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English Form 2 Cat 1 Term 2 Year 2015 Question Paper

English Form 2 Cat 1 Term 2 Year 2015 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2015

1. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( 4 mks)
i) The signs at the police post ( was/were) barely visible………………………..
ii) The boats in the fleet (goes/go) all at eight………………………..
iii) Everything but eggs (was/were) in the same box………………..
iv) His answers to our questions (changes/change) everything……………………….

2. Complete the paragraph below with the present perfect forms of the verbs in the brackets.
Insert the word “not” where necessary. ( 10 mks)

I………………………(visit) many places and I…………………(see) many wonderful things in those places.
I……………………..(eat) all manner of dishes, some tasty and some not so tasty. My wife……………….(join) me in most of these trips but she………………………….(enjoy) herself as much as I have. Often I………………………..(tell) her that she should enjoy every moment of her life. I……………………(try) to show her funny side of life but she………………………..(appreciate) it yet.
She believes that we were born to work and we shouldn’t rest until we……………………..(do) all there is to do. I………………………..(give up) convincing her otherwise.

3. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a possessive pronoun (5 mks)
i) This computer belongs to Kurgat. It is………………………..
ii) This house belongs to me. It is…………………………….
iii) This country belongs to us. It is……………………………….
iv) These balls belong to the boys. They are……………………
v) This handbag belongs to Joan. It is……………………………

4. Identify independent clauses in the following sentences. ( 5 mks)
i) The teacher gave me a novel and I read it from cover to cover

ii) Kenya needs doctors but she needs nurses even more

iii) Ngugi wa Thiong’o is a novelist and Imbuga is a playwright

iv) Your lunch was very delicious but I can’t take another bite

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v) The bus was due at 8.000 a.m but it will be an hour late

5. Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow

“The Origin of death”

It is God who created man. And since God had pity, he said I do not wish men to die altogether.
I wish that men, having died, should rise again. And so he created men and placed them in another region. But he stated at home.

And then God saw chameleon and the weaver-bird. After he had spent three days with chameleon and weaver-bird, he recognized that the weaver-bird was a great maker of words compounded of lies and truth. So he spoke to chameleon. “Chameleon, go into the region where I have placed the men I created and tell them that when they died,even if they are altogether dead, still they shall rise again-that each man shall rise again after he dies”.

Chameleon said, “Yes, I will go there”. But he went slowly. For it is his character to walk slowly. Weaver-bird stayed behind with God. Chameleon travelled on, and when he had arrived at his destination, he said, “I was told to………………..” but he did not say what he had been told. Weaver-bird said to God, “I wish to step out for a moment” and God said to him, “Go”

But weaver-bird since he is a bird, flew swiftly and arrived at the place where chameleon was speaking to the people saying, “I was told……………..” everyone was gathered there to listen. When the weaver-bird arrived, he said what was told to us. “Truly, we were told that men, when they are dead, shall perish like the root of Aloe”.

Then the chameleon exclaimed, “But we were told, we were told, that when men are dead, they shall rise again”.
And now all people left and returned to their homes. This was the way it happened. And so men become old and die.
They do not rise again.

i) Explain why this narrative would be classified as a myth

ii) What two differences are there between myths and legends

iii) Describe one character trait of chameleon

iv) Mention any two functions of myths

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