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Form 2 Agriculture Cat 1 Term 3 Question Paper

Form 2 Agriculture Cat 1 Term 3 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2013

TERM 3, 2013

1. a) Name the three primary macro – nutrients. (3 marks)

b) Distinguish between seed inoculation and seed dressing. (2 marks)

c) State three disadvantages of Broadcasting as a method of planting. (3 marks)

2. Name any three information contained in an Inventory record. (3 marks)

3. Give two disadvantages of Hose pipe over plastic pipe. (2 marks)

4. Give four maintenance practices carried out on knapsack sprayer. (4 marks)

5. Name any four crops that require tertiary operations during land preparation before planting. (2 marks)

6. State five characteristics of a dairy cattle. (5 marks)

7. Give any four information contained in a field operation record. (4 marks)

8. Name two types of pipes. (2 marks)

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