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Form 2 Biology Exam Term 1 2017 Question Paper

Form 2 Biology Exam Term 1 2017 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2017

1.Give the functions of the following apparatus used in collection and observations of specimen;
a)sweep net ( 1 mark)
b)pooter (1 mark)
c)forceps (1 mark)
2.a)Define the term photosynthesis (2 marks)
b)Name two factors affecting the rate at which photosynthesis takes place (2 marks)
3. Name the process by which root hairs take up water and minerals salts from the soil. (1 mark)
4.Name the building blocks of the following chemical compounds;
a)lipids (1 mark)
b)proteins (1 mark) two factors affecting the rate of enzyme controlled reactions (2 marks)
6.a)Name the part of the digestive system responsible for the storage of bile (1 mark)
b)name the enzyme present in the saliva in the salivary glands (1 mark)
7.state the functions of the following cell organelles;
a)golgi apparatus ( 1 mark)
b)lysosomes (1 mark)
8.describe how the following factors affect the rate of transpiration in terrestial plants
a)stomata (2 marks)
b)cuticle (2 marks) two forces involved in the translocation of materials in plants
10.state two differences between closed and open circulatory systems ( 4 marks)
11.give two modes of nutrition by animals (2 marks) the process by which large fat lipid droplets in the duodenum are broken down into small fat lipid droplets.(1 mark)

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