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Form 2 Physics Exam Question Paper

Form 2 Physics Exam 


Institution: Form 2 question papers

Exam Year:2016


Name…………………………………class…………….adm no………..

1.A burette has an initial reading of 22.5cm3. Determine the final reading after a liquid of volume of 11.3cm3 is removed from the burette. (2marks)

2. (a) State Newton’s second law of motion (1marks)

(b) A car of mass 800Kg is initially moving at a speed of 25m/s. Calculate the constant force required to bring the car to rest over a distance of 20m. (3 marks)

3. Hydraulic machines use liquids and not gases for the transmission of pressure. Why are gases unsuitable for use in these machines? (1 mark)

4.a) State Archimedes’ principle. (1mk)

(b) The figure below shows a rectangular buoy of mass 4000kg tethered to the sea-bed by a wire. The dimensions are 4m x 1.5m x 2.2m.

Calculate the:-
(i) Weight of sea water displaced by the buoy (density of sea water = 1100kg/m3) (3 mks)

(ii) Upward force exerted on the buoy by the water. (1mk)

(iii) Tension in the wire (2mks)

5(a) State two differences between boiling and evaporation. (2 mk)

(b) 1200g of a liquid at 100C is poured into a well-logged calorimeter. An electric heater rated 1KW is used to heat the liquid. The graph in fig 4 below shows the variation of temperature of the liquid with time.




(0C) 40


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (min)
Fig. 4
Use the graph to answer the following questions:

(i) What is the boiling point of the liquid? (1 mk)

(ii) How much heat is given out by the heater to take the liquid to the boiling point? (2 mks)

(iii) Determine the specific heat capacity of the liquid stating any assumptions made. (2 mks)

(iv)If 50g of the liquid vapour was collected by the end of the 8th minute, determine the specific latent heat of vaporization of the liquid. (2 mks)

6. The figure below shows a set up of apparatus that may be used to verify the pressure law:

a) i) Describe how the measurements are obtained in the experiment. (3 marks)

ii Explain how the results from the experiment can be used to determine the relationship between temperature and pressure. (2 marks)

7.(a)State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. (1mark)

(b) The diagram below shows a simple generator.

(i) Name the type of generator (1mark)

(ii) On the axes below, sketch the graph of the output voltage for two cycles if a C.R.O is connected as shown.

(c) The figure below shows a transformer which is 90% efficient.

(i) Determine the number of turns in secondary coil if the number of turns in the primary coil is 4000 (2marks)

(ii) Determine the current in primary coil if the bulb is operating normally. (3mark)

c.Explain why long distance power transmission is done at a very high voltage. (2marks)

8. Below shows an x-ray tube

a) i) Name the elements used in making the parts labeled A and B. (2mks)

ii) Explain the use of the part labeled C. (2mks)

iii) Explain how the x-rays are produced. (3mks)

iv) Why is the x-ray tube evacuated? (1mk)

b) The energy of x-ray is 2.089 x 10-14 joules. Given that the speed of light is 3.0x108m/s and plank’s constant is 6.6 x 10-34Js, find the wavelength of the x-rays. (3mks)

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