Crss 423:Phisical Security Ii Question Paper

Crss 423:Phisical Security Ii 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Criminology And Security Studies

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2014

Answer Question One and any other Two Questions
1. (a) Security design on buildings was in the past not a consideration, however, with the recent terrorism attacks in the U.S.A, the famous 11th September and the Kenyan Westgate among others have raised new concerns that need immediate resolution. Discuss. [12 marks]
(b) In security design, certain principles should always be considered in planning any building to avoid vulnerabilities. Briefly list and discuss any six of them [18 marks]
2. Controlling traffic in any facility is crucial in the enhancement of security despite the challenges that goes with it. Discuss. [20 marks]
3. (a) In the attempt to identify employees entering and leaving a facility there are three possible pass systems used. Discuss. [12 marks]
(b) In business profit making organization security observation pose a serious challenge. Discuss. [8 marks]
4. Criminals have become hi-tech to the extent that they have forced institutions to adopt alarm sensors mechanisms to counter them. Briefly discuss any five alarm systems used to prevent the intruders. [20 marks]
5. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Fingerprint recognition systems [5 marks]
(b) Eye retina recognition systems [5 marks]
(c) Hand geometry recognitions [5 marks]
(d) Signature recognition systems [5 marks]

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