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Form End Of Term 2 English Cat Question Paper

Form End Of Term 2 English Cat 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1. Fill in the blank spaces in the following passage with appropriate personal pronouns.( 10 mks)
When Jane and I arrived there,……..found the children making kites……….made…………using sticks,piece of paper and strings. The biggest boy among them flew………first and then other children followed with……… Jane said……….also wanted to try flying one. She thought……..was quite easy but all…..efforts failed miserably.
……………….weren’t successful either. The children offered to teach………how it is done.

2. Fill in the gaps in each of the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Note that some of them can take more than one answer. ( 5 mks)
1. You………..a good boy. (be)
2. Jilo………my book. (have)
3. Mutuma…….a cold last week. (have)
4. Susan…….a good girl.(be)
5. We……..learnt a lot that day.(have)
3. Describe the six stages of the riddling process. ( 6 mks)

4. Fill in the blank spaces in each of the following sentences with the adjectives given in brackets in their correct order. ( 5 mks)

1. He was driving a…………car. (red, new,beautiful)
2. Wanjohi bought a………suit (shapeless,brown, second-hand)
3. The baby played with a………toy. (plastic,small,lovely)
4. The carpenter made………tables. (rectangular, wooden,huge)
5. She gave me a………..story book. (new, interesting, big)
5.Fill each blank space in the following sentences with an appropriate interjection.
1. ………………! I forgot my rain coat.
2. ……………..! We won the match.
3. …………….! Did you see how Tergat leaped?
4. ……………! That was painful.

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