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English Form 3 Term Ii 2015 Examination Question Paper

English Form 3 Term Ii 2015 Examination 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

TERM II 2015
TIME: 2 ½ hours
1. Answer all the questions in this paper.
2. Neatness and clarity must be observed.

1. Functional writing. ( 20 mks)
a) You are travelling to Mombasa on a school trip during August Holiday for one week.
Write a packing list for the journey. ( 10 mark)

b) Write a letter to your parents requesting them to send you some of the items you are required to carry which you do not have in school. ( 10 mks)

2. Cloze test. ( 10 mks)
Read the following passage and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
The (1)……………..of violence in our society has really………(2)…………up.
I recently watched on (3)…………….as a group of louts was seriously beating up a member of the Mungiki (4)……………
What was shocking was that even women actively (5)……………in the violent act. That scene really sent a (6)…………….down the spine of many a Kenyan. Such incidents make the (7)…………….world view Africa as an arena for violence. The big (8)………… why should Kenyans persist on taking the (9)……………in their hands whenever they (10)…………….a suspect. The families of such victims are left suffering because of such senseless acts.
Justice should be allowed to take course.

3. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
Go you must go-it is I who can sing,
Kissed by the pale lips of suffering,
You should not live where the winds grow cold,
You who are big, brave and bold;

Go you must go-it is I the frail thing,
As easy to break as the butterfly’s wing
Who can walk upon the thorns on the road of pain,
While many men search for my wounds in vain.

Go you must go-for today is sweet,
Blossoms make lovely the way for your feet,
Only for you do I fear the great cold,
For you who are big, brave and bold.

a) Identify two pairs of rhyming words in this poem. ( 2 mks)
b) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem. ( 2 mks)
c) Apart from the use of rhyme, how else has rhythm been achieved in this poem? ( 4 mks)
d) How would you say the last line of the poem? ( 2 mks)
i. From the following words, pick out three words whose letter ‘s’ is not pronounced as sound /s/. (3 mks)
Raisin Sore Crust Sugar Syrup Just Does.
ii. For each of the following words, provide another that has the same pronunciation. ( 2 mks))

iii. Underline the silent letters in the following words.( 2 mks)

iv. You are listening to a speech by a motivational speaker, what would you do to ensure that you concentrate and listen effectively? ( 3 mks)

4. Extract from the River and the Source
Margaret A. Ogola: The River and the source.
………Nyabera, you are not the woman I brought you up to be. I know you have suffered, but suffering is the lot of many. To suffer is not a curse unless you have earned it and I have never done anything to earn a curse. Both the evil and good suffer. How you come through suffering is what will make or break you. Please think my daughter. At least you can have children and you have a good husband. One day Were will give you a child that lives; I am sure of it after what you just told me.
But to have a child is one thing, to bring it up to be a human fit to live with others is something else altogether-and the way you are going, I doubt if you will fit to be a mother when the baby comes. You may be just like Alando your sister-in-law. You have known me all your life. How could you ever imagine that I would leave my grandson at the mercy of your uncle? I have taken him to Yimbo to live in the house of Oloo my brother. Are you happy now?”
“Oh, mother! Why didn’t you bring here to stay with me? Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you. I thought of bringing him here, but I thought it was too near the next of vipers who now occupy the stool of Maroko, the first chief. Please can you show me the place to rest? I will be staying with you for a few days before I leave for Kisumu. That way no one will know or suspect my motives. “Nyambera conducted her mother to her mother-in-law’s house as chik did not allow her spend the night in a marriage daughter’s house.

The next few days passed pleasantly enough, with mother and daughter chatting for hours about their lives, their people, their past, their future, their hopes and all manner of things. On the fifth day she embarked on a journey which would bring her and her scanty offspring to a new era; for the great river starts its journey as a little stream which meanders around without any apparent direction. Sometimes disappearing underground altogether, but always there, always moving towards the sea.

