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Form 3 English End Of Term 2 Cat 2014 Question Paper

Form 3 English End Of Term 2 Cat 2014 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2014

a) GRAMMAR (10 mks)
1. Identify the adjectival clauses in the following sentences. ( 3 mk)
i. The students who work diligently often succeed.
ii. The house, that overlooks the lake, is popular holiday resort.
iii. The drugs, whose owner vanished mysteriously, were destroyed publicly.

2. Replace each of the underlined words with a phrasal verb. ( 3 mks)
i. She left him
ii. He quarreled with his friends
iii. Mary anticipated her going to University.

3. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions after each. ( 2 mks)
i. It was difficult but we completed the task. ( Begin : Difficult……….)
ii. I will not at any cost support your evil plans. ( Begin : At no cost…)
iii. Let us remove the injured man from the sun. ( Add a question tag)
iv. The Personnel Manager addressed the employees of the new scheme of service.
(Rewrite correctly)

B. POETRY ( 10 mks)
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
The Disabled
Things you’ve done I’ll say,
For that way I’ll say things
You’ve not done;
Your charges must never exceed
What you paid……………..
(Any way what did you?)

Beating up the disabled
Is not bravely…………..
You who received all…….
You break the crutches of the cripple
The support of the blind
You cast over the hedge
You deafen the blind
You blind the deaf…….
That way you’ve done
Egocentricity service.

Bangirana B.T

i. Who is the persona in the poem? ( 2 mks)
ii. Identify and the illustrate two stylistic devices used by the poet. ( 4 mks)
iii. Identify one instance of alliteration in the poem. ( 2 mks)
iv. Highlight the injustices done to the disable as brought out in the poem. ( 2 mks)

TWO WOMEN: Didn’t you hear? Better put him down.
GRUSHA: The nurse asked me to hold him for a moment.
OLDER WOMAN: She’s not coming back, you simpleton.
YOUNGER WOMAN: Keep your hands off it.
OLDER WOMAN: (amiably) Grusha, you’ve a good soul, but you’re not very bright, and you know it.
I tell you, if he had the plague, he couldn’t be more dangerous.
GRUSHA (stubbornly). He hasn’t got the plague. He looks at me! He is human!
OLDER WOMAN: Don’t look at him. You’re a fool-the kind that always gets put upon.
A person need only say, “run for the salad, you have the longest legs.” And you run.
My husband has an ox cart-you come with us if you hurry! Lord, by now the whole neighborhood must be in flames.

i. Where is this taking place? ( 1 mk)
ii. What has just happened? ( 2 mks)
iii. Identify and illustrate one character trait of Grusha. ( 2 mks)
iv. What happens immediately after the expert? ( 3 mks)
v. My husband has an ox-cart. ( add a question tag) ( 1 mk)
vi. What is the meaning of the word ‘simpleton’ as used in the passage? ( 1 mk)

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