Nurs 132:Communication And Counseling Question Paper
Nurs 132:Communication And Counseling
Course:Bachelor Of Science(Nursing)
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2012
The questions are in two sections (I and II) All questions in the two sections are compulsory.
1. (a) Define the following terms;
(i) Interpersonal communication [1 Mark]
(ii) metacommunication [1 Mark]
(b) Explain the strategy of building rapport in nurse – client therapeutic Communication. [3 Marks]
2. Showing the therapeutic value, explain the following therapeutic communication techniques,
(a) Silence [2 Marks] (b) Touch [2 Marks] (c) Restating [2 Marks] (d) Clarification [2 Marks]
3. Describe the phases of group life cycle in group communication. [10 Marks]
4. Discuss three conditions that influence nurse – patient communication. [6 Marks]
5. (a) What is active listening in relation to nurse - client communication? [2 Marks]
(b) Identify and briefly explain four barriers to active listening that may result either from the nurse or client. [4Marks]
1. (a) Define the following terms:-
(i) Counseling [1 Mark]
(ii) Psychotherapy [1 Mark]
(b) Contrast the following terms:
(i) Transference Vs counter- transference. [2 Marks]
(ii) Preventive counseling Vs curative counseling [2 Marks]
2. (a) Describe three psych analytic techniques in counseling. [6 Marks]
(b) Sigmund Freud notes that people are able to use a wide range of defense mechanisms to cope with anxieties. Briefly explain the type of defense mechanism described in each of the three examples given below.
(i) A lady client is unable to remember that she was raped.
(ii) A student who goes out drinking the night before the final main exam explains his behavior by saying the test was not all that important.
(iii) A student who is a bully in school becomes a soldier. [6 Marks]
3. State and explain four qualities of an effective counselor. [8 Marks]
4. Describe the following counseling skills, Giving the aims and desired outcomes of each of them. (a) Empathizing [3 Marks] (b) Goal setting [3 Marks] (c) Giving feedback [3 Marks]
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