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Bioc 207: Physical Biochemistry Question Paper

Bioc 207: Physical Biochemistry 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Biochemistry

Institution: Egerton University question papers

Exam Year:2016

a)Answer THREE QUESTIONS in section A and all questions in section B
b)Do not write on this paper
c)Constant vues 0°C= 273K; R= 8.3145J/K/Mol
d)Show your working clearly

Question One
a) Draw the complete structure of the molecule Cyclic Adenosine. Monophosphate (cAMP) (5 Marks)
b)Explain how spontaneity of braking cAMP by phosphodiesterase mames cAMP an exerllent transient signal. (5Marks)

Question Two
A certain reaction is 10 percent complete in 15 minutes at 40°C and in 3 minutes at 60°C. Assuming a first order kinetics, estimate its activation energy Ea in joules/mole
(10 Marks)

Question Three
Explain how enzymes influence the progress of a thermodynamically unfavourable biochemical reaction
(10 Marks)

Question Four
a) Explain how coupled reaction could be used to drive otherwise endergonic reactions. (3 Marks)
b)Highlight the contributions of the following to the modern understanding of the laws of thermodynamics
.Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius
(4 Marks)
.James Prescott Joule.
(3 Marks)
Question Five
Calculate the change in Gibb's free energy (??G°)for the following reactions given the standard free energy values provided in the table below.
. A + B?C

.B ?D + 1/2E (4Marks)

COMPOND G°(Kj/mol)

A -490
B -237
C -378
D 0
E 0

b) State which reaction is either spontaneous or not spontaneous processes. (1Mark)
c) Describe the characteristics of natural or spontaneous processes. (5Marks)

Question Six
a)Explain why phosphoenolpuruvate has a a high standard free energy change of hydrolysis as compared to other phosphate compounds. (5 Marks)

b) Explain the relatioship between cellular free-energy changes and redox reactions. (5 Marks)

Question Seven
a) Relate enthalpy change to bond disruption and formation of biochemical rections. (4 Marks)
b) Explain the chemical basis for the large free energy change associated woth ATP hydrysis. (6 Marks)

Question Eight
Protein folding involves the polypeptide chain going from a disordered, random structure to a highly ordere one. Exain why this is not a violation of the Second law of thermodynamics. (10 Marks)

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