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English Paper 1: Form 4 Entrance Cluster Exam Question Paper

English Paper 1: Form 4 Entrance Cluster Exam 


Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

There has been destruction and theft of school property by students.
Imagine you are the deputy principal in the school.
Write a memo to all the prefects informing them about the above issues and the measures to be taken. ( 20 mks)

Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word. (10 mks)
2. Corruption is a big drawback to…1……….growth in any country. …….2…….discourages hard work and…..3….. Instead of observing morals, ….4…….accumulate wealth….5…..the detriment of the general good. The end results is usually…..6…..impoverished society where looms. To…7…..out of it, we ought to develop patriotism and humanity. This is…8…., easier said than done. Surprisingly, this is where…..9… Korea, Singapore and Malaysia left us. All is not lost however. A positive…….10………is what we need.

Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follow

3. a) Walking along the lane
Running to get a train
It started to rain
And oh!
I cried, ‘not again!’

That is when I saw you,
And asked your name,
And you said,

You smote me
You struck me
You robbed off my heart.

But then you went away,
And left me standing in the rain,
You told me to remain
Wait for you in the rain.

I waited for you in the rain

Can’t you see the pain,
I am in Lorraine?
You are making me insane

i) Identify two features of an oral poem and illustrate them. ( 2 mks)

ii) What is the significance of the second pattern used in this oral poem? ( 2 mks)

iii) How would you perform lines 19 and 20 of this poem? (2 mks)

iv) Which words would you stress in lines 13 and why? ( 2 mks)

b) i) Identify the silent letters in the following words. ( 2 mks)
a) Tomb…………………………
b) Dough……………………………

ii) Provide another word pronounced like the words below. ( 2 mks)
a) Beat…………….
b) Heir……………..

c) Use each of the following words in two separate sentences to bring out two different meanings. ( 5 mks)
i) Contest………………………………….
ii) Subject…………………………………

d) After a lecture by a visiting motivational speaker, Form three students, who formed the audience, complained that the speaker was not effective. What do you think the speaker failed to do to make his talk effective. ( 5 mks)

e) Supply possible polite responses for each of the following situations.( 8 mks)

i) Vera : Can I take you to a movie?
You :……………………………………………..

ii) Irene : I believe there is no need of engaging in Politics. Irene should concentrate on her business Ventures. That’s what she’s good at.
You : ……………………………………………………………….

iii) Musyoka : How about joining us for dinner?
You :…………………………………………………………

iv) Ben : We can begin the essay by writing an outline first.
Then after that, we need to decide whether…………….
You :………………………………………………………………

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