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Form 4 English Paper 2 (Comprehension, Literary Appreciation And Grammar) Question Paper

Form 4 English Paper 2 (Comprehension, Literary Appreciation And Grammar) 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016


Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
The majority of Kenyans endure a grueling dairy routine to secure their cherished dreams or simply stay afloat. However, underlying what passes for a regular pattern are game- changing narratives worthy of a pen portrait.

One such narrative involves middle – aged women relocating to Western capitals, mainly in the US and Europe, in search of opportunities.

Generally, the case of Africans relocating to the West is not new. In a mail & Guardian article of April 23, 2015, Christine Mungai argues that Africans get richer at home so that they relocate to west.

In his 2005 book, emigration, brain Drain and Development. The Case of sub – Saharan African, DR Ano Tanner, a political scientist, Interpret the trend differently. He argues that mass relocation of professionals can impede socio – economic development in source nations.
More specially, the exodus of middle – aged women from Africa has been both misunderstood and maligned. Yet, a keener look at the dynamics behind it reveals, salient benefits to families and paybacks with potential in diplomacy.

The last two decades have witnessed a dramatic transformation of the Kenyan workplace. First, a consisted rise in numbers of younger and better – educated employees has edged out the older work – force. That situation, coupled with vagaries of the economy, led to mass lay– offs and re trenchment. Second, the life expectancy of Kenyans has continued to rise, meaning that many people are reaching retirement age while still strong and resourceful.

The emotional attachment embedded in the female psyche tends to drive women to worry more about the future of their children and extended families.
In my view, there are other distinct reasons why middle – aged women are relocating to Western capitals. There are those who already have young adult children studying or making new lives abroad, who would perform much better with mum not too far away. Young ones abroad not on scholarship or those fending for themselves while still going are more likely to benefit from the presence of a parent.

Some retired or trenched mothers are keen on advancing their own education and therefore find going abroad the better way to accomplish their dream.

There are those middle – aged women who plunge into the world of work abroad simply to get the means to sustain their families. In most such cases, the wife is seemingly the ‘lighter’ option, as it may seem that culturally men struggle a lot more when it comes to relocating abroad.

It is clear that there are several thoughtful reasons why a woman retrenched at 45, or one who has retired from formal employment at 55 or 60, would opt take a gamble in search of an alternative source of livelihood away from home. Beyond personal gain, the exodus of middle – aged women offers an opportunity to build diplomatic capital between Kenya and host nations. A systematic study into this phenomenon whose policy implications are not in doubt is clearly due.
Oneko, J. (2016, January 2) How woman are redefining homemaking. Daily Nation

a) Why do majority of Kenyans endure a grueling daily routine?
(2 marks)
b) How does Dr. Arno’s interpretation differ from other narratives
(2 marks)
c) Explain the irony in the exodus of middle aged women from Africa has been perceived.
(3 marks)
d) In what ways have the last two decades witnessed dramatic transformation of the Kenyan work place.
(4 marks)

e) What in women makes them worry more about the future of their children and extended families?
(1 mark)

f) A part from gain, how else is the exodus of middle – aged women beneficial?
(2 marks)

g) In note form outline the author’s reasons as to why middle aged women are relocating to western capitals.
(3 marks)

Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
(i) Impede
(ii) maligned
(iii) vagaries
(3 marks)

2 Read the exerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.

“Are you behind all this you stupid woman? Are you? Tell me, are you? I will kill you. I will whip you and send you back to your village!
“Go away, you fool,” answered she, quite calmly. “Are you the village chief or the village fool? All the same if you want to fight I am willing to oblige. You may be twice my size, but I have three times your courage”

The chief had never gotten over this fear of his brother’s terrible wife. He believed that she had powers, else how did she hold such away with his late brother? He retreated yet again, still frothing at the month. Who knows, he might yet do everybody a favour by having a fit and dying! She smiled enigmatically at his retreating back.

Thereafter Akoko did not have to wait for the three months decreed by the DO for he sent a messenger and two – askaris to escort her to Kisumu to make her appeal before the DC within the month.
The second journey was much easier for the quest was now supported by the sirikal, and the messenger knew the quickest way to Kisumu, but Akoko insisted on staying with her old host Otuoma.

The DC was a white man all right but was as different from the first one as east is from west. His hair was reddish brown and his eyes were very pale grey. His skin was tanned so deeply that it had almost taken on the hue of some light skinned black people. His voice was a loud trumpet – almost as if shouting would make people understand him better. He exuded power and authority, for a section of the country almost the size of Wales from where he came was under him. He embodied law and government. The tribunal was brought to order.

