Zool 330:Animal Physiology Question Paper

Zool 330:Animal Physiology 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Science

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2014

Answer all Questions in Section A and Two Question in Section B
Section A (30 Marks)
1. (a) Explain two characteristics of an ideal tracer. [2 marks]
(b) Identify a tracer that is commonly used in the determination of the volume of the following:
(i) Total body water [½ mark]
(ii) Extracellular fluid [½ mark]
(c) Calculate the plasma volume of a man weighing 80 kg. [2 marks]
(d) State the significance of maintaining constant internal environment in animals. [1 mark]
2. Describe briefly the role of acid-base buffers in regulation of PH in the mammalian body. [6 marks]
3. (a) State the site of production and a function of the following hormones.
(i) Insulin [1 mark] (ii) Ecdysone [1 mark] (iii) Atrial natriuretic factor [1 mark]
(b) Explain the significance of the following sensory receptors.
(i) Ampulae of Lorenzini [1 mark]
(ii) Hypothalamic thermoreceptors [1 mark]
(c) Give one role of the following parts of the mammalian brain
(i) Medulla oblongata [½ mark]
(ii) Pineal gland [½ mark]
4. (a) State two antigens that determine human blood groups. [1 mark]
(b) Explain how Erythroblastosis foetalis can be prevented [1 mark]
(c) Describe briefly the following haemostatic mechanisms
(i) Vascular spasms [1 mark]
(ii) Platelet plug formation [1 mark]
(d) Explain the roles of the following during blood clotting process in mammals (i) Heparin [1 mark]
(ii) Blood coagulation factor X III [1 mark]
5. (a) Explain what happens if fertilization fails to occur during menstrual cycle. [2 marks]
(b) Describe briefly sound transduction mechanism in the mammalian ear. [2 marks]
(c) State the effects of sympathetic nervous stimulation on the following
(i) Eye [½ mark]
(ii) Heart [½ mark]
(d) State two substances that are secreted in the distal tubule of the mammalian kidney nephron. [1 mark]
Section B [40 marks]
6. Discuss the roles of hypothalamic and anterior pituitary hormones in vertebrates. [20 marks]
7. Describe the mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction
8. (a) Describe the sequence of steps in chemical synaptic transmission. [10 marks]
(b) Describe thirst mechanism [10 marks]

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