
- Preservation of cultural identity
-- Protection of boundaries/territorial integrity
- Preservation of sovereignty
- Ensure socio – political and political independence
- Economic independence through promotion of agriculture

b) Explain five ways in which the cold war affected the word
- space race
-Arms race
- Polarization of the world into two – east and west
- Development of science and technology
- Formation of NAM
- Led to the spread of capitalist and community ideologies
- It caused wars e.g Korean, Vietnam war
- There was formation of economic and military alliances e.g NATO
- Cold war resulted to development in science and technology
- Suspicion, mistrust and hostility development among nations
- Cold war undermined international peace and security

24.a) State five features of the state government in the United State of America
- They make their laws
- Each state has law court that cater for its internal affairs
- Every state provides educational facilities among other public amenities for the welfare of its residents.
- There exists a state police to ensure maintenance of law and order
- Ever state generates revenue necessary for discharging its responsibilities

b) State five ways on how the doctrine of parliamentary supremacy is upheld in Britain
- It makes, amends and even abolishes laws and cannot be overridden at all
- All other institutions derive power from parliament
- Approves government budget
- Decisions made by parliament are binding for all and cannot be overruled
- It can remove an unpopular government from office

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