(a) What is Otieno referring to when he asks Akoko, “Are you behind all this you stupid woman?”
(3 marks)

(b) What does this exerpt reveal about the character of Otieno?
(4 marks)

(c) Identify and describe of any three aspects of style used in this exerpt.
(6 marks)

(d) What themes are highlighted in this exerpt?
(4 marks)

(e) Rewrite the following statement adding a question tag.
The tribunal was brought to order.
(1 mark)

(f) Describe what happens immediately after the events presented in this exerpt
(3 marks))

(g) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the Exerpt
(4 marks)

i)Hold such sway
ii) enigmatically
iii) exuded
iv) embodied

3. Read the poem below and answer the questions


My parents kept me from children who were rough
Who threw words like stones and who wore torn clothes
Their thighs showed through rags. They ran in the street
And climbed cliffs and stripped by the country streams

I feared more than tigers their muscles like iron
Their jerking hands and their knees tight on my arms
I feared the salt Coarse pointing of those boys
Who copied my lips behind me on the road.

They were lithe, they sprang out behind hedges
Like dog’s to Bark at my word. They threw mud
While I looked the other way, pretending to smile.
I longed to forgive them, but they never smiled.

(Stephen Spender)

1. Who did the speaker’s parents try to protect him from?
(2 marks)

2. What happens in stanza two?
(2 marks)

3. How did the rough children treat the speaker?
(4 marks)

4. Describe the attitude of the speaker toward the rough children.
(2 marks)

5. Identify and explain any three aspects of style used by poet.
(6 marks)

6. What is the message of this poem?
(2 marks)

7. Give the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage
(2 marks)
Who copied my lisp
They were lithe

4. a] Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition.

i) After trying hard several times, he met…………………………………success.
ii) The committee arrived……………………………………a decision after several hours’ discussion.
iii) He could not call himself a friend of the minister but he was at least

b] Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech

i) “Why have you locked the door?” the teacher asked me.
(2 marks)
ii) Obera must be over seventeen since he’s already’’, she said.

c) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning.
i) Akinyi didn’t understand what she had to do.
(Use ‘required and her’)

ii) The celebrations are likely to result in disorder
(Use ‘probable’ and ‘lead’)

iii) Miriam drank the sweet tea. She was a guest in the house. She didn’t like sugar in what she drank
(Rewrite as one sentence without using ‘and’)

iv) We dislike the harsh colours of the clothes more than the wearer
(Explain the two different meaning of this sentence)
(2 marks)

D] Replace the underlined words in each of the sentences below with an appropriate phrasal verb formed from the following words
(3 marks)
Draw, put, hand
i) The taxi arrived and stopped at the gate

ii) Students from that school usually perform a play at the end of the year.

iii) The legacy was passed on from the father

e] Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentences below.
(2 marks)
i) His irrational behavior has earned him great ………………………, (notorious)

ii) Everybody thought that …………………………………………. Information must be
True, (statistics)

Marking Scheme/Answers

(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)

Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
The majority of Kenyans endure a grueling daily routine to secure their cherished dreams or simply stay afloat. However, underlying what passes for a regular pattern are games – changing narratives worthy of a pen portrait.

One such narrative involves middle – aged women relocating to Western capitals, mainly in the US and Europe, in search of opportunities

Generally, the case of Africans relocating to the West is not new. In a mail & Guardian article of April 23, 2015, Christine Mungai argues that Africans get richer at home so that they relocate to west.

In his 2005 book, Emigration, Brain Drains and Development: The case of sub Saharan African, Dr Ano Tanner apolitical scientist, interprets the trend differently. He argues that mass relocation of professionals can impede socio – economic development in source nations.

More specially, the exodus of middle – aged women from African has been both misunderstood and maligned. Yet, a keener look at the dynamics behind it reveals, salient to families and payback with potential in diplomacy.

The last two decades have witnessed a dramatic transformation of the Kenyan workplace. First, a consistent rise in number of younger and better – educated employees has edged out the older work – force. That situation, coupled with vagaries of the economy, led to mass lay – offs and re-trenchment. Second the life expectancy of kenyans has continued to rise, meaning that many people are reaching retirement age while still strong and resourceful.

