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English Form 2 Term 3 Opener Cat Question Paper

English Form 2 Term 3 Opener Cat 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2013

September 2013


Read the following oral narrative and answer the questions that follow. (10 marks)

One day the chameleon and the donkey were arguing as to who could run faster than the other. The donkey said,” You chameleon, you are very old and tired. You can’t compete with a man like me in a race.”
The chameleon replied, “Don’t blow your own trumpet. I am going to praise myself, but you know you can’t defeat me in a race. We shall be equal.”
The race began and without donkey’s knowledge, the chameleon jumped on the donkey’s tail. They ran and ran, until the donkey was so tired that he stopped to rest. As soon as the donkey stopped, the chameleon jumped from the donkey’s tail and said, “Now my friend, are you any faster than I?”
No, now I know that you are a man, “ answered the poor donkey.

i) What would you do in order to capture the attention of the audience before you begin to tell this story? (2 marks)

ii) Explain the verbal and non – verbal cues you would use to make the narration of the line indicated in bold effective. (4 marks)

iii) If you were part of the audience for this story, explain two things you would do to show that you are participating in the performance. (4 marks)

Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Please Read!
‘You, please read!’ the teacher said,
Pointing her finger at me.
The blood rushed up to my face.
And my body began to freeze.
Oh, how I hated standing up
To read in front of the class
I swallowed and coughed and shuffled about
And began to read very fast.
I mumbled and stumbled and whispered and squeaked;
“speak up!’ thundered teacher to me.
I tried to make my voice boom out,
But it faded, pathetically.
“Another verse! “the teacher called,
As quickly I went to sit down.
I’d lost my place on the page by then
And felt such a clumsy clown.
The words kept dancing all over the page,
My heartbeat thumped in my head,
The boys behind me sniggered;
Oh, I wished that I were dead.
At last she commanded, “Right, that will do”,
And I sat down fast with relief
But in my haste I knocked over the book
And a bottle of ink came to grief.
‘good heavens, whatever’s the matter with you?’
She frowned, with a withering look,
‘All I asked you to do was stand and read
A page from your poetry book.’

a) Who is the persona in the poem? (2 marks)

b) Briefly discuss what the poem is about. (4 marks)

c) With illustrations, identify any two stylistic devices used in the poem. (4 marks)

a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. (3 marks)

i) The office placed an order for new chairs, desks and chests of drawers.
(Rewrite replacing the underlined words with one word)

ii) Kamua would find life lonely without Onyango to keep him company.
Begin: unless Kamau

iii) An unknown thief has stolen the Principal’s watch
Rewrite using robbed

b) Fill in blank spaces in the following sentences with the correct preposition. (3 marks)
i) Some drug traffickers acquire several passports …………………….. forgery.
ii) Carnivores prey …………………………. Their victims to survive.
iii) The old man has died ………………….. pneumonia.

c) Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. (2 marks)
i) The computer is shutting down; I see it’s power light blinking.

ii) Each of the women in the competition received a medal for their victory.

d) Write two sentences to bring out the two different meanings of the following. (2 marks)



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