Crss 417:Human Rights And Criminal Justice  Question Paper

Crss 417:Human Rights And Criminal Justice  

Course:Bachelor Of Art Criminology And Security Studies

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2014

1. (a) State and describe the criminal justice process within the range of legal human rights. [15 marks]
(b) State and describe the institutions and the criminal justice agencies which exist. [15 marks]
2. Give a descriptive explanation of the standard guidelines as principles within the administrative justice system. [20 marks]
3. Discuss (10) bill of rights and the limitation of their exercise with the Kenya constitution. [20 marks]
4. (i) Describe four factors which may make an evidence be excluded in a criminal justice process. [10 marks]
(ii) Describe (5) consequential factors of excluding an evidence in a criminal justice process. [10 marks]
5. State and give a descriptive explanation of the elements characteristics of the human rights. [20 marks]

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