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Bioc 412: Integrated Laboratory Techniques  Question Paper

Bioc 412: Integrated Laboratory Techniques  

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Biochemistry

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2012


1. Briefly discuss:
a. Radioimmunoassay as used for hormonal assays (4 Marks)
b. Three limitations of radioimmunoassay (3 Marks)
2. Briefly outline the extraction of vitamin A from a food sample. (3 Marks)
3. Describe one procedure used in isolation of plasmid DNA. (4 Marks)
4. Explain clonal screening and selection by DNA hybridization. (5 Marks)
5. Describe the procedure used in identification of the causative agent for tuberculosis. (3 Marks)
6. Explain why rhesus factor (Rh) incompatibility is so dangerous while ABO is not during pregnancy. (3 Marks)
7. Describe the procedures of SDS-PAGE and how it is used to determine the molecular weight of proteins. (5 Marks)
8. Explain clinical significance of Alanine transaminase activities in serum. (3 Marks)
9. Describe the procedure for production of monoclonal antibodies. (7 Marks)


10. Discuss Edman degradation procedure as used in protein sequencing and its four limitations. (10 Marks)
11. Discuss five microbiological staining techniques. (10 Marks)
12. Discuss DNA cloning and selection by antibiotic resistance gene. (10 Marks)
13. Discuss salient features of the cosmid cloning vector and yeast artificial chromosomes. (10 Marks)

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