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Business Studies Form 3 Term 3 Exam Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 Term 3 Exam 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2009

1)Discuss 5 measures that a country may take to conserve foreign exchange.

b)Explain 4 measures that Kenya can take to solve her unemployment problems.

2)Explain 6 instruments of monetary policy a central bank may use to reduce money supply.

3)Explain 4 reasons why the output approach of nationa income accounting underestimated the GDP of a country.

b)Explain 5 circumstances shy people may choose porterage as a means of transport

4)Discuss 5 factors that may influence a country to adopt protectionism policy in international trade.

5)Higher national income may not necessarily mean better welfare for citizens of their country.discuss

6)Explain 5 uses of public finance by the government

7)Using a well labeled diagram discuss the effects of excess demand and supply on equlibrium price and quantity.

8)Explain 4 aspects needed to be considered by a potential enterprenuer when evaluating a business opportunity

9)Give 5 reasons why an insurer would fail to compensate an insured if a risk occurs

10)Identify 5 problems that maybe experienced by planners as they formulate development plans

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