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Co-Operative Management 2003 Question Paper

Co-Operative Management 2003 

Course:Diploma In Co-Operative Management (Co-Operative Management)

Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2003

1.Answer any FIVE of the SEVEN questions.
2.All questions carry equal marks.
This paper consists of 3 printed pages
1.(a) The number of primary societies that might be affiliated to a union is one of the factors considered in formation of a society. Explain the reasons why this factor is an important consideration.(10 marks)
(b) The main role of a general meeting is to make members aware of the operations of the society. Highlight the reasons why the annual budget should be read to the members during such a meeting.(10 marks)

2.(a) Primary co-operative societies are usually affiliated to relevant unions. Outline the benefits that such primary societies derive from such affiliations.(10 marks)
(b) Explain the factors that may have hindered the growth of Jua Kali c-operative societies.(10 marks)

3.(a) One of the objectives of the Co-operative Movement is to enhance social development by bringing people together. Outline the ways in which such togetherness is established.(10 marks)
(b) Explain the factors that may have made it necessary for the Government to be involved in auditing books of accounts of co-operative societies.(10 marks)

4.(a) In an attempt to create efficiency in financial management, Uruzi Co-operative Society has decided to adopt the use of a cash-book. Highlight the ways in which the use of cash book would enhance financial efficiency in the society.(10 marks)
(b) Explain the factors that a co-operative trainer should consider when designing a training programme for the employees of a co-operative society.(10 marks)

5.(a) Explain the reasons why the government insists on taxing the co-operative societies despite the argument that the societies despite the argument that the societies are non-profit-making organizations.(10 marks)
(b) It is a requirement of a the Co-operative Society Rules that all the savings and credit co-operatives hold their Annual General Meeting on or before 30th June every year. Explain the reasons for such a rule.(10 marks)

6.(a) The Management Committee of Teko Co-operative Limited has delegated the management functions to the general manager. Explain the problems that may arise from such over delegation.(10 marks)
(b) Explain the factors that may have led to the formation of Kenya National Federation of Co-operatives (KNFC).(10 marks)

7.(a) One of the factors that may have led to liberalization of the dairy sector could be the dismal performance of the K.C.C.(10 marks)
(b) One objective of establishing the National Poultry Development Programme (N.P.D.P) was to improve the level of poultry production within farmers co-operative societies. Explain the reasons why the organization failed to achieve this objective.(10 marks)

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