Nurs 114:Human Anatomy Ii Question Paper
Nurs 114:Human Anatomy Ii
Course:Bachelor Of Science(Nursing)
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2012
1. Read the questions carefully and answer only what is asked 2. Write your examination number on every sheet of paper written on. 3. For section A (MCQS) circle the correct answer except for true/false questions where you indicate True or False against each statement given. 4. All questions in section A (MCQS) and section B (short answer) question are compulsory 5. For section c (Long Answer Question) answer only one (1) question 6. Omission of or wrong numbering examination papers, questions or parts of the questions will result in the relevant part not being marked. 7. Mobile phones are not allowed in the examination room.
1. Which of the following is True concerning Blood cells?
(a) Neutrophils and monocytes are granulocytes. (b) Red Blood cells contain a small nucleus (c) Neutrophils are the most abundant of the leukocytes (d) Basophils are phagocytic cells.
2. The following are True concerning the urinary system Except
(a) The ureter of an adult male is 25 cm long. (b) The right kidney is lower than the left one (c) The ureter is lined by transitional epithelium (d) Prostatic urethra is the narrowest part of the male urethra.
3. Parts of the conducting system of respiratory system includes
(a) Larynx, terminal bronchioles (b) Bronchi, bronchioles (c) Bronchi, alveolar sacs (d) Alveoli, alveolar ducts.
4. Major salivary glands include:
(a) Parotid, lingual (b) Submandibular, lingual (c) Parotid, sublingual (d) Palatal, sublingual.
5. Which of the following are not synovial joints?
(a) Wrist, shoulder (b) Hip, knee (c) Elbow, intercarpal (d) Pubic sympysis, intercarpal.
6. Which one of the following statement is true concerning the cerebral cortex?
(a) Left hemisphere controls the left side of the body. (b) Right and left hemispheres are completely symetrical (c) Primary motor area is found in the parietal lobe (d) Primary visual area is found in the occipital lobe.
7. A collection of neural cell bodies outside the central nervous system is called:- (a) Nucleus (b) Ganglion (c) Plexus (d) Receptor
8. The following statement are true concerning the endocrine glands except:- (a) Parathyroids are four (4) in number (b) Pancreas is a mixed endocrine and exocrine gland (c) Adrenal glands are present below the kidneys (d) Endocrine cells are found in the kidneys.
9. Which of the following is correct concerning the female reproductive sytem?
(a) The ovum is usually fertilized in the ampulla of the uterine tube (b) The myometrium consist of two (2) layers of muscles (c) The anterior wall of the vagina is longer than the posterior. (d) Isthmus is the narrowest part of the fallopian tube.
10. The following are true about the heart except
(a) Right ventricle is thicker than the left one (b) Blood supply to the heart is derived from coronary arteries (c) Superior venacava opens into the right atrium (d) Mitral valve separates left atrium and ventricle.
For questions 11 – 15 indicate if the statements are True (T) or False (F)
11. In the male reproductive system: (a) Penis is composed of three layers of spongy erectile tissue. _______________ (b) Spermatozoa are formed in the intestitial cells of leydig. _______________ (c) Ejaculatory ducts open into the urethra. _______________ (d) Sperm maturation occurs in the epididymis. ________________
12. Concerning the cranial nerves: (a) Trigeminal nerve has three branches. _______________ (b) Oculomotor is a mixed nerve. _______________ (c) Vagus nerve is a motor nerve. _______________ (d) Trochlear is the sixth cranial nerve. ________________
13. About the cardiovascular system: (a) Coronary arteries arise form the ascending aorta ________________ (b) Portal vein has no valves ________________ (c) Pulmonary artery arise form the left ventricle. ________________ (d) Inferior venacava open into the right atrium. ________________
14. Concerning special senses. (a) Olfactory receptors are located in the nasal epithelium. _________________ (b) Taste buds are located only on the tongue. _________________ (c) Contraction of circular muscles causes dilatation of pupils. ________________ (d) Auditory tube opens into the nasopharynx. _________________
15. Concerning the respiratory system:
(a) Paranasal sinuses are found in the mandibles. __________________ (b) Trachea is 25cm long __________________ (c) Larynx is covered by pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium.___________ (d) Right bronchus is shorter than the left one. __________________
1. Giving an example of each, classify bones based on their shape. [5 Marks]
2. (a) State three (3) differences between the Right and Left lung. [3 Marks]
(b) Briefly explain two (2) ways in which the alveoli is adapted for its function. [2 Marks]
3. Write short notes on the Thyroid gland. [5 Marks]
4. Using a well labeled diagram, outline the main parts of a nerve cell. [5 Marks]
5. Explain the three (3) types of muscles and give one example where each is found. [5 Marks]
6. (a) State three (3) differences between an artery and a vein. [3 Marks]
(b) List three (3) branches of the thoracic aorta [11/2 marks]
7. Describe the structural organization of the uterine wall. [5 Marks]
8. (a) List any two (2) structures found in the dermis of the skin. [1 Mark]
(b) Write short notes on photoreceptors found in the retina. [4 Marks]
1. (a) Draw a well labeled diagram of the stomach showing the regions and borders. [7 Marks]
(b) Differentiate between large and small intestines. [4 Marks]
(c) Describe the blood supply to the liver. [4 Marks]
2. (a) Draw a well – labeled diagram of the Nephron. [7 Marks]
(b) Briefly describe the two (2) types of nephrons. [4 Marks]
(c) Describe the structural organizations of the filtration membrane at the glomerular capsule. [4 Marks]
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