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Form 3 Business Studies Term 3 Exam Question Paper

Form 3 Business Studies Term 3 Exam 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2009

1)Using appropriate diagrams describe the following as used in respect to price elasticity of demand.

a)Elasticity is equal to zero
b)Elasticity is greater than 1
c)Elasticity is less than 1

2)In order to manage the activities of a business the managers have to perform certain tasks.State and explain

3)With the aid of a diagram explain how a country may be caught up in a vicious circle of underdevelopment.

4)Kenya,Uganda and Tanzania are in the process of forming the EA common market.Outline 5 benefits that Kenya would get from such an integration

5)Explain 5 measures that a developing country could take to control inflation

6)Explain 5 benefits of maintaining a current account by business

7)Draw a diagram showing short term equilibrium of a firm in a monopolistic competition with supernormal profit

8)State 5 limitations of using per capita income to measure economic welfare in a country

9)Explain 5 ways in which the government can provide an enabling environment for investors to start their business venture in Kenya

10)Developing countries population growth has been on upward trend which seems to be reversing in Kenya.Highlight 5 factors contributing to this.

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