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Form 2 Chemistry End Of Term 3 Exam Question Paper

Form 2 Chemistry End Of Term 3 Exam 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2013


1. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
2. Mathematical tables and electronic calculators may be used.
3. All working must be clearly shown where necessary

1. The table below shows the pH values of solutions J to N.


a) Which solution
i) Contains the largest concentration of hydroxides ions? (1 mark)
ii) Is likely to be a solution of acetic acid?
(1 mark)
2. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow. The diagram shows the method used to separate components of mixture Q.


a) Name X and Y. (2 marks)

b) What is purpose of apparatus X? (1 mark)

c) Show the direction of flow of cold water used for cooling the vapour formed.
(2 marks)
d) What name is given to the above method of separating mixtures?
(1 mark)

3. Explain using chemical means how you will differentiate between carbon (II) oxide and carbon (IV) oxide.
(3 marks)
4. When magnesium ribbon is burnt in air and the product dissolved in water, a colourless solution is formed and a colourless gas is evolved.
i) What effect does the solution formed have on litmus paper?
(1 mark)
ii) Name the compound responsible for the production of the colourless gas. (1 mark)

5.The table below gives some properties of substances G, H, I and J. study it and answer the questions that follow.


a) Select the substance which is likely to be copper metal. Give reason. (2 marks)

b) What type of bond structure exists in substance G? Give a reason. (2 marks)

6. Give two reasons why a luminous flame is not used for heating purposes.
(2 marks)

7. The following elements belong to the same group of the periodic table. (letters do not represent the actual symbols)

ElementAtomic radii(nm)Ionic radii(nm)First ionization Energy (KJmol-1

i) Are the elements metal or non – metals? Explain
(2 marks)
ii) which of the elements is the most reactive? Explain. (2 marks)

8. The figure below shows a paper chromatogram for a pure substance W.


i) What is chromatography? (1 mark)

ii) Given that W contains blue and green dyes, show the chromatogram of W on the diagram.
(2 marks)
iii) Explain why the Red spot moves further than that of blue and green.
(2 marks)

9. Using dots (.) crosses (x) to represent outermost electrons, show bonding in the compound formed between elements W and X with atomic number 14 and 17 respectively.
(2 marks)
10. Explain why it is not suitable to prepare hydrogen gas using dilute nitric (V) acid and zinc metal.
(2 marks)

11. The ions T3+ and U-3 have identical electronic configuration T is in period 3.
i) Write the electronic arrangement of the elements (2 marks)

ii) Write the formula of the compound formed when T combine sulphur (S = 16.0). (1 mark)

12. Explain this observation. When burning magnesium is lowered into a gas containing carbon (IV) Oxide gas, it continues to burn but a burning splint goes off. (3 marks)

13. The grid below is a section of the periodic table. The letters are not actual symbols. Use it to answer the question that follow.


i) How do you compare the melting points of R and Y? Explain. (2 marks)

ii) Which element has the lowest ionization energy. (1 mark)

iii) Basing on structure and bonding, state the structure in
a) Z

b) chloride of Y

c) Oxide of Q

iv) State the nature of
a) Oxide of R. (1 mark)

b) Oxide of A.
(1 mark)
v) Choose the letter representing an element that
a) Is the most electronegative.
(1 mark)
b) Exists as a mono – atomic gas.
(1 mark)
14. Study the arrangement below and answer the question that follow.


Explain what will be observed after sometimes
(2 marks)

15. Study the structure below and answer the questions that follow


Name the bond represented by
A (1 mark)
B (1 mark)
ii) a) Nitrogen falls in the same group as A. Write the formular of the compound formed when A reacts with magnesium. (1 mark)

b) Write a balanced equation for the reaction between the compound in (a) above and water. (2 marks)

vii) a) Name the two physical forms of element Z that are crystalline. (2 marks)

b) Which one of the two forms in a) above is
I) Suitable for use as a lubricant (1 mark)

II) Suitable for use in making drilling implements. (1 marks)

vii) State the general property common to elements in the group containing D. explain.
(2 marks)

ix) Put a tick in the position of an element E that has four energy levels and forms a chloride ECl4
(1 mark)
x) a) Write down the electronic configurations for x. (1 mark)

b) Compare the atomic radius of X to its ionic radius. (2 marks)

16. Study the setup below and answer the questions that follow.


a) Identify gas M. (1 mark)

b) Write an equation of the reaction that takes place in the combustion tube.
(1 mark)

17. The diagram below is a set up used to investigate the effect of heat on hydrated copper (II) sulphate. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.


a) Why is boiling tube slanted as shown? (2 marks)

b) What is observed in the boiling tube. (1 mark)

c) Identify liquid G. (1 mark)

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