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English Form 3 Cat 1 Term 2 2015 Question Paper

English Form 3 Cat 1 Term 2 2015 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1. Rewrite the following sentences using idiomatic expressions where necessary
a) A teacher suspected something was wrong
b) He cannot afford basics of life
c) She removed her wedding clothes
d) She has added a lot of weight recently
e) She ran away from home
f) Switch off the lights
g) Please speak the truth, do not fabricate stories
h) Please introduce your point

2. Use the following phrasal verbs in the following sentences (put off, try out, break up, put across, run over, take after, turn out, fall out, get by, get on, watch out for, walk away with, run into, set off, find out)
a) I am coming to……………… the airport
b) The car didn’t stop after the hit-and-run accident,but I was able to……………..its number
c) I would like to…………………any other matters before the meeting closes
d) Stop worrying. Don’t let the scolding………………………..
e) I am sorry we will have to………………..the meeting, the chairman will not come
f) The parent abandoned her cousin decided to……………………
g) I have got a spare room, so I can………………………………………if you are ever in town
h) You have to work hard. Please don’t………………….your parents
i) I am tired.I have to……………..
j) This is your son. He really………………you

3. Replace the utilized words with appropriate phrasal verbs.
Ensure the formed sentences are grammatical
a) The authorities intend to demolish the old building

b) Its past midnight. I think relax

c) The economy is beginning to improve

d) She might cry if she hears the sad news

e) They failed to appear for the meeting

f) I don’t think I can tolerate her behavior any more

g) The initials PSV mean Passengers Service Vehicle

h) He missed lecture. He will have to work hard to reach where the others have reached

i) If they don’t keep their promise, I will never trust them again

j) This is the man who is my role model
A season passed. One day Obura came home very late and for the first time in months he was friendly and relaxed. He appeared to have reached a decision. His mother was too thankful to mention the hour.
She gave him food and he went to his hut.
The next day, the sun rose and hung warm and red in the sky. But Obura who lived under his mother’s edge that the sun should never rise and find a man still asleep and was therefore a habitual early riser, did not make his appearance. His mother thought that maybe he had slept late because he had gone to bed late and was therefore not alarmed ; but as she was getting ready to leave for the fields, there was still no sign of his eldest son. She went Nyabera to go to his hut to rouse him. Nyabera went and stood just outside the door and shouted;
“Obura! Obura! Chexy!” there was no answer. She shouted louder but still there was no answer.
She then banged on the door. No answer. She pushed on it with her hand and it flew open easily.
There was no one in the hut.
“Stop shouting you mad child! What is it?”
“He is not here.” Akoko arrived on the spot almost before the words were out of her daughter’s mouth.
Sure enough, he was not there. His things were neatly put away as usual, almost as if nobody had slept in them. Maybe he had early left for the fields ; but he had the appetite of a starving lion and had never know to miss breakfast.

Besides he always his mother of his whereabouts or likely whereabouts before leaving so that a messenger could find him easily.
The chief came out of his Simba at the sound of the commotion.

“What is all the noise for so early in the morning?” he asked alarmed.
“Obura is not in his hut”. Supplied his sister. The chief came to see for himself as if other people eyes were not good enough; but there was no denying it. The boy was gone.

1. Place this excerpt in its immediate context ( 3 mks)

2. Describe Obura character as shown in this excerpt ( 4 mks)

3. Identify and explain the use of Irony in the excerpt (4 mks)

4. “What is all the noise for so early in the morning?” he asked alarmed. Rewrite in reported speech ( 1 mk)

5. Explain the theme highlighted in this excerpt ( 4 mks)

6. Did the fears of this family come to pass? ( 4 mks)

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