Rest321:Church History Ii Question Paper

Rest321:Church History Ii 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2010

? Answer Question One (1) and any other two questions. ? Question One carries 30 Marks while the other two carry 20 Marks each.
1. (a) In what way did Jan Hus contribute to the process of Church Reformation? [4 marks]
(b) Explain the major factors that triggered the protestant reformation in Germany in 1517 A.D . [10 marks]
(c) How did the English reformation differ from that in the rest of the European continent? [6 marks]
(d) State and briefly explain the main areas in which the Protestant Church differs from the Roman Catholic Church. [10 marks]
2. Evaluate the theology of John Calvin, showing how it influenced the European continent. [20 marks]
3. Who are the Anabaptists and why were they opposed by Martin Luther? [20 marks]
4. With reference to John Wesley, explain how the Great Awakening contributed to the revival of Christianity in Europe during the Eighteenth Century. [20 marks]
5. Explain the origins and objectives of the Ecumenical movement. [20 marks]
6. Discuss the link between the Abolition of slave trade in Europe and the introduction of Christianity in Africa during the 19th Century A.D. [20 marks]

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