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Form 2 English End Of Term 2 Exam Question Paper

Form 2 English End Of Term 2 Exam 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2016


Fill in the blank space in the passage below with the most appropriate word (10 marks)
Many people are ………………………. That the industrialized, and increasingly the developing world, draw ………………………… much of their energy ………………… one product, petroleum, which comes disproportionately from one …………………………………. Region, the middle east. This dependence …………………………………significant political and environmental danger for all of us.

For this reason, manufactures …………………………… endeavor to build cars that are powered by a among them. Such a revolution in energy use would ………………. Reduce our dependence on foreign oil and achieve path – breaking reduction In carbon – dioxide.

Question 2

1. Identify words with a similar vowel in the sentences that follow (5 marks)
a) The wealth wear pairs of quality shoes

b) The weak patients regained heath

c) The men with striped shirt keep time

d) The mad dog ran away

e) “Blow the sweat off your brow, “She said

2. Explain what you would do if you were unexpectedly asked to give a few remarks at your cousins eighteen birthday.
(9 marks)

3. The following is part of a speech made by an aspiring union leader called Mambo from it, identify onomatopoeic words
Comrades, you know that we have been groaning under the crashing weight of oppression. We have endured all manner of mistreatment from our employers. And, sadly we have taken it all without so much as a murmur of protest. But now we say enough is enough (He is widely applauded thank you). From your roar of approval, I dare say that a new day has dawned for us workers.

4. a) What is a pun? (3 marks)

b) Explain the pun in the following statements (4 marks)
a) I could see her he was at sea
b) On the whole, life is so difficult you sometimes feel like digging a hole to hide in
c) The tie she bought for him strengthened the tie between them
d) Rose is the flower of my life.

Question 3

a) Correct the spelling mistakes In the following paragraph (5 marks)
Occassionally, you will be called upon to speak in public. You must learn to do so without embrassing yourself by fambling and making uncesary repeatations . with adequate practice you can become an accomplished public speaker.

b. In each case, Give a phrasal verb that means the same as the word in bold type

i) The suspect confessed after a long interrogation

ii) Only very Irresponsible parents can abandon their children

iii) I plan to visit them next weekend

iv) It is wrong to despise the less fortunate

v) Did you meet your boss in town

Read the following passage and then answer the questions that are given.
A few years ago, I was at the point of death, A congestive heart failure was treated for diagnosis purpose by an angiogram that triggered a stroke. Violent and painful hiccups, for several days and nights, prevented the ingestion of food. My left side and one of my right corn became paralyzed. At one point, my heart stopped beating. Just as I lost consciousness it was thumped back into action again. In one of my lucid intervals during those days of. I asked my physician to discontinue all life – supporting services or show me how to do it refused and predicted that someday I would appreciate the unwisdom of my request.

A month later, I was discharged from the hospital. In six months, I regained the use limbs and although my voice still lacks its old resonance and carrying power I no longer cry like a frog. There remain some minor disabilities and I am restricted to a rigorous, low diet. I have resumed my writing and research.

My experience can be cited as an argument against honouring requests of stricken part to be gently eased out of their pain and life. I cannot agree. There are two main reasons why old man, there is a reasonable likelihood that I may suffer another heart attack or worse I may not even be in position to ask for a surcease of pain. It seems to me that I have already had my dues to death – indeed, although times has softened my memories they are vivid enough justify my saying that I suffered enough to warrant dying several times over.

Secondly, I dread imposing on my family and friends another grim round of similar to the one my first attack occasioned.
My wife and children endured enough for one lifetime. I know that for them the days and nights of waiting, the disruption of their professional duties and their own families responsibility counted for nothing in their anxiety for me. In their joy at my recovery have been forgotten. Nonetheless, to visit another prolonged spell helpless suffering them as my life ebbs away, or the joy and satisfaction of living, of basking in the suffering listening to music, watching one’s grandchildren growing into adolescence, following them about the fate of freedom in a trouble world, playing with ideas, writing one’s testimony wisdom and folly for posterity?

The zest and intensity of these experiences are no longer what they used to be. I am very enough to delude myself that I can in the few remaining years make an important discovery for humankind or can lead a social movement or do anything that will be historical eventually have had my fill of joys and sorrows and I am not greedy for more life. I have always thought of test of whether one had found happiness in one’s life is whether one would be willing to reverse whether, if it were possible one would accept the opportunity to be born again.
Having lived a full and relative happy life, I would cheerful accept the chance to be reborn. To some extent, my views reflect what I have seen happen to the aged and stricken who have been so unfortunate as to survive crippling paralysis. They suffer, and impose suffering on others unable even to make a request that their torment be ended.

I am mindful too of the burdens placed upon the community, with its rapidly diminished resources, to provide the adequate and costly services necessary to sustain the the lives of those whose days and nights are spend on mattress graves of pain. A better use could be made of these resources to increase the opportunity and qualities of life for the young what is required is no great revolution in morals but an enlargement of imagination and an intelligent evaluation of alternative uses of community resources.

(i) What made the writer suffer a stroke (2 marks)

ii) How do we know from the first paragraph that the writer was desperate to end his agony?
(2 marks)
iii) rewrite the following in your own words:
“…………………………….. I would appreciate the un wisdom of my request.”

iv) Why does the writer suggest he could be allowed to die if he falls seriously ill? (4 marks)

V) what can we infer about the writer’s family? Illustrate your answer (5 marks)

vi) Identify the irony in the eight paragraph (3 marks)

vii) Explain the meaning of the following expression as they are used in the passage:
a) Prolonged spell

b) Delude
c) Mattress grave

c) Correct the error in each of the following sentences (5 marks)

i) They didn’t know if or not he had arrived

ii) I will be happy if you will come to the party

iii) I even could help you if you ask politely

iv) The car cost fewer than a million shillings.

v) Do all of the snake bite?

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