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English Form Three Cat 1 Term 1 2015 Question Paper

English Form Three Cat 1 Term 1 2015 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

Symptoms of love.
Love is universal migraine.
A bright stain on the vision.
Blotting out reason.

Symptoms of the love.
Are leanness, jealously.
Laggard dawns.

Are omens and night mares.
Listening for a knock.
Waiting for a sigh.

For a touch of her fingers.
In a darkened room.
For a searching look.

Take courage, lover.
Could you endure such pain.
At any hand but hers?

1. Identify the persona? ( mks)

2. What is the persona’s attitude towards love?

Explain your answer. ( 4 mks)
3. Describe the tone of the poem, giving evidence to support your answer ( 4 mks)
4. Identify and illustrate three figures of speech used in the poem.
Comment on the their effectivess.(4 mks)
5. Describe the mood of the poem.( 4 mks)
6. Explain the rhetorical question at the end of the poem (2 mks)

2. Complete each sentence with one of the words provided in brackets ( 15 mks)
1. I arrived in Thika two months……………..(ago/before/for)
2. Victor has a new cow………………….(its/it’s) called Maziwa
3. Although………………………..boys and girls came to her birthday party, she was not disappointed (afew/few)
4. Add some water and………………………check the petrol (also/as well/too)
5. We remained………………………(quite/quiet/quit) throughout the evening prep

3. Arrange the adjectives on the correct order
1. She was wearing……………………….dress (Japanese, silk, green)
2. I have just read…………………………novel ( new, exciting, Caribbean)
3. The meeting took place in……………….hall (conference, dilapidated)
4. The company is proud to launch…………….drink (refreshing, sparking,new)
5. His car was……………………………model (French, reliable, twenty-year old)

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