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Business Studies: Form 1 Exam Question Paper

Business Studies: Form 1 Exam 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2016

answer all the questions in this Booklet

1.Identify five business activities that are practiced by people in the community (5 marks)

2.Outline five benefits of running a business (5 marks)

3.Identify five reasons why it is important to study business (5 marks)

4.Define the following terms:
a) Business studies (1 mark)
b) Production (1 mark)
c) Distribution (1 mark)
d) Economics (1 mark)
e) Commerce (1 mark)

5.Outline five types of business activities (5 marks)

6.State five benefits of modern technology to a business firm (5 marks)

7.Outline five ways business resources may cause business success (5 marks)

8.State whether each of the following factors fall under micro-environment or macro-environment (5 marks)
a) Demographic environment
b) Business culture
c) Business structure
d) Political environment
e) Competitive environment

9.With aid of appropriate examples differentiate generic competition from enterprise competition (4 marks)

10.State four ways in which shelter satisfies human wants (4 marks)

11.State five characteristics of human wants (5 marks)

12.Name and define two types of home trade (4 marks)

13.Classify each of the following items into basic wants or secondary wants
a) Shoes
b) Drinking water
c) Air
d) Education
e) Biscuits

14.State five differences between goods and services (5 marks)

15.State five characteristics of economic resources ( 5 marks)

16.Classify each of the following as renewable or non-renewable resources (5marks)
a) Shoes
b) Natural rubber
c) Natural gas
d) Building stone
e) Wool

17.State five subjects that comprise Business studies as a subject (5 marks)

18.List any five aids to trade (5 marks)

19.State four reasons why Kenya has not fully exploited her natural resources (4 marks)

10.State five importance of wildlife to the economy of Kenya (5 marks)

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