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History And Government Question Paper

History And Government 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 Mock question papers

Exam Year:2016

Answer all questions in this section.
1. What is pre-history? (1mark)
2. State two types of governments. (2marks)
3. Give one contribution of archaeology to the study of history? (1mark)
4. State two ways in which man benefited by becoming bi-pedalism? (2marks)
5. State two ways in which the invention of the railway speeded up industrialization in Europe? (2marks)
6. Give one reason why coal was used as the main source of industrial energy in Britain during the industrial revolution? (1mark)
7. State the contribution of Wilhelm Rontgen in the field of medicine? (1mark)
8. State the social effects of the growth of Meroe? (2marks)
9. State two reforms introduced by the German administration after the Maji Maji uprising? (2marks)
10. Why was the Burns constitution rejected by the educated Africans in Ghana? (1mark)
11. Name the South African leader who legalised the Apartheid Policy in the country? (1mark)
12. state the main method used by Anthropologist to collect data in a certain community (1mark)
13. Whats the meaning of the term anarchy. (1mark)
14. Give one field of study which falls under the social history (1mark)
15. State two reasons why Samori Toure resisted the French colonization in Senegal? (2marks)
16. Name two political challenges that faced the Democratic Republic of Congo since independence?(2marks)
17.Name two parts that comprised the Asante Kingdom? (2marks)
Answer any three questions from this section:

18 (a) Name five physical changes which occurred in early human beings as they evolved from
ape-like creatures to modern man. (5marks)
(b) Describe the way of life of early human beings during the middle-stone age period (10marks)
19 (a) State five roles of Tuaregs in the Trans-Saharan Trade (5marks)
(b) Explain the social effects of the Trans Saharan trade on the West Africa communities (10marks)
20 (a) State five factors that led to development and growth of the ancient Asante kingdom in West Africa (5marks)
(b) Describe the political organisation of the pre –colonial Asante’s kingdom (10marks)
21 (a) State three reasons why the British employed direct rule in Zimbabwe (12marks)
(b) Explain six effects of direct rule in Zimbabwe. (12 marks)

Answer any two questions from this section:

22. (a) Highlight five features that marked the industrial revolution in Europe (5marks)
(b) Explain five factors that made Britain the first country to experience industrial revolution in Europe (10marks)
23. (a) State five characteristics of Macadam roads? (5marks)
(b) Discuss five impacts of railway transport (10 marks)
24. (a) State three key nationalist in south African struggle for freedom (3marks)
(b) Explain six factors why Ghana achieved independence earlier than other African countries (12marks)

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