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End Of Term January-March 2007 Communication Exam Question Paper

End Of Term January-March 2007 Communication Exam 

Course:Diploma In Business Administration

Institution: Machakos University question papers

Exam Year:2007

1. (a) Define communication. ( 5 mks)
(b) Discuss the main aspects of communication. ( 10 mks)
(c ) Discuss the importance of good internal communication. ( 10 mks)

2. (a) What do the following terms refer to in communication ( 10 mks)
(i) Sender
(ii) Message
(iii) Receiver
(iv) Medium
(v) Distortion

(b) In detail explain the six stages in a communication cycle. ( 15 mks)

3. (a) Define written communication. ( 5 mks)
(b) List and explain any five examples of written communication. ( 20 mks)

4. (a) What do you understand by the term ‘barrier’ in communication. ( 3 mks)
(b) List the main four barriers of communication ( 2 mks)
(c ) Explain how the following act as barriers to effective communication
(i) Emotions ( 5 mks)
(ii) Closed mind ( 5 mks)
(iii) Interpretation of words ( 5 mks)
(iv) Bypassed instructions ( 5 mks)

5. (a) What is grapevine communication? ( 3 mks)
(b) With the aid of diagrams explain three types of grapevine communication. ( 12 mks)
(c ) List and explain the importance of grapevine communication in an organization. ( 10 mks)

6. (a) What is the meaning of morale as an objective of communication
(b) Assume that you are appointed a manager of a business organization with declining profits. Discuss five factors on how you would raise the workers’ morals to improve the business. ( 20 mks)

7. (a) Define downward communication. ( 2 mks)
(b) List the main objectives of downward communication. ( 5 mks)
(c ) How can you improve downward communication in an a organization? ( 8 mks)
(d) Discuss the disadvantages of downward communication. ( 10 mks)

8. (a) Categorize the following into either downward or upward trends of communication
(i) Grievances
(ii) Notices
(iii) Suggestions
(iv) Rules
(v) Requests
(vi) Advice
(vii) Warnings
(viii) Opinions
(ix) Feedback
(b) With the aid of diagram,show and explain how external communication enhances growth and development in an organization. ( 15 mks)

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