1.a) What is Akoko’s purpose of this visit? ( 3 mks)

b)’One day, Were will give you a child that lives.” Does this come to happen?
Explain ( 2 mks)

c) Identify and illustrate one character trait of Akoko revealed in this passage. ( 2 mks)
d) Why did Akoko make the arrangements to take her grandson to Yimbo? (2 mks)
e) Rewrite in reported speech: “don’t you trust me?” ( 1 mk)
Begin: Nyabera asked

f) Explain what is revealed about child rearing in this extract. ( 2 mks)
g) Identify and explain the effect of the figure of speech used in “……the nest of vipers……….” ( 2 mks)
h) Why was Akoko going to Kisumu? ( 2 mks)
i) Explain the meaning of the following as used in the extract.
The lot of many……………………………….
Scant offspring…………………

5. Oral narrative
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
There was once a beautiful girl, the daughter of a chief. She was finer to look upon than any other girl that men could see. But there was no one whom she would agree to marry.

Men came from all countries, but she would not have them. And all the land heard the news of this girl, that though she was marriageable age, she would take no one.

There was also a snake, a large python who dwelt in a vast lake nearby the river.
When he heard about this girl, he decided that he would marry her. So he changed himself to a man and came to the village.

As soon as the maiden saw the young man she was delighted, and said she would marry him at once. Every one was pleased,and that night they took the young man and the girl on to the roof of the house, for roofs in that village had flat roofs, and there they left them.

Now during the night the snake licked the girl all over and swallowed her, and changing again into his snake form, he made off to the great lake.

Next morning people came to the house and called to the girl and her man to come down. There was no answer, and the chief told the people to climb up and see what was the matter. This they did, and reported that the girl and the man were missing.

The chief was very angry, and at once ordered all the people to follow the girl and her lover. But they could find no tracks. So they called for a man who could smell everything. He at once smelled the trail of the girl and followed it down to the people, urged on by the anger of the chief, then called on a man famous through all the country for this thirsty. They told him to drink up the lake. This he did but still there was no sign of the man or the girl. Then the people called a man famous for his capacity for work and told him to take out all the mud from the lake. This he did and nearby revealed a hole. But it was so deep that no one could reach the bottom.Then they remembered that there was a man with an arm that would stretch over all the Dagomba Island. They told him to put his arm in the hole and pull. Out came the great python, which was immediately killed. And then they had cut open its stomach, they found the girl inside, but she was dead. The people remembered a man who had power of medicine, and was able to raise the dead. He came at once and restored the girl to life.

a. Explain what type of narrative is this. ( 2 mks)
b. Identify and explain a suitable audience of this narrative. ( 2 mks)
c. What role does the opening formula play? ( 2 mks)
d. Illustrate the use of the following in the narrative. ( 4 mks)
i. Fantasy
ii. Hyperbole

e.State the main moral lesson learnt from the narrative. ( 2 mks)
f. Describe and illustrate the character of: (4 mks)
i.The girl
ii. The chief

6. Grammar.
(a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each.
Do not change the meaning. ( 4 mks)
i. I would not have done if I knew. Begin Had……………………
ii. He was very disorganized. He could not be appointed a prefect. (join into one sentence beginning: so……….)
iii. God created men in his image and likeness. Rewrite replacing the underlined word with a gender neutral one.
iv. When the people burst into the councilor’s office, he had not even sat down. (begin: Hardly……………….)
(b) Replace the underlined word with a suitable phrasal verb.( 3 mks)
I.It was amazing how the boy’s was cheated by the chief.
ii.Anna was commended for maintaining her good performance.
iii.I will never submit to their demands.

(c ) Complete the blank spaces with the correct form of the word in brackets. ( 3 mks)
i. When the results came out, Cheptoo was both excited and………………….(apprehend)
ii. The formed personnel officer always expected favours but the current one is……………(corrupt)
iii. Due to the increasing number of visitors, the company has…………….the reception hall (large)
(d)Fill in the blank spaces below with the correct preposition. ( 3 mks)
i. Kamau refused to eat cheese roll because he is…………….A diet.
ii. Please refrain………………..Chewing miraa.
iii.The mountain was completely covered…………..Ice.
(e) Choose the correct word from the brackets to fill the blank spaces ( 2 mks)
i.The………….(dinning,dining) hall is on the right of the administration.
ii.You are…………………(advised/ adviced) to avoid sugary foods.

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