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Form 3 English End Of Term 2 Cat: Functional Writing And Literature Question Paper

Form 3 English End Of Term 2 Cat: Functional Writing And Literature 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

Functional writing and literature

1. Read the following letter from Margret A. Ogola’s question that follow ( 10 mks)
My dear Parents,

I hope you are well. You will be glad to hear that I finished my Internship successfully. I have now one month’s leave and I will come home on Thursday the 28th to see you. I am bringing a girl with me,the girl I intend to marry. Her name is Wandia and she is a doctor. I am sure you will like her. No, love her.

I am your affectionate Son.


i. What kind of letter is this? Explain ( 2 mks)
ii. Explain what happened before and after this letter ( 3 mks)
iii. Mark and Elizabeth reacted differently to Wandia’s visit.
Justify the statement ( 3 mks)

iv) In your opinion, why is Aoro apprehensive about taking Wandia home to meet his parents? ( 2 mks)

2. Cloze test
Fill in the blank spaces ( 5 mks)
…………………………..and………………………….had also adopted Becky’s two children…………………..and…………., after Becky’s death two years before………………….had developed full blown Aids and at her death she had become a mere grotesque shadow of her former self.

3. Grammar
i. Replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb.
He resembles you a great deal.

ii. Rewrite the sentence below replacing the phrasal verb with a single word. ‘Wandia’s mother was one of those dogged Gikuyu women who did not know the meaning of giving up’.
iii. Becky changed men as frequently as she changed clothes. ( Rewrite to begin with so……………..)

iv) Add an appropriate question tag in the following statements
a. Come in
b. The Greeks had their ambrosia.

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