Nurs 191:Fundamentals Of Nursing I Question Paper
Nurs 191:Fundamentals Of Nursing I
Course:Bachelor Of Science(Nursing)
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2012
1. Read the questions carefully and answer only what is asked. 2. Answer all questions. 3. Omission of or wrong numbering of examination papers, questions or parts of the questions will result in 10% deduction of the marks scored from the relevant part.
PART I (Multiple Choice Questions – 10 Marks)
1. Which of the following is a correctly stated nursing diagnosis?
(a) Pain related to falling from a height as evidenced by skin bruises. (b) Poor appetite related to nausea as evidenced by reluctance to feed. (c) Potential for renal insufficiency related to low circulatory volume. (d) Potential for injury related to reduced platelets.
2. The following is a statement by a patient with AIDS. “I am no longer afraid of dying. I think I am actually ready to move on”. This reflects his progress to which stage of death and dying?
(a) Acceptance (b) Anger (c) Bargaining (d) denial
3. The independent functioning model was formulated by:
(a) Henderson (b) Calista Roy (c) Florence Nightgale (d) Dorothea Orem
4. Which of the following is not a welfare organization?
(a) National Nurses Association of Kenya (b) International Council of Nurses. (c) East, Central and South Africa College of Nurses (d) Nursing Council of Kenya
5. The best fluid to administer to a patient after gastrointestinal fluid loss is:
(a) Normal saline (b) 5% dextrose (c) 10% dextrose (d) Ringers lactate
6. The Apex beat should be taken:
(a) Between the sixth and seventh ribs at the left mid-axillary line. (b) Between the third and fourth ribs and to the left of the sternum. (c) In the fifth intercostal space along the left mid-clavicular line. (d) Between the fourth and fifth ribs along the left mid-axillary line.
7. Self care model was formulated by?
(a) Dorothea Orem (b) Martha Rogers (c) Calista Roy (d) Virginia Henderson
8. The position in which the patient lies on the back with knees flexed and soles of the foot flat on the bed is referred to as (a) Sims position (b) Dorsal lithotomy (c) Dorsal recumbent (d) Horizontal recumbent
9. Which of the following fluid would cause cellular oedema if administered in excess?
(a) Darrows (b) Normal saline (c) Hartmans (d) 50% dextrose
10. Pulse pressure is?
(a) Bounding pulse felt at arterial site. (b) Difference between apical purse and peripheral pulse. (c) Difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. (d) A wave of contraction produced when blood is injected out of the aorta.
PART II (Short Answer Questions – 40 Marks)
11. Outline four (4) ethical issues in Nursing. [4 marks]
12. State six (6) rights of a client during the counselling process. [6 marks]
13. Explain five types of history taken on admission of a patient. [5 marks]
14. Explain the following examinations indicating the abnormalities that may be detected.
(a) Inspection [5 marks] (b) Auscultation [5 marks] (c) Palpation [5 marks] (d) Percussion [5 marks]
15. Explain the importance of taking past medical history. [5 marks]
PART III (Essay/Long Answer Question – 20 Marks)
16. Nursing process makes the nursing profession autonomous:
(a) Formulate any 3 (three) actual and 3 (three) potential nursing diagnosis.[6 marks]
(b) Outline four (4) components of an objective that a nurse should include when formulating goals for a patient. [4 marks] (c) Describe the steps of the Nursing process. [10 marks] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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