Crss 438:Terrorism And Threat Assessment Question Paper
Crss 438:Terrorism And Threat Assessment
Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Criminology And Security Studies
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2014
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question One (compulsory) and any other TWO QUESTIONS
1. a) Define the following using relevant examples: (i) Terrorism [4 marks]
(ii) Extremism [4 marks]
(iii) Counter-terrorism [4 marks]
(iv) Radicalization [4 marks]
(v) Jihadist [4 marks]
b) State and explain five reasons why we study terrorism scientifically [10 marks]
2. What is the relationship between terrorism, pivacy and drug trafficking? [20 marks]
3. a) Describe terrorists of religion [10 marks]
b) What are the causes and effects of religion terrorism? [10 marks]
4. “The best possible solution to terrorism is not violence but non-violence philosophy advocated by Mahatma Gandhi”. Discuss using relevant examples [20 marks]
5. Write short notes on the following using relevant examples a) Psyche of terrorists [5 marks]
b) Types of terrorism [5 marks]
c) Social political and economic effects of terrorism in the world [5 marks]
d) National policy on terrorism [5 marks] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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