English Form 1 Cat 1 Term 2 Year 2015 Question Paper

English Form 1 Cat 1 Term 2 Year 2015 


Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1. Fill in the blank spaces in the following excerpt with the most appropriate words.( 10 mks)
Some people wait to realize their dreams until they are thin, only to find out being thin does not necessarily make life wonderful The…………………in life that make it………………………..can be hard at any weight…………………..it is to travel, seeking a relationship or changing careers………………….dreamt is not dependent on what one…………………………… It may seem like you have to…………………..in a bikini before going to the beach for a holiday,…………………..the water doesn’t get any……………………..just because you get…………………… Life is more about happiness………………….than being thin.

2. Below is a telephone conversation between friends.
Fill in the missing part ( 4 mks)
Lucy : Hello, may I talk to Judy please?
Judy : …………………………………………………..
Lucy : I am very sorry, where was the accident?
Judy : ………………………………………………………………
Lucy : Good to hear that your injuries were not serious. You will pull through.
Judy : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Lucy : We will visit you as soon as we can. Bye for now and I wish you a quick recovery.

3. Fill the blank space in each sentence with the most appropriate choice between the two in the brackets
i) The people in the van must have been…………….(they/them)
ii) Kiros introduced Mwende and…………………..(her/she) to Mr. Okullu
iii) Do you want to go to the football match with………………….(us/we)
iv) Mrs. Olang sent two students, Opeku and………………….(i/me)
v) (whom/who)……………………………did you see?

4. Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow
“ Why the leopard hides his food up a tree”

The Ndebele tell their children that long ago.
There were three friends : the beautiful Leopard, the Jackal and Hyena.
They went everywhere together. Whenever Leopard killed an animal, he would always leave part of it for his friends so that they could have a good feed too.

One day it happened that Leopard was ill, and could not hunt, “Jackal”, he said “please catch some food for us, for I am not well”

But lazy Jackal said, “No, I am too weary. Ask Hyena”. So Leopard said in anger. “I thought you were my friends, but you are a no-good, lazy pair. Never again will I leave you meat when I make my kill. From this day in, I will make sure of it. I shall take what is left and hang it in a tree, when I have eaten all I want. Then neither of you will be able to get at it”. Leopard was true to his word-for since that day he has never left any meat for his selfish friends. Up into a tree it goes, high out of reach of Jackals and Hyenas. They have become scavengers, now instead and they eat scraps that other animals leave behind. It was a sad day for them when they lost Leopard’s friendship.

i) Giving a reason for your answer say what kind of a narrative this is ( 2 mks)

ii) Describe the character of leopard ( 4 mks)

iii) What lessons do we learn from the story? ( 4 mks)

iv) What is the function of the opening formulae ( 1 mk)

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