The emotional attachment embedded in the female psyche tends to drive women to worry more about the future of their children and extended families
In my view, there are other distinct reasons why middle – aged women are relocating to Western capitals. There are those who perform much better with mum not too far away. Young ones abroad not on scholarship or those fending for themselves while still going to school are more likely to benefit from the presence of a parent.

Some retired or trenched mothers are keen on advancing their own education and therefore find going abroad the better way to accomplish their dream.

There are those middle – aged women who plunge into the world of work abroad simply to get the means to sustain their families. In most cases, the wife is seemingly the “lighter’ option, as it may seem that culturally men struggle a lot more when it comes to relocating abroad.

It is clear that there are several thoughtful reasons why women retrenched at 45, or one who has retired from formal employment at 55 or 66, would opt to take a gamble in search of an alternative source of livelihood away from home. Beyond personal gain, the exodus of middle aged women offer an opportunity to build diplomatic capital between Kenya and host nations. A systematic study into this phenomenon whose policy implications are not in doubt is clearly due.
Oneko,J. (2016, January 2) How women are redefining Homemaking. Daily Nation.

a) Why do majority of Kenyans endure a grueling daily routine?
Majority of Kenyans endure a grueling daily routine to secure their cherished dreams or simply stay a float.

b) How does Dr. Arno’s interpretation differ from other narratives
Whereas other narratives view it as a positive move, Dr. Arno sees it as a negative phenomena in that mass relocation of professionals can impede social – economic development in source nations

c) Explain the irony in the perception the of exodus of middle aged women from Africa.
Whereas the exodus of middle – aged women from Africa has been seen as negative, a keener look at the dynamics reveals salient benefits to families and pay back with potential in diplomacy

d) In what ways have the last two decades witnessed dramatic transformation of the Kenyan workplace .
-The last two decades have witnessed dramatic transformation of the Kenyan workplace; in that the older work force has been edged out by a rising number of younger and better educated employees

- Life expectancy of Kenyans has continued to rise meaning that many people are reaching retirement age while still strong and resourceful.

e) What in women makes them worry more about the future of their children and extended families?
The emotional attachment embedded in the female psyche tends to drive women to worry more about the future of their children and extended family

f) A part from personal gain, how else is the exodus of middle – aged women beneficial
a part from personal gain, the exodus of middle – aged women offers on opportunity to build diplomatic capital between Kenyans and host nations

g) In note form outline the authors reasons as to why middle aged women are relocating to western capitals.
- join children
- advancing their education
- work
h) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
- Impede - make it difficult for development to occur
- maligned - unfairly and unpleasantly spoken about/ brought out
- vagaries – unexpected change in the economy that cannot be controlled

2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.

“Are you behind all this you stupid woman? Are you? Tell me, are you? I will kill you. I will whip you and send you back to your village!
“Go away, you fool,” answered she, quite calmly. “Are you the village chief or the village fool? All the same if you want to fight I am willing to oblige. You may be twice my size, but I have three times your courage”

The chief had never gotten over this fear of his brother’s terrible wife. He believed that she had powers, else how did she hold such away with his later brother? He retreated yet again, still frothing at the mouth. Who knows, he might yet do everybody a favour by having a fit and dying! She smiled enigmatically at his retreating back.

Thereafter Akoko did not have to wait for the quest was now supported by the sirikal, and the messenger knew the quickest way to Kisumu, but Akoko insisted on staying with her old host Otuoma.

The Dc was a white man all right but was as different from the first one as east is from west. His hair was reddish brown and his eyes were very pale grey. His skin was tanned so deeply that it had almost taken on the hue of some light skinned black people. His voice was a loud trumpet – almost as if shouting would make people understand him better. He exuded power and authority, for a section of the country almost the size of Wales from where he came was under him. He embodied law and the government. The tribunal was brought to order.

a) What is Otieno referring to when he asks Akoko, “Are you behind all this you stupid woman?”
The D.O had sent messengers to Sakwa to hear for themselves what had been happening in the village. After four days Otieno gets to hear about them and furious he goes in search of Akoko in her hut. He is furious that they were nosing around.

b) What does this excerpt reveal about the character of Otieno?
Abusive – calls Akoko stupid woman
-Fearful /cowardly – He had never gotten over his brother wife
Superstitious – Thinks Akoko had powers hence fears he might have a fit

c) Identify and describe any three aspects of style used in this excerpt.
Dialogue – conversation between Akoko and Otieno reveals AKOKo to be brave and Otieno abusive.
Vivid description – His hair was reddish brown. His eyes were pale grey
His skin tanned – helps us capture vividly the picture of the D.O and how strange he looked to Akoko.
Irony – Otieno threatens to whip and kill Akoko calmly makes him retreat fearfully hence his cowardly nature is revealed

