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Form 3 English Functional Skills Paper 1 Term 3 2016 Examination Question Paper

Form 3 English Functional Skills Paper 1 Term 3 2016 Examination 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2016


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
ENGLISH (Functional Skills) Paper 1

-Write your name and your class in the spaces provided above
- Answer all the questions in the space provided
- All your answers must be written in the spaces provided

1 a) Imagine that you will be at your place of work till late but require doing shopping that evening. Write a reminder to your house help, before you leave house to do the shopping and leave him/her with a shopping list. (20 marks)

2. Cloze test (10 marks)
Fill in the blank space with the most appropriate word.

You must have heard that you should love your neighbor. But before you can love others you must first love yourself. Do you?

Most of us actually do not take the time to get to know ourselves or take the time to nurture our souls. If you analyze your actions, you will agree that at one time you must have been self – conscious about / of the way you look or the way you dress or talk. These actions and thoughts actually are a clear indication / reflection

What is that? You are very insecure, you are not very confident and you are not taking good care of yourself by loving yourself. Additionally, when you do not love yourself you are so self – conscious that you forget what is happening around you and you become dissatisfied.

The focus of this article is self- love, featuring ways to fall in love with yourself and how to nature/express that love. So what is love? According to the dictionary, love is that strong passionate affection for another person. When you analyze that definition it state that you must have a strong liking for that person if you love them. Additionally, when you like that person you would do anything for them.

Of course it is a difficult process to love yourself all the times, since we all need constant reminders as well as constant feedback that we are good people. Therefore, the best reminder you can give yourself each and every day is to ensure that you accept yourself for who you are and also make sure that you are confident about who you are.

A) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
Bury me in a free land
Make me a grave whatever you will
In a lowly plain, or a lofty hill;
Make it among earth’s humblest graves’
But not in a land where men are slaves
I could not rest if around my grave
I heard the steps of a trembling slave,
The shadow above my silent tomb
Would make it a place of fearful gloom.
I could not rest if I heard the tread
Of a gang to the shambles led,
And the mother’s shriek of wild despair.
Rise like a curse on a trembling air

By France Watkins Harper (USA)

i) Show the rhyme scheme of the poem and describe it. (2 marks)
aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, regular

ii) What features would you employ when reciting the above poem before an audience?
Facial (2 marks)

iii) Mention two ways in which you would know that your audience is fully participating during the recitation of the above poem (2 marks)
Nodding their heads
Involve them in the singing
Through their facial expressions

iv) How would you say the last line of the poem? (2 marks)

stress it

b) Lily loves licking lollipops like a little lad lying like a lily in a like.

I) Identify the above genre. (1 mark)
Tongue twister

ii) Explain the features characteristics of the genre. (3 marks)
Short form
Use of assonance /consonance

iii) Explain how the words should be said during the performance of the above form.(1 mark)
stressed and in faste pace

iv) What are the functions of the above genre? (2 marks)
To sharpen mind

c) Consider the following group discussion and answer the questions that follow:
chairperson: our teacher has asked us to discuss the importance of poetry. As the
chairperson, I would like to begin by giving my observations about it,
I find poetry exciting and I have even tried to compare
Some ……………………………………………………..
Agnes: we need to report back……………………………………………………………
chairperson: I will do the reporting…………………………….
Miriam: But Mr. Chairperson, can you chair and record what we are going to say at the
same time? And is it proper
George: I don’t even know why people write poetry anyway. Why can’t they write in a more straightforward way?
Tony: for me, a poem tries to capture a moment of human feeling that are universal in ignitability. And as readers……………………………….
Chairperson: you didn’t allow me to finish. As I was saying……
Yvonne: But have we resolved the question of procedure?
Chairperson: I give up. Somebody else can chair and report to the rest of the class.

Identify the limitations both in the chairing and the participation. (6 marks)
The chairperson doesn’t call the meeting to order
Gives personal contributions
Members interrupt always
Members talk of irrelevant issues
Chairman is rude

d) Indicate rising or falling intonation for each sentence in the following dialogue. (5 marks)

Mother: Have you something to eat? (rising)
Daughter: No. (falling)
Mother: you must be very hungry then (falling)
Daughter: Not just hungry, I’m starving (rising)
Mother: Well, lunch will be ready in a few minutes. (falling)

g) Supply the following words with their synonyms. (4 marks)

i) Significant

ii) Decline

iii) Hage

iv) Brief

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