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Form 3 Business Studies Term 2 Question Paper

Form 3 Business Studies Term 2 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2007

1)Discuss 5 uses of National Income statistics to a country

b)Describe 5 factors which encourage localisation of firms.

c)Explain 4 indications of underdevelopment in less developed countries (LDCs)

2)Explain 5 benefits offered by wholesalers to retailers.

b)Outline 5 circumstances under which communication may be innefective.

3)What are the disadvantages of overpopulation to a developing country.

b)Explain 5 measures that can be used to curb inflation.

4)Highlight 5 reasons why consumers need protection against malpractices by some traders.

b)Using a diagram,describe how a firm in a perfect competition determines its output.

5)Explain 5 roles of management in business.

6)Explain 5 causes of unemployment in Kenya.

b)Explain 4 reasons why its becoming increasingly important for a business to advertise their products.

7)Discuss 5 factors that make it necessary for an insurance company to reinsure.

8)Explain 5 factors that will lead to an increase in demand for a loaf of bread.

9)Explain 5 circumstances under which a manufacturer would sell his product direct to the consumer.

10)Outline 5 factors that make it difficult for economic development to be achieved.

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