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Form 3 Term 3 Business Studies Exam Question Paper

Form 3 Term 3 Business Studies Exam 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2012

1)The gap between the rich and the poor is very wide in Kenya.Highlight 5 factors that contribute to this disparity in income distribution.

b)Outline 5 functions of commercial banks.

2)Discuss 5 indicators of underdevelopment currently being experienced in Kenya.

b)Explain 5 reasons why the government protects consumers from producers and business people.

3)Majority of businesses in Kenya today prefer to establish open office to enclosed office layout.Explain 5 factors that make the open office layout popular.

b)Describe 5 reasons why use of bodaboda has become a popular means of transport.

4)Commodity Y has a normal demand and supply curve.With an aid of a diagram explain effects on equilibrium price and quantity as a result of an increase in demand accompanied by a proportionate decrease in supply.

5)Explain 4 differences between a private
warehouse and a public warehouse.

b)Highlight 4 differences between monopoly and oligopoly.

6)Explain the role of non-banking financial institutions in Kenya.

7)Explain 5 measures that the Kenyan government can take to increase the volume of exports.

b)Describe 5 indications of under development in LDCs.

8)With the aid of diagrams,explain the relationship between the industry's equilibrium and a firm's equilibrium under perfect competition

9)Explain 5 demerits of running a business as a sole proprietor.

b)Discuss 5 measures that a country may take to conserve foreign exchange.

10)Highlight 5 circumstances under which a government may find it necessary to raise funds through internal borrowing.

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