Local dialect – ‘Askaris’ Sirikal’ lends authenticity to the noval

d) What themes are highlighted in this exerpt?
Change = there is new system of administration the DC (Sirikal). This is ashift from the Judongo
Suffering – Otieno threatens to kill/ whip Akoko and send her back her home
This is despite the fact that he has squandered all her wealth. The only hope is for Akoko to seek help from Sirikal
(consider any other relevant theme)

e) Rewrite the following statement adding a question tag.
The tribunal was brought to order.
The tribunal was brought to order. Wasn’t it?

f) Describe what happens immediately after the events presented in the excerpt
- A contingent of askaris is sent to the village to forcibly remove the chief. He is to be made to return all he had grabbed and a council of elder was to rule until the rightful heir came of age

g) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the excerpt
i) hold such way
Was able to influence his late brother’s opinion or behavior

ii) enigmatically – mysteriously
iii) exuded – power and authority came out of him people could easily feel his power and authority
iv) Embodied – he was the best possible example of law and government

3. Read the poem below and answer the questions

My parents kept me from children who were rough
Who threw words like stones and who were tone clothes.
Their thighs showed through rags. They ran in the street
And climbed cliffs and stripped by the country streams

I feared more than tiger their muscles like iron
Their jerking hands and their knees tight on my arms
I feared the salt coarse pointing of those boys
Who copied my lisp behind me on the road.

They were lithe, they sprang out behind hedges
Like dogs to bark at my word. They threw mud
While I looked the other way, pretending to smile.
I longed to forgive them, but they never smiled.

1. Who did the speaker’s parent try to protect him from?
the parents tries to protect him from other children
Probably in the neighborhood who were poor and rather ill mannered

2 What happens in stanza two?
they forcefully hold down the persona, manhandle him/ bully him until he is so scared.

3. How did the rough children treat the speaker?
They rough him up and forcefully hold him down. They viciously point at him Mimic his lisp. They yell and back at him. Even threw stones and mud at him

4.Describe the attitude of the speaker toward the rough children.
The persona feared the rough children- the person says he feared more than tiger

5. Identify and explain any three aspects of style used by poet
Similes – threw words like stores/muscles like iron
Repetition – I feared shows his attitude of fear/ fear is emphasized
Alliteration – Their thigh/ clims cliffs country

6. What is the message of the poem
One’s parents can only do so much to protect him /her
-although the persona’s parents kept him from the rough children they did not succeed.

7. Give the meaning of the following expression as used in the passage

Who copied my lisp ……………The imitated his pronunciation of ‘th’ instead of ‘s’
They were lithe …….they were moving and bending in a graceful way

4 a) complete the following sentences with the correct preposition.
i) After trying hard several times he met with success
ii) The committee arrived at a decision after several hours’ discussion.
iii) He could not call himself a friend of the minister but he was at least acquainted
with him

b) Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech
i) “Why have you locked the door?” the teacher asked me.
The teacher asked me why I had locked the door

ii) Obare must be over seventeen since he’s already university,” she said
she said that Obare must be over seventeen since he was already at the university

c) Rewrite the following sentence according to the instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning.

i) Akinyi didn’t understand what she had to do.
(use “required and her”)

AkiNyi did not understand what was required of her

Ii) The celebrations are likely to result in disorder
(use ‘probable and lead’)

It is probable that the celebration s will lead to disorder.
iii) Mirriam drank the sweet tea. She was a guest in the house. She didn’t like sugar in what she drank.
(Rewrite as one sentence without using “and’)

Being a guest in the house, Miriam drank the sweet tea even though she didn’t like the sugar in what she drank

iv) We dislike the harsh colours of the clothes more than wearer
(Explain the two different meanings of this sentence)

The colours were disliked much more than the wearer was disliked (both were disliked)
Compared to the wearer, our dislike of the clothes was more.

d) Replace the underline words in each of the sentences below with an appropriate phrasal verb formed from the following words:
draw, put, hand

i) the taxi arrived and stopped at the gate
- drew up
ii) Students from that school usually perform a play at the end of the year.
Put on
iii) The legacy was passed on from the father
handed down

e) Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences below.
e) use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences below,
i) His irrational behavior has earned him great notoriety (notorious.)
ii) Everybody thought that statistical information must be true (statistics)

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