Sahl I00:Society And International Humaniterian Law Question Paper

Sahl I00:Society And International Humaniterian Law 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Criminology

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2014

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question one and any other two questions
(a) The history of Humanitarian law dates back to 1859, when a merchant named Dunant was travelling through the war – ravaged plain of Normandia, North Italia. Discuss [10 marks]
(b) Explain the essential rules of international humanitarian law [7 marks]
(c) Is there a difference between IHL and International Human Rights law? Explain [8 marks]
(d) What special protections do governments and NGOs offer women in times of war and reconstruction? [5 marks]
(a) The basic principle of Geneva conventions are responding on respect of human being and are respecting his dignity. Elaborate on the above statement stating protection provided by the conventions [10 marks]
(b) Explain the restrictions that are laid in the international humanitarian law on use of weapons and tactics? [5 marks]
(c) Discuss the additional protocols as they are applied in international law [5 marks]
(a) When there is an armed conflict what is its implication on the society and economy [7 marks]
(b) Who are the “medical personnel” what are their duties [7 marks]
(c) Explain war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide? [6 marks]
(i) Explain the following as used in international and humanitarian law
(a) Refugees [3 marks]
(b) Challenges to internal humanitarian law [7 marks]
(ii) Discuss the role of the international committee of the red cross in upholding the Geneva conventions [10 marks] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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