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Form 4 English Paper 1 Term 3 With Answers Question Paper

Form 4 English Paper 1 Term 3 With Answers 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016


1. Imagine that you are the Captain of your school’s football team that has just won the national championships. A team mate has also been declared the most valuable player.
You are required to make a speech during the presentation of the most valuable player award. Write the speech.

Fill in each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word.

Technology is fast becoming a ………………………………. (1)Change, especially in
………………………………….. (2) Countries, where the gap in access to health care is the widest. In Kenya, which already…………………………….. (3) The word in mobile money through “M – PESA”, an …………………………………… (4) In telemedicine is enabling rural patients and health practitioners to interact though video conferencing, with …………………….. (5) in Kenyan’s main hospitals.

The M – PESA Foundation, in partnership with the Africa Medical Research Foundation, has also begun …………………………………… (6) Online training ……………………………………… (7) Community health volunteers and complementing ……………………………. (8) Training with bulk
SMS/ WhatsAPP group messages to keep the group connected and …………………………………… (9) Important updates.

Investments in high value, low – cost technologies will help us ……………………………….. (10) More with every dollar.

(Kenneth J. Arrow & Apurva Sanghi)

Read the song below and answer the questions that follow
Your old love letters

Today I burnt your old love letters
Burnt them gently on by one
Before I’d light the flame I’d read
To try and find the wrong I’ve done

The first you wrote me was the sweetest
The last one broke my heart in two
Our love is there among the embers
In the ashes of your letters tied in blue

Today I burnt your old love letters
I watched our love go up in smoke
I lived again each precious memory
I heard each tender word you spoke

The first you wrote me was the sweetest
The last one said that we were through
Our love is there among the embers
In the ashes of your letters tied in blue.
Jim Reeves

i) Chat and describe the rhyme scheme of this song.
(3 marks)

ii) A part from rhyme, identify two other sound devices used by the writer of the song. To what use have these devices been put?
(4 marks)

iii) If you were to sing this song, which lines would you stress? Why?
(4 marks)

B] Underline the silent letter in each of the following words.
(4 marks)

C] Imagine that guest speaker is coming to talk about environmental degradation to the whole school. What will you do to ensure maximum benefit from their speech?
(5 marks)

D] State whether we have a falling or rising intonation in the following sentences
a) Who does she think she is?

b) Did he go to school in Arusha?

c) At the mall she bought some shirts, socks, shoes and ties.
(3 marks)

E] For each of the following words, write another that is pronounced the same.
i) Whale
ii) Lesson
iii) Sale
(3 marks)

F] Imagine that you have been asked to lead a group discussion on Marjorie's portrayal of
Becky in The River and the source.

What four things do you need to do as a leader?
(4 marks)

Marking Scheme/Answers

1. Imagine that you are the Captain of your school’s team that has just won the national championships. A team mate has also been declared the most valuable player. You are required to make a speech during the presentation of the most valuable player award. Write the speech.

(a) Title – (2 marks)
-should include the occasion and who delivered the speech, Date, Day.

(b) Introduction – (2 marks)
- A good introduction that captures the audience’s attention
- could introduce self (if not introduced), thank the audience for opportunity to introduce the speech
- could also introduce the speech by giving statistics, with a quotation or a short anecdote.

(c) The body (8 marks)
- should be marked with points. Capture the journey this player has come. Could with hold the name of the player so that the candidate brings it at the end to help build in suspense.

(d) Conclusion (2 marks)
It should sum up the whole speech and very briefly could end with a quotation

(e) Tone (2 marks) should be congratulatory
(f) Language and presentation (4 marks)
Total (20 marks)

Fill in each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word

Technology is fast becoming a (1) game changer, especially in (2) developing countries, where the gap in access to health care is the widest. In Kenya, which already (3) leads the world in mobile money though “M – Pesa”, an (4) upsurge in telemedicine is enabling rural patients and health practioners to interact through video conferencing, with (5) staff in Kenyan’s main hospitals.

The M-PESA foundation, in partnership with the African medical research foundation, has also begun (6) implementing online training (7) of community health volunteers and complementing (8) these trainings with bulk SMS/WhatsApp group messages to keep the group connected and (9) share important updates.

Investments in high value, low – cost technologies will help us (10) achieve more with every dollar.

(Kenneth J. Arrow & Apurva Sanghi)


Read the song below and answer the questions that follow
Your old love letters

Today I burnt your old love letters
Burnt them gently on by one
Before I’d light the flame I’d read
To try and find the wrong I’ve done

The first you wrote me was the sweetest
The last one broke my heart in two
Our love is there among the embers
In the ashes of your letters tied in blue

Today I burnt your old love letters
I watched our love go up in smoke
I lived again each precious memory
I heard each tender word you spoke

The first you wrote me was the sweetest
The last one said that we were through
Our love is there among the embers
In the ashes of your letters tied in blue.
(jim Reeves)

(i) Chat and describe the rhyme scheme of this song.
(3 marks)
Abcb deac afgf deae line two and four of each stanza rhyme. The rhyme scheme is regular

(ii) A part from rhyme, identify two other sound devices used by the writer of the song. To what use have these devices been put?
(4 marks)

Repetition - Today I burnt your old love/ others
Our love is these among the embers
Alliteration – Love Letters.
The devices help create rhythm, make the poem interesting and intensify meaning

(iii) If you were to sing this song, which lines would you stress? Why? (4 marks)
The lines that are repeated e.g Today I burnt……..For emphasasis
The last line of the poem – This marks the end of the poem

B] Underline the silent letter in each of the following words
(4 marks)
Indictment (c)
Parliament (i)
Poignant (g)
Factory (o)

C] Imagine that a guest speaker is coming to talk about environmental degradation to the whole school. What will you do to ensure maximum benefit from their speech? (5 marks)
Choose an appropriate place to set.
Correct sitting posture
Take notes
Paraphrase the message
Seek explanations/ask questions (Any 1 X 5 = 5 marks)

D] State whether we have a falling or rising intonation in the following sentences (3 marks)
a) Who does she think she is?
b)Did he go to school in Arusha?
c) At the mall she bought some shirts, socks, shoes and ties.

E] For each of the following words, write another that is pronounced the same. (3 marks)
i) Whale – Wail
ii) Lesson – lesson
iii) Sale – sail

F] Imagine that you have been asked to lead a group discussion on Marjorie’s portrayal of Becky in The River and the source.

What four things do you need to do as leader?

Introduce the topic to the group. Invite contributions from the members summarise the discussion, Show the way forward. Ensure no interruption. Ensure no digression Conclude the discussion (Any 4 points 1 mark each)

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