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Eps 100 Question Paper

Eps 100 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2016

Kenyatta University
Education Psychology Department
EPS 100: Introduction to Psychology
continuous Assessment Test 2
Group C


select one(1) question. Use the rest for revision.

1. a)Discuss the correctness of the following statement, " The terms 'Sensation' and 'Perception' refer to the same thing" (5marks)

b)using any of the five senses as your example, explain:

i. the role of transduction (3marks)
ii. the importance of sensory memory (3marks)
iii. two factors that influence the way we perceive (4marks)
2. a) Using am example for each,distinguish between the terms neutral stimulus and natural stimulus (3marks)
b) Citing examples for each, explain three similarities and differences between Pavlonian and Skinnerian conditioning. (12marks)

3. a) Using a suitsble illustration, explain for stages of motivation cycle (5marks)
b) Explain how Maslow's hierarchy explains the needs Kenyatta University (10marks)

4. Using your knowledge of Emotions,;
i) describe three components of emotions. (6marks)
ii) explain three functions of emotions (9marks)

5. a) Explain the following terms and concepts associated with Frustrations and Conflict:

i) Vacillation
11) Mutual exclusiveness (6marks)

b) Citing one example for each, distinguish between the following pairs of terms:

i) Suppression and repression
ii) Sublimation and compensation. (9marks)

6. a)Using a suitable illustration, explain the term abnormality.
b) citing relevant examples, explain the following terms and concepts:

i. Free Floating
ii. Fugue
iii. Hallucination
iv. Reaction catatonia
v.Delusions of perception
vi. Conversion reactions. (6marks)

c) Explain tree differences between a neurotic and a psychotic person (6marks)

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